Lawful Overdose (4 page)

Read Lawful Overdose Online

Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Lawful Overdose
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“You want to dance with me, hot stuff?”

He smiles down at me wickedly, “I’d love to dance
with you.”

Jaxon places his hands on my hips and pulls me into
him. I can feel his hard chest against my body. My nipples harden on contact. I
try to keep the dancing innocent at first, but I give up within seconds.

My hands move slowly from around his neck. They
drift over his shoulders and down his hard body. I can feel the ripples of his
defined chest through his t-shirt. I trail my hands further down, until I reach
the edge of his shirt. That’s when I decide to boost the night to turbo speed.

My hands move under his shirt and drift up his bare
chest. His body is a temple, hard yet smooth, and I’m ready to worship it.

Jaxon dips his head towards mine, and moves his
lips to my ear. “You like that,” he says cockily.

Usually, I hate this trait in guys. It’s pretty
much a dead giveaway, they’re going to suck in bed… but I know that’s not the
case with Jaxon. His body and mine, are telling me he’s going to rock my world.

I move my body so my legs are straddling his thigh,
and we start moving to the music. I’m grinding my pussy against his leg, and it
feels incredible. His hands drift up my side slowly until they’re at the side
of my breasts. My head tilts back from the contact and I moan loudly.

That’s when things get interesting.

Before I can comprehend what is happening, Jaxon
has me up in his arms and is moving towards the bed, laying me down gently. I
look around the room and notice Piper and Ryan aren’t there anymore.

When did they leave?

I don’t have time to ponder this because Jaxon’s
lips are on mine.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

His mouth is amazing. His kiss is urgent, hard, and
I can feel his teeth as he lightly bites down on my bottom lip, asking for
entrance. I open willingly and his tongue is in my mouth.

He tastes incredible and I moan into his mouth,
asking for more. His hands move to my tits, and he pulls my top down, exposing
my large breasts. His lips move away from mine so he can look at my chest.

His hands move to grab my tits and squeeze gently.

“Your tits are beautiful,” he squeezes them again
in awe, “… and real.”

His mouth moves down my body and he takes one of my
nipples into his mouth. His tongue gently flicks the tip and makes slow circles
around it, biting down gently before doing the same on my other breast.

My insides are burning from every touch. The
throbbing between my legs can’t be controlled and I need him inside me.


My hands move to the top of his jeans and I slowly
undo the top button. I slide the zipper down and move my hand urgently inside
his boxers, and I touch his cock.

He moans into my tit as he continues to suck it.

He’s big and hard. Possibly the largest I’ve ever
felt. I swear I have a mini orgasm right then, just at the thought of taking
all of him inside me.

I start to stroke him slowly, waiting for him to
take the lead. That’s when his body goes completely still over me. His mouth
leaves my hard nipple, and the absence is immediately noticed.

Jaxon sits up on the bed and runs his hand through
his hair. He looks over at my confused face.

“I’m sorry.”

He’s sorry… for what?

“What’s wrong?” I ask as my hand moves to grab the
top of his jeans and pull him toward me.

His hand comes out to stop me. “You're drunk.”

I look at him even more confused, “So.”

He lets go of my hand and moves over me. I’m
grateful; it looks like he changed his mind about stopping us.

I’m wrong.

He places his palm on my cheek and gently caresses
it. “I want you. You have no idea how much, but I can’t take advantage of you.
You’re drunk and I’m completely sober. It would be wrong and I would hate
myself in the morning. You’d hate me, too.”

This is where he is wrong.

“I won’t hate you. I planned on fucking you before
I even got to this party,” I slur. My head feels heavy, and I think a second
Jaxon came into the room because I see two of him.

Maybe he has a twin.

“Even if that's true, we won’t be having sex

He kisses me gently on the forehead and gets up
from the bed. I watch him as he adjusts himself and zips his pants up. The
other Jaxon does this, too. That’s when I realize how tanked I am.

Jaxon walks over to me and lifts me out of bed. He
adjusts my clothing so I look presentable.

“Let’s get you home.”

“Okay,” I whisper as I lean into him. I’m suddenly
very tired.

He walks me out of the room and we look for Piper
and Ryan. Actually, he looks and I just snuggle closer to his chest. He looks
everywhere he can, but he can’t seem to find them.

“Don’t worry, Ryan is a good guy. He’ll take care
of her, but you need to go home.”

I stop and pull out my phone from the back pocket
of my jean skirt. I send a quick text out to Piper.


