Last Hope (37 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Katrina shot at a brute, twice. The
brute starts to chase after Katrina. Mandisa kill the brute. Chang
kill a heavy. Maizah shot at a brute, miss. Martine shot at a
brute, and the brute starts to chase after Martine. Andrea shot at
the brute, it ran away, still got hit, one heavy shot at Maizah,
the brute came back, beat her to a pulp. she is bleeding out. “No!”
Martine fire on brute, kills it, the one that made Maizah bleed
out. Martine rush over to Maizah.

Maziah was still alive but she could
not move her body. Inside she of her body she was bleeding. She
look around to see Martine looking down on her. She raise up a hand
to touch Martine’s face. “Where I come from, It is honorable, to
die with your weapon by your side.”

Martine look around and found her gun a
few feet away from her. He grab the gun and gave it to her. “May I
ask you one question? Where do you come from?”

Detroit.” Maziah says with
laughter. She continue to laugh with a smile on her face until she
went to sleep.

Andrea shot a heavy, it ran away, still
got hit. Chang toss a grenade, blowing up a heavy cover and hurting
it, the same heavy that shot Maizah. Katrina shot at same heavy.
Mandisa kill that heavy. One heavy shot at Martine but miss.
Martine shot a heavy, hit, then toss a grenade to kill it. “Play
time’s over now.” Martine said in a strict voice.

Andrea shot at a heavy. Mandisa shot at
a heavy. Chang kill that heavy with a grenade. The last heavy pull
back. Martine reloads his gun. “This time I am not going to run out
there like an idiot.” He told his team.

Why not Martine?” Mandisa
ask with a fake sigh. “It’s so much fun though.” Martine just roll
his eyes. Mandisa moves ahead, found three elite heavys. “Here
comes the last round!” Mandisa rapid fire on the heavy that ran
away. Katrina kills that heavy, she also kill an elite heavy, with
a headshot.

Martine moves forward, got shot at by a
elite heavy, but the shots miss. Martine shot at a heavy but he
miss. Mandisa rapid fire on the elite heavy that shot at Martine,
kills it. Chang moves forward, got shot at by the heavy. The heavy
retreats inside the ship. Chang gets close to the elite heavy, shot
but miss. The heavy from inside the ship, fire at Chang, he is
bleating out, the elite heavy try to run, but Andrea shot at him.
The elite heavy fire back at Andrea, but miss. Andrea shot at the
elite heavy, it runs, still got hit, found new cover, Martine toss
a grenade, destroying the elite heavy new cover and hurting it.
Elite heavy shot at Andrea. Andrea kill elite heavy.

Martine check on his friend Chang to
see how he was doing. “sara may be able to beat me at video games,
at least I can beat you from getting shot at.”

Chang let out a weak laugh and reach
into his pocket and pulled out a locket. “Do me a favor will you
Martine? Give this back to my daughter.”

You were a

Not a very good one. Got a
divorce a long time ago. I don’t want my daughter to grow up not
knowing who her real dad was. Think you could do that for

Anything for a brother

Everyone enters the aircraft, the heavy
came bursting through the door. Mandisa shot at it. Martine shot at
the heavy. Andrea comes rushing in, kill the heavy. Andrea open a
door, found the leader and the elite heavy. Before the battle
begun, the leader toss a folder at Andrea who open the door. “Open
it.” He told Andrea. Andrea was caustionsih, as he did what he was
told. Once he open the folder, he found blueprint to an atom bomb.
There was a map of the their base. “There are locations of our
ship. My leader what's the best of you to try to face him. He would
love to meet Katrina before they die. Even if you kill me today,
you can not stop what is going to happen. Once that atom bomb
destroys your base, and everyone in it. No one will stop

That’s not going to
happen.” Andrea told the leader as he shot at him.

