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Letters to Penthouse XIV (34 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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When I called Sylvia to let her know we were invited out, she said she had to come into town for some shopping and would meet me at the restaurant around five. I was just getting ready to leave my office when a problem developed, and by the time I was finally able to leave it was almost six. I hurried to the restaurant. It was “happy hour” and the parking lot was full, so I had to park way out in the back. I knew the layout of the place pretty well, and I decided to go in through the employees’ door, which would lead me into the bar area.

I stood at the far end of the bar, my eyes adjusting to the dimness as I looked around for Sylvia and the others. I finally spotted them in a corner booth. My wife was sitting between Ray and another guy, and it looked like they hadn’t waited for me before starting the party. Sylvia had worn a dress that I always liked. It was cut low in front and showed a lot of cleavage, and none of that was lost on these guys. I stood and watched for a couple of minutes. Ray had his hand on her shoulder and was leaning close, saying something to her, and at the same time looking down at her boobs. She tilted her head back and laughed at whatever he said. I could tell that she was a little high. The guy on her other side leaned over to her also, and his hand disappeared under the table. I was sure that that hand was on her bare leg, probably testing to see how far she would let him go.

Then Ray pulled her to him and planted a big kiss on her mouth. That got her a little off-balance, and her legs parted enough so that the other guy’s hand slipped all the way up to her crotch, and I was sure he was getting a good feel of her panty-clad pussy.

My reaction to all this was complicated. First of all, I was really pissed at Ray and his buddy for taking advantage of my wife. Second, I was pissed at my wife for not objecting to all their groping. And third, I was astounded at myself, because I had the biggest hard-on of my life! I realized that I was turned on by watching my wife get hit on by two guys, especially since she seemed to like it so much.

I figured I’d better make my appearance before they got arrested or asked to leave. I went out the back and walked around to the front door, making a big entrance. I slid in next to my wife, gave her a big sloppy kiss and told her she looked fantastic. I said it was probably a good thing I wasn’t much later, or these guys would probably be attacking her. That got a big laugh from all of them.

Ray introduced me to his partner, whose name was Vincent. He had made a reservation for dinner, and now we were informed that our table was ready.

Dinner was great, with good food and good wine, and we were all pretty relaxed. Shortly after we finished, a small combo started playing, and Vincent asked Sylvia to dance. They danced about three dances, and I noticed he was holding her closer with each number, and running his hands up and down her back, finally sliding them onto her ass. They came back to the table with Vincent sporting a large bulge in his pants. Then Ray danced with her, and it was pretty much the same thing. He was openly feeling her up whenever he thought I wasn’t looking.

At about ten-thirty Vincent announced he was booked on a midnight flight and had to leave. He gave Sylvia a big kiss and told her he’d really enjoyed the evening, and that she was a beautiful woman, and with that he was gone. Sylvia then asked Ray where he was staying that night. He replied that he had planned to go home on Vincent’s flight, but a last-minute meeting had come up, and he had to stay over till the next day. He said he hadn’t yet booked a place for the night. Sylvia looked at me and said, “Why doesn’t Ray stay at our place? We have plenty of room, and we can all have a nightcap at home.”

I had a hunch that something had been discussed between them while they were dancing, but I just played along. When we got to the parking lot I told them to go on home, as my car was almost out of gas. I would try to find a station and fill up, then follow them home. So off they went, Ray following behind my wife.

Actually I had plenty of gas; I just wanted to give them some time alone, to see how far they would go. I knew Sylvia was feeling no pain, and all the groping she’d gotten was bound to have her pretty horny. I went back to the bar, had another drink, chatted with the bartender for about an hour, then headed for home.

When I got to our street I parked in front of a neighbor’s house, then walked around our house and into our back yard. It was pitch black and I had to be careful not to trip, but I arrived at the back of the house, where there was a big picture window that let me see into our family room. I kept back in the darkness so they couldn’t see me, and peeked in.

