Leah's Story Finding Jake (14 page)

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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“Leah, Jesus baby are you okay? It’s me I’m here” I gasped as my mind cleared, Adam was climbing
under the covers to hold me “I shouldn’t have been such an arse Leah I shouldn’t have left you
alone, I am so sorry baby forgive me please” I was still shaking off the affects from my dream, once
Adams arms were around me they ceased. I sighed before the huge weight of my tears exploded and
my body wracked with sobs while Adam held me apologising all the time. We stayed like that until
my tears dried up.

“Don’t leave me Adam please don’t leave me alone” He pulled me closer to his warmth
“Never Leah never again” He kissed me gently until the pull of darkness took me under, this time the
dreams stayed away.

Chapter 19

The next few days I was on constant bed rest, Adam worked away in the lounge. He was fetching me
bowls of chicken soup and mugs of cocoa periodically; I was feeling a little stir crazy. The police had
been for their statement. They reiterated Adams words that I was extremely lucky to be the one
who fought back enough to prevent him getting to the next level. Steven wasn’t getting bail and I
wouldn’t have to face him until the court hearing. That was good news although standing in court
had my stomach rolling, that wasn’t a day to look forward to.

Lucy rang me three times a day; I had to calm her down the first time. Adam had told her what
happened against my wishes. I knew how she would react, guilt at not being here for one thing. She
had almost jumped on a plane to look after me. It took a lot of persuasion to convince her I was fine
with Adam. Rob was fully recovered now and thanks to my insistence they decided to stay on a
couple more weeks. The sun was doing them both good and she sounded really happy and I was
thrilled for her.

Alexandra had popped in with a huge bouquet of flowers from her and Victor; he was waiting in the
car outside but had sent his best wishes. Dimitri had sent me a few texts, he was anxious for Adam
and me to come to the game on Saturday. I had every intention of going although Adam was
resistant but finally agreed we would wait and see how I was on the day.

My leg was easing I could walk a little, at least to the bathroom and back. Asking Adam to take me to
the toilet was not my finest hour, he would have stayed with me too had I not thrown a fit at him.It
was Thursday today, Gordon had popped in with some flowers from the office, and he had brought
some files over at my request. I was ready to carry on with my article so wanted some more
information to get my juices flowing.

I was looking through baby photos of Dimitri noticing there was no mention of which hospital he had
been delivered in. There was something nagging at the back of my mind, something Alexandra had
said to me

When Victor brought Dimitri home
” What could that mean? I was jumping to all sorts of conclusions
but decided I needed to speak to Alexandra.
I had called her and invited her around for a couple of hours Adam had to go to the office, so he was
happier knowing she would be here to keep an eye on me. Alexandra arrived at three; she was in a
limo that remained parked outside until she had to leave.

We chatted amicably; I didn’t want to come out with a direct question. I needed to coax the answer
out of her naturally. I asked her what sort of baby Dimitri was, how were his sleep patterns? All
innocent things but I was hoping she would slip up. It didn’t take long either, and when she did her
reaction was extreme to say the least.

“I didn’t breast feed no it was too late when we got him” I stared at her as her words sank in, her
hand shot to her mouth “Oh God did I just say that? Leah you mustn’t say anything about that,
Victor will destroy me. Oh how stupid I could ruin everything” Alexandra was pacing around working
herself into a frenzy

“Alexandra what is the problem? I won’t write anything you forbid me to say. Anything you say to
me can be added or removed at your say so. Why would Victor be angry plenty of people adopt
children? I am assuming that is what you are saying?” She shook her head then sank on to the bed
beside me.

“Victor had found a surrogate mother to have his baby, his sperm her egg. She was desperate for
money and he when he found her it was the best news I ever had. She agreed to give the boy up
once Victor had paid her, but Victor insisted she breast feed him for three months first. He was so
selfless making sure Dimtri had the best start in life. We didn’t get to meet him until the day he
fetched him home. He was so beautiful, such a happy boy he fitted in perfectly. I didn’t put him
down for two years. We were so happy” I was disappointed the tale wasn’t more sordid, it sounded
quite straight forward apart from the length of time he left the child with his birth mother.

