Last Hope (20 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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"HOLD OFF THE TEAM!" His assistant did
what was told and no one got page for a mission that

The next day Commander was at the War
Room with the council on the big screen. "Commander, it seems that
you are having trouble capturing this one aircraft that does
nothing more than to say hi. While you focus your entire team on
building two aircrafts that will be able to go faster, that are
stronger. You did not have a plane over Asia where it just so
happens that the plane you could not take down over Asia shot down
a satellite over Japan. Upon which there was a massive Sons of
Liberty attack. The Prime Minister got killed and you still are no
close on shutting down this organization then you were since you
started this. Now we have haven you a nice black check, however,
you got one month to fix the wrong that you have created." Before
Commander could even talk the Council council

There was silent but the silence was
not there for long when the assistant came by. "Commander, we found
the airplane again, shall I send in the air support?"

Commander let out a small sigh. "Tell
the pilot, not to come back, unless that plane is shot down." The
assistant gave a nod and walk out the door.

A few hours later the assistant came
back into the War Room. Commander did not leave the room.
"Commander, our pilot was KIA."

Sandra was walking around the training
room where she found Sara in the VR room. Curious, she open the
door and Sara was driving a remote control tank. "Sara!?" Sandra
ask surprise.

"Hi Sandra!" Sara says with glee "I can
drive a tank. Anna can build one."

The man who was next to Sara let out a
slight smile. "Ever since the Sons have been unleashing tanks on us
Sara and Anna wanted to use the parts from the one of my tanks and
build their own."

Anna told Sandra just how the tank was
built. "Since we never know where the Sons are attacking, deploying
a regular tank would be useless. Since many of the battles are
always in tight spaces we decide to create this. It's call a Super.
Aerodynamic. Recon. Automobile."

"Sara!" Sara says with glee.

Sandra was confused at what Anna was
talking about as Anna continue. "We ask to put rockets on the tank
for a while, however the force of the rocket kept tipping the tank
back, and we could not put a lot of rockets or else the tank will
not be able to go up small 15cm ledge. So we took off the rockets,
took a LMG from a heavy in our class. Planted it on the tank and
change the tires so it can go up stairs."

Sandra was still in shock as the
scientist explain even more. "What the girls wanted they got. My
men help build the machine. While they learn the basics of building
a tank."

"It's real easy Sandy." Sara says with
a smile. "Like a really big RC car, but bigger."

"This tank may even be ready for
battle." The scientist told Sandra.

Sandra just gave a slight nod. "You
kids have fun." Then walk away.

Katrina was talking with Sophie.
“Sophie, there is something that I should tell you, about your

Harry?” Sophie said in
shock. “How do you know Harry? I have not talk to him in

That’s because he has been
working here.”

Realy?” Sophie says with
excitement but the excitement quickly went away. “How long has he
been dead?” She ask bluntly and with a cold tone.

I was on a mission with
him, I was in charge of that mission. I don’t know what happen, I
heard an explosion, gunfire, and when I came to investigate, he was
already dead. I’m sorry Sophie.”

Sophie had a mix of anger, and sorrow
at the same time. “It’s not your fault.” She told Katrina. I am
sure you were a great leader, and the mission got done. I am sure
he went down fighting.” Sophie gave Katrina a hug. “Thanks for
telling me.”

Twenty days went by, nothing. No
missions, no one being sent out on the field. The place was getting
worried as no one have been seeing Commander at all. Adam and the
rest of the boys were all playing cards as they spoke about
Commander. “How hard do you think his job is?” Soto ask the

Gary just laugh. “Running this place
may be hard work, however being a father is harder.”

You are not making more
babies are you Gary?” Martine says with laughter as Gary

Now, now gentleman.” Boris
says with a snicker. “A man never kisses and tells.”

Maxim just made a small grunt. “What
makes you so knowledgeable about sex Boris?”

My dear Maxy, I know more
about the female body at the age of ten then you did when you were
eighteen.” Boris says with a smile.

Has anyone seen Andrea?”
Adam ask.

Chang came into the conversation. “I
think I seen him in the training room, he never joins us for

Maxim lean back in his chair. “I know I
made fun of the guy, his name is Andrea Moletta, it was hard not

Adam got up from his chair. “I’ll go
look for him, I fooled by the way.”

When Adam left, James took a look at
Adams card and just laugh. Maxim was curious at what cards Adam
had. “Don’t be a hog, spill it out, what did Adam had

He had a royal flush!”
James said with laughter.

When the boys continue to play to play
their game, Sara’s small tank came rolling out. “Hello there?”
Boris says with surprise. “What’s this?”

Sara came walking by with the controls.
“Hi everyone, have you met my toy tank?”

Maxim let out a small chuckle. “Does it
have a name?”

Super. Aerodynamic. Recon.
Automobile.” Sara says with a smile. As Maxim was looking at her
confuse she told everyone the real name. “Sara.”

Oh, of course.” Maxim said.
“Who would have guess that?”

Soto was in complete joy. “You made
that all by yourself?”

Oh no, Anna help as well.
Also all the scientist as well.”

James took a look at the machine then
with concern he said. “Will this thing be able to operate on the

It should. It has never
been combat tested yet, however this is made with stronger armor
then the tanks that you guys fight against, so it should do just
fine. It is a lot smaller so it has less health but it should hold
it’s own.”

Gary also just gave a warm smile. “I am
proud of you Sara, keep up the good work, who knows, you might save
one of our lives with that thing. Sara just smile and continue on
her way with her tank. When she was out of earshot Gary just let
out a small sigh. “I swear, Sara is going to save this

Martine nod his head. “She does not
come around a lot of the time, she sure is special.”

