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Leftover Dead (21 page)

BOOK: Leftover Dead
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“That sounds fine,” Jack said, “but don’t outshine us too badly. Wanda Nell and I didn’t bring any party clothes.” He winked at Miss Fehrenbach.
She laughed. “Now, never you mind. Just let me know if you need anything. I promise I’ll be ready to go when you are.” She smiled and left, shutting the door behind her.
They were ready to go by a quarter to seven. Jack escorted Miss Fehrenbach—or Miss Lyda, as she now insisted they call her—to the car. He insisted that she sit in the front seat beside him, and Wanda Nell assured her she would be just fine in the back seat.
As Jack prepared to drive away, Wanda Nell glanced next door at Mr. Howell’s house. There was no sign of life anywhere. It wouldn’t be dark for a while yet, and she couldn’t spot any lights burning inside the house. She thought about what Miss Lyda had said. He was probably passed out drunk somewhere. How sad that was.
Miss Lyda directed Jack to a favorite restaurant, and during the meal she regaled them with tidbits of local history. Wanda Nell and Jack were touched by the story of Hattiesburg’s founding and the origin of the town’s name.
“In August of 1880, Captain William Harris Hardy was on his way from Meridian to New Orleans on a surveying trip,” Miss Lyda said, in her best history teacher manner. “He stopped along the way to have lunch, and the spot he chose was on the north side of Gordon Creek, amidst a large oak and several hickory trees.” She paused for a sip of her iced tea. “That spot is now in downtown Hattiesburg, across from the post office.
“While he was resting after his lunch, the captain spread out one of his survey maps, looking at the line of one of the railroads. He thought that a rail line from Jackson to Gulf-port would help develop the southern part of the state. When he drew the lines to connect this new rail line with the existing one, it was right through this area. He decided to name the train station after his beloved second wife, Hattie.”
“What a charming story,” Wanda Nell said. “I’m sure Miss Hattie loved having a town named after her.”
“No doubt she did,” Miss Lyda said. “But sadly, she never lived to see it in person. She died in 1895.”
“That is sad,” Jack commented.
Through the rest of the meal Miss Lyda kept them entertained with somewhat less sedate stories about historic citizens of the town. By the time they had finished their dessert and coffee, it was almost nine-thirty.
“My goodness, look at the time,” Miss Lyda said as they were leaving the restaurant. “I’m sure you two must be tired and ready to rest, after all the driving and everything today.”
Once they were home again, Miss Lyda firmly bade them good night, insisting that they rest. “I’m going to have a little nap,” she said. “I’m a bit of a night owl. I don’t need much sleep, but I won’t wake you, I promise.”
Jack and Wanda Nell kissed her on either cheek, and Miss Lyda’s face turned pink. “And thank you again for such a lovely dinner, my dears. I can’t think when I’ve had such a delightful time, or more charming companions.”
Wanda Nell and Jack made their preparations for bed, and they were soon snuggled down in the old four-poster. It was very comfortable, and they were both very tired. Neither of them had any trouble dropping off to sleep.
At some point Wanda Nell woke to the sound of a firm knock on their door. She squinted at the window, trying to figure out what time it was. There was some light, so it must be morning.
Jack woke, yawning, and sat up in bed. Wanda Nell got up and went to the door. Miss Lyda was there, already dressed for the day.
“My apologies for waking you.” Her tone betrayed her distress. “Ordinarily I would have let you sleep, but I’m worried.”
Now wide awake, Wanda Nell said, “What’s wrong?”
“I think perhaps Jack should go next door and check on Mr. Howell. I’m afraid something has happened to him.”
A moment later, his pants now on, Jack stood beside Wanda Nell. “What do you think has happened?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe I’m just being a silly old woman, but I think something may have happened to him.”
“Something must have triggered this feeling,” Jack said in a gentle voice. He and Wanda Nell exchanged quick glances. They were both worried about Miss Lyda. She was far too pale.
Wanda Nell took Miss Lyda’s hand and led her into the room, to an armchair by the dressing table. Miss Lyda sat, her hands twisting in her lap. “It may be nothing,” she said, looking up at them. “I told you I’m a night owl.”
Wanda Nell and Jack nodded. “So did you see something during the night?” Wanda Nell asked.
