Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (6 page)

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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As Léopold opened his car door and breathed in the cool winter air, his determination to protect the infant grew stronger than ever. He’d called Kade in the middle of the night, unapologetically waking him and Sydney. Sydney had agreed to run the license plate number for him. They’d planned to meet at Logan’s later in the day to discuss the best way to keep Ava safe from whomever, whatever had tried to kill her. Léopold refused to leave her security solely in the hands of wolves. No, his people would be on the case, ensuring that nothing happened to her while he investigated.

Léopold confidently approached the storefront and entered. The distinct musky odor of times gone by filled his nostrils. But there was another scent, one far more delicious and enticing that caught his attention.
As he passed through the crowded aisle of chairs and tables, he noted the feminine nature of the store with its pink floral stencils along the edge of the ceiling. A collection of crystal chandeliers illuminated the ancient treasures. As he made his way past an enormous armoire, his eyes lit up with excitement. Perched precariously on a step ladder, his little rabbit was hanging a mirror on the wall. He quietly observed as she toyed with the wire backing, carefully adjusting the frame so that it hung straight.

His eyes roamed over her body, and he smiled, realizing that she’d been wearing a wig in the club, which had hidden the thick brunette curls that danced to the middle of her back. Gone were the tight leathers, replaced by a form-fitting pencil skirt that accentuated the curves of her hips and bottom. A pink cashmere sweater clung to her shoulders. She’d casually pushed the sleeves up as if she’d been working for quite a while and Léopold couldn’t hide his amusement at the transformation. While he certainly enjoyed the way she’d looked last night, he admittedly favored this softer, feminine attire. He sniffed into the air, catching a hint of mandarin with notes of coconut. She smelled fresh and warm, as if she’d just stepped out of the shower. Shocked at his reaction to the mere sight of this woman, he silently rolled his eyes. It had taken all of fifteen seconds to lose focus. Willing his visceral attraction to Laryssa into submission, he cleared his throat, hoping to get her attention.

Intrigued, Léopold observed her with both interest and annoyance as she fumbled with the mirror. He heard her say that she’d be right with him, and sought to offer assistance when she began to topple off the third step of the ladder. A loud scream filled the air just as he caught her in his arms. He wanted to be angry, but all he could feel was the softness of her breasts under his hands. Instantly, he hardened as her back pressed against his chest. He wished he could stop but before he knew what he was doing his nose was buried deep into her hair. And he’d been correct about the citrus, definitely mandarin.

Léopold loosely held Laryssa, indulging both his curiosity and desire to touch her
. Goddess, what is it about her?
He couldn’t help but notice how well she fit against him. Merde, he needed to get this conversation going. But of course she’d fit against him. She was a female after all. Any female would feel good against his body, but it was as if her body melded to his, making him harder than he’d ever been. He moved his legs, unwilling to let her feel the way she’d affected him. His burgeoning erection painfully pressed against the zipper of his pants and he cursed. Setting her onto her feet, he forced his hands away from her and took a deep breath. Never. He’d never feel this for a woman. He’d never let it happen again.

Laryssa had heard the customer behind her, but the damn mirror wire wouldn’t seem to catch right. It kept slipping and she cursed under her breath, hoping she wouldn’t drop it. If she could just hold it up a minute longer, she could get it to hang squarely on the wall. She fingered the hook that she’d just renailed into the wall and then moved her thumb over to the thin metal string. With a final shove upward, she attempted to flick it into place. But as the wire caught, it sliced into her flesh. A sharp sting threw her off balance, and her pumps began to waver.
Shit. Not again.

“Oh my God!” Laryssa squeaked as she fell backwards, fully expecting to crack her head open on one of the many sharp-edged desks that sat adjacent to where she’d been working. As she felt strong male hands slide up under her ribcage, grazing her breasts, she gasped. She wasn’t sure whether to thank the stranger or call the police, but as she turned her face to try to see him, she immediately recognized her rescuer.

“It’s you,” she stammered, clutching his arms. Laryssa giggled nervously, realizing how once again she’d foolishly fallen in front of the sexy vampire. And like last night, he’d caught her. She couldn’t believe how clumsy she’d all of a sudden become. She tried to relax and find her footing, but her heart was beating so fast that she could barely think.
What is he doing here in my shop? How did he find me?

