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Letters to Penthouse XIV (24 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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The pictures really surprised me. There was Roger, dressed in rugged clothes and sporting a week’s worth of beard from not shaving while in the wilderness. I saw him going on a rafting trip, and hunting animals on safari. In short, I saw a totally different person from the uptight businessman who was sitting next to me on the couch.

Not that I don’t adore businessmen in suits, but there is something about a rugged-looking, adventurous, bearded man that sets my blood boiling!

Roger began to tell me about how it felt to be away from civilization. How you live and breathe differently when you have to depend on Mother Nature and her moods for your very life sometimes. The more he talked about being in these uncivilized situations, the hotter he was making me.

At one point I reached across him to get my drink from the table, and suddenly we were in a hot and heavy embrace. I didn’t know what had come over me. I was uncontrollable! I was out of my mind with lust! I was acting uncivilized, and loving it.

My mouth covered his. My tongue was everywhere. I pulled his suit jacket off, as well as his starched white shirt. The sight of his hairy chest increased my lustful desire. My tongue wanted to taste every part of his manly body. Protocol, manners and good taste all went out the window as I sucked and nibbled, my tongue darting here, there and everywhere.

After I had tasted every part of his body, he laid me on my side. He was as lust-crazed as I was. He licked and sucked at my body, front and back, pulling off my clothes in a frenzy. When I was naked, he pulled me up onto my knees with my ass up in the air. I heard his breathless voice saying that since we were acting like animals, we might as well fuck like them, and I moaned in agreement.

As I reached between my legs to guide his dick inside me, he reached around to put his hands on my breasts, holding on to them like handles as he began to fuck me wildly. Soon I was bucking like a bronco as he rode me, plunging his hard dick so far inside me that I thought it was going to come out of my throat.

My orgasm was so violent that I fell off the couch. Roger came with me, still inside me, his dick spewing come. I was still twitching after I landed on the carpet. Roger finally stopped coming and pulled out of me, panting heavily. I was, incredibly, still not satisfied, even after my orgasm; I wanted more. I wanted Roger’s animal cock. With a cry of lust I dove after it and took the now limp hose in my mouth, practically swallowing it whole. Roger made a sound of surprise as I slurped and licked the rubbery pole, moaning as I labored to make it hard again. I couldn’t believe my own actions, but I couldn’t stop myself either. I reached around to slide a finger into his asshole, worming it deep as I tongued and suctioned his dick.

“God, you sweet thing!” Roger panted. “You’re so fucking hot!” It was working; his dick was hardening again. I swirled my tongue around it, then raised my head and looked wildly into his eyes.

“Stick it up my ass,” I heard myself say. “I’m a fucking animal, Roger, and I want it up my ass. Please.”

“I knew you would be this way,” Roger rasped as he turned me onto my hands and knees. “I saw it in you from the first. I knew it would be this good.”

I started to answer him, but instead a shout of pure pleasure came from my mouth as his slippery cock-head breached the portal of my asshole. I pushed back at him, cursing the tightness of my anus for preventing me from taking that hard gorgeous tool all the way immediately. Roger grabbed my breasts and kneaded them, licking at my back, taking little short strokes as my sphincter relaxed little by little, moving into me slowly, slowly. I lowered myself from my hands to my elbows, resting my head on the carpet, sticking my ass up as high as I could, still pushing it back at him. I was panting and groaning as I took his glorious pole deeper and deeper up my narrow back passage.

I whimpered with joy as I finally felt the front of his thighs against my buttocks, telling me he was in all the way. My whimpers turned to full-throated cries when he started to fuck my ass. Within a minute I started coming, violently and repeatedly. Then, when Roger gasped out that he was about to shoot, I pulled away and turned over onto my back so I could take his sperm on my body, stroking his throbbing cock as that beautiful come splashed onto my tits again and again.

We fucked in every position possible that night. Roger was the wildest, most uncivilized, most sex-crazed lover I had ever known.

