Laura Jo Phillips (27 page)

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Authors: The Lobos' Heart Song

BOOK: Laura Jo Phillips
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Dav’s fingers began caressing her again, applying more of the cool, slippery cream.  She felt the cream beginning to warm and wasn’t sure if is was because of her body temperature or something in the cream itself.  A few moments later, as it continued grow hotter, she knew it was the cream.  As it heated, she began to feel a small itching sensation that had her pushing back against Dav’s fingers as he pressed them into her, gently stretching and loosening the tight ring of muscle.. 

Faron had slowed his pace until he was thrusting into her long and deep as Dav worked to stretch and prepare her.  She whimpered with need as her pussy squeezed Faron’s cock, trying to pull him into her harder, deeper, faster.  But they would not be rushed.  Only when Dav was able to thrust three fingers into her and feel her pressing back for more did he decide she was prepared. 

Faron thrust fully into her, then held her hips still for Dav.  The feel of Dav’s huge cock at her tiny opening made her tense.

“Would you like us to release some pheromones
?” Faron asked.

“Yes,” Saige replied at once, not letting herself think about it.  A sudden flood of heat rushed through her, causing her to shudder as her pussy spasmed tightly around Faron’s cock.  Only when she began pushing back towards Dav did he begin to push into her, pressing until the head of his huge cock passed through the ring of muscle.  Saige had been expecting it to hurt, or at least be uncomfortable.  She had not expected it to feel as intensely pleasurable and erotic as it did.  She moaned as she tried to push back against Dav for more, but Faron held her still, knowing that in her arousal, she could hurt herself without knowing it until later.

“Please, Dav,” she gasped, “more.”

“You like that, baby?” he asked her, his own voice hoarse with passion.

“Oh yes, more, please, harder.”

Dav groaned and pressed deeper into her, not stopping this time until he was buried to the hilt in her hot, tight passage.  The feel of both Faron and Dav buried deeply inside of her at the same time was too much and Saige came hard, her body clenching the hard flesh penetrating her tightly as her entire body strained and shook with her orgasm.  She heard Faron gasp, then began thrusting in and out of her fast and hard.  It wasn’t long before he roared with his own spine wrenching climax. 

Moments later, when his orgasm wound down, Faron leaned forward and kissed Saige before withdrawing from her body, supporting her legs for her until Ban stepped in between them.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and groaned as he thrust into her with one hard lunge. 

Ban lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her as he fucked her hard and slow in perfect rhythm with Dav.  As Dav stroked deep, Ban pulled out, then Dav withdrew as Ban slammed himself into her pussy as deeply as he could.  Dav’s hands kneaded her breasts as he licked and nipped her neck, sending hard shivers through her body.  They went on for so long she was nearly ready to start pleading with them when they picked up the pace.  Before long they were fucking her fast and deep, their hard, sweaty bodies pressing against her front and back making her hotter and wetter.  She was held tightly between them, their cocks holding her up, and she could do no more than let herself feel as they continued to fuck her faster and faster.  Suddenly she felt them grow impossibly larger inside of her, and they both thrust into her deep and hard, roaring as they climaxed at the same time. 

She exploded again, her body jerking and twitching as her orgasm overtook her body and mind.  It went on and on until she thought it might never end.  When she fully returned to her own body she opened her eyes slowly to discover that she was still held between Dav and Ban, her head on Ban’s shoulder, Dav’s head on hers, their cocks still holding her in place between them. 

She listened to the sound of their hearts all beating together as their breathing slowed, none of them in any hurry.  After awhile she felt Dav withdraw carefully from her body, then Ban.  They shifted her into Faron’s waiting arms and this time he cradled her, coaxing her head onto his shoulder as he carried her into the bathroom where the large tub was filled with steaming water. 

He stepped into the tub, still carrying her, and sat down on a small seat built into the side of the tub.  Dav joined them, but not Ban.  Saige felt an instant of worry when she did not see Ban and she raised herself up in Faron’s arms to look for him.

“He just went into the kitchen to get us some juice,
,” Faron said soothingly.  “He will join us in a moment.”

Saige relaxed, wondering why it had bothered her so much to have one of them out of her sight.  Was she going to be one of those grasping, jealous types that were always hanging on to her men as though she didn’t trust them out of her sight?  She shuddered at the thought, earning a concerned frown from Faron.

“What’s the matter? Are you cold?” he asked.  “We can heat the water quickly for you.”

“No, not at all,” she said.  “This feels wonderful.”

Ban entered the bathroom with a small tray of drinks which he handed around before stepping into the tub with his own. 

“So why the shiver then?” Faron asked, having no intention of letting it go.  If there was something bothering her, or if she were feeling ill, they wanted and needed to know about it.

“I just had this strange feeling when I didn’t know where Ban had gone,” she admitted.  “For a moment, I was worried I was going to be one of those really horrible grasping females and the idea of that bothered me.  But, the truth is, I am more curious about the sensation than worried.”

“What kind of sensation?” Dav asked.

Saige thought a moment, trying to think of a way to explain that would make sense.  “It was almost as though a part of me was missing.  Like I looked into a mirror and realized my arm was gone.  I know that sounds odd, but that is how it felt.”

“It does not sound odd,” Faron assured her.  “From what we have been told, that is much the way it feels for those who are soul-linked when one of them is absent.  It is why those who are bound are rarely far from one another.”

“Like Lariah and the Dracons?” she asked.

“Yes, just like them.  I think it is harder for the Dracons since the one time they left her alone in the house she was nearly killed,” Faron said.

“Yes, she told me about that,” Saige said.  “Why do you think it is that I feel that so strongly?  When one of you is gone I mean.”