Adam found Andrea in the training room
alone. “I like your dedication to get stronger, however, do you
believe that there is ever something as being, too strong?” Adam
ask Andrea across the room.

You can never be too
strong.” Andrea told Adam as he continue to work out by punching
the punching bag.

What are you trying to

I am not trying to prove

You were not at the
celebration, the guys are even having a poker game and you did not
join. Where were you for both occasion? Right here in this very
room.” Adam told Andrea as he move closer.

Whats your point?” Andrea
stop punching the punching bag as Adam move closer.

Adam said nothing as he attack Andrea
by hitting him in his stomach, then flipping him over his shoulder.
“Instead of trying to become stronger, why don’t you become better
at fighting? You can be the strongest person alive, but if you
don;t know how to fight and defend yourself, then you are worthless
on the field, I don’t want you in my squad when that happens.” Adam
told Andrea then walk out of the room.

Commander was in the War Room, he has
been spending most of his days studying the news. Only a few more
days until the Council gives him another report. Mostlike they are
going to kick him out of office, or shut down the entire X project.
His assistant came through the door. “Commander, we have two
satellites ready for launch. Shall I launch one at



The seconded that we lost
our satellite at Japan, the Sons attack. How did they know to
attack our satellite? How did they know right when the satellite
was down to attack the Prime Minister?”

What are you saying

Commander look through his window at
the boys who were playing poker. “We have a traitor in this
building. I want one satellite over at Germany and the other at
France. Japan is a lost cause and there is nothing that we can do
at the moment. FOo the meantime, let’s try to keep what countries
that we have still alive.”

What are we going to do
with the traitor?”

I’ll figure something out.”
A few hours, after the satellites were launch. They got a ping of a
Son plane landing. “Get me my best team, I wasn't that pilot alive
or dead, I hope it’s the one we have been after for a while

Mandisa, Katrina, Sandra, Sophie, and
Juan all got on to the aircraft. a few minutes went by and the last
member did not show up. “Where is the last teammate?” Sandra ask
the pilot.

She will be coming

She?” Juan told himself.
“Who do you think it is going to be? Kato?”

Has to be.” Mandisa told
Juan. She is the only other female soldier who is at a high enough
rank for these kind of missions.

A familiar face was heard in the
distance. “Hi guys!” As the entire squad look out of the plane,
there was Sara with her tank. “Sorry I am late, we had to make a
few more adjustments.”

Sandra quickly objects. “Oh no, please
tell me that she is not coming with us!”

Commanders orders! She is
the only one who knows how to operate that tank, besides, she will
be with me far away from the fight.”

This is bull shit!” Sandra
yells out in anger. “She is just a child! She can’t go in

As Sara enter the plane with her tank
she gave Sandra a small kiss on her cheek. “I wont be on the
battlefield, I will be with him, just like he said. Besides Sandra,
it’s my turn to protect you.” Sandra says nothing as the plane took

As the team lands and they all got out.
Sandra just could not think about Sara as the tank rolls out. Sara
was talking to everyone on their headsets. “Don’t worry Sandra, I
will be fine. Now complete your mission. I have a thousand yard
distance with this, more than enough to cover the mission

Alright, let’s do this.”
Sandra told herself. She moves ahead to open a door, found three
swords, she fire at one but miss. “We got swords

Sara use her tank to moves forward. She
shot at one of the Swords but miss. “Interesting. It appears
S.A.R.A is more slow when I press the button to fire then I

Katrina killed one sword, with a
headshot. Juan rush over to a wall, rapid fire on a sword, hit not
kill. Mandisa rush near Juan, kill his sword. “I got you cover.”
Mandisa told Juan.

Thanks.” He said

One Sword rush outside, Sandra kills
it. “That’s all, Sara, can you enter the aircraft, see if anything
is inside or not?”

Roger!” Sara said as she
enter the aircraft but no one was inside. “No bogies in sight.” She

Juan opens a door found a brute and a
heavy, everyone fire at the brute, does not kill it. Juan was able
to rapid fire on it, kills it. Mandisa rapid fire on the heavy
outside, kills it. Sara’s tank goes outside the door that Juan
opens, there is an elite heavy. “Guys, we have a problem.” Sara
told everyone.

What do you see Sara?”
Sandra ask.

Heavies, but not just
ordinary heavies, these guy look like elites, and they have bigger
guns, I don’t think my tank will survive there hits if they attack
me. Surprising fire on the elite heavy now.” The elite heavy fire
at Sara’s tank but, miss.

A brute and a regular heavy appear,
plus a tank and a drone, the brute runs next to the tank. Sandra
could see the brute and fire at it. “You stay away from Sara!”
Sandra shot at the brute, the brute ran away a bit.

Sophie fire at brute, and it charge
after her. “What does Adam call this? oh yeah, pong!” Sophie
shouts. Katrina fire at the brute and the brute starts to chase
after her. Juan shot at the drone outside, but miss. “Good lord
Juan, if you are going to shoot at something, make sure you hit

Mandisa shot at brute and it charge at
Mandisa. Since Juan did not shot at the Brute, the brute starts to
beat up Mandisa. The enemy tank moves.Sara’s tank shot at it, the
enemy tank fire back at Sara’s tank but miss. The elite heavy also
miss Sara’s tank. The regular heavy toss a grenade, hurting both
Juan and the tank, destroying Juan's cover. “Fuck me.” Juan told

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