Last Hope (38 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Sara was in the War Room, staring at
her floating holographic globe when Anna came by. “Sara, may I have
a word with you, in your office?”

Sure thing.” Sara told
Anna. The two of them went into Commanders old room, now Sara’s
room. “Whats going on Anna?”

Anna couldn't hold it in anymore as she
gave Sara a giant hug and let her tears come running out. “I’m miss

Anna.” Sara reply back in a
calm voice.

I don’t want to lose Mandy
in that mission or you in a explosion!” Anna told Sara as she
continue to cry some more. “I don’t want to lose my friends
anymore! I want to live a happy life! I want a family! I want a
sister and a mother!”

Sara push Anna away so she could see
Anna’s crying face. In a calm voice. “I also don’t want to lose you
Anna. You mean more to me then anything I could ever think of. Have
faith Anna. I believe in our team, you need to believe as

Anna wipe her tears away, she still had
the sniffles. “I believe.”

I will not leave you Anna,
you are like a sister to me, and I love you for being that. As
sisters we will get through this, together.” Sara said giving Anna
a hug. There was a knock on the door. Sara and Anna finish there
hug and wipe the tears away from their faces. “Come in.” Thomas
Hutch came through the door. “Mr. Hutch, so glad for you to had
join us, please have a seat.” Thomas did what he was told. When he
sat down, Anna place a shock collar on his neck in which case Sara
shock him. “Don’t fight it Mr. Hutch, now tell me. How much was on
the black check you gave Commander to keep his mouth shut?” Thomas
was on the ground from the sudden shock. As he look up Sara toss a
folder with red words that says do not open. “Lucky for us,
Commander was not as stupid as we thought he was. He recorded every
back deal that you had with him. The spy, was you Mr. Hutch.
Commander was just a weak pawn. I should inform you that I am not
so weak.” She told him giving him another shock. “You see Mr.
Hutch.” Sara said as she place a towel on the floor. “You’re not
drowning, so why scream as if you would? Or you could tell me who
you are working for, that works to.”

Thomas spat on the ground. “You little
bitch, you are not going to get away with this! This is cruel and
unusual punishment!”

Yea, you should've that
about that before you commented treason.” Sara told him as she
press a button and two soldiers came by to put Thomas back on his
chair. “I hope you are not afraid of getting water. If you excuse
me, I need to save my friends.” When Anna and Sara left the room,
you could hear Thomas screams being mufle as water splash on the

When Sara and Anna got back to the War
Room, there was everyone who wanted to stay, as Sara look out her
window, she saw that no one left. Sara gave a nod then press a
button on the speaker so everyone could hear what Sara had to say.
“Today, is the day, where we put an end to this long war. Over the
months, many had died. We all knew what the choices we made when we
sign up for this war. To be a part of the X Project. The Council
gave Commander a job that only the strong can wield. Running an
organization of mutual culture, Some how make sure they don’t kill
each other. While there was still fights, we all had a common
enemy. The Sons of Liberty. This is it, this is what we have been
training for, waiting for, this is the last mission! This will not
stop war, this will not save the world. This will keep the world
spinning for a bit longer. As I wander through here, there are
certain things that are only fiction. Yet why chase things that are
only real? Expand your wings, if you don’t have any grown them.
Mommy says there is no such thing as world peace. There won’t be if
you don’t fight for it and believe in it! I believe in you, I
believe in my team that is getting on the plane as we speak. What
do you belive in? The Sons belive in world domination, and they
fought for it. They could had won it. However I believe in world
peace and I’m fighting for that. It’s time to see whos will is more
stronger than the other. Soldiers, I give you the door, you may
leave if you wan’t or you can stay and fight. The choice is yours.”
No one left, everyone was standing around looking at one another
trying to see if they could find someone who wants to leave but no
one did. One person started to clap his hands, then the whole place
did that. As they cheer on the words Sara, and fight. over and over
again. Sara look over at the hangar as she gave a salute to Mandisa
and the rest of the team before they left. Mandisa return the
salute. Sara turn her attention in the War Room, with a big sigh of
relief she said. “Well everyone, this is it.”

