Leo Maddox (19 page)

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Authors: Sarah Darlington

BOOK: Leo Maddox
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“Leo,” she grunted. Her hands still above her head, her body wiggling under my stare, her nipples perfect and hard. “Just stop teasing me.”

“Teasing?” I smiled. “I can show you teasing.”

My eyes latched onto hers and my hips moved carefully forward, the tip of my erection hitting her heat. Gasping in surprise, she bucked at our light contact. But still I didn't move inside her. Instead, keeping a firm hold of myself, I moved myself up and down, back and forth, slipping against her and spreading her wetness all over. Then I moved the head of my erection a little higher and brought it over her sweet spot. I paused for a second before moving in slow, small circles.

Oh, yes!
She felt so warm, so perfect, and so damn sweet. My body started to quiver. I wasn’t even really doing anything and this was already too much.

Clara’s arms moved to down and she gripped firmly on my biceps. Her eyes even drifted closed. Damn. Could I get her off like this? Maybe, but I wasn’t done teasing her mercifully. As soon as I was sure she was nearly ready to combust under me, I moved away.

Her eyes snapped open.

I couldn’t contain my smile. “Keep still,” I warned, brushing my fingers up and down her body. My hands lingered and caressed until one came to the junction of her thighs. “I'm going to kiss you now…” I warned, running a finger slowly over the center of her heat. “Here.” Then I moved down to position my head between her legs, pressing my lips against her.

I know I’d shocked her because she gasped and tried to squeeze her legs together. Almost as quickly, she relaxed under me, giving into my tongue and my touch. Shit. It even surprised me how much I enjoyed this. Because she tasted sweeter than a girl ought to. My eyes flickered up to meet hers. And the look we shared was pure, fearless lust.

She shivered and I noticed as goose bumps spread across her stomach.

“Leo. Stop!” she cried.

I stopped immediately, unsure what I’d just done wrong.

Apparently nothing. Because she grabbed at my arms and yanked me up her body. “I only want to come while you're inside me,” she moaned, sounding almost desperate, kissing me hard, pulling on my hips, yanking me closer to her.

Okay. I was fine with that.

Positioning myself between her legs, I began to penetrate her slowly but paused to whisper, “Don't move, baby.”

Our eyes met. She didn’t move.

“This part may hurt,” I explained. I’d never been with a virgin, at least not to my knowledge, and I wanted to make this as painless as possible for her. “I'll do it quick. When I get inside you, I won't move for a minute so you can get used to me. Okay, killer? Then we'll take it from there. I don't want to hurt you. And if you need to stop, tell me and we will.”

Biting her lip, she didn’t deny my suspicions. “Okay, Leo. I trust you,” she said.


I blew out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in, while my hands gripped under her thighs. I had a serious thing for her thighs. They were soft yet strong, sexy as fuck, and I loved getting to touch her so much. I angled her hips the way I needed them. Not wasting another second, because every second I wasn’t inside her was becoming pure torture, I pressed in.

I felt it too. The moment I ripped through her virginity. I never knew it was something I could feel so easily, but I did. Like I’d promised, I stopped once inside her, hovering above her on locked arms. It was some kind of wonderful torture.

Barely a second passed before she said, “I'm used to you now. You can move.”

I smiled at her. She looked so damn pretty under me.

“Seriously, Leo. Please—start moving.” She grabbed hold of my ass, urging me to move.

And then it happened. I moved—giving into her fully. I pulled back and then wasn’t nearly as gentle as I ought to have been as I pumped insider her again. And again. She yelped these sexy moans as I continued my assault. Then her moans changed to perfect little screams. Each sound told me exactly how much she was enjoying every inch of my cock buried deep inside her. And I loved seeing this reaction coming from her. Fuck that bland, indifferent version of Clara she liked to show off to the world. Now I knew how to bring out a very different version of the girl.

“Yes, Leo!” she cried. “God, yes!”

Her legs locked tighter around my waist, and for someone who’d never done this before, it didn’t show. And I learned something new about myself…sober sex was the best kind.

As I realized this, I slowed my pace and began to control my movements. We’d been going at it fast and furious, but I needed time to slow. I needed this moment to last for as long as I could make it last. There was no finish line with Clara. And fucking her senseless, as much as my body wanted that kind of wild abandonment, wasn’t how I wanted to remember our first time. My movements became soft and careful...sweet, even. I pumped slowly in and out, resting my forehead against her forehead, staring into her eyes.

We moved like this until she whispered, “Leo, please. Please.”

I could tell she was close. I was closer.

Reaching my hand between us, touching her in the exact way she needed, I helped her reach her climax. Her mouth opened as if she was about to really scream but no sound came out. Watching her come was like getting to touch the sun. There would never again be anything more magnificent than this moment. The muscles deep inside her contracted against me, clutching me hard. My fingers ran across her bare breasts as she arched into me. And even when my own orgasm ripped through me, surprising me by the way it suddenly overcame my whole body, we never broke eye contact.

When my breath returned and the world started making sense again, I whispered, “Thank the fucking Lord you hit me with that golf cart.”

She laughed and I didn’t even attempt to hide the smile that came to my lips.

“Anytime,” she joked. “And I guess I got your pants off after all.”

I laughed—both happy and content with my mind at ease for, possibly, the first time ever. But when I laughed, my body moved slightly and I realized I was still hard, still buried deep inside her. We both felt this movement and both stopped laughing immediately. Electricity blasted through me.

I had to have her. Again. Now.

I pushed up onto my arms, rocking my hips gloriously in the process, and I studied Clara under me. Would she be okay if we tried this again so soon?

“Are you okay?” I whispered.

“Never better,” she answered.

Ever so slowly, I eased in and out of her. “My offer to play Monopoly still stands.”

