Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (28 page)

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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“That a girl. Damn vampires can’t keep their hands to themselves.” Dimitri smacked his palm to the table. He raised an eyebrow at Léopold and gave him a small smile. “No offense.”

“None taken.” Léopold stood and walked behind Laryssa’s chair and began to massage her shoulders. “She needs water. And rest. We can look at the book tomorrow.”

“What else can I do to help?”

“I want to give Arnaud a call and check on him. He was supposed to bring us food, but he’s not here yet.” He felt Laryssa tense, but continued. “Laryssa won’t feel right until she goes in the lake. When she flung that statue, I’m afraid she used up her energy. Tonight was pretty intense. Would you mind seeing her to the dock? I’ll only be a few minutes. I’ll come down after I’m done.”

“Sure thing. You ready, Lyss?” Dimitri asked with a wink.

“Yeah, thanks,” Laryssa responded, thinking about Léopold ordering his
. The mere idea of him taking another woman or man’s blood, giving anyone the gift of his bite riled her.

Laryssa understood that he needed blood to survive. He was a vampire after all. But the brutal honesty of their intimacy in the car, getting him to accept her, it had led her to believe that they’d agreed to have a relationship. She realized, though, that they hadn’t discussed exactly what that meant. Her mind told her it was wrong for her to only know him a few days and expect fidelity, but her heart told her differently. She reflected on why she was so irritated with him and whether it made sense. Rational or not, she knew that she couldn’t share him. Not with women or men. Not for sex or food. She wanted a future with Léopold, one where he belonged to her and only her. Stewing in jealousy, she pushed up out of the chair, hiding her face from Léopold. If she caught his gaze, she feared she’d rip into him.

Léopold watched as Laryssa trod down the hallway with Dimitri, refusing to look him in the eye. Like a switch, she’d gone from passionate and loving in the car to seething under his touch in the living room. Though she had no idea, he could feel her jealousy and anger toward him as if it were his own.
But why she was jealous, that he didn’t understand. It wasn’t as if he’d so much as mentioned another woman. Picking up his phone, he selected Arnaud’s number. As the tone rang in his ear, it occurred to him that she may have misunderstood his intentions
. How could she think that I’d feed from another woman after my confession to her? I chose her over all else.
But rather than sharing her concerns, Laryssa became withdrawn, concealing her thoughts from him.

He impatiently tapped his foot as he caught sight of her out the window, walking hand in hand with the wolf. His little rabbit was going to have to learn to trust now that she’d committed to him.
What fun it would be to teach her a lesson,
he thought. He supposed she also was due a reprimand for her behavior on the dance floor. Smiling, he licked his lips remembering the taste of her, anticipating the devious punishment he’d deliver, one they’d both enjoy.



Laryssa’s spirit flared to life within the dark abyss. Naked to the cold, she’d stripped in front of Dimitri, no longer worried about being discovered. Like a gentleman, he’d turned his head. In truth, she hadn’t cared if he’d seen her. Now that she’d confessed her nature, she felt liberated. Nude and slippery, she breathed in the water, letting the healing begin.

Dimitri sat on the dock with his jeans rolled up and his feet in the water, watching Laryssa swim. Gloriously bared, she dove, exposing her bottom. But when she didn’t resurface, he panicked and began to tear off his shirt.

“It’s okay,” he heard Léopold say.

“No it’s not. What the hell? She’s drowning. Come on, help me,” he snapped.

“Elle va bien. She breathes in the water.” Léopold laughed. Still in his robe, he sat next to his friend. “She’s amazing, no?”

“Scary is more like it. Dammit, Leo. You could’ve warned me,” he said, blowing out a breath. “Jesus, how does she do that? She’s been under for almost five minutes now.”

“It’s the way of her species. The lake…it heals her. Keep watching.”

“Watching for what?”

“Ah, there,” he pointed to a faint glimmer, which soon began to illuminate the water within a ten foot diameter. “See. She glows.” Léopold chuckled.

“Now that’s something you don’t see every day. She’s like one of those fish…you know, the kind that lights up to lure their prey.”

“She’s captivating.”

“You do realize your girlfriend is lit up like a light bulb, right?”