Mandisa rapid fires on the leader. The
elite heavy pins down Mandisa. Katrina shot at the elite heavy,
made him stop shooting at Mandisa. Mandisa finds new cover, kill
the elite heavy. Martine fires a rocket at the leader. “Oh fuck not

Mandisa kill leader. “Don’t worry
Martine. We are not going to let a repeat of what happen last time
happen today.”

Even though we lost two
men, just like last time?” Andrea said bluntly.

We did not lose two men on
that mission Andrea! We only lost one! Soto betrayed us and I had
to kill him!”

Martine step into the
conversation. “If I may interrupt. What does the leader of the sons
want with Katrina?”

Once back on Base. Mandisa and Katrina
reported in with Sara. Sara was also confuse on what was going on.
“The leader of the Sons, want to meet with Katrina?” She said

Yes, we have no idea what
they are planning. The only thing we found was the atom bomb
blueprints and the location of our base.” Mandisa told

The Sons really don’t care
if they live or not, just as long as they win.” Sara told herself.
“Remember back when the united states bomb Japan not once but
twice? The Japanese still fought back with everything they had, and
start putting soldiers in missiles and launching the missiles at
our ships. They flew planes into our ships, kamazies. The Japanese
were not forced into doing that, they were willing to do that. I
believe that the Sons are the same way. I think they know that they
are going to lose, so even if they do lose, they want to take as
many of us out as they can. That explains all the baits that we
have been falling for these past few missions.”

What should we do?” Mandisa
ask Sara.

There is nothing that we
can do, I’ll order an evacuation. However we have to play by their
games. They have the atom bomb, they know where we are located at
and above us, they know our names! There is a traitor in this place
who is giving away all of of information and we don’t know who. I
believe this is going to be their final assault. Get some rest. We
don’t have long, do we know where their giant floating carrier

Yes, there coordinates are
in the folder.”

Martine and Andrea are in
Sic-mad for three days. I want them on this mission, until then.
Get all the rest that you can, this is it, the last

Mission 42 The Last Mission

As the days went by. Everyone who was
not going to be on the mission were leaving the base. Sara gave
them all the promise that Commander has given them. Each soldier,
scientist, engineer was given $100,000 to start a new life. Not
much to get by. The average person makes less than half of that a
year. Sara calculate who she want on the last mission. sara had to
pick Katrina Chepurnova, One reason was because that is what the
Sons wanted Katrina is also the best sniper, and from a long
distance can still get headshots from a moving target. Mandisa
Dubazana. Not only Sara’s mentor, and one of her closest friend.
She was the best assault class in base. She also had a long time
aggression against the Sons. Just like Katrina , she was there
since the beginning and was planning on making it through this
mission as well. Etienne Martine. One of the best in the heavy
class. With his good sense of humor, he will be able to keep the
squad spirits up even through the worst of time. Andrea Moletta.
Always being bullied growing up do to his name. He never got past
his anger and does not like anyone. Using this rage against the
Sons will be great, as Andrea will do anything that he can to kill
the Sons. Zoe Ryan. Not as good as a sniper as Katrina but if given
more time. Seeing these two girls in a head to head competition
would have been something that everyone would had love to see. Just
like Katrina, she does not talk that much, she mainly focus on her
sniping skills, and will back Katrina up if she miss her target or
does not kill it. Finally Adam Brown. He came in around the middle
of this war but he became a favorite around the others on base for
being the leader that everyone needs. With his leadership abilities
and quick wits. He will be able to survive this battle.

Martine and Adam walk into the barracks
and found Gary sitting in his room with his little book. Gary
continue to write in the book while the two of them sat on both of
his sides. Martine let out a small sigh. “Quiet in

Gary just gave a nod, as he try not to
cry. “This place got empty fast.” He told Martine and Adam.
“Everyone is either gone or dead.” He said breaking his

Adam place his hand over Gary’s back
and start giving it a rub. “It’s going to be all over Gary. This is
the last mission.”

I really wish I could go
with you guys.” Gary told them. “Sara knows how much I would love
to jam my gun up the asswhole of the Sons leader and fire all my
bullets into his ass!”