“I did. It was about one in the morning. I had slept for a bit, and then I got up and tiptoed into the study to read for a while. I usually read for a couple of hours and then go back to bed. I don’t need that much sleep most of the time.” She stilled her hands. “Anyway, as I was sitting there in my chair, about to open my book, I heard a car pull up out front.”
“And was that unusual?” Jack asked.
“At that time of the morning, yes. I know this neighborhood doesn’t look like much, but it is actually pretty quiet here at night. So when I heard the car, I got up and looked out the window. By the time I got to the window, whoever was in the car was already out of it and on the way up the walk to Mr. Howell’s front door.”
“Was it anyone you recognized?” Jack asked.
“No, it wasn’t. The lights out there aren’t that strong, and I’m afraid my night vision isn’t very good. I could see that whoever it was wasn’t very tall and was wrapped up. Maybe to disguise his identity.”
“You got the impression that it was a man?” Wanda Nell asked. “At least that’s something.”
Miss Lyda frowned. “That was my first reaction. But when I think back over it, I can’t really say for certain. There was something slightly odd about the person’s gait. Of course, whoever it was seemed to be in a dreadful hurry, so maybe that’s all it was.”
“What happened once this person was at Mr. Howell’s door?” Jack asked. “Were you able to see that?” He frowned. “No, you couldn’t see that from your study, because it’s on the other side of the house.”
Miss Lyda offered a slight smile. “Well, curiosity got the better of me, so I hurried into the front parlor and peeked out the side window. I got there in time to see the door open and the person step inside. I didn’t see Howell, but who else would have opened the door?”
Jack nodded. “Did you keep watching?”
“I watched for a few minutes, but everything was very quiet. As curious as I was, I was getting a bit bored just standing there.” She blushed slightly. “Plus I needed to visit the ladies’ room. And by the time I came back, the car was gone.”
“Did you happen to notice what kind of car it was?” Jack asked. “Two-door, four-door, SUV, for example?”
Miss Lyda shook her head. “It was small, that’s all I remember. Oh, and it must have been pretty dark-colored. Maybe black. I’m sorry, I’m not very good when it comes to knowing much about cars.”
“That’s at least something,” Jack said.
“How long do you think the person was in Mr. Howell’s house?” Wanda Nell asked.
Miss Lyda frowned in concentration. “I’d say at least twenty minutes, maybe a little longer. I must have stood there a good ten minutes, watching to see what would happen. And then I was probably in the bathroom for about the same length of time.”
“Were you worried then?” Wanda Nell asked. “You could have gotten us up then if you were concerned. We wouldn’t have minded a bit.”
“I really wasn’t that worried at first. I went back to reading my book, and to tell the truth, I got so wrapped up in it, I forgot about it. I must have dozed off in my chair, because I woke up there a little while ago. Then I remembered what had happened, and the more I thought about it, the stranger I realized it was.”
“So you don’t think it could have been someone delivering a late-night bottle of whisky, or something?” Jack asked.
“No, I don’t think so. In all the time since Margaret died and Jenna Rae left, he’s had very few visitors at night. He used to have some drinking buddies who’d come over, and they would have a right rowdy time. But I don’t think this was one of them. I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them in at least a year.”
While Jack and Miss Lyda talked, Wanda Nell dressed as quickly as she could. She pulled on her jeans, then exchanged her nightgown for a blouse.
“I’ll go have a look, just in case, to make sure he’s okay,” Jack said. He went for his shoes and then pulled a shirt on over his T-shirt. “Y’all wait here, and I’ll see what’s going on.”
As Jack left, Wanda Nell focused her attention on Miss Lyda. She was still pale. “Why don’t we go in the kitchen and fix some hot coffee, or maybe some hot tea?” She held out a hand to her hostess.
“Thank you, dear. I think I’d like some hot coffee,” Miss Lyda said, accepting Wanda Nell’s hand.
In the kitchen Miss Lyda directed Wanda Nell to the coffee and the filters for the coffeemaker. Soon Wanda Nell had the machine going, and she was about to pour the first cup for Miss Lyda when Jack returned.
Wanda Nell took one look at his face and knew something really bad had happened. “Miss Lyda,” he said, “I’m afraid we need to call the police. Where’s your phone?”
Mutely, Miss Lyda pointed to the wall nearby. Her hand was shaking, and Wanda Nell quickly poured her coffee and added a couple of spoons of sugar to it. While Jack punched in a number, Wanda Nell urged Miss Lyda to drink her coffee. She pulled a chair next to her hostess and kept an arm around her small, trembling shoulders.
