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Authors: Penthouse International

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Letters to Penthouse XIV (28 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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I would love to fuck her again, but the opportunity hasn’t presented itself. If it does, I will definitely take advantage.—
M.N., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


The sun beams through the curtains of my bedroom window, waking me up. I glance at my bedside clock and realize that it’s eleven o’clock. I’m peeved at myself for sleeping most of the morning away. I grab my housecoat and make my way downstairs to start the coffee maker. Nothing like a fresh cup of java to start a girl’s day off.

I open the patio door blinds to look out at the beautiful scenery. The sun shines warm and invitingly upon my deck. Not wanting to waste any of its beautiful rays, I make my way to the bathroom and slip my housecoat off. As the hot water from the shower head beads and pounds against my soft skin, I realize that it has been weeks since my body has been touched by the loving hands of a man.

My pussy becomes excited. Was it the sight of the beaming sun, or the warmth of the streaming water? I start to lather and caress my body with the soapy puff pad. Tilting my head back, I allow the shower flow to hit my face. I let out a slight sigh. My pussy becomes more and more excited as the pressure of the water hits my breasts and clit simultaneously.

I become greedy for the sensation and turn my body so the shower pulses directly against my hot pussy. I begin to finger myself. Groping at my breasts and fondling my clit, I feel myself getting hotter and wetter. As the water continues to pulse against my clit and my fingers move faster and faster in and out of my pussy, I find myself building to an orgasm. I let out a roar as I come. If only that were a cock instead of my fingers working my cunt so feverishly!

I lean my head against the cool wall of the shower stall. I close my eyes and let my body succumb to the sensations. I know that it won’t be long before I will find myself in a state of ecstasy once again. With that thought in mind, I quickly rinse myself off and start thinking about my daily tasks, which have yet to be performed.

Once I turn off the shower, I shiver from the burst of cold air that hits my tingling body. With my nipples still erect and sensitive from my orgasm, I towel myself off carefully. I send chills through my body when I reach my pussy.

I slip my housecoat back on and make my way back downstairs. The coffee is ready, and I pour myself a cup. I open the patio doors and take my cup out onto the deck. A warm wind is blowing briskly. I tilt my head upward to allow the sunshine to beat down on my face. I slide into my lounge chair and let the housecoat fall open. I lie back and allow the warmth of the sun to soothe my bare flesh. The heat unexpectedly stimulates me. I take in a deep breath, and as my chest swells, my bare breasts luxuriate in the warmth of the sun. Mmm, it feels so good!

I close my eyes and begin to fantasize about a man sucking and licking my clit. My hand reaches down, and once again I find myself fondling my pussy. I am overcome by thoughts of sexual encounters.

I am so horny that it doesn’t take much to start the juices flowing again. My hips gyrate quickly against my own hand. My clit and pussy long for release. I finger-fuck myself feverishly into oblivion. With the exhilaration of the fresh air and the warmth of the sun, I am soon nearing another orgasm.

I let out a loud scream that causes the birds to fly away. With every part of my body tingling, I lie there relaxed and exhausted, yet still wishing I enjoyed the company of a man. I decide that I will make this my number-one priority for the day.

After finishing my coffee, with some reluctance I get dressed. Since it’s so warm out, I throw on just a short T-shirt (no bra) and a tight miniskirt (no panties). Now I’m ready to venture out and strut my stuff.

It really is hot. I put the top down on my convertible. Then I carefully adjust my seat belt so it enhances my bust. I feel the sun beating down on my head, and crank up the stereo. With the tunes rocking and the wind flying through my hair, I cruise to a nearby pool hall, where I am surprised by the number of cars I find parked in the parking lot. I don’t pay much attention to the cars. I just think of the men they have brought here. I hope that inside I will find one who can perhaps satisfy the sexual hunger that is consuming me.

I put up the convertible roof and strut lewdly toward the entrance. I fling the outer doors open and pass from the bright sunshine to the relative darkness of the room inside. It takes awhile for my eyes to adjust. The smell of beer and stale cigarette smoke soothes my senses. I look for my first hopeful.