What I saw almost floored me. My wife was wearing the sheerest black negligee I have ever seen. It clung to every curve of her body. Her big firm breasts with their large nipples were just barely contained by the gown; her neat little triangle of dark pubic hair was faintly visible, as was the entire outline of her sexy body.

They had evidently had at least one drink, and now Sylvia said they needed another. She moved in the direction of the bar, but Ray stepped in front of her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her on the neck and shoulder. Her head fell back and I heard her gasp. Then he drew her face to his and kissed her, his tongue playing tonsil tennis in her mouth. In another moment she was responding, putting her arms around his neck and returning the open-mouthed kiss. In no time they were moaning and groaning and exploring each other’s bodies.

My cock was throbbing like a drum as I watched Ray strip off the black negligee, and then tear out of his own clothes. Sylvia took one look at his cock, pointing straight at her, and immediately went down on her knees. With complete abandon she began licking and kissing his prick. She sucked both his balls into her mouth and slowly started jacking him off. After alternating between his cock and his balls, she surprised me by suddenly taking his stiff pole all the way down her throat. She pushed him onto his back and got on top of him in a 69 position. I stood there looking at my wife’s up-thrust ass while she blew my old friend, who at the same time was munching on her hot pussy. I knew if I stayed there I was going to come in my pants. Instead, I decided to join the fun.

I didn’t know how they would react when I walked into the family room, but I should have realized that they knew I would be coming home at any time. Sylvia had decided to act on my fantasy, and Ray had been only too happy to go along. They barely paused in what they were doing as I came in. That was fine with me. I tore off my clothes and applied myself to my wife’s beautiful squirming ass, first loosening it up with my finger and then sliding my eager cock slowly but surely into her tight narrow tunnel. She pushed back against me and moaned a little, still sucking on Ray’s shaft. I knew I couldn’t last long, so I concentrated on watching her and Ray go at each other. They were both obviously close to coming, so I started pumping my wife’s ass faster and faster. Finally we all exploded at about the same time, in a mind-blowing three-way climax that left all of us limp, exhausted and happy.

We rested for a few minutes, then had another drink and talked about what had just happened. The talk just made us horny again, and soon Ray and I were both hard and ready for more action. My lovely wife was treated to the best fucking of her life that night, and when Ray left the next morning, we both agreed that it had been a great experience, and that it made our love for each other all the stronger.

We are looking forward to Ray’s next visit. He says he has a friend he wants us to meet—a black man. Sylvia is as eager as I am to give it a try, and I’ll let you know how it turns out in my next letter.—
S.C., Charleston, South Carolina


For the last year, my wife Irma has been having a series of affairs with men in their late teens and early twenties. She is forty-two, but still has a terrific figure. At five feet four, with her long auburn hair, green eyes, wide mouth and slightly upturned nose, she is a real sight for hungry young eyes; and since she dresses to emphasize her sexuality, she comes across as inviting and accessible in every way.

Previously, during the course of our twenty-year marriage, Irma had had a few discreet affairs. She was always quite flirtatious, mainly because it turned her on sexually, but also because she knew it excited me. I always liked the fact that other men would swarm about her, and always totally supported her in her exhibitionism. Though she liked to turn on men by exposing herself, there were only a few occasions when she let someone else get truly intimate with her. But all that changed last summer.

We had decided to take our vacation in Hawaii. I asked Irma to bring along her most revealing and sexy clothing, and she was more than happy to comply. She took several skimpy sun dresses, some short skirts, very short shorts, a few halter tops, a see-through blouse, thong bikinis, skimpy underwear and high-heeled sandals. She also painted her fingernails and toenails bright red for the trip, and at night she made up her face to accent her lips and eyes. Needless to say, everywhere she went she drew long stares. It was hard for me to walk along with her, since just looking at her would get me sexually aroused.

One afternoon I came back early from a golf game. I knew Irma had gone to sunbathe on the beach, and given the skimpiness of her bathing suit, I thought she was unlikely to be alone for long. But I didn’t expect what happened.

