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Authors: Penthouse International

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Letters to Penthouse XIV (40 page)

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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Last February the company I had worked for for more than
twenty-five years, working my way up from receptionist to office
manager, announced it was moving its headquarters to another city. I
decided to accept the severance package and become a happy housewife and
gardener, at least for a while. Milt was now his company’s CFO and the
girls were through college, so we didn’t really need the second

Our next-door neighbors were on a four-week trip and had
asked me to look after their house and garden while they were gone. They
had also arranged for their house to be painted and roofed in their

A couple of days after they left, a handsome guy about
twenty-five rang our bell and introduced himself as Justin. He said he
was doing repairs on Rick and Madge’s house and asked for the key to
the garage, where the paint and shingles were stored. We made small talk
for half an hour. He’d gotten into construction after high school but
now had decided to go to college and was doing jobs like this to earn

All this time his eyes were fixed on my breasts. I’m a
little plump and have large, full ones—Milt says I’m
“voluptuous.” I was in my robe, braless, and Justin obviously
noticed the hanging bulges pressing outward on my robe.

letting him in Rick’s garage, I dressed and worked in my garden while
he began removing the old shingles. About noon I went in for lunch, then
upstairs to my bedroom to change for a shopping trip. I took off my
sweaty bra and went in the bathroom to wash my face. As I was putting on
a clean bra, I noticed Justin standing on the roof next door with a
spadelike tool, looking through the open bathroom window. He had been
watching me all the while!

I hurried back to the bedroom, out of
his sight. At first I was outraged. Then I began to feel excited that
Justin had seen my naked breasts. It was a delicious naughty feeling. I
finished dressing and, as I was getting in the car to go shopping, I
yelled a greeting to Justin as if nothing had happened. When I returned,
I asked him to come down from the roof and help me unload the heavy bags
of mulch and stone from the car and move them to my

“Always willing to help a beautiful woman,” he said.
As he moved the bags, he went on to say I looked too young to be a
grandmother, then made additional flattering comments about my smile and
sunny disposition. He topped it off by commenting on my sexy figure. I
knew he was schmoozing me up, but I ate it up coming from such a
good-looking young man.

I debated with myself all evening whether
or not to tell Milt. I was going to say something as we were undressing
for bed, but before I could, he said, “How about a little bedtime

That’s our code for oral sex. Milt is a master at it,
and is really into scents and musk. I have a heavy growth of pubic hair
and never shave or trim it except when I have to wear a swimsuit. During
the winter I also let the hair on my upper thighs grow, and shave only
from mid-thigh down. Milt thinks the hair makes me muskier. My gardening
and the incident with Justin must have made me especially pungent. When
Milt propped up his head on the pillows and I backed my fanny up to his
face, he groaned with pleasure and licked like a madman. I was soon on
my way to climax. I took Milt’s cock in my mouth and within a minute
or two was swallowing streams of hot semen. I came at the same

I told Milt about Justin afterward, as we lay side by side.
I asked what he thought I should do. He laughed and said I should put on
another show the next day. I was shocked. I’d expected him to warn me
to be careful, perhaps to avoid Justin altogether. Instead, he rolled
over and kissed me, then mounted me and inserted his erect penis. His
quick recovery and the smell of my pussy on his face really excited me.
It was the best sex we’d had for years.

As I sensed he was about
to ejaculate, I said, “Do you like it when another man sees your
wife’s big bare breasts hanging down?” And he lost control. He
pounded six or seven hard strokes against my clit, and I came too. He
asked me to tell him all there was to tell when he got home the next
night. Then he rolled over and went to sleep.

In the morning I
bathed in the downstairs bathroom, put on panties and a robe, and took
careful note of Justin’s position on the roof. When he was in a
position to see in the master bathroom, I shed the robe and casually
walked in with only a towel wrapped around my waist. My breasts were
exquisitely free and bare. I applied shaving cream casually to my left
armpit while holding the arm above my head.

