Lawful Overdose (16 page)

Read Lawful Overdose Online

Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Lawful Overdose
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Chapter Sixteen

Beg and Plead


The rest of my Thanksgiving break was a bust. I
stayed at my parent’s house for a few days, but their lack of acknowledging I
was in the room wore on me, so I went back to Eastern.

Piper was still in Chicago with Ryan, so I spent
the next few days eating as much vanilla ice cream as my body would allow me to
consume, and drinking a few pots of coffee a day. You’d think the coffee would
get me energized and motivated, but unfortunately it did not. I lounged on the
couch, watching lifetime movie marathons, which didn’t help with the

When Piper got back from Chicago, we had two more
weeks of school before our month long winter break. I was dreading winter
break. Jaxon and I had originally talked about staying at Eastern for winter
break. We would have our own little Christmas in our apartment. Plus, Ryder was
here and Jaxon wanted to celebrate with his brother.

Now I was forced to go back home. To suburban hell
where I’ll be ignored for a month and forced to watch my parents' sad
existence. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad for them; I just don’t know how to
change it. After years of trying I’ve just decided to give up.

So when the two weeks go by in a blur, I find
myself packing a suitcase in preparation for my trip home in the morning. I had
my last class of the semester this morning and Piper and I planned on going out
tonight before we go our separate ways for break.

She’s been trying to get me to go out with her the
past two weeks, but I haven’t left the apartment unless it was for school or
work. I thought it would be hard to see Ryder, but it’s been oddly comforting.
He gives me updates on Jaxon, even though I don’t ask. I’ve been too
embarrassed to ask Piper to give me updates, so Ryder is giving me exactly what
I need.

Jaxon left the hospital last week. He’s doing well
and expected to make a full recovery; he just has to take it easy the next few
weeks. Ryder says Jaxon’s lucky he doesn’t have to do physical therapy or any
long-term recovery.

The only thing I could focus on is that he stayed
in Chicago.

I’ve wanted to call him a million times, even if
only to hear his voice, but I hurt him. I saw it in his eyes that day at the
hospital and even though I want to be selfish, I can’t do that to him.

“Can I come in?” Piper asks from my doorway. She’s
dressed and ready to go out.

“Yeah, sure.”

I finish zipping up my suitcase, moving it to the
floor as Piper spreads out on my bed.

“What’s the plan for tonight? We hitting up a house
party or going to a club?” My lack of enthusiasm is evident when I spread out
next to her instead of getting ready to go.

“God, I miss the old Tessa,” she says shoving me
gently. “Get your ass up and hop in the shower.”

“I wasn’t going to shower.”

“Like hell you aren’t. Your hair is greasy, your
skin is shiny, and not in the good way, and you’re starting to smell. I swear
if you don’t shower tonight, flies will start swarming the apartment tomorrow.
You do not want to see me if I have to start sharing the fruit in my kitchen
with a family of flies.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll shower, you hag.”

I start to get up from the bed when Piper stops me
by grabbing my arm.

“I miss you, Tessa.”

Her statement confuses me.

“I’m right here, Pipe.”

“No you're not. I miss my wild and free friend who
would party with me regularly, drink like a fish, and talk shit. She didn’t
care who was listening. You gave the best advice and you knew exactly what
crazy antics we needed to bring us closer. That Tessa is gone. The shell of you
is here, but it’s filled with one of those pathetic girls who needs a man to be

“You lay around here, eating ice cream, drowning
your sorrows in lifetime movies that are depressing as hell. Do you want

I stare at her, unwilling to move my mouth. I don’t
know how to answer that question without confirming what she just said. I’m

“Do you want Jaxon back, Tessa?”

I swallow hard before I verify every thought she’s

“Yes,” I whisper.

“What was that?” She says, cupping her ear.

“Yes,” I say loudly, more firmly.

“Good. Then let’s get him back for you.”

“What are you talking about, Piper? He doesn’t want
to see me and I’m not traveling to Chicago to be rejected.”

“He’s not in Chicago, Tessa. Ryder spilled the
beans to me this morning. He’s been here, in his apartment, the entire time. He
just didn’t want you to know so he had Ryan lie to me. I guess he needed help
the first week he was home, so Ryder brought him back down here so he could
help him as much as he could. He’s staying through Christmas before going back
home for the New Year.”