When I got to the door of our room, I heard a commotion inside. There seemed to a couple of male voices, and above them I could hear. Irma shouting, “Fuck me deeper! Harder!”

I didn’t know what to do. Rather than go inside, I just listened at the door for what seemed like an hour or so. The men kept saying things like “Unbelievable!” and, “This is what dreams are made of!” and, “No one will ever believe this!”

Irma, for her part, kept shouting in ecstasy, saying things like, “Let me suck you deeper!” and, “Do it to me again!” and, “Your staying power is fantastic!”

Finally the door opened and two guys came out of the room. They looked about eighteen or nineteen. I watched them leave, and then I went in. Irma was still on the bed, totally naked and spread-eagled. There was come all over the sheets and her body. All she said when she saw me was, “Nirvana!”

She then told me to take off my clothes and fuck her. I had an incredible erection. She took it in her mouth and sucked it for a minute before I flung myself on her open body. Although her cunt was stretched and slushy, I had a quick, intense orgasm.

Irma then told me that she thought she would never be the same. She said those young boys had been fantastic. They would come and still say hard. She said that in about two hours with them she must have had more than a dozen orgasms. The pure sexual ecstasy of what she had just gone through was unbelievable, and it was something she thought she would want again and again. Dressing like a slut was no longer enough for her, she told me. She wanted to be and
feel like
a slut, to express her sexuality no matter what, and to be available for young studs whenever she could.

All I could do was nod and say, “I love you, and I want you to do anything at all that makes you happy.”

We had another week in Hawaii, and Irma arranged to get together with her young hunks every day. On the next to last day, she had them bring two other friends to our room, where she proceeded to service all of them fully. This time she let me watch, and I can’t tell you what a thrill it was to see my gorgeous wife tossing about on the bed with four guys, moaning and gasping with ecstatic pleasure as they used every part of her body. She let them fuck her two and three at a time, and she came and came, until she wore them all out. I could barely keep myself from jerking off as I watched, and when they left I again jumped on her and fucked her wet cunt for about ten seconds before I shot off.

While Irma is more discreet at home, she still regularly picks up young guys. Rather than risk what the neighbors will say, she usually gets them to go with her to some cheap motel. She tells me everything, and we always have great sex when she does. She now wants me to film her fucking a bunch of young, well-hung guys, so she can have something to look at in the future. Oddly, the more wanton she becomes the more I hunger for her, and I just know that we will be together always.—
M.D., Tucson, Arizona


I’m married to a beautiful woman named Daisy who could easily pass for a high-fashion model. Her long, sleek legs, beautiful ass and perfect C-cup tits always draw stares from the men she passes, and her lush lips and deep blue eyes are made for stirring up sexual thoughts. But what I love most is her silky-haired, always-wet pussy, which is the sweetest I’ve ever tasted. I can’t keep my tongue out of it. Recently, I found out why her pussy is always so wet. It caught me by surprise to learn that my wife is hooked on hard cock, and not just mine!

One night I bumped into Liz, an old friend of Daisy’s from years back, at a bar after work. We started talking about old times, and the more we talked the more I found out about my wife. I could never get. Daisy to talk about what kind of sex life she had before we got married, but the fact that she was great in bed led me to believe she was quite experienced. Liz said that Daisy was always getting hit on and had lots of men at her beck-and-call. It seemed that all the guys she dated got into her pants, and she thought nothing of fucking three or four guys a week. Liz even thought that Daisy was a nympho because of all the fucking she did. Liz was surprised when we got married, and thought I must be pretty damn good in the sack to keep Daisy faithful. Still, I had a raging hard-on thinking about Daisy fucking all those guys.

I work nights, and sometimes when I’d get home and climb in bed with Daisy, I’d slide my hand to her pussy and find it hot and creamy. I always thought she’d been masturbating because she’s constantly horny, but after talking to Liz I began to wonder. When I saw two used rubbers in the trash, I
she was fucking other men.

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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