“Dimitri doesn’t know any of this, nobody does Leah, and you must keep it to yourself, if Victor knew
he would be furious. I would hate to think how he would handle it; I couldn’t guarantee your safety
of that I am sure.” I shivered I was sure she was right and actually now I wished I had never found
out. We kept the conversation simple until Adam returned. Alexandra was still visibly shaken by her
slip of the tongue.

“Promise me Leah” I nodded giving her my word, as she left I suddenly felt tired, maybe Adam was
right I wasn’t myself yet. I slept for a couple of hours. A delicious aroma stirred me from my sleep; I
sniffed hard then sat up
mmm Margaret’s stew.
Grabbing my robe I limped out to the kitchen my
stomach growling.

I expected to find Adam stirring a pot so when I saw Ray with him I was not only shocked but thrilled.
He pulled me into an embrace that warmed me to my toes

“Well young lady what a week you have had. Adam has aged ten years since last weekend, I take it
you have been house bound all week” I nodded pulling a sulky face “No complaining now you are
lucky he didn’t lock you in your room, my heart stopped when he called me, Margaret has sent a
month’s supply of frozen stew. One of which is cooking as we speak. I also have some news for you,
a bench has been sourced and I have for you written permission from Salford council to put it
anywhere along the canal you choose” I withered inwardly the canal was no longer a place I would
find peaceful after the attack and I could see Adam and Ray had guessed as much.
“I thought we could take a drive around and look at alternatives in the morning, the council have
assigned someone to fix it into the ground wherever we decide. The plaque can be done at your
leisure, I have the engraver poised and ready whenever you are.” There was a lot to think about I
excused myself to have a shower and get dressed properly before dinner. Ray was staying in Lucy’s
room so we had most of the weekend to decide.

The more I thought the harder it became, by the time I had my shorts and t shirt on though I had
made up my mind. I walked into the lounge determined I had made the correct choice. Dinner was
ready so we sat at the kitchen table to eat, my appetite had been average since the attack this was
just the thing to perk it up again.

Two helpings later I relaxed in my chair, both men looking very pleased with themselves at my clean
bowl. We sat talking for a while then I told them my decision.

“Ray I have decided I want the bench to go on the spot I was attacked” They both stared at me
shocked and possibly a little awed. “I have been a survivor since my life began, I lay on my mother
while she died” Adam reached out to hold my hand his face echoing my pain “Nobody will knock me
down, because if they do I always get up, I fight on. Putting my mum’s bench there means it will get
used. All those people who looked after me after the attack can use it too so it will be a small thank
you for them.”

Adam had sent flowers and money to some of the people who had looked after me; I was a local
celebrity now so I knew that they would all support my decision. I had removed a local thug from
their midst and they were all a lot better off because of it. I wondered if they would come and watch
the bench arriving. I would knock on some doors and invite them; I wanted it to be a community
event small though it was. I also wanted to thank them personally for their kindness, let them see I
was okay now.

They both looked at me I could see they kind of wanted to object but also understood my reasoning.


“Will you not feel odd going there to be close to your mum ,somewhere you felt violated” I closed
my eyes against the stifling feeling that sometimes threatened to overpower me;

“I will be taking the control back, don’t you see I will turn a place that made me feel fear into a place
I seek solace. Hopefully one will cancel out the other, and hopefully it will be the positive that wins”
Adam came round to me lifting me to my feet

“My brave wonderful girl, so strong and so wise. I am so very proud of you at this moment” I basked
in his praise Ray was quick to add his agreement. So it was all set tomorrow we would have the
bench put in place, the plaque would be added later. The plaque was something that required a lot
of thought.

