Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series) (61 page)

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Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #Drama, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series)
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She nodded and pointed for him to sit. “Please.”

“I know this is getting to you.” His crystal blue eyes were sympathetic. “But it’s eventually going to be fine. We’ll find these people. In the meantime, we’ve got to keep both of you safe, that’s all. Just hang in there, okay?”

“I’m trying.” Nikki was fighting back tears. “I was just so scared. I thought Tony was in the truck, and . . .”

“I know,” Peyton said quietly. “I did too.” Suddenly, Nikki felt sorry for the younger man. He seemed concerned about them, genuinely concerned.

“Peyton, I’m so sorry. I wish I knew something that would help you guys help us, but I don’t know anything.”

“That’s okay. But listen, if you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to tell me, or Steve, or José. Laura too,” he added.

Nikki scowled. “I don’t think she likes me very much.”

Peyton gave her a tiny smile. “She doesn’t like anybody. But she’s good at what she does, and you can trust her. What you don’t know is that it’s not just the four of us. Steve’s got a whole stable of security people; former military, former law enforcement, former federal agents . . .”

“Which are you?”

“Military. Special Forces, then combat. Had to, um, retire because of my injury.” He got up and walked to Nikki’s side, then pulled up his left pant leg. His prosthetic was state of the art – Nikki had never guessed by watching him walk that there was anything different about him. “So you see, we’ve all got our crosses to bear. We just have to make the best of it.”

She nodded. “Thanks, Peyton. You’ve been good to me. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re easy to be good to. You’re a good person. Hang in there – we’re all gonna get through this. We just have to stick together.” He started out of the office, then turned and looked at Nikki from the doorway. “And if I’m tailing you again, don’t ever try to get away from me. Can’t be done. I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth!” He laughed.

“Duly noted.” Nikki smiled at him as he left. What a sweet young man, and so cute too. She hoped he had someone special.

She heard more movement, and Tony appeared in the office door. He leaned against the door facing in his jeans and tee-shirt, arms and ankles crossed, and it was all she could do to stay in her chair – she wanted to grab him and run her hands all over him. “You okay?”

She nodded. “I am now. Peyton came in and gave me a little pep talk. He’s such a nice guy. But I’m a little ticked off at Steve. Where does he get off talking to us like that?”

“Hon, he’s just frustrated. We all are.” Tony sighed and plopped down in the chair where Peyton had been sitting. “I am too. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“Me neither.” She wadded up a piece of paper and threw it toward the trash can. And she missed.

“So what would you like to listen to?” Nikki asked Laura.

Laura just stared out the window. “Doesn’t matter.”

“Oooo-kaaaay.” Nikki changed the satellite radio to a progressive rock station.

Ten more miles went by in silence. “So, are you married? Got kids?”

“No and no.”

Five more miles, and Nikki asked, “So what do you like to do in your spare time?”

“I don’t
spare time,” Laura grunted.

“Right.” Fifteen miles later, Nikki got right to the point. “So, why is it that you dislike me so much?”

Laura huffed. “I don’t dislike you. I don’t like you. I don’t have any feelings whatsoever toward you. I’m just doing my job.”

Nikki tried very hard to rein in her frustration. “Okay then, well, I’ll just pretend I’m alone and you can just sit there and pretend you’re an emotionless shell and we’ll both have a dandy time.” As far as Nikki was concerned, she was finished. She’d done all she could.

They rode in complete silence all the way to Lexington. When they got to Vic’s office, Nikki got out of the car and went on inside, saying nothing to Laura. She could come in, or she could sit in the car; Nikki didn’t care.

Vic greeted Nikki as soon as she walked in the door. “Hey, baby! It’s so good to see you! You doing okay?” He scooped her up and hugged her tight.

“Hey, sweetie! It’s good to see you too! I’m good. You?”

“Good. I see you brought a suitcase with you.” He frowned and pointed through the door at Laura, who had taken up a position out front.

“Yeah. She’s as friendly as a porcupine,” Nikki snarled.

“Don’t I know it. She’s a hot little thing, but I tried to talk to her, and she just shut me down. And this time, I don’t think it’s me.” Vic shook his head, bewildered.

She giggled at Vic. “It’s never you, gorgeous. You’re almost as hunky as that beautiful cousin of yours! So did you get the delivery arranged?”

“Yeah, they’ll be here in about an hour. You’re gonna have your work cut out for you.”

“As long as the albatross stays out of the way,” Nikki said, looking at Laura, “it shouldn’t take long to get it all sorted out.”

“’Bout done?” Tony asked Nikki when she answered the phone.

“Yeah, I’m probably forty-five minutes from being finished. Vic wants to take me to dinner before I head back. Honestly, I wish I’d brought clothes to stay over at his house, but I didn’t. Can you fend for yourself for dinner?”

