Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series) (63 page)

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Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #Drama, #Erotica, #Erotic Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Laying a Foundation: Bonus volume: Includes series prequel, The Groundbreaking (The Love Under Construction Series)
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“What in the hell are we going to do, honey? This is ridiculous.” Nikki took the key for the Yukon. That thing was like a tank, and that’s exactly what it appeared she’d need for the time being.

“I’ve got an idea. I’ve got to talk to everybody, family included, and then I’m going for broke. I hope you’ll be on board too.”

“I’m with you. Whatever you decide, I’ll back you one hundred percent,” Nikki assured him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“God, Autumn, what the hell?” Travis looked her over in the front seat of the stolen, beat-up Toyota he’d followed her from Lexington in. “Shit, you smell like smoke.”

“I was so scared.” She was crying, her face slick with tears. “I couldn’t drive that great big thing. It was awful. Then I hit that other car – I don’t know what I did wrong, something with the traction control, I think – and then I lost control of it by that exit. I think I hurt my shoulder,” she whined. She pulled down the neck of her tee-shirt and looked at her shoulder – there was a huge red mark across it. “That’s going to leave a bruise.”

“Nothing’s broken,” he snapped without even looking at her. “I’d hoped to part that Volvo out at a chop shop, but the damn thing is gone, destroyed like they’ll be. That’s all that matters.” Travis pulled out into traffic from the shoulder of the overpass where he’d picked Autumn up after she’d fled the burning vehicle. He’d seen all he needed to see.

“That’s all that matters? I could’ve been
! Doesn’t that matter?” she screamed at him.

“Oh, shut up, stupid. You’re fine. It’s no big deal.” He lit a cigarette and kept driving. Autumn sat there, shaking and afraid – afraid because of what had just happened, and what might happen to her at his hands.

Tony spent hours on the phone until he’d talked to everyone in the family and made sure they were okay with what he was about to do. When he was finished, he sat down and sent an email out to all Walters management people stating that he expected all employees to be in attendance at the next day’s meeting, with the exception of those who were sick or on vacation. Then he called Steve, told him to have extra security on hand, and also asked him to call all of the news outlets. After explaining to the kids what was going on, he called Detective Ford and asked him to talk to the police chief.

Annabeth and Brittany helped Nikki pick out something to wear for both purposes, something attractive but also businesslike. Katie wanted her to wear a suit, but that’s what Katie wanted everybody to wear because that’s all Katie wore, all the time. They talked about how she should wear her hair but, in the end, she pulled it into a ponytail and it was good enough.

The next morning, Tony stood on a flatbed trailer in the materials yard, Nikki on one side and Clayton on the other, Vic behind him, and Steve and his crew dispersed around the area, watching intently. Several hundred Walters Construction employees stood expectantly, wondering what was going on. They’d heard rumors, but nothing concrete. Tony laid out what was happening to them at the hands of the ecoterrorism group and asked them to keep their eyes and ears open and to be especially careful. When he was finished, they headed downtown to the police station.

Nikki was flabbergasted when they got there. TV and radio stations and reporters from newspapers were everywhere – from as far east as Ashland to the other end of the state in Paducah, even a Nashville station, and Cincinnati and all of northern Kentucky, not to mention from across the river in Indiana. There were microphones and cameras stacked on top of each other.

Nikki was wearing the same thing to both conferences, but Tony had changed; for the first time, she was seeing him in a suit and tie, and she couldn’t get over how handsome and distinguished he looked, the epitome of the businessman. The charcoal gray was perfect with his dark hair and skin, and he’d shaved off every bit of his usual fashionable scruff for complete smoothness. No doubt about it – he could’ve easily been a model.

They walked hand in hand to the podium where he, Detective Ford, and the police chief would be speaking, Clayton and Vic with them. The police chief turned to Tony and nodded. “Ready?” Tony nodded in reply, then turned to Nikki.

“I couldn’t do this without you,” he whispered to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks for being here with me.”

“Baby, there’s nowhere else I’d be,” she whispered back.

He said basically the same things he’d told the employees with one exception: He announced the amount of the reward, one hundred thousand dollars.
Nikki thought,
if that doesn’t do it, nothing will.
Her next thought was to wonder how they’d sift through all of the bogus leads to which they’d be subjected.

After only a few questions, most of which were directed at the police chief, the press conference ended. Tony took Nikki, Clayton, and Vic to lunch.

“Well, do you think it’ll do any good?” Clayton asked his dad.

“I have no idea, but I don’t have a lot of options.” Tony forked up a mouthful of salad. “I don’t know what else to do.”

At four that afternoon, Tony called Detective Ford to ask if there had been any tips called in. Detective Ford wasn’t very positive.