I had an unsettled night’s sleep waking in cold sweats; one dream was so real I was almost sick again.
Adam held me for the third time that night

“Leah are you sure this is the right decision, it is obviously stirring it all up just the thought of being
back there, going there tomorrow could be too much for you.” I understood where he was coming
from but was adamant
“Don’t you see this goes to prove why I need to do this, taking the fear and switching it around? If a
place can terrify me I need to make sure I remove the fear, this is the only way I can think of to do
that.” I clung to his chest and for the first time this week I felt the stirring of my libido, it took me by
surprise and I gasped

“What is it what’s wrong Leah” I giggled


“Something just stirred inside me and it wasn’t my dinner” I took his hand and placed it on my breast
“my libido has come back from her five day sulk, I think she may be a little over eager”


Adam smiled and nuzzled into my neck moulding my breast into his hand

“Well I am glad she came back I missed her” he turned me around and I tugged his hair bringing his
mouth to mine. My libido spent the next hour or so getting a weeks’ worth of satisfaction all in the
one night.

“Mmm Adam that was amazing I love you. And so does my libido” he didn’t answer, I turned over to
look at him, he was out cold. I giggled to myself obviously he couldn’t handle the both of us we had
finished him off. I felt relaxed for the first time this week and slept the rest of the night dream free.
Tomorrow was going to be tough, worth every minute but very tough.

Chapter 20

Trepidation filled me as the car pulled up at the top of the embankment; I was frozen in the car. Why
was I thinking this was a good idea, I was shaking so hard and I wasn’t out of the car yet? Adam
looked over at me Ray was in the front with him

“Leah stay in the car while I round up the people who were there that day “As he was about to get
out I saw doors opening and I recognised the lady who first saw me with her dog. Behind her coming
out of next door was the one who gave me a blanket. A tall lady walked out from the opposite
building, she had made me a cup of tea. And the two men who made the citizen’s arrest walked up
from the canal. A lump formed in my throat, the sight of them gave me the strength I needed.
Removing all thoughts of Steven Baker I stepped nervously out of the car Adam came round to hold
my arm.

Then I was surrounded by well wishes, hugs tears and bravo’s it was truly overwhelming. We were
treated to freshly baked cakes and Mrs Robinson, who had made me that much needed cup of tea,
had brewed up again but this time for everyone. I felt comfortable and I felt welcome. My rescuer
was holding my hand tight

“When I saw you crawling up the hill that evening my heart nearly exploded. When I saw the
damage to your knee I couldn’t even begin to work out what had happened. I thought you had been
in a hit and run, makes me shudder when I think of what could have happened to you. So brave you
were” I gave her hand a grateful squeeze and then my eyes welled up as I saw my mum’s bench
being removed from the van, it was perfect.

The reporter had arrived. Gordon had sent one of our best! He wanted the story to be front page
news. Local feel good story, his heroine Reporter fighting off a rapist, bravely returning to the scene
of the crime. He would mention my mum’s bench and why it was important. Who knows maybe
someone would come forward who knew Selina. Maybe someone would have new information.
Adam wasn’t sure about that part, but with Rays backing I had won him around.

The bench was carried down the hill and we set too clearing the ground, Adam and Ray had brought
spades and helped the man from the council dig the holes for the cement. The bench would be
unmovable once it dried. There was no going back now I watched as it was put in place our small
audience clapped. The photographer arranged us all around the bench and Dan our reporter took
down quotes from everyone.

He sat down with me on the grass after everyone had dispersed.


“How much do you want me to say about your mum Leah? I don’t want to offend you but some of
her past may not relate well to the locals.” I could see his point

“Just her name and that she had been murdered locally. Maybe mention that no one was ever
caught or tried for the murder? Say that I had been so young I never got to bury her; this is my place
to go in her memory. Somewhere along those lines will be fine do you think?” Dan agreed and took a
few quotes from me.

We said farewell to all my new friends, they promised to keep watch over the bench for me. Mrs
Robinson was going to create a garden around it, for everyone to enjoy which I thought was a
wonderful idea. Adam gave her some money to pay for the plants and her labour, she didn’t want to
take it but we insisted. I was looking forward to returning with the plaque, I knew I was going to
enjoy coming here now. It had been the right choice, and I was determined to return many times.

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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