Me: I look everyeewhere for u. Jaxonnnn is taking
me home.. Go hom and ull see me there!!!!


Something about my text doesn’t look right, but oh
well. My fingers are tingly and I don’t want to send Piper another text.

We walk out the front door and I see two people
hooking up in my peripheral vision. I turn to check it out and see Piper,
straddling Ryan, on an iron bench on Dave’s porch. Ryan’s shirt is removed and
his pants are around his ankles. Piper’s jeans are still on, but she’s grinding
against him.

Dry humping the shit out of him.

Jaxon looks uncomfortable, but he walks over there
anyway and taps Ryan on the shoulder. Ryan’s head comes up, but Piper doesn’t
notice. She moves her mouth to his neck.

“You’re out in public, where everyone can see the
two of you. More importantly, everyone can see her,” he says, pointing to
Piper. “What you do is your business, but now you're doing your business with
my girl’s friend. You need to respect my girl’s friend. Stop, get yourself
together, and take a ride back to Tessa and Piper’s place with us. If you both
are still up for it, you can finish there and no one will stop you.”

With that, Jaxon turns around and pulls me with him
towards the street. We pass five or six cars before he’s pulling his keys out
and opening the door to a black Charger. Not an old model Charger, one of the
new Chargers.

He gently places me in the passenger seat and then
closes the door behind me. Then he walks in front of the car and enters the
driver’s side. He closes the door, puts a key in the ignition, and I hear the
engine purr.

Even his car is sexy.

“That was hot,” I try to say sexily, but it comes
out in a mumbled slur.

“What was?” He asks me.

“You… with your friend… what you said,” I’m so
tired, I can’t focus on what I’m saying as I sit here. The seats in his car are
so comfortable. “It was hot.”

My eyelids start to close and my head falls back on
the seat. I can hear a low rumbling laugh come from his lips.

He leans in over me and buckles me in to the seat.

“Get some rest,” he whispers and then kisses my

His lips feel so gentle and I feel safe knowing I’m
next to him.

“What about Piper?”

“I can see her. They’re walking over to the car now.”

That’s the last thing I remember before I close my
eyes again and black out.

Chapter Three

Ice Cream and


My head is pounding. I feel like someone smashed a
rock against it and never let go. Why I haven’t learned my lesson yet, I don’t
know, but tequila is not my friend. I know this and yet I keep coming back.
It’s like the abusive boyfriend you won’t leave or the friend who makes you
feel unworthy, but you want to be her friend anyway.

I can’t open my eyes because my eyelids are too
heavy. I’m too tired to move, but I know if I don’t get some water and pain
killers in my body now, I’ll be useless the whole day.  I move to stretch
my limbs and my back bumps into something hard. My body instantly tenses, and I
realize I’m not alone. 

My eyes pop open when I feel my stomach being
squeezed, making my back push impossibly closer to the body behind me. I can
feel his morning wood against the small of my back. I look down and see a male
arm, wrapped around my waist.

Oh, damn, what did I do?

Piper and I have rules. The guy is never to spend
the night after a hook up. That’s how they grow attached. I don’t want to be
attached, not ever.

I look down my body and that’s when I realize I’m
fully clothed. I’m wearing the same thing from last night. I hesitantly turn
over and see Jaxon.

Right… Jaxon.

Even in his sleep he’s flawless. I look him over
and see he’s fully clothed, too. Something I would have been happy about a
minute ago, but now I’m disappointed. I wanted to hook up with him last night.
I needed the intimacy. The fact that neither of us is lacking in the clothing
department means I didn’t get any.

After a few more minutes of me staring at him
awkwardly, and feeling creepy about it, I slowly peel myself away from his body
and get out of bed. I look back to make sure I didn’t wake him. Luckily, he is
still sound asleep. I’m not prepared for the uncomfortable morning after

I leave my bedroom and drag my body slowly to the
kitchen. Piper is already in there, doing God knows what, and making a lot of
noise doing it. I sit at our breakfast bar that has an opening to the kitchen.
My hands fall to the counter, and I groan dramatically as my head hits the

“That bad, huh?” Piper asks me.

I decide words won’t work for me, so I nod my head
up and down into my arm. I hear the fridge being opened and shut. Then I hear a
cabinet slam down before I feel Piper’s hand on mine.

“Here you go.”

I look up to see a bottle of water and pain

“You’re an angel,” I whisper.