Martine let out a small chuckle. “That
maybe why she is not letting you go on this mission

Adam gave a little smile. “She is not
letting you go on because you are a father now. Speaking of which,
where is Von anyway?”

Gary got up and walk to the other room
and pick up the baby that was in the cradle. “He has been sleeping.
While Sara has been giving everyone $100,000. She gave me half of a
million. This was because of the lost with Kato, and the child. She
wanted to make sure that when I leave that I will be able to last
for a little while.”

Adam let out a small sigh. “It’s going
to be hard. As soon as we leave, we have no names, we are going
into the world with nothing.”

Is Sara sure that
everything is going to be ok? B.A.S.E is empty. What if it was all
a hoax?”

They found our secret base
Gary.” Adam reminded him. “The fact that our place was compromise
is reason enough to move to a new location.”

Gary let out a small sigh. “If I did
not had my child, I would had stay here on B.A.S.E watching you. We
are all in this together.” Gary told his two friends. Martine and
Adam both gave a slight nod of agreement. “After today, we may
never see each other ever again. However I will never forget about
you two. I’ll make sure to write you two in my book.”

Martine grab Gary’s journal. “What’s
the title of this anyway? Can’t find it on here at all.”

Gary grab the journal back, with a warm
smile he said. “Enemy Unknown.”

Why’s that

Tell me Martine. How much
do you know about the Sons of Liberty? Not much, so enemy

Adam gave a little shrug. “Makes sense
if you think about it.”

Gary look at Adam and Martine. “What
are you two going to do when this is all over?”

Both Adam and Martine thought about it.
Adam as the first to answer Gary. “Zoe told me that if we survive.
Her and I are going to try to move in together. If it all works out
try to live a nice, normal life.”

Martine told the boys what he was
thinking of. “I made a promise to Chang that I will find his
daughter and give her his locket.”

Very honorable Martine.”
Adam told him.

Martine just shrug. “It’s the least I
can do.”

Adam just gave Martine a pat on his
back. “Come on, lets head out to the War Room.”

When they left, Jay came walking by,
Martine gave Jay a slight nod. “Nice working with ya

It’s, Jay.” Jay told him as
Martine walk away.

Over at the girls center. Mandisa was
left with Katrina and Zoe. Neither one of the girls really speak.
So Mandisa also kept quiet as she was packing her stuff away.
Mandisa found a picture of Sandra, Sara, Anna and herself at the
entrance of the base. She let out a light sigh of happiness. She
look over her shoulder to see Katrina that stop packing as she was
staring off into space. “Katrina?”

Katrina took in a deep breath as a tear
came down her face. “This is the first time that I had smile in a
very long time.” She told herself, however both Zoe and Mandisa
could hear her. “I have this weird feeling, I never felt this
feeling for a long time, since I was a kid. I feel, as if
everything is going to end, and it will all be over, as if there is
a new beginning. New life, as if a flower was going to bloom, but
its winter.”

You are feeling happiness.”
Mandisa told her with a smile.

Whatever it is, I like

Zoe continue to pack, she kept to
herself some more but stop as she also let out a warm sigh. “I’m
thinking of marrying Adam.” She said finally.

Mandisa was in joy. “That’s great

I have not experienced a
tragic lost like you have Mandisa. Almost everyone who is going on
this mission had lost someone who was close to them. Even Katrina
lost someone close to her. Her squad leader from the beginning. I
read the file and I am sorry for your lost.” Katrina said nothing
as a few more tears came out of her. Zoe let out a small sigh. “I
want to know what it is like to be love. If there is anything that
this place had taught me, never take life for granted. You have no
idea when you might die. I think everyone learn that the hard way
when the Sons came at us none stop killing our best.” Mandisa said
nothing for a while as she gave her and Katrina a tight hug. Both
of them, Katrina and Zoe return the hug.

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