Leah's Story Finding Jake (12 page)

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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I wondered if my face looked as surprised as I felt, Adam hugged me close he looked at me surprised
too. Ray appeared to be saying he had always hoped his son would love me, but that was too weird
for me to comprehend.

We wandered into the kitchen to share out the stew; it tasted as wonderful as I remembered. The
conversation flowed and it felt so warm and friendly I couldn’t help but smile. We were all ready for
our beds but suddenly everyone was twitchy and nervous. How did we discuss sleeping
arrangements with Ray, awkward or what? Luckily the wonderful Ray was all prepared.

“Lucy your room is made up for you two, Adam you and Leah are in the spare room as your old room
only has a single bed” we all stared finding his openness refreshing we bid him good night and all
retired to bed, before it became more awkward.

Wrapped in Adam the last thing on our minds was sex, no way could I get aroused with Ray in the
next room, instead I decided to get Adam to open up to me as I needed to know how much support
my man would need tomorrow.

“Adam tell me about your mum, please I want to face tomorrow feeling like I know her better, Lucy
told me what she remembers but at ten years old her memories must be different to yours, she
never remembers the time before the cancer” I felt him tighten his grip but I continued unabashed
“You were fifteen a teenager you must have the happier times in your head too?” Adam sighed his
head was tucked into my neck, now more than ever I wanted to see his face. I rolled over forcing him
to look into my eyes, in the dim light I could see the pain that lived there. I reached out my hand and
touched his lips beseeching him to speak. I was about to give up when he finally started to talk, my
heart bounced, finally he was allowing me in.

“My mum was fun, bubbly and most of all selfless; she was always giving herself to me Lucy and dad.
I was five when Lucy came along and I adored her. For the next five years we had the idyllic life,
holidays, baking, playtimes, she read us stories it was perfect. Then mum seemed to start fading that
is the best description I have, she was losing weight and her life essence was dimming. Dad became
withdrawn and I knew something was going on. I was ten years old when they sat me down. Mum
had breast cancer, it was a word I knew but didn’t grasp. I had seen people get breast cancer and
survive so there was hope. A year later she was told it had spread to her kidney and she underwent
chemotherapy. I was due to start grammar school but because it was a distance away and mum
could no longer drive it was decided I would board instead.” My heart wrenched for him it must
have been hard to leave his family

“Dad hired a nanny for Lucy, and I was away all week, it appeared mum was doing well and for the
following four years we had hope. Then that Easter time I was home for the holidays she had
deteriorated rapidly the cancer was now in her bones.” His eyes spilled over and mine followed
swiftly, “I took time out of school to spend with her, Lucy wasn’t told how bad mum was, but she
knew. Every day the pain got worse and every day we sat with her, reading her favourite book Little
Women, which was hard because it’s a sad story too.” I had loved that book but yes it made me cry
every time, I don’t know how he did it at fifteen.

“it was May Bank holiday, May second, Lucy was out playing in the garden, Margaret’s son was over
and they were in the tree house. My dad had gone to collect her prescription from the chemists, me
I was reading the book, where Beth was drifting away, whilst Jo was holding her. I remember her
telling me not to cry, that Beth was peaceful now. I tried really hard and carried on but it was no use
I lay on her chest and sobbed, I remember she put her hand on my head “my boy” she said and that
was it she had gone. I didn’t realise until dad walked in with her pills. I looked up to see why he had
stopped, he was frozen then the glass of water he was holding fell to the floor. I was about to jump
up and help him clean it but he marched over grabbed me and held me so tight I thought he would
crush me.” I was a mess now as was Adam but he also looked unburdened.