The plane made it into the giant
floating carrier with no resistance. Once the team made it inside,
there were three walkways all going in the same direction. Adam
spoke for the group. “All right, I’ll take the left, Mandisa you
get the right. Since we are faster we could get out n a hurry.
Katrina, hope you got your eyes on us.”

Martine moves ahead, found two sons and
a elite son, kill one son. Adam shot at the elite son. Katrina kill
a son. Adam shot at the elite son. Katrina killed the elite son.
Two tanks and three drones appear. Andrea shot at one drone. Two
drones shot at Adam, one hit, a tank move, shot at Martine , the
other tank move to Mandisa, shot at her but miss. Katrina destroys
a tank, one shot then Katrina destroys a drone. Adam kill a drone.
Mandisa kill a drone. The other tank moves forward, shot at Andrea.
Katrina destroy last tank. Martine was in complete shock. “Is it
just me? Or am I not the only one just freaking out that Katrina
destroyed a whole tank, with one bullet?”

Mandisa only laugh at Martine words.
“This is why no man ever fuck with her, she does it to them, and
they never live to see another day.”

No shit.”

Zoe found two more sons. Mandisa moves
forward, rapid fire on one, kills him. The other son shot at
Mandisa. Katrina kill that son. Mandisa open a door, found two more
sons, she kills one of them. Mandisa then rapid fire on the other
son. Adam goes through a door, found a son, kills it. Andrea kill
the son that Mandisa hit. Martine moves ahead, found two more sons.
He ends up killing one. Zoe kills the other one. Three swords came
out of nowhere. Andrea shot at one sword, it try to fled but still
got hurt. Martine shot another sword. Mandisa kill a sword. Adam
shot at his sword, that sword came up to him and stab him, The
other sword came up to Mandisa and stab her. At the same time,
despite not being anywhere near each other. Both Adam and Mandisa,
grab their attackers, flung them to the ground, use their knives to
kill the swords then move on as if nothing had happen.

Martine moves forward, found two sons.
Adam open a door and also found a son. Adam got shot at twice, hit
once. Adam kills the son that shot at him. One son poison both
Martine and Andrea. “This is really getting old.” Martine told the
son when he got poison. Martine kill the son. The last son is
hiding behind a door, Martine toss a grenade, blew him up.
“Explosion grenades, way more better than gas.” Andrea is barely
alive. “You all right Andy?” Martine ask as he saw Andrea choke
from the poison.

I’ll be fine, the poison
just got to me.” He enter a new room, found four heavies and a
brute. “Shit.” Andrea fire at one heavily, it fled to new cover,
still got hit.

Adam kills a heavy. The brute came up
towards Andrea. Martine try to shoot at it but miss, the brute kill
Andrea. Katrina hit the brute, then the brute starts to chase after

Oh no, you are not going to
get two in a row.” Martie said as he kills the brute.

Mandisa kills a heavy. Katrina hit a
heavy. Mandisa came running, the heavy shot at her, she got hit.
Adam kill Katrina’s heavy. Katrina kills the other last

The ship goes into two paths now, so
Katrina and Mandisa go right, rest go left. Martine moves forward,
found two mechs. “I was waiting for these!” Martine told

Mandisa rapid fire on one of them.
“Just one is bad enough, now we got two so be careful!”

Adam fire at the same mech. The mech
fire at Adam, he is bleating out, the other mech is scanning near
Mandisa. Zoe’s eyes widen as she found Adam laying on the ground.
Katrina fire at one of the mechs. Mandisa ran to new cover, got
shot at by one mech, but they miss. She rapid fire on a mech. One
mech starts scanning, the other one fire at Martine, miss, then
they both blow up. “That’s it?” Martine ask in confusion.

Mandisa came out of cover. “Do you
really want to know why or just move on?” Mandisa look around to
see that Zoe was over Adam’s body. “Oh no.”

