Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (65 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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Belinda throws her arms around you. ‘Oh thank you! I was so scared. I had no idea how I was going to get off this rock. All I could hear from that doorway was horrible
laughter – and those strange dancing lights. I was just too afraid to . . .’


You both turn to see Hal tottering through the doorway, using a length of wood as a crutch. ‘Sorry I missed all the action,’ he wheezes. ‘I tried to get here as soon as I

‘Oh Hal!’ Belinda rushes over and attempts to pick him up in one of her hugs.

‘Easy, lassie. Easy!’ he chuckles, as she squeezes him tightly. ‘I’m a wounded soldier.’

If you have Hal’s
clockwork camera
then turn to
. Otherwise, Hal rewards you with a purse of gold from his pack. (You have gained 30 gold crowns). Then
together, you head out of the seared scar.

‘It was an honour,’ says Hal, as you prepare to part company. He rubs his teary eyes, sniffling into his beard. ‘Bah! Look at me, blubbering like a fool!’

Belinda kisses you on the cheek. ‘Yes, I owe you my life, stranger. I’ll certainly be more careful where I fly in the future. And don’t worry, I’ll keep a close eye on
this one.’ She pinches Hal, giggling.

You wish both the explorers the best of luck, before heading back into Mistwood. Return to the quest


‘So we meet again,’ hisses Zul. He raises the palm of his left hand, then clenches his long fingers. You feel a sudden flash of pain, starting in your arm and then
rushing up across your whole body. It drives you to the ground, forcing you to claw at your mark as it burns like fire beneath your skin. Mathis slows, looking down at you uncertainly.

‘What is it?’ he growls.

‘Oh didn’t you know, inquisitor,’ says Zul, speaking in soft dulcet tones. ‘That is a shadow spawn. Just like myself. A Nevarin who helped me to find the last piece of
the Nexus and open the gate.’

‘What?’ Mathis’ eyes widen, his face seething with rage. ‘It can’t be true.’

‘Oh it is,’ chuckles the mage. He makes a quick gesture with his fingers. Still wracked with pain, you watch through your tears as your sleeve is pulled back, revealing your

‘NO!’ Mathis bares his teeth, his whole body shaking with anger. ‘This . . . this is the true betrayer!’

Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled to your feet. In horror, you realise that your body is no longer your own, you are being controlled by Zul. The mage is making gestures with his hands,
chuckling all the time, as he plays you like a marionette.

‘Stop this!’ you shout, watching helpless as your hands raise your weapons. You begin to advance towards Mathis. ‘No, wait! I am not your en . . .’ Your mouth snaps shut,
held together now by some invisible force.

‘Showing your true colours, eh,’ sneers Mathis. ‘May the One God have mercy on you, shadow spawn!’

Controlled by Zul, you find yourself meeting the inquisitor’s charge, your weapons meeting in a blazing flash of magic and energy. Turn to


(If you have already participated in the quest,
The battle of the bone fields
, then turn to
. Otherwise read on.)

Redguard’s garrison is smaller than you thought. As you walk the perimeter of the crumbling tower, you count only a smattering of guards – all looking sullen and
deeply uncomfortable to be stationed in this outlandish camp.

The tower itself houses supplies and sleeping quarters for yourself and the rest of the garrison, whilst the area to the north of the building has been put aside as a training yard. Here, Nyms
and Caeleb spend most of their time, sparring with each other or working with the guards on their stances and moves.

Near the edge of the camp, within the shadows of the stone wall, two large tents have been set up. One houses an infirmary, where Lansbury is tending the sick and the wounded. The other is a
makeshift war room, with maps and charts covering various benches and tables. At its centre is a stone table, with a floating map of the bone fields hovering above it. You assume that this is some
leftover magic or device from the time of the shadow war, which Redguard has now pressed into fresh service.

Leave the camp – return to the

Will you visit:

The training yard? —

The war room? —

The infirmary? —


As you pass through the runes they suddenly start to glow red. You snatch the crown from the pedestal and begin running back towards the stairs. However, to your dismay, you see
a stone slab sliding down to seal off the exit. There is no way you will be able to get through in time.

A thunderous cracking sound forces you to turn. The statue of the king is now rising up off its throne, its crowned head almost touching the ceiling of the vast chamber. Behind it, the throne
begins to break up into spinning stone shards, which quickly rearrange themselves into humanoid shapes. With ground-trembling steps, the stone giant advances towards you, with its golem army
marching at its heels. Trapped and with nowhere to run, you must now make a final stand:

Special abilities

Knockdown: If your hero takes health damage from the giant, you must lower your
by 1 for the next
combat round.

Body of rock: Your opponents are immune to

Stone golems: At the end of every combat round, you automatically take 1 point of damage, ignoring
, from each golem that is still alive.

If you win a combat round against the stone giant, you can choose to direct your damage towards the giant or one of the stone golems. If you defeat the giant, all remaining
stone golems immediately crumble into dust.

If you manage to defeat this colossal foe, turn to


‘For the king! For Valeron!’ shouts Redguard. Together, the four of you charge into the bone giants, each of you pairing off against one of the immense constructs of

Special abilities

Knockdown: If your hero takes health damage from the giant, your
is lowered by 1 for the next
combat round.

Body of bone: Your opponent is immune to

If you defeat the bone giant, turn to
. If you are defeated, turn to


You climb the make-shift ladder and pull yourself up onto the narrow ledge. The wall in front of you has been blasted open, its edges scorched with black spears of soot. Beyond,
you can see a rubble-strewn passageway sloping away into a twisted network of metal beams and charred rock.

Will you:

Enter the blasted-out tunnel? —

Climb back and follow the flooded tunnel? —


BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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