“Leah that day has haunted me all my adult life, and then when I saw you again, when you got out of
your car in all your scruffy clothes, bright eyes girlie pony tail, I saw my mother like as if she was
standing right next to me. Something flipped inside of me; my heart was beating me up inside telling
me to see you to touch you and to love you. I knew at that moment you were the person who could
fix me and you have, I love you Leah I have never loved another woman apart from Lucy since the
day she was taken from me. It was the most wonderful moment of my life that day but also the
scariest. Leah I lost a woman like you and it almost destroyed me; I cannot ever survive that again.
Promise me Leah you won’t put yourself at risk and that you will never leave me please baby
promise me now” The urgency of his words had me almost undone, I dragged him to me ignoring
the tears

“I promise Adam I promise” Our lips met and our tears merged together as we became one.
Adam made love to me until the sun began to rise in the sky, there wasn’t one moment during the
night when part of me wasn’t kissed stroked or adored. We drifted to sleep at five and awoke at nine
ready to face a very sombre day, but happy we were going to face it together. We were going to his
mum’s grave then Margaret was making a big family roast dinner, she was joining us, Margaret had
loved her too.

The grave was in a cemetery called Kensel Green, it served the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
We had all brought flowers with us, bought from his mum’s favourite florist. The headstone was
elegant and simple;

Theresa Richmond
1966 - 2001
Wonderful Wife
Wonderful Mother
Beautiful Woman Much Loved Greatly Missed

I placed my white rose in the fixed vase, Rob placed a white Lily next to mine, we stepped back
allowing Margaret, who was struggling to hold it together, place her bundle of white roses on the
base of the stone. Then Adam Ray and Lucy placed their wreaths side by side upon the ground.
Adam was calm and amazingly held it together. I think talking to me had really helped him; he took
my hand as Lucy held Robs. Ray stepped in between the four of us, grasping both his children by
their hands.

The six of us stood like that for a while all locked in our own thoughts, then Ray spoke

“Look Theresa we are all here together, Adam has finally found the right girl, you would be happy
with his choice like I am” I smiled tearfully as Adam kissed the top of my head “Lucy has managed to
land her childhood sweetheart, I thought it would never happen, you must have weaved some magic
to match both our children so perfectly. Sleep now Theresa you can have peace knowing we are all
safe and loved, and that we will never stop loving you” We all said Amen and then wandered back to
the cars far too overcome to talk. I was crying thinking of my mum, she was cremated I didn’t have a
place to go to remember her, suddenly her loss felt even more tragic. Ray caught hold of my hand

“Leah ride with me I want to talk to you, Adam go with the others, I have some things to say to our
girl. Don’t worry I will bring her back to you in perfect condition” Adam reluctantly walked away and
I stepped into the car wondering what Ray possibly had to say to me.

Chapter 17
I cleaned myself up in the back of the car; fortunately there was a box of tissues in the car so it didn’t
take too long.

“Leah I am sorry for taking you unawares, as I haven’t seen you for a few years I have not had chance
to talk to you properly” I stopped sniffling and looked up at Ray with so many questions in my mind.
He looked very serious so I kept my mouth closed, the questions could wait;

“When Lucy first met you I checked over your history, your story has always greatly affected me. I
hope you don’t think badly of me but after what Lucy had been through I wanted to be the over
protective father. Lucy I know was your saviour for a while, I heard about the bullying and it made
my blood boil. But Leah you gave my daughter a focus and for her entire education you gave her a
distraction she desperately needed. I will always be grateful to you for that and now you have saved
my son too” I blushed unused to such praise

“I spoke to your Gran often you know” this did surprise me and I was instantly curious “She told me
about your mother and how distraught she was after Selina ran away from home, you know that she
spent every last penny on private investigators trying to track her down” No I had no idea about that
“She had ran out of hope when you turned up, she felt as though she had a second chance. Once
Lucy and you became friends, as you know Christmas’s were always spent here with us. I spoke to
your Gran every year, I respected her a lot. She never recovered from the fact no one ever paid the
price for your mum’s murder. Adam has told me the developments and I did some digging around of
my own, if you require help to find your brother Leah I will fund it, no stone would be left unturned
but I would proceed on your terms.” I closed my eyes, Rob had said much the same, and how lucky
was I to have such loyal friends. But I couldn’t risk it not these people I cared so much about.