Adam open his eyes to see Zoe looking
over him. “You are even more beautiful, when you cry. Adam reach
his hand up to touch Zoe’s face. He then brought her face down and
gave her a small kiss before falling asleep.

Mandisa came up from the behind. “Do
you need a minute?”

That, was our first kiss.”
She said with tears. “We never had sex, everyone thought we did but
we only cuddle, soothing one another!” Zoe told them as she pull
herself together. “I now know what it feels like to lose someone
close to you. I now know how much you want to rip their hearts out
of their chest and place their heads on a stake!”

Mandisa place her hand on Zoe’s
soldier. Then lets do that, for Adam.

A elite heavy came running through,
Martine shot at it but miss, it fire back at him, and hit him. Zoe
kill the elite heavy, with a headshot. “That, was the best kill I
ever had.”

Martine moves to new cover, got shot at
by elite heavy, but miss. Martine fire back, miss, elite heavy fire
back, also miss. Katrina kill Martine elite heavy, with a headshot.
Martne gave his thanks.

Everyone got to the main room. When
they enter they found one leader sitting on a chair in the middle
and two elite heavies. “You came. So nice of you to have join us.”
The Sons leader said.

What do you want!” Mandisa
told him.

We want her.” The son said
pointing to Katrina.

Why her?” Mandisa

Why do we do many of things
Mandisa? We want her for many reasons. One of the reasons is
because she is the only one with the full chip in her head to be
working max. She is also a key part. Katrina is a very mysterious
girl. We know a lot of people that want her dead, we also know many
powerful people that she is tied to. Tell me Mandisa? Are you
really going to risk your whole squad lives for one

I don’t know about the rest
of my squad, but I know I will!”

Katrina hit the boss. Martine fire a
rocket at a boss. “How come you guys dont die if a rocket hits

Zoe kills a elite heavy, with a
headshot. Mandisa move ahead and kill an elite heavy. Martine miss
with a rocket, Katrina miss, Mandisa hit the boss. Katrina kill the
boss, in the head with a headshot. “Thats how you kill a bad guy.”
Martine says with joy.

Mandisa got up from cover and look
around.”Was that it?” She ask a little disappointed. “He did not
even look like the main leader, just another stupid guy dress up as
a leader from all those ships! Don’t get me wrong, I love you
Katrina, but this whole war was to recruit you? What is going on

Mandisa headset was going off, when she
answer it Sara was on the phone. “Mandisa you need to get out of
there now! In the War Room I am seeing a picture of the ship and a
countdown. The Atom bomb was not here its over there. It’s a trap
get out now!”

Everyone, this place is
going to blow we need to get out of here as soon as possible! As
Mandisa was about to head out of the door, Katrina did not follow.
“Katrina what are you waiting for we need to move now!”

The ship is slowly getting
close to the city.” Katrina told herself. She turn around with a
smile on her face, the happiest one Mandisa has ever seen with
tears rolling from her face. “Thank you.” Katrina told Mandisa as
Zoe and Martine grab Mandisa and rush out the control room as the
door slam behind.

No! Katrina! Don’t do it!
Katrina come back! We still need you! KATRINA!”

Back over at the War Room, Sara could
see the ship changing course, instead of getting close to te city,
it was floating above it. Then the plane took off and Sara knew
that Mandisa and her team made it out safe. However they still did
not know who was piloting that big of a ship. When the timer went
to zero, the ship blew killing no one in the city. Upon which Sara
was receiving an encrypted text. When they decipher the text was
blood red with a black wall. “Blood Money.”

Anna was scared from the text. “What
does that mean Sara?”

Sara thought about it some more, then
she rush back into her office where Thomas had pass out from the
torture. She woke him up. “Blood Money, what is that?”

Thomas just made a snarky smile.
“Wouldn't you like to know? Go ahead beat me, I’m already a dead
man. Want to know who I am working for? I’ll give you a hint. You
can’t trust politics!” As Soon as he said the. H has a seizure and

Did, did he had a seizure?”
Anna ask scared.

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