Needless to say, I finally took him up on his offer. It’s kind of strange in a way, having a love affair based strictly on fucking. Sometimes I wonder if we could have a more meaningful relationship, but he seems to be really sincere about not wanting anything but sex. So if I want to continue having this wild animal in my bed, I have to accept him on his terms.

In another way, though, it is really liberating. Roger and I have no sexual hangups and no inhibitions. We know we are with each other strictly for the fun of it, and there are no holds barred. We do everything we can think of, and fulfill each other’s fantasies in every way possible.

So who’s complaining?—
J.B., Des Moines, Iowa


I met Annabel while I was studying for my law degree at a large university. Although I was almost thirty years old, I was still rather shy and inexperienced. I would gaze longingly at the adorable female undergraduates walking around campus, but I rarely spoke to them, although their fresh beauty all but brought tears to my eyes.

One day I was sitting alone in a popular coffeehouse, reading, when Annabel asked if she could sit at my table, since there were no free ones left. I vividly remember my first glance at her face. She looked gorgeous, very young and innocent, but friendly. She had big green eyes, black hair and small, even teeth. I later found out that she had been a part-time model.

Of course I said it was fine with me for her to sit there. She smiled and sat down, and we started to talk.

Annabel had a captivating habit of looking straight into my eyes as she chatted. I found out that she had just started at the honors college a month ago. Much to my surprise and delight, she seemed to value my opinion, and freely asked my advice about classes, extracurricular activities and so on. I managed to appear nonchalant when she talked happily about her boyfriend. Of course she has a boyfriend, I thought: She’s too beautiful and smart not to be taken.

Nevertheless, she did seem to be flirting with me a little, and as the afternoon went on she admitted that her boyfriend went to another school, and that they had agreed to see other people while they were apart.

When it was time to leave I offered to walk her back to her dorm, and she accepted. At the entrance to her building, she smiled and asked, “Can I call you sometime?” Of course I didn’t really think she ever would.

But within a week I heard her soft voice on my answering machine, and a few days later we had a wonderful, casual date. I couldn’t understand why she seemed impressed with me. She even seemed truly excited to ride in my sports car. (I had long ago resigned myself to the fact that guys usually expressed a hell of a lot more interest in that car than women did.)

I liked her too, but what primarily impressed me was her face and her compact, delicious body. I craved her. When she gave me one paltry good-night kiss, I grinned continually for days.

On our third date she wore tight black jeans and a little green sweater that accentuated her flat stomach by ending right above her navel. At the end of the evening I finally got her back to my room. She seemed a little nervous, which gave me confidence, although I was sure I was more nervous than she was. We started to kiss on my couch. At first, she just poked her tongue into my mouth in a tentative manner. She was definitely holding back a little, and I began to wonder if she was still a virgin. But in a little while she asked me if I wanted to give her a “massage.” She pulled off her sweater and quickly rolled onto her stomach.

I couldn’t believe my luck at the prospect of getting this pretty eighteen-year-old in the sack. There was no clasp on the back of her bra, so I just slid my hands beneath the thin green band as I caressed her shoulders and back. I could see the outline of her bikini underpants through her very tight jeans, and I attempted to slide my fingers beneath them. But the jeans were so tight my hand got stuck, and I had to take it out.

I was so horny now. I flipped her over and, without much pretense at massage, tackled the front clasp of the bra that obscured her cute little breasts. When I opened it, Annabel immediately sat up and climbed onto my knee. I leaned forward and kissed her nipple, then softly sucked on it. As it got hard, she let out a little sigh and started to rock back and forth on my leg. I went on sucking for all I was worth, and she got more and more aroused, grinding her crotch into my knee. I held her by the hips as she obviously enjoyed the friction and sucking. “Keep going,” she whispered. “Just like this.” So I continued to lick and suck and nibble on her breasts as she humped away, her eyes now closed. Soon she let out a few gasps, then whispered something unintelligible and moaned. Then she shuddered as she came in her jeans.

After a few moments, she smiled and, to my chagrin, said that she thought it was time to go. She had a test the next day and she had to study. Or something.

I realized that she was an incredible cocktease, but what could I do? I was just bedazzled by her, and let her dress and go without a word of protest or reproof. At least I’d gotten to second base.