I open the bottle and down the pills with all
twenty ounces of water. I feel a little better already. This is another one of
the differences between Piper and me. When I get drunk, I’m miserable for the
next twenty-four hours. When Piper gets drunk, it’s like a boost of B-12, an adrenaline
shot, and an energy drink, all rolled in one. She can go like this all
throughout the next day, but then she crashes hard. I predict she’ll be
sleeping by six tonight and won’t wake up until tomorrow evening.

“What happened last night… and why is Jaxon in my

“Where should I start? Do you remember the party?”
She asks me.

I nod my head, “I remember everything up until
getting into a black Charger. From there, I’m drawing a blank.”

She laughs, “That’s because you passed out as soon
as your body hit the comfortable leather seats.”


“In a nut shell, Jaxon drove us all home, put you
to bed, and then left. He had to put in a few hours at work, or something. Anyway…
he left, I hooked up with Ryan, and holy shit, was it a fun night. He did things
to me I didn’t know were possible. His body may not be perfection, but I don’t
care. That boy knows how to use what God gave him.”

I’m so confused at this point. It may be the
alcohol trying to escape my body, or it may be that Piper is not making any fucking

“Explain this to me, if Jaxon left, why the hell is
he in my bed right now?”

“Oh, that. When Ryan and I were finishing up a few
hours later, Jaxon called him and asked to be buzzed back up to the apartment.
I let him in because he wanted to check up on you. I guess he decided to stay.”

“You guess?”

“I don’t know, I was drunk and my mind was focused
on Ryan. He had to leave for work as soon as Jaxon got back here. You drank a
lot, and I couldn’t take care of you. At the time, it made sense to have him
watch over you. I can tell by your mood I was wrong.”

I decide that I’m getting upset for no reason. I’m
just miserable and hung over. “It’s not your fault, Pipe. I was just caught off
guard, that’s all.”

I stand up from my stool and walk to the entryway
of the kitchen.

“Do you need to get in here?” Piper asks me.

“Just for my morning routine. I see you made coffee
so I’ll only be a minute.”

We switch spots so that I’m in the kitchen. I make
a cup of coffee and put my French vanilla creamer in the steaming hot liquid. I
then grab a bowl and spoon out from the cabinets. I make my way over to the
freezer and grab my gallon of vanilla ice cream. I put two scoops into my bowl,
put the ice cream back in the freezer, and leave the kitchen with my bowl and spoon
in one hand, and my coffee in the other.

I sit back down at our breakfast bar and take a sip
of coffee.

Wow. I imagine this is what heaven feels like.

I move to my bowl of ice cream and scoop a decent
size onto my spoon, placing it in my mouth. Perfection.

“No matter how many mornings I see you do this,
I’ll never think it’s normal,” Piper chirps from the kitchen. I ignore her and
take another sip of my coffee.

I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn
my head to see Jaxon coming into the room from my bedroom.

“Good morning, ladies,” he says confidently with
just the right amount of sexiness. I watch him stroll over and take a seat next
to me at the bar. His lips touch my forehead.

“How are you feeling?”

I can’t speak because I’ve just piled another scoop
of ice cream in my mouth, so I nod my head and give him a thumb up.

A thumb up! What is wrong with me this morning?

“What’s with the ice cream and coffee? Is this your
hangover breakfast, because I know from personal experience nothing works better
than grease?”

Before I can answer him, Piper chimes in.

“Oh, no, this is Tessa’s every morning breakfast.
She strolls in, grabs her coffee and creamer, and scoops out two scoops of
vanilla ice cream. She sits down and alternates between sips of coffee and
scoops of vanilla. It’s weird.”

I roll my eyes at her, “It’s cool to be weird.
You’re just jealous because you’re not weird like me.”

In our true form, we both burst out in giggles. My
laughter comes to a quick halt as my head protests the movement.

“Argh, stop making me laugh. I still have a
hangover headache.”

I can feel Jaxon’s fingertips move to brush against
my temple. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yep, I’ll be fine.”

He lowers his hand from my temple and moves it
across the back of my chair. It’s odd how comfortable he is in my apartment.

“So… Ice cream and coffee, huh? I’ve never seen a
woman have such an incredible body and eat ice cream like you do, but my eyes
don’t deceive me. You have a fucking perfect body.”

My cheeks flush and I can feel the tingles start
spreading throughout my body from the sound of his voice.

“Thanks,” I say, slightly embarrassed. Piper heard
his comment.

The room becomes oddly quiet and I can’t stand the

“Piper says you left to go to work last night. What
kind of job calls you out in the middle of the night?”

“I was on call last night. They called me, so I had
to go in.”