“Goddamn,” Dimitri exclaimed, punching Léopold lightly on his shoulder.

“What’s your issue, wolf? I assume you have some good reason for flailing your arms at me?”

“You like her…she’s your girlfriend,” Dimitri sang.

“Oui, I suppose she is.” Léopold’s eyes darted to Dimitri, enjoying his shocked expression but quickly focused on the lake again.

“What happened?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Okay, what happened to my dark souled friend, Léopold?”

“My soul has never been dark,” Léopold informed him in a serious voice. “My soul died. The day my family died, I died.”

“Hey, I was just joking, man. Come on. Lighten up.” Dimitri looked to the water and tried not to laugh. “Listen Leo, I’m sorry. Really. And I’m sorry you lost your family all those years ago. But I’ve always known your soul is in there. And it’s never been dark or anything like that. Don’t forget, I was there when you saved Wynter. You’ve just been…I don’t know…hurt bad. So you went with tough and alone. Could be worse. You survived.”

“Oui, I survived. But as Laryssa pointed out to me this evening, I haven’t been living. She makes me want to do that again.”

“So, uh, what’s the story?” Dimitri asked. “She seemed kinda pissed at you when we left. But look at her now.”

“She flourishes. But she must learn that we cannot have secrets,” Léopold told him with a smile.

“Can’t argue with that….but what happened?”

Before Léopold had a chance to answer, Laryssa broke through the surface with a cry of victory and began laughing. Caught up in her self-induced electrifying pleasure, she’d forgotten about Dimitri. As she glanced over to the dock and saw the men watching her, she rolled onto her back, exposing her breasts. Floating in the water, aglow with energy, she knowingly teased them.

“You’ve got yourself a live one, bro,” Dimitri commented.

“That I do. She’s devilish.” Léopold shook his head and grinned. “And very disobedient. Look at her taunting us. She knows what she’s doing.”

“Oh, I’m lookin’.”

Léopold gave Dimitri a glare.

“What, man? You know me. I’m not one to pass up the beauty of a nekkid water nymph,” Dimitri teased.

“Naiad,” Léopold corrected.

“Whatever. Say listen, you mind if I go wolf for a while? I’m planning on stayin’ the night given the whole demon business, but I’ve been crammed in the city for weeks.”

“Run wild, mon ami.” Léopold’s expression was one of pure delight as he watched Laryssa kick her legs and frolic. “You may want to stick around for a few minutes.”

“Why’s that?”

“Tonight, my little Laryssa came alive on the dance floor,” Léopold began.

“I thought you guys were trying to remain inconspicuous?”

“Yeah, we kind of lost sight of that. Let’s just say that I do believe she enjoys an audience.”

“Really, now? She should be your perfect match, then,” Dimitri snorted, recalling how the first time he’d ever met the vampire, he’d been deeply engaged in a public display of affection, having sex in the middle of Mordez. “Well if you’re puttin’ on a show, I’m down with that.”

“Ah, here comes our little fish,” Léopold commented, never taking his eyes off Laryssa.

Rejuvenated, Laryssa swam toward the dock, deciding that it was time to talk with Léopold. Taking in the sight of him and his delicious smile, she’d have to resist tearing off his robe and pulling him in with her. As she approached, she kicked her feet up into the air, spraying them both.

“Come in,” she called, laughing as they wiped the water from their faces.

“You know, Dimitri, Laryssa and I came to an agreement this evening.” While Léopold spoke to Dimitri, he smiled at Laryssa, his eyes locked on hers.

“Yeah. Hmm…what’s that?”

“Well you see? I’ve been quite stubborn about keeping a certain little naiad out of my mind.”

“Stubborn? You? Never,” Dimitri chuckled.

“Oui, it’s true. Our agreement was that I let go of my past, my guilt and choose her. Which I did. Yet for some reason tonight, she thought I betrayed her,” Léopold said, his tone growing serious. “But I didn’t do any such thing. You see, I was merely ordering food for us…as in human food.”

“A girl’s gotta eat,” Dimitri added with a grin, knowing Léopold was about to do something he’d enjoy.