“Oh, yeah,” he sighed. “Some lady called in and said Jesus told her GoGreen was justified in what they were doing, and there would be more to come, but it could be stopped by giving the reward to her church. One guy said the GoGreen people were really aliens. Another said you were part of the mafia and deserved whatever you got.” Tony rolled his eyes. “The one we were most interested in was a short call from a young woman who seemed to want to tell the officer something, but then hung up like she was afraid. We’re hoping she calls back.”

“I’m disappointed, sure, but hopeful. It’s getting people talking. Somebody, somewhere, knows what’s going on. Maybe eventually they’ll call in. Until then, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing.” Tony sighed. “Thanks for your help. Stay in touch.”

“Will do. Hang in there,” the detective said as he hung up.

Tony propped his elbow on the desk and rested his forehead on his hand. He was so tired of the crap, but there didn’t seem to be an end to it. At least it was almost Thanksgiving, and he was looking forward to the holiday and all of his family being together, his kids, his mom, Vic, and the love of his life. It would be the best holiday they’d ever had.

ometimes Nikki felt like she was dreaming. Her life with Tony was so good, it didn’t seem real. Oh, yeah, there was that GoGreen shit, but she tried not to focus on that. She knew the holidays were coming up, their first together, and even though she wasn’t much for the social aspects of life, she wanted everything to be as perfect as she could manage.

“Who’s coming to Thanksgiving dinner?” she asked on the Wednesday evening of the week before. With just a week to go, she had to get her act together fast.

“Just all of us. The kids, Vic, Mamma. Everybody else has their own kids to be with, and my brothers use this as a holiday to spend with their in-laws. Especially this year, because they have to be here for Christmas.” Tony cut into his stuffed chicken breast. Oh, god, it was good – that girl could cook!

“Is this here or in Shelbyville?”

“Oh, here. If it’s just nine or ten of us, we’ll do it here.”

“Do I do all of the food?”

“Good god, no! Why do you always ask that? You know I’d never do that to you. Everybody will bring something, even Vic. Just tell him what you want him to bring and he’ll do it.”

Nikki thought for a second, then nodded. “I’ll have him pick up the rolls again. That’s easy for him.”

“Just find out what everybody is bringing, then see where you need to fill in. Plus we do the turkey and dressing.” Tony took more rutabagas – they’d become his favorite. Nikki had introduced him to dozens of foods he would’ve never tried otherwise.

“Okay – got it. We’re good. By the way, what’s going on at Christmas?” she asked, forking up some green beans.

“Well, it all depends on what happens on Thanksgiving, but I think it’s all going to go as planned. Guess we’ll see, huh?” He gave her a wink.

“Guess we’ll see.” She wondered what he was up to – had her ring come in? Was he going to propose? Suddenly, it didn’t matter that she was going to be worn out from cooking – she was excited about Thanksgiving for the first time in a very long time.

“Hey, baby, got the turkey thawed?” Tony asked, standing in the doorway to Nikki and Clayton’s office.

“Yep. Got a list of what everybody’s bringing. Got the other stuff to make up a meal. Got the house cleaned up. You got holiday coverage arranged for the sites?”

“Yeah. Promised them double time to do it, but it’s covered. Why don’t you take tomorrow off to get ready? Clayton and I can take care of anything that comes up.”

“Thanks. I think I’ll do that. I’m a bundle of nerves.” She cleaned up her desk and got ready to leave.

“Sweetie, don’t be nervous – it’s going to be a great day!” He smiled and kissed her as she headed out the door.

going to be a great day. I can’t wait!”

At ten ’til ten that night, Nikki’s phone rang; it was Clayton. “Hey, honey, what’s up?”

“Hey, Mom. I’ve got a favor to ask.”

“What’s that, honey?”

“Can we bring another guest with us tomorrow?” Nikki looked at Tony and he could tell she was suddenly excited about something.

“Sure, honey. Who’s coming with you?” she asked, hardly able to contain her excitement.

“It’s a surprise. A Stringer-type surprise. Happened thirty minutes ago. We’ll just need an extra seat.”

“No problem, hon. We’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

“Okay, turkey’s in the oven, vegetables are prepped, drinks are iced. Oh, I hear Vic – bread’s here.” Nikki was ticking everything off out loud while Tony set the table.

“Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving!” Vic called out, then dropped the rolls on the counter, grabbed Nikki, and spun her around before dropping a kiss on her cheek. She laughed like a ten-year-old.

“Hey, Tookie, how’s it going?” he asked as he ruffled Tony’s hair.

“Going good, Goliath! Glad you’re here!” Tony gave Vic a big hug. “Clayton called last night and said they had a surprise for us today.”

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