“Then you know the dangers Ray, you saw what happened to Rob, I can’t take the chance on you
too, Adam would never forgive me and I promised him no more risks.” I closed my eyes tight fighting
the urge to grab his offer with both hands, he grasped them gently

“Leah it is your choice, anytime you change your mind call me, the offer is there. I promised your
Gran I would take care of you so anything I can do for you it is yours” I thought for a moment;

“Actually I do want something, my mum never had a burial, she was cremated I never even got to
say goodbye, I would like to have a bench made with her name on, perhaps along the canal where I
live. Somewhere for me to go so I could sit and talk to her, would you help me organise it with the
local council?” Ray squeezed my hands

“Dear girl I would be delighted leave it with me” I thanked him and then we were back, Adam was
standing at the kerb waiting for me. The minute I stepped out of the car he was there holding me

“Are you feeling okay now, I was worried you looked so upset, I guessed it all brought back
memories for you” I gave him a reassuring smile
“Your dad has helped me I am fine now” Adam gave his dad a questioning glance to which Ray
shrugged then winked at me. We went inside for dinner; roast rib of beef and all the trimming, my
mouth was drooling, my anguish forgotten, for now.

Dinner was heavenly and all too soon I was yawning ready for my bed, so I excused myself. Adam
and Ray were on the whiskey; Rob had taken Lucy up to bed so I decided it was father and son time
so made myself scarce. I didn’t feel Adam come to bed, so next morning I was surprised to wake up
with him flat out beside me. The whiskey breath wasn’t too pleasant; I had managed ten hours sleep
so felt fab. Lucy and Rob were leaving early so I slipped out of bed to go down stairs to see my best
friend before she left me.

“Hey Leah, did you have a good sleep?” I smiled nodding pleased to see I hadn’t missed her “We are
going in an hour Rob’ s in the shower I can’t believe I won’t see you for a while, we haven’t been
apart for years” Tears threatened yet again as I thought about not having my best friend. We were
suddenly embracing both tearful both sad.

“Lucy I will miss you so much text me every day” she laughed and soon I joined in, it was emotion
but all churned up. I loved Lucy she was my rock and I would miss her badly, things were changing
for us both, love had swallowed us up, but we knew nothing could come between us.

Rob walked in as we settled down and I helped Margaret with a cooked breakfast for everyone.
Adam and Ray were just in time although they both looked rough; I noticed a real camaraderie
between them which really thrilled me.

This weekend had been a good idea some ghosts laid to rest and a few bridges built. After breakfast
we said our goodbyes to Ray, he reiterated his promise to me and would to call me with any news. I
was sorry to leave he was a lovely man but ultimately he was alone which made me sad.

Back home the flat felt empty, Lucy was a big part of my life and I had a hole now that would be
hollow until she returned. Adam had gone to his hotel room to pay his bill and clear out his
belongings. He was moving in with me tonight a big step but it felt right, neither of us wanted to be
without each other anymore, it wasn’t an option. I unpacked my things then ran a bath; I fancied a
long soak in some bubbles.

I was aroused by a shout, sitting upright I realised I had fallen asleep in the bath, Adam was towering
over me furious

“One day after your promise and you almost drown yourself, how on earth can I trust you” I was
feeling very silly the water was cold now too, Adam held a towel out for me and I stepped shakily out
of the tub, shivering as I was chilled to the bone

“Jesus Leah you are frozen” he wrapped the towel tight around me then picked me up carrying me
to the bed. Laying me down under the duvet he stripped naked and crawled in beside me

“Christ you are freezing, Leah you could catch your death doing that, no more baths unless I am in it
with you” I was feeling drowsy again, the towel was pulled off me and Adam reluctantly wrapped his
naked body around me to warm me up.
After some time had passed I was beginning to feel more myself again. I was aware of Adam hot and
heavy at the crest of my thighs. All thoughts of being cold or sleepy fled instantly, all I could feel was
the throbbing need for Adam that was making me clench.

“I know a faster way of warming me up if you can manage it” I wriggled myself closer to him making
it clear what I was talking about

“Christ I thought you would never ask” he slid agonisingly into me; it felt deep from behind and so
good. He was groaning and I knew he wasn’t going to last long, he must have been uncomfortable
naked and close to me for the last hour. He pulled out of me flipping me around so I was above him;
I liked it this way with me in control and looking down to his beautiful face.

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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