Jack spoke tersely, and Wanda Nell could feel Miss Lyda continue to shake as they listened to Jack’s side of the conversation.
After a moment Jack hung up the phone and turned to them. “I’m sorry, Miss Lyda, but you were right.”
Miss Lyda nodded. “That person in the night killed him.” Wanda Nell had to steady the hand holding the coffee cup. “Perhaps if I had done something earlier. . . .” Her voice trailed off.
“No, ma’am,” Jack said, his voice very gentle. “There’s nothing you could have done for him. I’ll spare you the details, but believe me, nothing you could have done would have helped him.”
“Drink some more coffee, Miss Lyda,” Wanda Nell urged. She was terrified that the shock might prove too much for their hostess, but Miss Lyda rallied. “I’m sorry that something like this happened. He was an awful man in so many ways, but he surely didn’t deserve this.”
“No, he didn’t,” Jack said. His own face had paled, and without a word, Wanda Nell left Miss Lyda’s side to pour some coffee for her husband. The sight must have been pretty grim, because Jack was obviously very shaken.
Jack accepted the hot coffee with a grateful look. “Thanks, honey.” Wanda Nell rubbed his arm, not liking how cold it felt.
“Keep drinking,” she said.
Moments later they heard a siren in the distance, and by the time they all reached the front door, the sound was very loud. Jack opened the door, and all three of them stepped onto the porch. The morning heat was welcome. Wanda Nell hadn’t realized how cold she had been until she came outside.
Two officers got out of the squad car, and Jack went down the walk to greet them. Wanda Nell and Miss Lyda remained on the porch, sitting in the two chairs Miss Lyda kept there. They couldn’t hear the conversation, but after a quick consultation with Jack, the officers headed to Howell’s front door. Jack came back to Wanda Nell and Miss Lyda.
In the next few minutes more vehicles arrived, and curious neighbors had started coming out of their homes. A couple of patrol officers worked to keep them from crowding too close. One neighbor, a woman in her sixties, attempted to approach Miss Lyda’s house, but a patrolman stopped her. A vociferous argument ensued, but the officer wouldn’t budge. Finally the woman retired, casting furious glances at him.
“Betsy Bobo,” Miss Lyda told Wanda Nell and Jack in an undertone. “The neighborhood busybody. She’ll be beside herself because she doesn’t know what’s going on. She’d rather gossip than eat any day.”
“She’ll have enough to keep her going for a while,” Jack said. “As soon as the details of this leak out.”
Miss Lyda placed a hand on his arm. “Please tell me at least a little. I promise I’m okay.”
Jack stared at her. Wanda Nell caught his eye and nodded. He squatted next to Miss Lyda’s chair. “He was beaten pretty badly, with a poker from the fireplace.”
Miss Lyda clutched the arms of her chair for a moment. “How terrible. Someone must have been very angry to do something like that.”
“The police will be coming to question all of us before too much longer,” Jack said. “Will you be okay with that?”
“Of course,” Miss Lyda said, her tone firmer. “I know my duty.”
Wanda Nell clasped one of Miss Lyda’s small hands in hers. “And we’ll be here with you.”
“Thank you. I think I’d like to go back inside.”
“Good idea,” Wanda Nell said. “Let’s go have some more coffee. I know I could sure use some.”
“I’ll be along in a minute,” Jack said. Wanda Nell nodded as she led Miss Lyda into the house.
Miss Lyda had finished her second cup of coffee, and Wanda Nell her first, by the time Jack came back to the kitchen. He brought with him a tall, heavyset black man in a rumpled suit. Jack started to speak, but Miss Lyda interrupted him.
“My goodness, Rufus King,” she said, starting to rise from her chair. “Are you in charge of this investigation?”
King stepped forward to take Miss Lyda’s hand and urge her to remain seated. “I sure am, Miss Lyda. How are you doing?” He smiled at her, and she beamed at him.
“Better, knowing that you’re in charge.” Miss Lyda turned to Wanda Nell. “Rufus was one of my students thirty years ago. He’s always been a fine boy, and I’m so proud of him.”
The fifty-something-year-old “boy” blushed. “Miss Lyda was always everyone’s favorite teacher. No one worked us harder, but no one ever gave us more.”
BOOK: Leftover Dead
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