I can’t believe what she is saying. Jaxon has been
a half-mile down the street from me this entire time.

“If he’s been this close and hasn’t made contact,
then he doesn’t want to see me. I have to let it be, Piper. I won’t hurt him

“He’s hurting without you, Tessa. Ryder told me
he’s miserable. He wants you back; he’s just too proud to do anything about it.
You need to make the move.”

“And what do you suggest I do?” I’m curious to see
what my friend will suggest. I hate to admit it, but I’m starting to feel
hopeful. Maybe I can figure out a way to get Jaxon back.

“First, you’re going to hop your bootylicious ass
in the shower and wash the stank off you. He’ll never take you back smelling
the way you do. Then, you’re going to march your ass over to his apartment and
beg, plead, chain yourself to the fucking fridge if you have to. Get his
attention and make him see reason, so you both can move on and get out of your

 I think over what she’s said and while her
suggestions sound ridiculous and unlike me, she gives me an idea.

“You’re right, Pipe. I’m going to get him back,
tonight. Let me shower and get ready, but will you run a quick errand for me?”

“Sure, Tess, what do you need?”

I tell her my plan and she smiles deviously at me.

“I take back what I said, the old Tessa is back. If
he doesn’t take you back after this, I might switch teams and ask you out.”

We laugh and it’s the first genuine laugh I’ve had
in weeks. I just hope everything goes according to plan tonight.

Chapter Seventeen

Claim me


I hear the front door to his apartment open and my
heart starts racing with anticipation. I’ve been in his room for the last
twenty minutes waiting for him to return. When I came up with my plan, I had to
call Ryder so he would get Jaxon out of the apartment for a little while. I don’t
know what excuse Ryder used, but it worked. Jaxon was gone when I got here.

I feel goose bumps cover my body and the adrenaline
kick in. There is a split second where I start to second-guess my plan, but I
realize there is nothing I can do. I couldn’t get out of this now even if I
wanted to.

I hear noise coming from the other side of his
bedroom door. It’s hard to make out, but I think I hear movement in the living
room. After a few minutes go by and he still hasn’t made his way to his
bedroom, I contemplate yelling his name out. This would ruin the plan, but I
don’t know how long it will take him to come in here. It dawns on me that he
might not come in here at all tonight. Men are known for crashing on the couch.

I decide to wait a few more minutes and I’m glad I
did. I hear footsteps in the hallway and then the doorknob turns and the
bedroom door opens. I see his silhouette in the dark hallway. He steps inside
the room and shock is all over his face as he takes in his surroundings.

The room is dim, lit only by the fifty or so
candles I have surrounding the room. I’m laying on his bed with my arms above
my head, handcuffed to the bed with sexy chains Piper picked up for me at our
local lover’s boutique.

I watch as his eyes travel down my body. He’s trying
to hide his lust filled eyes, but I see the change the second it happens. His
eyes grow wider, his lids hooded, as he takes in my barely covered body. I’m
wearing a black bra with a sheer material covering my nipples. The edges and
straps of my bra are decorated with a beautiful lace. The bra supports my
breasts, but still shows him everything.

I’m wearing a matching thong with sheer material as
well. I covered my body lightly in oil, making sure to spend extra attention on
the top of my breasts. My hair is down and covering my shoulders and I have
just enough make-up on to accentuate my features, but not be overdone. This is
the most effort I have ever gone through for a man, but I need to be
irresistible to him. I need him to forgive me.

His eyes haven’t left my body as he does another
sweep up and down, lingering a little longer on my tits. When his eyes meet
mine, I see the conflicting emotions in them. He swallows hard before speaking.

“What are you doing here, Tessa?”

I had an entire speech planned in my head, but his
presence has made me forget it all, so I decide to speak from the heart.

“I want you back, Jaxon. I’ve been miserable
without you these past weeks. It’s been hell. Every moment of every day I want
to be with you. I want to hear your voice and see your face. I’m having a hard
time functioning without you.”

“It’ll get easier,” he mumbles, his eyes moving
discreetly to my tits again.

Well, I guess not too discreetly because I noticed

“Is it easy for you?”