Like a story book flipping pages, her mind whirled until she remembered what she’d done last night at the club. She’d fought off the asshole who’d grabbed her at the bar. The feel of his hands around her throat had forced her fear into overdrive. The knife had only been a few inches away, but still too far. Desperation had taken over as her power surged, calling the blade to her fingertips. Jamming it into his neck was as instinctive as breathing. Kill or be killed, she’d always choose the former. She’d run into the alley, refusing to discuss it with management. The only one who knew her was Avery and there was no way her friend would have divulged her identity to the vampire. She’d be more likely to turn him into a three horned sheep before she’d squeal. The only way the vampire could have found her would have been if he’d followed her home.

A brush to her breast reminded her that she was still being held upright by him, and Laryssa felt her face grow red. Arousal licked over her skin. Cautiously, she rooted her shoes on the floor and turned around, steeling her nerves.

“I’m so sorry,” she said.

“My pleasure, mademoiselle, but I suggest you avoid heights in the future.”

Surreptitiously, she stole a glance at him, which reminded her how incredibly handsome he was. His short dark hair was perfectly coiffed. His white dress shirt hung casually over the waistband of his jeans. Laryssa forced herself to look away, trying not to stare at the masculine features of his face. Straight nose, square jaw and perfectly kissable lips… lips that were smooth talking and way too articulate, teasing her with every word he spoke. Beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It felt as if someone had turned up the heat, her skin was on fire. She noticed his eyes were no longer on hers and had dropped to her chest. They lingered only a second, and then he met her gaze and smiled. She looked downward and noticed that several buttons had come undone in her fall, revealing the edges of her white lace bra.
Could this day get any more embarrassing?
Laryssa’s fingers shook as she buttoned her sweater.

“I’m so sorry. I just…you just…I just…”
Great, first I’m a klutz and now I can’t speak.
She bit her lip, paused and then took a deep breath before starting again. “Thank you for catching me.”

“Again.” Léopold watched her as she adjusted her clothes, wishing to rip the rest of the pearly buttons from their fragile seams. But he refused to let the beast within take what it wanted. No, he’d find out what the hell she was before showing her his true nature. “Yes, thank you…again.” She smoothed down her skirt, trying to pretend she hadn’t just fallen into his arms and let him feel her up in the process.
Business, think business.
Her pulse slowed and she willed herself to appear nonchalant.

“We met last night, remember?” he pressed. Léopold smiled and ran his hand over the colorful marquetry in rosewood that scrolled through a seventeenth century secretaire. Interesting that she could deliberately control the flow of her blood. It further piqued his concern about her species. What was she?

Laryssa’s eyes met his, widening at the confirmation that he knew exactly who she was.

“Yes, yes I do. But I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name.”
Vampire. Big bad vampire.
Laryssa watched intently as he fingered the furniture, trailing his thumb over the symmetrical scenes as if he was caressing a lover.

“Lovely.” Léopold flashed his eyes to hers.

“What?” Laryssa realized that he was toying with her, purposefully trying to make her nervous.

“I said, it’s lovely. The neoclassical architectural structures. The white marble top. Doré bronze mounts.”

“Is there something specific I can help you with?”

“You get directly to the point?” Léopold had intended to play with her a bit, throw her off her game. Yet his little rabbit wasn’t frozen in the field like he’d anticipated. No, she rebounded nicely, and now stood confidently like a wildcat, poised to attack.

“I don’t really have time to waste. So yeah, I’d like to know why you followed me from the club. And I really want to know what you are doing in my shop.”

Léopold merely laughed and crossed the room to admire a chair and matching settee.

“Circa 1775?”

Laryssa walked over and placed her hand on the elegant Louis XVI chair. “Yes. How did you know? It’s a very special piece. It has the mark of Versailles Palace on it.”

“Indeed.” Léopold sat in the chair, wrapping his fingers around its arms. “Nothing but the best. Fit for a king.”

“And I suspect you’d like being a king.” She put her hands on her hips, waiting for him to respond.