I shovel another spoonful of vanilla ice cream in
my mouth, “You didn’t have to come back here.”

Jaxon lifts his hand to caress his knuckles against
my cheek. “Yes, I did. I needed to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m good. You don’t have to worry about me. You
should probably go home and get some sleep.”

He yawns almost on cue, “You’re probably right. It
was a long night.”

Piper leans over the breakfast bar from the kitchen
and hands Jaxon a cup of coffee. “You’re new in town and already have a job,
very impressive. What do you do?”

I look over at Jaxon and I can sense something is
off. Before I get a chance to think about it, Jaxon is speaking.

“I’m going to school to be a pharmacist. I intern
at a pharmaceutical company. You know, trying to learn as much as I can about
the business.”

“So you’re going to be a doctor?” I ask him.

“You never know, things can change. It would be
very cool though. My brother would be proud.”

“Very awesome. I’m going to go take a shower. I
need to wash off the alcohol smell leaking out of my pours. It was nice to meet
you, Jaxon.”

He nods in Piper’s direction, “You too!”

She leaves the kitchen and walks down the hall toward
her bedroom.

We sit in comfortable silence as I finish my ice
cream and coffee, and Jaxon takes sips of his coffee. Once he’s finished, he
puts his mug down and turns toward me. Even though we didn’t have sex, we slept
in the same bed, so I’m dreading the uncomfortable morning after discussion. I
decide to make the first move and try to avoid the awkwardness.

“Well, last night was fun. I’ve got to get showered
before my shift at Ryder’s, so I better get moving.” I stand up from the stool
and bring my dishes and Ryder’s cup to the kitchen. I place them in the sink
and when I turn around, Jaxon is in front of me. “I think this is where we part
ways and you leave to get some sleep.”

He smiles at me as if I just said the most amusing
thing. “Trying to get rid of me?”

“No…. I mean, yes. You see, I don’t do this,” I say
as I gesture my hands between us. “I don’t do the uncomfortable morning after,
or morning sex or even post-cuddling. Last night was fun, but I had only one
motive. I wanted to fuck you. That didn’t happen and now you’re here, making
things awkward. I don’t date and I definitely don’t do relationships. You seem
like an incredible guy, you should go hit on someone who’s deserving of that.”

Yes, I nailed it. He will definitely be turned off
enough to leave.

“You don’t think you deserve an incredible guy?”

What? Oh, of course. Of course he would turn my
words around on me.

“Maybe that's the wrong words. How about a woman
who wants you? You deserve a woman who wants you.”

“And that’s not you?”

“Do you have to twist my words around and repeat
them to mean something I did not intend?”

“I’m not twisting your words around, I’m stating
facts, and what you don’t realize is… I’ve learned more about you in the last
minute than I've learned all last night, but I’ll leave you alone.”

He steps closer to me and I’m frozen in place by
his words.

What does he mean he’s learned more about me in the
last minute? I didn’t tell him anything.

His hands grab my waist as he pulls me into his
hard body. His hands move my hair from my shoulder and his mouth presses
against my ear. I can feel the scruff from his five o’clock shadow lightly
graze my cheek. He kisses my ear briefly before gently sucking on my lobe. He
lets go and whispers into my ear, “Have a great day today, Tessa. I hope your
hangover subsides and work flies by for you. Maybe one day, when you’re ready,
I can show you the kind of man you deserve.” He bites down on my lobe softly,
before releasing me and whispering, “Me.”

My eyes flutter shut from the intensity of his
words. When I open them again, he’s gone. I hear the front door open and then
close, and I know it’s just Piper and me in the apartment now.

My entire body is still tingling from his words and
the proximity of his body. I was prepared to never see him again, but in the
last few moments we had together, he threw that idea out the window. Now, I
have a pulsing sensation between my legs, and goose bumps running up and down
my back.

Do not fall for Jaxon. Do not fall for Jaxon. You
can have amazing sex with Jaxon, but do not fall for Jaxon.

I need something. My body is on overload from being
teased too many times in the last twenty-four hours, and not getting what it
wants. I walk through the hallway and into my bedroom, shutting the door behind
me. I make my way to my top dresser draw and pull it open, searching through my
lingerie for my vibrator. I find it and pull it out.

This will have to do.

“It’s your job to remind me why I don’t need a man.
It’s time to get to work,” I whisper to my vibrator like a crazy person. I
prepare to have a party for one and hope it will help clear my mind, but as my
body starts to respond to my B.O.B, all I can think about is Jaxon.

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