“Yes she does. But Laryssa thought I was bringing another woman into my home…for me. Now tell me, why would I do that when I’ve told her she’s mine, when I’ve recently fed from her?”

“Leo, I…” Laryssa stammered. Her heart began to pound as she heard Léopold calmly tell Dimitri what had transpired between them in the car.
Why is he telling him what happened?
Even though she momentarily looked away, she was unable to take her eyes off Léopold. He was smiling. Damn him, he knew. He knew she’d been jealous. “You said you were ordering a meal. You just did that last night and a woman showed up. How am I supposed to know what you mean?”

“Because, mon amour,” he crooked his finger at her, drawing her to him until she brushed against his calves, “I made you mine. And you must learn how to trust… to communicate.”

“I’m sorry, but I…”

“So you see, Dimitri, she’s very naughty.” Léopold reached into the water until he’d fitted his hands underneath her arms. Easily lifting her out of the lake, he brought her upward so she straddled him on her knees. He kissed her lightly and continued. “Tonight on the dance floor…she teased me mercilessly, enjoying their eyes on her.”

“She did?” Dimitri asked, raising his eyebrow at them.

“Tell me Dimitri, how do you feel about spankings?”

“I do like a good spanking.” Dimitri flattened his hands behind him, leaning backward onto the dock.

Laryssa’s eyes widened and she tried to push away from Léopold, but he held her firmly about her waist. Slowly he kissed her neck, placing his parted lips underneath her ear. As much as she wanted to struggle, the heat of him wrapped around her caused her to melt. A moan escaped her lips and before she knew what was happening, his lips had found her nipple. Her body lit on fire, and though she caught a glimpse of Dimitri, she soon refocused on Léopold’s touch.

Abruptly he stopped and flipped her on her tummy, settling a towel under her head. She knew instantly what he planned to do. Torn between running away and encouraging him, Laryssa squirmed in his lap, putting pressure on his growing arousal.

“Take her hands,” Léopold told Dimitri who smiled and turned to oblige. “Now, pet, shall we see what new heights we can reach?”

“Leo, don’t do this,” she said, feigning protest. Her pussy clenched in arousal as his hands glided over her inner thighs and caressed her bottom.

“I’ll stop if that’s really what you want. The truth is all I ask. In return, I’ll be honest with you. Tonight, after all I’d confessed, you didn’t trust me.”

“I’m sorry, you know that…”

“Mon amour. Did you enjoy being watched tonight as we danced? Did you like it when I caressed your breast in front of all those people?” Léopold trailed his fingers down the crevice of her ass until he reached the heat of her core and then just as quickly removed his hand. “No lying, now. Tell me the truth.”

“No, of course not,” Laryssa insisted. She cried out as a sharp slap landed on her bottom. She clutched Dimitri’s hands as the erotic sting sent a bolt of desire to her pussy. “Leo, no.”

“Did you enjoy being watched? Do you enjoy Dimitri here, watching?”

Laryssa moaned as her hips writhed into Léopold’s lap, seeking relief. Her nails dug into Dimitri’s palms.

“Please,” she begged as another slap landed on her flesh.

Léopold rubbed her reddened cheeks, smiling at how much she enjoyed it yet still refused to admit her penchant for exhibitionism. He slid a hand up her inner thigh and glided his fingers through her wetness.

“Oh God, Leo.” Laryssa’s orgasm built as his fingers found her clit. She looked up to Dimitri, who was smiling. Embarrassed, she buried her face into the towel and wondered how Leo knew her every fantasy. Things she dared not say. How could he know these things about her after only a few days? He was destroying the secrets she’d kept cached in her own conscience. Suppressing, hiding…it was what she’d learned how to do, but within minutes, he had left her soul unmasked.

“Do you see how difficult she can be, Dimitri?”

“She does seem to enjoy the spanking…but she looks like she wants to come.”

“All she has to do is tell me the truth.” Léopold slapped her cheeks twice more then plunged a thick finger inside of her, circling her clit with his thumb. Easing off the pressure, he removed the stimulus she needed to come but still held her tension tight. “Do you like this, Laryssa? Being spanked? Being watched? You’re safe. All you have to do is say the word.”

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