“I do not know,” Faron replied.  “I suppose it is because you are our Arima, and your soul and body know it.  You are meant to be with us as we are meant to be with you.”

“I know you have told me that, and I admit that I feel the connection between us as well.  But at the same time, I do not want that for you.” 

Faron opened his mouth to speak but she placed a gentle finger against his lips.  “The three of you had agreed to find a human woman to mate with because you so badly want children.  Not because you felt love or even affection for any one woman, but for the sake of having a family.  I understand that need in myself, and I know how it feels to have to accept that I will never have that need fulfilled.  You have waited far longer than I have, hundreds of years, and I do not want to see you have to give it all up because of me.”

“Saige, can you not understand that to us, you are the greater miracle?” Ban asked.

Saige sighed and rose to her feet, moving towards the narrow steps leading up out of the tub.  She reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself before turning to face the three men watching her. 

“I am sorry, but no,” she said, her voice filled with regret.  “I cannot believe that I am more important than the children the three of you could have.  The future you could have with another is full of possibilities that do not exist for me.  Can you not understand that taking all of that away from you would be so selfish of me that I would not be able to live with it?”

Saige did not wait for them to answer her question.  She turned around and headed for the shower, walking quickly in an effort to hide the tears in her eyes.

Ban opened his mouth to say something but Faron shook his head.  He waited until the shower was running and he was sure that Saige could not over hear them.

“I know what you would say to her Ban, but please do not.  I would rather speak with Riata first.  I do not want to raise Saige’s hopes without being more certain than we are now.”

Ban nodded his head.  “You are right of course Faron,” he said.  “It is just difficult to see her so sad when there may be no need.  I want to reassure her.”

“As do we all,” Faron replied.  “Come, let us finish bathing.  I told Prince Garen we would meet with them this morning.  Saige can spend some time with Lariah, and hopefully we will have an opportunity to speak privately with Riata.”







Saige was looking forward to spending some time with Lariah.  She had questions for her friend, and she felt the need for another woman to talk to.  As she, Faron, Dav and Ban approached the main house they heard the murmur of voices from the back garden.  They altered their course and entered through the back gate to find Val and Lariah sitting on the patio with Tiny at Lariah’s feet.  The big dog lifted his head and watched them approach, his tail thumping on the ground in greeting. 

“Good morning,” Lariah greeted them cheerfully.

“We greet you Nahoa-Arima,” Faron said formally, as he, Dav and Ban all bowed to her.  Lariah sighed but Faron forestalled her.  “We greet you, and request that you remain seated.”

Lariah laughed.  “Now that’s a request I am happy to grant.”

“How you can be so cheerful when you look like you swallowed a whale is beyond me,” Saige said wryly.  All of the men froze with shock and dismay at Saige’s words.  Lariah had been particularly sensitive to comments about her increasing girth, more so as her pregnancy advanced.  They expected her temper to flare.  When she giggled they were more than a little surprised.

“I know, isn’t it awful,” she said to Saige, her tone and expression belying her words.

“Yep, just awful,” Saige agreed as she stepped onto the patio and bent to hug her friend.  As she pulled back she looked Lariah in the eye.  “I have never seen you look more beautiful,” she said sincerely. 

Lariah blushed.  All of the men shook their heads. 

Val greeted Saige then turned to the Lobos.  “Garen and Trey are awaiting us in the office,” he said.  “If Saige would not mind keeping Lariah company, we should go in now.”

Lariah and Saige rolled their eyes.  “I will be happy to keep Lariah company,” Saige said.  “I will also keep an eye on her and let you know if she decides to climb, jog, run, skip, hop, bend, dance, fly, spin around in circles or otherwise strain herself in the slightest degree.”

Lariah laughed, as did the Lobos.  Val tried to maintain a straight face but gave it up and grinned.  “I will hold you to that Saige Taylor,” he said before bending down to kiss Lariah.

 “Be a good girl and mind your keeper,” he said, leaping back to avoid the swipe she aimed at him.

Saige pulled out a chair and sat down at the table as the men filed into the house.  She took a cup from a small tray of clean ones and reached for the coffee pot.

“How do you feel this morning?” she asked.

“I feel like a walking house,” Lariah replied with a smile.  “I have to pee every three minutes, and I have no balance whatsoever, but otherwise, I feel great.  I think partly because I know the waiting is almost over and I will get to hold my babies in my arms in just a few days.”

The expression on Lariah’s face at that moment was so filled with love and joy that Saige’s heart swelled with happiness for her. 

“I am so excited for you Lariah,” she said, wishing she were better with words and could express more clearly what she felt. 

Lariah must have seen something of her feelings in her face because she smiled radiantly while tears misted her eyes. 

“Tell me how you are,” Lariah said after a few silent moments.

“Confused, happy and sad all at the same time.”

“Happy is good, confused is understandable, but why sad?” Lariah asked.

“I have only just met these men, but I feel so much for them.  Its as though I have known them forever, and, you were right of course, I do feel as though we belong together.”


“But I cannot give them what they want so badly,” Saige said starkly.  “I cannot give them children.”

“Why do you think they want children so much?”

“Because they were planning to mate with a human woman so that they could have a family.”

“Oh,” Lariah said softly.  “I did not know that Saige.  I’m sorry.”

Saige shrugged.  “They had only decided that a few hours before meeting me.  Ban and Dav wanted to select Darleen Flowers but Faron refused, agreeing only to search for another woman.”

Lariah wrinkled her nose.  “Men sometimes have zero sense about women,” she said.  “If their intent was to mate so they could have children, Darleen Flowers should be the last woman on their list, not the first.”

“Yes, so I told them.  Faron thinks she wants to mate with a Jasani male-set because she wants to live forever and never age.”

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