Walking over to the nearest table, I feel every man’s gaze burning into me. I walk to the wall and grab a cue. I chalk the tip as suggestively as I can. You twirl the cue in my fingers as you approach the table.

“Care to play?” you ask.

“Why, certainly,” I reply.

I walk behind you while you rack the balls up. I enjoy the view of your ass, and even give it a squeeze before proceeding to the other end of the table. I bend over, giving you a good view of my breasts down the front of my shirt as I prepare to break. I give you a devilish smile as I smack the balls in motion.

I now walk toward you to prepare for my next shot. As I bend over the table again, you can see the bottom of my ass cheeks. You find this stimulating, and can’t resist slipping your hand under my skirt and giving a manly squeeze. I let out a squeal of delight.

Feeling frisky, I purposely back my ass into your crotch and wiggle my ass as I continue shooting, sinking ball after ball. I feel your cock growing through your skintight jeans. What a delicious feeling! I take my cue and stroke it lovingly, hoping to leave no doubt of my passion for big hard shafts. I miss my next shot and make a gesture with my hand that it’s your play.

As you bend over the table, I walk up behind you, reach my hand between your legs and gently squeeze your balls. You find this invigorating. You back your ass up against my arm, allowing me to reach your cock. I obligingly give it a friendly squeeze. I let out a breathy “Hmm.” I am no longer interested in the game—at least not the game of pool!—and neither are you.

You stand up and look around the room to see if anyone is looking. Then you cup my breast with one hand and reach under my skirt with the other. I’m very hot and wet. My nipples are fully erect from the touch of your hand. You give me a strong kiss on the lips, and squeeze my breast at the same time. I let out a groan of passion. I am so-o-o horny! As we are intertwined with the kiss, I reach down and grope your cock. I start to unbutton your fly. But you stop me.

Shocked, I step away and look you in the eyes. Could I have been wrong? Did you not want the same thing as I did? I am overwhelmed with feelings of rejection. You take my hand and lead me to a secluded corner of the room. It is there that the passion begins.

You place me up against the wall facing you and lower yourself to your knees. Lifting my skirt, you begin to lavishly nibble and suck on my clit. I groan with desire. I throw my head back and enjoy every sensation while lifting one of my legs and placing it on your shoulder. You then reach around and place your hands on my ass and squeeze firmly. I press my pussy harder against your face. I feel myself building fast to an ultimate climax.

Just as I begin to reach my peak, you stop. I take a deep breath. Your face is dotted with my love juices. I moan and plead with you to finish me. You smile. We kiss again passionately. I lick the drops of my juices from your face.

I reach down and unbutton your pants, freeing your throbbing cock. I take it in my hand. It’s so hard, so eager to be loved. I gently pull myself away, never letting go. We turn, and now you are leaning against the wall. Eager to receive the benefit of my talents.

I go to my knees. I lick the tip of your cock, while still stroking your shaft with my hand. I give it a squeeze, allowing droplets of your come to escape. I lap these up greedily. Now I
my lips around the end and take you deep in the back of my throat. My mouth feels hot around your cock. You place your hands on my head for the ride, as I bob up and down your shaft, slowly at first, then picking up speed. I rub your balls with my hand in perfect synchronization with the strokes I make with my mouth, giving you extreme pleasure. I feel your manhood swelling and stiffening as I receive it deep in my throat.

Finally I suck you so hard that you explode. I swallow every drop. You become weak, but I don’t stop. I continue the rhythm of my mouth on your cock and my hands on your balls, until you become hard once again. You are amazed that this can be done!

But I still need release. You stand me up and kiss my neck and face while fingering me. I am soaking wet from my arousal. I whisper in your ear that I need to be fucked. You oblige by bending me over the pool table, which is only inches away. I hike up my skirt and spread my legs wide, allowing you to have full access to my pussy. You enter me, and I let out a moan. You pull out and tease me with the tip of your cock. I dig my nails into the fabric of the table while begging you to penetrate me fully. I need to be fucked, I tell you, and fucked

You are making me crazy. Finally you pound your cock deep in me. I start to breathe heavily and moan. You grab my hips and pump me faster and faster. I feel myself ready to explode. Wanting the release, I encourage you to quicken the pace. I bounce against your groin, making sure that you hit every area of my inner pussy. I spread my legs as far as I can, so you can go deeper with each stroke. Eventually I explode. You keep pounding me and reach around and fondle my clit, increasing the intensity of my orgasm. We continue this motion until you fill me once again. Finally drained, we separate.

