Legion of Shadow (69 page)

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Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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If you defeat Inferno, turn to


You have no means of attacking these ranged foes. In frustration, you watch as they launch more missiles into the thronging melee, showing little remorse for whether it is
friend or foe who are caught in their blasts. Ravenwing’s forces are taking heavy losses from the barrage – you can only hope that the flying mages are able to rally and press their
attack. For now, your concern is the ground battle. You slip out from the cover of the rocks and hurry onwards. Turn to


‘The legion has learned from the past,’ explains Jenlar weakly. ‘The keystone is now warded with shadow magic – it will ensnare anyone who attempts to
tamper with it. Avian will not see the danger. He will try and remove the stone and when that happens he will become a prisoner of the legion . . . enslaved forever.’

‘Then I have to stop Avian!’

The old man nods, his breathing becoming shallower by the second. ‘Avian yes . . . warn them of Zul . . . the attack is coming.’

You can barely hear Jenlar as his eyes flutter closed and his arms go limp by his side. Leaning in close, you beg him to reveal more – to explain what you must do.

‘You are the chosen one . . . the one who will betray the legion . . . find Redguard . . . warn him . . . tell him the angels must awaken.’

‘What do you mean?’ you ask between clenched teeth, gripping the old man as if willing him to stay alive.

But Jenlar now lies still, his eyes closed and his chest unmoving. The assassin’s poison has finally run its course and taken the prophet’s life. You gently lay his body to the
ground, before turning your attention to the glowing portal. Already it is beginning to fade. You have only seconds to make your decision.

You are the chosen one.

The old man’s words ring in your ears. You rise and approach the glowing portal – the doorway that will take you a step closer to discovering your destiny.

‘So be it.’ Steeling yourself, you step into the light, uncertain as to what it is you will find on the other side. Turn to


The weapons and armour are some of the finest you have ever seen. If you wish, you may now take one of the following:



Majestic greaves


Vanquisher’s helm

(main hand: axe)





+2 speed +4 brawn


+2 speed +2 brawn


+2 brawn +2 armour



royal regalia



After casting a final, wary glance at the Dour king’s statue, you exit the chamber, taking a wide staircase down into a flooded annex. Turn to


Legendary monster: Flay

South of the road, the ash of the bone fields becomes scorched, red sand. According to legend, this was the site of a great battle between powerful mages. The sand is all that
remains of that conflict – heaped in great banks, which swirl and ripple in the wind.

As you trudge through the desolation, you notice that the wind is picking up speed, quickly becoming a buffeting gale. You cover your face as best you can, eyes narrowed to the stinging sand.
Ahead of you, the wind-tossed dust is starting to take on shape, forming itself into a whirling column. It spirals across the dunes, heading in your direction. As it nears, you notice that it is
pulling up stones and other debris as it moves. Soon, you are faced by a thundering whirlwind of rock and sand – and within its swirling form, you can make out a face. Formed by the twisting
particles of dust and dirt, the face stretches out to form a gaping, wide maw.

Then the monster speaks to you, its voice as powerful and humbling as the stormy elements that surround you. ‘Dust. Dust. All will become dust.’

Special abilities

Maelstrom: For each
that you roll for your
hero (either for attack speed or damage), they are automatically thrown up into the air for 8 damage, ignoring
. (If you have an ability that lets you re-roll dice, you may use
this before determining the result.)

Body of air: Flay is immune to

If you manage to defeat this whirling elemental, turn to


You find the body of a dead witchfinder, lying amongst the refuse at the bottom of the pit. Some of the rogue’s items and clothing are still salvageable. If you wish, you
may take up to two of the following:

Witching hour


Night watch


Skulker’s coat

(left hand: pistol)





+2 speed +3 brawn


+1 speed +2 brawn


+1 speed +3 armour

bull’s eye





You also find a purse of gold. (You have gained 50 gold crowns.) As you scan the rest of the pit, looking for any other chance treasures, you discover a small circular grill in
one of the walls. A quick examination reveals that it is protecting a pipe outlet. Relieved that you have finally found a way out, you tug the grill free and then enter the tight crawl-space. Turn


You pierce the monster’s armour, shattering its body into tiny fragments. The jagged splinters rain down across the surface of the lake, tinkling like glass as they slide
across the ice.

You may now help yourself to one of the following special rewards:

Frost burn


Glacial shards


Ice splinter

(main hand: wand)




(left hand: sword)

+2 speed +4 magic


+1 speed +1 brawn


+2 speed +4 brawn






(requirement: mage)


(requirement: warrior)


(requirement: rogue)

If you are a mage, turn to
. Otherwise, turn to


‘My camera!’ gasps Hal, his eyes going wide. ‘Oh, by the light of Judah, you are a hero!’ Hal fishes in his pack and pulls out a selection of odd-looking
contraptions. ‘Here,’ he says, laying them out on the ground. ‘Don’t suppose any of these take your fancy. You know – as a reward?’

If you wish you may take one of the following items:

Gold detector


Shrink ray



(left hand: wand)

beep, beep!


+1 speed



When you have made your choice and updated your hero sheet, turn to


The newly-absorbed shadow magic courses through your veins, heightening your senses and filling you with a furious new energy. As a rogue, you may now learn the shadowstalker

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