“Sure. I’ll check with Clayton and Brit, see what they’re doing. Maybe I could go over there and see Stringer.”

“Oh, that would be fun! But let me know what you’re doing so I won’t worry.”

“Hey, same on your end. You and Laura getting along okay?”

“Yeah. Can’t
get along with somebody who won’t talk to you.”

“Huh. Guess that’s right. Oh, well, love you, baby. See you in a bit. You be careful driving back.”

“You bet! Love you too.”

Nikki called Tony to tell him that Vic wanted to take her and Laura to dinner before they headed back to Louisville. “You and Laura getting along okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. Can’t
get along with someone who won’t talk to you.”

“Do you like sushi?” Nikki asked. Laura sat in the front passenger seat of Nikki’s Volvo as they followed Vic to the Japanese hibachi and sushi restaurant.

“Doesn’t matter. I won’t be eating anyway.”

The boss lady in Nikki rose up; she’d had just about enough and she was going to put an end to it. “Actually, yes, you will be eating,” she growled in a measured, even, firm voice that let Laura know she wasn’t going to tolerate being fucked with. “Vic wants to treat us to dinner, and you will not be rude to him. He’s a prince of a guy, and he at least deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. So you’re going, you’ll eat, you’ll be gracious, and you’ll thank him when we’re done. You got that?”

Laura turned to look at Nikki, but one glance at the fiery blond beside her told her there was no need to try to argue. She’d never seen this side of Nikki, but she had to admit she liked it. The woman looked a little fluffy, but she was tough as steel, and Laura respected that. “Yeah, I got it. Sorry. I don’t mean to come across as rude. I’m just trying to be professional.”

“Being professional and being cold and distant are
the same things,” Nikki reiterated, not looking at Laura. “You need to work on your people skills, take some lessons from Peyton and José.”

The corners of Laura’s mouth turned up slightly. “Point taken.” Then she got a little bold. “You’re not at all what I thought you’d be.”

“Thought I was just some spoiled little hank of hair trying to hook a rich man, huh?” Nikki’s smirk drew the corners of her mouth up.

“Something like that.”

“Well, you obviously don’t know my background or you wouldn’t think that. And if you ever decide you want to know about it, just ask. I don’t mind talking about it, but I won’t bore you if you don’t care.”

Laura made a note to herself to ask on the way back. Now she was curious.

Vic smiled the smile of the totally smitten as the server cleared the table, and Laura couldn’t help but notice how he looked at Nikki. “I hope you enjoyed that, princess.”

“Oh, god, it was so good! This place is amazing,” Nikki gushed, tinkering with her chopsticks. She’d enjoyed watching Vic eat with his, but she’d never master the things in a million years. He’d tried to give her a crash course, but she was a lost cause.

Vic turned to Laura. “What about you, Laura? Was it good?”

“Very. Thanks so much, Vic.” She stared at the table as she dabbed at her mouth with her napkin.

“Wow – five. I think that’s the longest string of words I’ve ever heard you speak. And you’re so welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He looked Laura right in the eye when he spoke, and his voice was smooth as satin. She felt something stir in her gut, but she shut it down. Vic Cabrizzi was unbelievably good looking, the hottest guy she’d met in a long time, maybe ever, and he seemed extremely nice too, but she couldn’t let him in. She couldn’t let anybody in. That was just her life, nothing new.

Nikki and Vic hugged goodbye, and he kissed her on the cheek. He turned to Laura and took her hand in his. Laura tried to pull her hand away, but Vic held it firm. “Thanks for coming to dinner with us. I enjoyed your company,” he told her, and she could tell he was being genuine. Matter of fact, she got the distinct impression that Vic couldn’t be anything but genuine. He turned loose of her hand, and she snapped it away from him, but she instantly missed the warmth of his skin. She wanted to run and, at the same time, she wanted to run back and touch him. What the hell was wrong with her?

On the way back to Louisville, Laura asked Nikki about her past, and Nikki quietly and simply told her without a lot of details. Listening to her, Laura thought,
We’re not so different, she and I. Oh, yeah, different circumstances, but the pain’s still similar. I wish I could tell somebody what happened to me, but that’ll never happen.

“And so that’s how I got here,” Nikki finished up. “I’m no cream puff. I’m used to working hard to take care of myself. Being with Tony is a dream come true. I didn’t think I’d ever love or be loved again.”

“I don’t believe in love,” Laura blurted out. “There’s no such thing.”

“Oh, I can tell you, you are definitely wrong about that. Maybe one day you’ll know what I mean,” Nikki argued, glancing at her. “I hope you find somebody who changes your mind.”

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