Every nerve in my body tingles. My legs shake from exhaustion. You help me to a booth and sit me down. As we wait for the waitress, we look around the room and notice that no one was even watching us while we had sex. We both giggle at the thought of what a fine pair of sexual exhibitionists we are—apparently we couldn’t even manage to get caught in the act! It certainly wasn’t for want of trying.

You reach down and stroke my pussy lightly, and it’s like electric-shock treatment. You barely brush my clit, and that sends total shivers through me. I in turn reach down and give your satisfied cock a gentle squeeze. We kiss passionately again. I feel myself getting wet again. You pull your head away and smile. We both know that we will be doing it again soon.

The waitress comes with the drinks. As we take time to allow our bodies to luxuriate in the exhaustion from our lovemaking, we watch the other people in the pool hall. There must be something in the air that arouses us. You lean over and nibble on my ear. I let out a slight moan. I’m amazed at how horny I am. I tilt my head back, exposing my neck. You suck gently on it. I am getting wetter and wetter by the second, and suggest that we leave so we can be alone. You agree.

As we step out into the parking lot, you grab my ass and give it a squeeze. As if I needed to be excited more! We race to my car. I start it up and put the roof down. I want desperately to be naked, and tell you so. You hike up my skirt. As we pull out of the lot, you lean down and give my wet pussy a kiss.

“More!” I scream. “I want more!”

You bury your tongue in my opening. We approach a stoplight, and I tell you that you should really lift your head up—not really wanting you to. You decide that it would be better if you continue, and you start to flick my clit with your tongue. I giggle from sheer pleasure. My giggle attracts the attention of the occupants of the car beside us. I don’t care. I just want you to continue. You make a mumbling sound I can’t understand, but I feel the vibration, which excites me even more.

I know that I must pull off and have you continue with what you are doing. I want us to be alone. Once the light turns green, I step heavily on the gas, which causes the tires to squeal. I throw my head back and laugh as we quickly pull away from the other cars. The whole time, you continue to fondle my clit and pussy with your loving tongue. I speed through town to a secluded spot by the lake. It is only when we are there that you stop.

We climb out of the car. You reach in the back seat and grab the blanket that is conveniently there for such an occasion. You follow me as I venture toward the water. You lay the blanket out and suggest that I join you. I’m too frisky to stay still. I start to perform a striptease for you. I begin by lifting my T-shirt slowly to expose my breasts. You lie on your side, hold your head in your bent arm and watch the show. I now remove my shirt completely and rub it against my erect nipples. I toss you the shirt. You catch it and smell the sweet perfume it holds.

As I continue to dance, I fondle my breasts, then slide my hands down toward my crotch. I reach under my skirt and rub the inside of my thighs while bending my knees to a right angle. You bend your head down to take a peek at my dripping pussy. I stand up so as not to ruin the show and turn my back toward you and lift my skirt, exposing my beautiful ass. I bend over so you get a good view of my ass and pussy. In this position, I insert a finger in my pussy, moving it slowly in and out. I am getting wetter and breathing harder. The sun keeps my half-naked body warm.

I remove my finger so I can release myself from my skirt. As it falls to my ankles, I step out of it gracefully, without missing a beat of the music that is playing in my head. I casually kick the skirt aside and now stand fully naked in front of you, stroking myself with my hands in what I believe is a very erotic way. It must be working. You become extremely hard and have to undo your pants to be comfortable.

I take that as an invitation to join you on the blanket. Once I lie down, there is no stopping us from exploring each other with our hands and mouths. You roll me on my back and bury your face in my clean-shaven pussy. I squirm as your tongue burrows deep in my waiting hole. You blow gently, almost bringing me to orgasm. I want to suck you while you nibble on my clit. I turn my body to gain access to your wonderful cock. I take it deep in my mouth and suck it passionately.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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