Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (86 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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With a rattling shriek, one of the raptors is sent sprawling across the pit in a spray of dark blood. The remaining predator fights with vigour, snarling and hissing as it
attempts to bite at your shoulder. In your effort to back away, you stumble over the skeleton of a previous adventurer. As you crash to the ground, the raptor pounces, but you are ready for its
attack, delivering a perfect killing blow to its exposed scaly stomach. The beast teeters back on its clawed feet, then crashes down, its legs feebly kicking in the air.

You breathe a sigh of relief as you pull yourself back onto your feet. The pit raptors have been defeated – one problem solved at least, but now a second one presents itself. How do you
get out of here?

Although it isn’t deep, the sides of the pit are sheer stone. There is no chance that you will be able to climb out. Besides, the false floor panel is already starting to swing back into
place, sealing you inside.

Determined not to panic, you turn your attention to the base of the pit. All around you, the floor is covered in gnawed bones and tattered clothing. It would appear that you were not the only
adventurer to be lured here by the illusionary trap.

If you are a rogue, turn to
. If you are a mage turn to
. If you are a warrior, turn to


With your foes defeated, the four of you hurry from the tomb. Nyms takes the lead, guiding you out of the valley and back onto the dusty hills of the bone fields. From somewhere
above you, there is a hellish, piercing shriek. You look back, scanning the grey-black clouds, but see nothing.

‘Probably a wyvern tailing us,’ says Janna, sprinting alongside you. ‘It won’t attack us if it is alone.’

At last, you see the welcoming lights of Redguard’s camp ahead. As you come within sight of the walls you hear the clamour of the guards’ bell. Minutes later and you are standing
outside the tower, surrounded by an eager crowd of soldiers. Redguard joins you, smiling broadly.

‘Janna, you’re safe,’ he says, his eyes misting with relief and happiness.

She nods, hooking her bow over her arm. The ranger looks solemn, despite the warm welcome. ‘I think we should talk,’ she says seriously.

Redguard shrugs. ‘You may report, Janna. We have no secrets here.’

The ranger looks around at the faces of the young, fresh-faced troops then nods. ‘Very well. The rumours that you spoke of are true. I saw an army – they’re camped in the
eastern section of the valley. I estimated about a thousand troops, but there could have been more.’

There are gasps from the assembled soldiers. Redguard visibly pales, shuffling his feet nervously. ‘Those necromancers have been busy. Are they undead?’

Janna nods. ‘I saw bone giants, skeletons, ghouls with packmasters – we got chased by some wyverns and a flesh golem. It’s a serious force and I imagine it will only grow with
time. These fields are covered in bones; all the building blocks those mages need to create an unstoppable force.’

‘So, you made it back.’ All eyes turn, as Inquisitor Mathis strides over. His steely tone contains no hint of pleasure. ‘Come here, child.’ He beckons Janna to move
closer. She complies, glaring at the man with open contempt. Pushing back her hair, the inquisitor places a hand on her forehead and closes his eyes. Janna immediately winces, trying to pull away,
but some force has her rooted to the spot. When the inquisitor finally removes his hand, she stumbles back, looking pale and drawn.

The inquisitor opens his eyes, his own expression haggard. ‘So, it is true,’ he says, a new note of fear in his voice. ‘We will need reinforcements. Redguard, with me.’
He turns and marches into the tower, with the captain following close on his heels. Return to the quest
to continue your adventure.


There are cheers from the surrounding soldiers as the hellish creature is defeated. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:



Cranium plate


Trickster’s maul

(left hand: whip)




(main hand: mace)

+2 speed +4 magic


+2 brawn +3 armour


+3 speed +4 brawn






Elsewhere on the battlefield, a squadron of mages have brought down the floating orb. As its smoking body crashes to the ground, the remaining ranks of shadow spawn collapse
into a full-scale rout, outnumbered and outfought by the defenders. The pursuing soldiers make short work of the fleeing remnants and soon cries of victory are echoing around the camp. Turn to


To the west of the hill, the mighty inquisitor is slicing through rank after rank of ghouls. These ones, you notice, are different to those you have seen previously. They are
bigger and broader-shouldered, their rotting bodies covered in haphazard pieces of bone armour.

You must now fight the following battle between Laine and the ghouls:

Special abilities

Holy light: If Laine rolls a
when rolling for
his damage score, he also restores 10
This ability cannot take him above his starting

Piercing claws: The ghouls’ attacks ignore

Field medic: If you are a medic, you can cast
on Laine once during his combat. You may still use
this ability on yourself, if you engage in combat afterwards (see below).

If Inquisitor Laine falls in battle, you must take his place, fighting the ghouls with the
they have remaining. If you defeat the ghouls, turn to
. If you are defeated, turn to


Each chest contains a number of items from the king’s treasury. If you wish, you may now choose up to two of the following rewards:

Torturer’s rod


Mantle of spite


Tome of intellect

(main hand: wand)




(left hand: spell book)

+2 speed +2 magic


+2 speed +3 magic


+2 speed +2 magic






After brushing the stone dust from your clothing, you take the archway through into the next chamber. Turn to


You turn your horse and urge it back into the thronging mass of undead, aiming to reach Mathis. The inquisitor is using his mighty warhammer to pummel his way through the ranks
of skeletons. As the giant ghoul nears on Lansbury’s position, Mathis throws back his arm and then hurls his warhammer through the air. There is a blast of light as it slams into the side of
the ghoul. The creature skids around, snarling with rage – then immediately starts towards the inquisitor, trampling over everything that stands in its way.

At last you reach Mathis, who is struggling to unsheathe his sword. Your horse whinnies and snorts with fear as the huge beast bears down upon you. The ghoul is huge, bigger than you first
thought – its spiked carapace tapering back into a long ridged tail. Around each of its limbs are a set of golden bracelets, glowing with black magic. You assume these might be bonds of some
sort, controlling the beast.

There is a grating ring of steel as Mathis tugs his sword free, its point flaring into a burst of white magical light. The ghoul opens its jaws, emitting a blood-curdling howl. Then, in a
grey-white blur, the creature swings its tail in a savage swathe. You see skeletons smashed to pieces as its immense length whips out towards you . . . then your mount is hit and you are flung up
into the air.

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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