Legion of Shadow (88 page)

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Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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If you manage to destroy all four bracelets before the creature is dead, turn to
. If you defeat Ghoulash first, then turn to
. If you are defeated, turn to


To the east, a black fog has drifted in, twisting and swirling around the jagged peaks of stone. From this unnatural fog, you can see ghostly bodies slipping free, their hands
stretching out to form demonic claws.

Klaret faces them without fear, his staff spinning in his hands as he cuts them down in a fiery display of explosive magic.

You must now fight the following battle between Klaret and the shades:

Special abilities

Grave chill: The shades automatically inflict 2 damage to their current opponent at the end of every combat
round, ignoring

Fire storm: If Klaret rolls a
when rolling for
his damage score, he unleashes a firestorm. This allows him to add an extra 10 points of damage to his score.

Field medic: If you are a medic, you can cast
on Klaret once during his combat. You may still use
this ability on yourself, if you engage in combat afterwards (see below).

If Klaret falls in battle, you must take his place, fighting the shades with the
they have remaining. If you defeat the shades, turn to
. If you are
defeated, turn to


Bones snap and splinter as the immense giant is brought toppling to the ground. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

Pain in chains

Shield of bones

Razor fists

(main hand: morning star)

(left hand: shield)


+2 speed +4 brawn

+4 brawn +2 armour

+1 brawn +3 armour




(requirement: warrior)

You look over to see how the others are faring. Mathis’ opponent is already a smoking heap of dust and bone. His sword blade is now turned on Ravenwing’s giant.
Together they bring it down, at the same moment as Redguard fells his own opponent, severing its spine and sending its over-sized skull spiralling across the battlefield. Turn to


You feel a wash of warmth spilling through your body, knitting your wounds and broken bones together. With a gasp, you awaken, coughing and gasping for air. Lansbury is kneeling
at your side, rubbing the palms of her hands, which still sparkle with magic.

All around you are the charred, smoking remains of the undead.

‘What . . . happened?’ you manage to croak.

‘I’m afraid you missed all the fun,’ smiles Lansbury, helping you to your feet. She points to the statue atop the hill. You notice that it is now glowing with a white

‘The statue did this?’ you ask, looking around at the devastation. You can see piles of smoking bones that were once giants, tattered remains of a flock of bone wyverns, even a whole
pack of ghouls, their bodies thrown like rag dolls across the hilltop.

‘I told you it was a weapon,’ beams Lansbury, patting the side of the statue. ‘Any undead that comes near it . . . boom!’

As your attention shifts back to the wasteland, you see a few surviving necromancers making a run for cover. ‘They will be back,’ you sigh, heavily.

Lansbury shakes her head. ‘I doubt it. This angel will guard the hill and destroy anything that comes within reach. Even if the necromancers try and deactivate it, they will find a few
little surprises of my own.’ She gives you a mischievous wink. ‘Come on, I expect Redguard and Mathis will want to know what just happened.’ Turn to


You find a purse containing 50 gold crowns. You may also choose one of the following rewards:

Pot of mending (1 use)


Band of elements


Budak’s signet






Use any time in combat


+2 magic


+1 brawn +1 magic

to restore 12





You step over the remains of the shadowy assassin and head back into the fray. Turn to


The high walls of the chamber are covered in shelves and racks, containing a dazzling array of armour and weapons. A statue of the Dour king dominates the centre of the room,
its cold eyes and cruel smile making the hairs on the back of your neck prickle. You almost feel as though this ancient warden is watching you, his expression one of scornful amusement at your
efforts to steal his prized treasures.

Wrenching your gaze from the statue, you turn instead to the king’s impressive armoury. You notice that some of the weapons have started to glow with a dull reddish light. As you watch,
they suddenly lift themselves off their racks and begin to float towards you. In alarm, you realise that these must be the magical guardians of this place. The weapons slice and cut through the
air, forming a deadly maelstrom of pointed steel:

Special abilities

Whirling blades: At the end of every combat round, the fast-moving blades inflict 2 damage, ignoring

Sinister steel: The weapons are immune to

If you manage to defeat the king’s animated armoury, turn to

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