My words cause his head to snap up from my tits and
he looks me in the eyes again.

“No, it’s not easy for me. I miss you, Tessa. I’m
not going to lie and say I don’t, but you hurt me. You wouldn’t even hear me
out. I thought we had something special. I know we had only been together for a
few months, but you were the one for me, Tessa. I knew it from the first moment
we kissed, and you blew that.”

“I may have broken the trust, but you lied to me,
Jaxon. Our entire relationship you lied to me.”

“I had to!” He shouts back. “You think I liked
lying to you? I hated it, but it was my job. I was going to tell you as soon as
the job was over, but it didn’t happen that way, did it?”

He sounds so angry and I want to cry, but I refuse
to. I need to look desirable, not like a blubbering mess.

“How old are you, Jaxon?”


“How old are you? You’re not in college like I
thought, so how old are you?”

“Twenty-four. How is this relevant?”

“It’s not. I was just curious.”

He drags his hand through his hair as his eyes
trail down my body again. I try not to, but my eyes are drawn to the top of his
jeans where I see that I still affect him in one way.

“You need to leave, Tessa. Go home.”

“I can’t,” I say teasingly. “If you haven’t
noticed, I’m chained to the bed. Remember the first morning I was here? You
handcuffed me to your bed and then your mouth devoured my pussy like it was
your last meal.”

My eyes try and stay focused on his, but I can’t
help it and take another glance at his dick. He’s hard as a rock.

“You remember, right, Jaxon?”

“I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going
to work, we’re over Tessa. Now leave.”

“We’re perfect together and you know it. I’m so
sorry, Jaxon, but if you give me another chance I’ll prove to you how great we
are. I want to be with you forever. Let me love you tonight and show you that.”

I can see the indecision across his face. He’s
having a hard time resisting me, which is exactly what I hoped for.

“Where’s the key, Tessa? I’ll unlock you so you can
go home."

“Oh… okay.”

“The key?”

“I have it on me, down here.” I lower my eyes to
look down my body. I hear the low groan come from the back of his throat.

He walks over to the bed and sits down next to my

“Where?” He asks a little softer. I can feel the
walls he put up between us slowly tumble down.

I look down my body again and look back up at him,
not wanting to use my words.

 His hand moves up to the top of my bra. He
hesitates briefly before lowering his hand in to the cup, searching for the
key. I feel his fingertip glide across my nipple and it feels so good. I can’t
control the moan that my lips release and I don’t want to.

His hand freezes for a moment and his eyes close.
He’s trying with everything he has not to succumb to his desire. My nipples
harden just thinking about it.

His hand journeys to my other breast as his search
continues for the key. This time when his fingers graze across my nipple, he
can feel how hard it is. His fingers spread out and his hand involuntarily
squeezes my tit. The sensation is overwhelming and I arch my back in order to give
him more access to my breasts. He continues to massage and squeeze as his other
hand comes up to join the party.

His hands move so smoothly across my skin because
of the oil and when his head moves to my chest and his lips gently suck on the
top of my breasts, I swear I have a mini orgasm.

The noise I make is uncontrollable, but it
unfortunately breaks his lust filled gaze. His mouth moves from my skin as his
hand moves from my breasts.

“You lied. The key's not there.”

I’m panting, completely aroused by his hands and
ready to explode if he doesn’t touch me again.

“I said the key was on me, I never said it was near
my breasts.”

His eyes trail down my body as he takes a long look
at my pussy. The sheer material makes it easy for him to see everything, but my
legs are closed.

“I don’t see the key, Tess.”

This is my last chance and I know it. I slowly and
seductively open my legs, spreading them far enough so he can see my pussy and
the tip of the silver metal key coming from my core.

“Holy shit, you didn’t?”

“I did. If you want the key, you’re going to have
to come get it.”

I watch as the final piece of his wall comes down.
He leans over me and his hand slowly slides down my stomach, past my hips and
into my panties, gently teasing my slit as his finger make their way down to my

I let out another moan from the contact and Jaxon
groans from the sound. In the next second his finger is inside me. The
sensation is incredible, but just as quickly it’s gone and Jaxon has the key to
the silver chain cuffs in his hand.