“Shut the hell up, Leo. Don't be an ass.”

“I'm beginning to think every time you call me an ass—or some variation of the word—it's really just a term of endearment. Am I right?”

Cupping the sides of my face, she kissed me and pressed her tongue deep into my mouth. Her kiss said everything I needed to know. I was right. Her legs wrapped around my waist and suddenly we were having sex again—the conversation, over.

From start to end, my movements stayed rhythmic, gentle, and extremely controlled. I focused on kissing and touching her as I moved, and it was pure heaven. I focused on showing her just how much I loved and cared for her. It didn't take long before she was falling apart under me all over again.

I found my release soon after she did and then we lay there, unmoving—a tangle of limbs and sweat—until our breathing returned to normal. Easing myself out of her, I was utterly spent and grabbed the corner of my duvet cover. I yanked the comforter on top of us, snuggling in closer to her warm body. A moment later I felt her drift to sleep in my arms.

I reached over, careful not to wake her, and set the alarm on my clock for morning. Clara had her golf lessons—I didn’t want her to be late because of me. As I shifted back in close to her, a sleepy Clara hooked her leg around my waist, snuggling tighter against me. She was clingy while she slept. I liked it. After a little while of resting in her firm grip, I fell asleep too.


* * *

y alarm woke us before the sun. At the noise, Clara jolted in my arms. She attempted to dive for my alarm. I’m not sure what she was doing, but her legs tangled with my sheets and she fell straight to the floor. All the covers on my bed went with her.

She popped to her feet, clutching the sheet against her naked chest.

This strangely giddy, foreign noise came out of my mouth. God, I’d never woken so content and so happy in all my life. Clara was adorable. Her back-to-blonde hair hung in a wild, wavy, sexy mess around her face and she glared at me like her fall was entirely my fault.

“Not funny,” she said, pressing the button to silence my alarm clock.

“Kind of funny,” I countered, my voice husky from sleep. “Now, get back in bed. Please.”

Blush came to her cheeks as she crawled back into bed beside me. I could tell she was nervous. Hell, she’d given up her virginity to me last night. Maybe she had a lot of emotional thoughts running through her pretty head. But I wasn’t going anywhere and wasn’t about to be anything but kind to her about it all, so she need not worry.

I tugged at her waist, pulling her body against my side. Then I pressed a kiss to her temple. “I was buried in you twice last night and today I plan on exceeding that number, so don't go backwards with me,” I said in a low voice, trying to put any worries she might have at ease. “And I’m sorry about the alarm, baby. I set it because I know you have your golf lessons today. Forgive me? I didn't mean to wake you up like that.”

“It’s fine,” she whispered, no anger in her voice, “but help me out of these covers before I get claustrophobic.”

This was better than Christmas. The sheet tangled around her and I tried my best to keep a straight face as I helped her free. By the time the sheets came loose, my heart was racing and my breathing rate had doubled. We were now both wonderfully naked with our limbs tangled on top of the sheets.

“Are you okay?” I asked her. “You seem different today.”

“It's just...you make me shy,” she admitted in a whisper into my chest. “And nervous and scared and crazy-insane. And the last couple days, there's been this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that won't go away. Fluttering. But please don't think I'm going backwards with you. It's just that…well, it’s daylight and I've never been naked like this with anyone before.”

Damn. And yet she was here with me now. I hooked my finger under her chin and tilted her face up toward mine. “Trust me, the feeling's mutual. Remember that day at the pool last year when you asked if I was gay?”

She rolled her eyes. “How could I ever forget that?”

“Yeah, well neither could I. You marched over in your swimsuit and laid your fine ass down beside me. I'm not sure what you were reading, but you were biting your lip and blushing. I swear, I couldn't move or think or breathe. That's the real reason I never got up to change or swim. I had to picture my Great-Grandma Bunny the whole time just to keep from embarrassing myself. I couldn't even manage to have a normal conversation with you.”

The fact that she was naked and right in front of me was too much of a temptation. I swept a finger over her bare shoulder and down the length of her, stopping to trace small circles on her thigh. “So...I'm ecstatic that you're feeling some of the same things that I've
felt for you.”

She let out a small breath, relaxing beside me. A hint of a smile touched her lips. I kept touching her thigh but she surprised me more when she began running her fingers over my chest. Her soft touch had me hard in an instant, but it was her next words that made my heart swell and burst.

“I play up the indifference thing so people don't know what I'm really feeling,” she confessed. Something I already knew, because it was obvious to me. But, just the fact that she trusted me enough to tell me, had me feeling like the luckiest guy on earth.

“I know,” I told her. “But when it's just you and me, you don't have to do that anymore. To hell with the rest of the world—they don't matter.”

Needing her now more than ever before, I took firm hold of her waist and rolled so she was on top of me, straddling my lap. Her hands came to rest on my chest. Her breathing changed to something rough and uneven. Her nipples were puckered and right there in front of me. The sight of her in this moment was something that would be stuck in my head until the day I died.

Dammit, I could even feel how ready she was against my stomach.

Lifting her with ease, I positioned her just right, and swallowed a scream as I brought her down on my erection. Suddenly I was inside her and it was perfect.

Clara made a little o-face and a beautiful flush crossed her skin.

“Last night, I was scared too.”

Her eyes bore into mine. “You were?” she breathed, shifting and rocking ever-so-slightly against me. “Is that...um...why you froze up on me?”

“Yes. Then you dropped down to your knees and I realized I was your first. No man can ignore the gravity of those unspoken words.”

She rocked against me again, and I gave her what her body and mine were both screaming for. Clutching her waist, I lifted her up and lowered her gently back down, pushing as deep as I could go inside her. “Why were you still a virgin, Clara?” I bit out. “You're the most impulsive person I know, but you never felt the need to chase after

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