I was frenziedly anxious to arrange another date, and when I did I vowed to go further. After all, I had learned to open a front-clasp bra on my first try. This time, however, I had still more stuff to learn.

We were back in my room, on my bed and slightly drunk. This time I pulled off Annabel’s shirt to find a Calvin Klein sports bra, with no clasp at all! I didn’t really know if I could easily yank it over her head, so I just lifted it over her tits, and concentrated on sucking them again. As before, she perched on my knee. I watched as she gyrated, gasped, murmured something and came.

Now was my chance. I wanted to show her just how much I wanted her. My hands went to her waist, and I undid the top button of her tight jeans while rolling her onto her back. Much to my chagrin, there were buttons all down the fly. I had never owned a pair of button-fly jeans, nor stripped them off any girl, so I didn’t realize that you could just pull down and free all the buttons at once. Instead, I fumbled at the first damn brass rivet.

After what seemed like an eternity, I managed to guide it through the buttonhole. As I forged ahead to the next metal button, my fingers brushed against the waistband of Annabel’s bikini panties. Annabel must have thought I was going so slowly in order to tease her, and she began to squirm with lust. “Hurry up!” she whispered urgently. “Make me come!” Well, sap that I was, instead of taking the opportunity to sweetly torture her a little, I immediately accommodated her by plunging my hand down between the partially opened denim jeans and her thin cotton briefs.

I really had to push a little to get my hand down to her crotch. Her panties were already very wet from her first orgasm, and I rubbed her pussy through them as well as I could in the constricted space. It was a little uncomfortable for me, but it seemed to be working out great for Annabel. The pleasure made her bounce around, but my trapped hand was securely in place and never lost contact with her vagina. She was thrashing and moaning with excitement. Soon she was convulsing again, and my fingers were moistened further by the increased wetness of her panties.

Now, as she relaxed and caught her breath, I had ample time to undo the rest of her fly and pull her jeans down her legs. It was then that she smiled shyly at me and said that she wasn’t ready to go all the way, and she wanted us to leave our underpants on.

Once again I complied with her wishes. In a frenzy of lust I went down on the beautiful freshman, vigorously licking and nibbling at her crotch through her panties. Occasionally, I would push the panties in and out of her slit. I concentrated on licking her clit through the thin material, until she shoved her crotch at my face and pounded her little fists against the bed as she treated herself to a third orgasm.

I so much wanted to fuck her now! But Annabel explained that she was still a virgin (though I wondered now how true that was). She told me that she had even prevented her boyfriend (I’d forgotten about that jackass!) from getting too carried away, by making sure they always left some clothes on. She also confided that his penis was so long that it sometimes poked over the top of his shorts. Well, that didn’t make me feel so great, especially since mine is about average; but it didn’t cool off my desire for her either.

She didn’t object when I started kissing and stroking her in an attempt to get her heated up again. It seemed to work, and this time as I caressed her vagina I managed to slip a finger under her panties and work it inside her. She seemed a little startled at first, but then her face became contorted with ecstasy. I couldn’t believe that this was a first for her, but she squirmed and panted with the joy of fucking my finger. More juices poured out of her, and a moment later she whispered: “Oh yes! I’m almost there!” She was shivering and tense, at the brink of climax.

At that moment I abruptly stopped, bringing a wail of disappointment from her. Taking advantage of her passion, I quickly got on top of her slender body and started to dry-hump her. Annabel went wild with lust and wrapped her legs around me. We mashed our underpants together. I concentrated on trying to rub my cock against her most sensitive spots. I felt her wetness seep through our briefs and onto my penis. I couldn’t hold back any more after all these weeks of dreaming and fantasizing about Annabel, as well as fooling around with her. I cried out as I came, and I ejaculated all over her panties and her flat little stomach. As I did so, my young bed-mate pushed demonically up against my spewing cock, setting off her own climax. Because I’d kept her waiting, this orgasm, her fourth of the night, was her most intense. Annabel squealed loudly and rolled her head from side to side as she once again came in her panties.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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