I’m disappointed by the turn of events. My plan
didn’t work. I should have known Jaxon would be the only man unable to be
bribed my sex. I look down, holding back the tears that want to fall and wait
for him to un-cuff me. After a few moments of silence I look up to Jaxon,
smiling at me wickedly.

He takes the key and puts it in his mouth, sucking
my juices off of it. It’s the hottest, most beautiful sight I have ever seen.
His fingers move to his lips as he removes the key.

“Delicious, just like I remember.”

I have no time to respond because Jaxon is on top
of me, his mouth moving towards mine. The second our lips touch I am
overwhelmed with the feeling of peace. I haven’t felt this way in weeks.

His kiss is urgent, but loving. His lips caress
mine firmly and when his tongue sweeps out to lick my lips, asking for
entrance, I immediately open. My mouth is his, my body is his, and my soul is
his. I understand completely, in this moment, that he owns me.

I can’t move my hands because they’re still chained,
but I want to drag them through his hair.  His lips leave mine, leaving a
trail down my neck, across my collarbone, down to my breasts. He removes my bra
slowly, leaving my heavy breasts exposed. I’m so aroused by this man as he
takes one of my nipples into his mouth. He sucks my nipple in and then drags
his teeth across the sensitive skin as he pulls my nipple out of his mouth. He
repeats this action with my other breast before moving his lips lower.

His tongue dips in my belly button as he brings a
hand up and into my panties, slowly starting to stroke my clit. It’s my
undoing. I can no longer wait to have him inside me.

“Now, Jaxon, please,” I moan.

He continues to rub me, ignoring my plea. His thumb
starts to circle my clit as a finger enters my pussy. I come at the contact,
screaming my orgasm in the dim lit room. I’ve never come so fast in my life.

He continues to thrust his finger inside me until
it's felt the very last pulse of my orgasm. I feel his thumb move from my clit
as he pulls his finger out of me. My body instantly misses the contact.

He moves back up my body and brings his drenched
fingertip to my lips.

“Are you mine, Tessa?”

“Yes,” I pant. “I’m yours, I’ll only ever be

I try to hold him, but I am restrained by the
chains around my wrists.

The tip of his finger slides across my lower lip. I
can feel the moisture from my pussy on his fingertip. My tongue darts out of my
mouth to lick it sensually.

“That’s right baby, lick yourself off me.”

His words make me so lascivious and before I know
it, my mouth opens and I suck his finger deep inside, licking and sucking all
that remains of me off it. I moan at the taste. It’s not as good as the way his
cum tastes, but knowing this is getting him hot, makes it taste pretty damn

“That’s it, baby. I’m going to fuck you now. You’re
mine and I need to make you remember that so nothing like this ever happens
again. The second you feel my dick inside you, there’s no turning back. We’re
together. Got it?”

Did I have it? Hell yes! That’s what I’ve been
trying to tell him this whole time.

It only takes a few seconds for him to take his
clothes off. He lowers himself back on me and I feel him rip my panties off my
body, as he places his hips between my open legs. I barely have time to get
ready before he thrusts hard inside me.

“Fuck, yes…” I scream.

He pumps in and out of me, over and over again.
I’ve missed this feeling and my pussy missed this feeling.

“Tessa, you feel so good. So warm and tight.”

His thrusts continue, hard and brutal. He’s staking
his claim and I’m guaranteed to be sore in the morning. I wrap my legs around
his torso and he lowers his mouth to kiss me. With every thrust he gently nips
my lips and I’m ready to come again.

Damn, the things he does to me.

“I’m close, Jaxon, too close.”

“Give it to me, baby. It’s been too long since I’ve
had you and I’m ready to explode inside you.”

A few more thrusts and I climax hard, feeling him
come inside me at the same time. Our eyes meet and we never break contact. We
say things with our eyes that we’re unable to say with our mouths.

When my orgasm has left my body, I feel Jaxon pull
out and lay down next to me, pulling my body into his.

“I missed you, sunshine.”

Sunshine. I want to cry at his nickname for me.
I’ve waited so long to hear him say it again.

“I missed you too, Jaxon. So much.”

He kisses my forehead, my eyelids, my cheek, before
lowering his mouth to mine and kissing me slowly. I melt into his warm lips.

“Are you really here?” I murmur against his lips.

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