“Ah, a king I never was. But I’ve dined with kings, and I can assure you that while they enjoy the extravagances of the rich, they often lose their heads. Easy come, easy go.”

“Why are you here?” Laryssa brushed her hair back, attempting to regain her composure. “Are you looking for something specific?”

“Oui, pet. But not an antique. While I do enjoy shopping, this is hardly the time.” Léopold lost the smile, allowing his eyes to pierce hers. “So I shall get to the point. What are you?”

Laryssa lost her ability to rein in her pulse and her heart began to fiercely pump hot blood through her veins. Her lips tightened, and she clenched her jaw. How dare he ask about her? What the hell did he want from her anyway? Dear God, she had enough issues with the darkness on her tail and now he was asking about her origins.

“What do you mean, ‘what am I?’ I’m the owner of this store. Does that answer your question?” Laryssa asked, her voice growing louder. “Who are you?”

“Léopold Devereoux. That’s who I am. I can be your angel or nightmare, depending on the day. So listen up. What. Are. You?” Léopold didn’t make a move. He sat completely still, anticipating her answer.

“Get out of here right now. I don’t have to tell you anything.”

Laryssa realized she’d made the classic mistake of turning her back on a predator and within seconds, she found herself backed against the wall. A mixture of fear and arousal flared as he pressed his body against hers. His hands caged her, and he’d effectively pinned her to the wall without ever restraining her arms. She breathed deeply, inhaling the clean male scent that surrounded her, and she sagged against him
. Please God, don’t let me be attracted to him.
This is wrong.
Even as she told herself that he was nothing but trouble, she could feel the heat grow between her legs.

“What are you?” Léopold whispered into her ear. His lips brushed her hair and he resisted the urge to kiss her.

“Please…I can’t tell you,” she begged.

“Laryssa…there’s a child.” Léopold knew no other way to be than honest. He’d swear her to secrecy if he was wrong and she wasn’t aware. Deep in his gut, he knew she was the being he was looking for, the one who’d help him save Ava.

“Oh God. It’s true then,” she breathed into his chest. Her fingers rose to clutch his shirt.
How can he possibly know about what I sensed? A baby? One born like me?

“You must help me, mon petit lapin. Tell me what you are.”

“No. I can’t.” He couldn’t possibly know what he was asking of her. They’d kill her. Hell, he’d kill her. She shook her head but didn’t release the fabric curled into her fists.

“You must.” Léopold’s hand snaked up toward her throat. His mind warred against the urge to fuck her. At the same time, his frustration grew; her determination to withhold information was maddening. The child could die if she refused to help him. He wouldn’t let it happen…not again.

“No,” she whispered. Laryssa froze under his touch. As his fingertips grazed her collarbone and his thumb settled into the hollow of her neck, she closed her eyes, pressing her forehead into his chest. On fire with fear and the hot need growing in her belly, she relaxed into him, desiring the submission he sought from her. He could break her neck like a twig, but she sensed that he wouldn’t hurt her. It was irrational, she knew.

“How can I trust you? I don’t know you.” A hot tear escaped her eye.

“Tell me, pet. And while you’re at it, I’d like to know why you don’t fear me.” Léopold fingered her throat, holding her fully exposed to him. His fangs snapped down, both in anger and hunger for the woman in his arms. Her breath warmed his shirt, and he rocked his hardness into her belly, letting her feel what she was doing to him. He fisted his other hand into her long hair and pulled her head backward, revealing the smooth skin of her neck.
Was she crazy?
Why wasn’t she scared of him? She should be screaming, not aroused. Goddammit, she was making him insane.

“I…I know…you won’t hurt me.”

“And how do you know this?” He pressed her further against the wall, and she released a small moan.

“I don’t know…I just know you won’t.”

Léopold bent his head forward, grazing his fangs across her delicate skin. He didn’t draw blood, but earned a small squeak from her lips. He swore that if she didn’t tell him within the next thirty seconds, he’d taste of her blood.

“Please, don’t,” she cried. “The child.”

“Oui, the child,” he repeated. In the heat of the moment, he’d lost sight of why he was even there. Having her in his arms had become all that mattered, taking her, dominating her.

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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