Before picking up the
razor, I stole a quick peek outside. Sure enough, Justin was watching
intently. I proceeded to shave the left pit, then repeated the procedure
on the right side. My breasts jiggled with each movement. I applied my
makeup and lipstick slowly and brushed my hair vigorously—all of my
movements creating movements of my breasts. Finally I applied my
deodorant, using similar motions to those I used to shave, and again
peeked at Justin. He didn’t appear to have moved a muscle.

greeted him again as I got in the car to run some errands, and called
out to him to be careful not to get overheated, since it was going to be
in the low nineties. I thought that was a clever comment, and I
delivered it innocently.

I had lunch alone and savored the
excitement I’d felt while Justin watched me earlier. I was more than a
little surprised by the thoughts running through my head. Here I was,
old enough to be his mother, yet I was feeling like a teenager about to
lose her virginity. It was a little scary, and I couldn’t quell the
excitement. I knew that under the right circumstances he could have

When I returned at half past one, Justin was
carrying bundles of shingles up to the roof. I changed into my work
clothes and worked in Rick and Madge’s backyard until about half past
three, when I yelled up to Justin asking if he’d like some nice cold
iced tea.

He was down in a flash, sweaty and shirtless. His
muscled chest and back, deeply tanned, looked delicious! I was also
sweaty, and as we entered my kitchen, I lamented that women can’t shed
our blouse and bra on a hot day.

Justin said, “I wish you could
too! It would be great to see a sexy woman like you

“You may not like what you’d see if I weren’t
wearing a bra,” I replied. “My breasts are large, but they

He took a swig of tea, then said, “Your husband is a
lucky man. He can see them bare every day. I envy him.”

couldn’t resist that opening. In my best “office manager” tone of
voice, I said, “But you
seen them, haven’t you?
Yesterday and this morning when I was in the bathroom.

Justin was stunned. His face showed both shock and
fear as he tried to explain. I interrupted to ask if he’d like to see
my breasts up close instead of thirty yards away. He stopped stammering
excuses and nodded his head yes. I raised my top and shrugged it over my
head, then pulled outward on the bottom of the bra cups. This dumped my
46DDs out less than two feet from Justin’s nose. Turning around, I
asked him to unhook the bra. His hands shook and he fumbled a bit, but
he got it done.

“Would you like to touch them?” I asked. He
caressed them gently.

“The nipples are huge!” he said. “May
I kiss them?”

I nodded. He licked and kissed my giant areolae
and continued to fondle and bury his face in my long cleavage. He said,
“They’re even more fantastic than I imagined, and much

I stood in front of his chair for several minutes
while he worshiped my breasts. Then I reached for his groin and said,
“Let’s have a look at this erection.”

He immediately freed
his hard-on from his cutoffs. I soaked my panties just looking at it. It
was as big around as Milt’s and two inches longer.

It twitched
upward toward his belly every couple of seconds. I stroked it a few
times and bent over to give him an open-mouthed kiss. He responded in
kind, and his right hand left my breast and started down between the
elastic waistband of my slacks and my belly.

Coming to my senses,
I broke off the kiss. “No, sweetie!” I whispered. “We can’t go
down there. We don’t have any protection. Besides, I’m sweaty and
not very fresh down there right now.” I didn’t add that I hadn’t
shaved the insides of my thighs for eight months! But I did say, “Let
me help you, though.”

He stood, and I swallowed his cock. His
breathing was jerky. As my tongue lapped the underside of his dick, I
grazed it gently with my teeth. I took hold if his balls and applied
slight pressure as I took him deep in my mouth.

In under a minute,
he pulled back, crying, “Look out, I’m going to come!” I held his
buttocks and pulled him deep in my mouth. “It’s too late!” he
yelled, as he ejaculated. His spasming penis was jetting thick semen in
my mouth. “You’re swallowing it!” he said, amazed.

With his
cock still in my mouth, I nodded. When it was over, I French-kissed him
and said it was time to go—“before Milt comes home and finds you

In fact, that evening Milt had to work late preparing a
project evaluation for a proposed acquisition that would take him out of
town the next day. He called from a conference room and couldn’t talk
freely. I told him to hurry because I had details of the day to

Reflecting on my day, I was excited and apprehensive. I’d
come close to letting Justin fuck me. I laid out some clothes for Milt
to pack, then decided to undress. When I took off my panties, I smelled
the musky product of my excitement. I placed them in a plastic bag and
sealed it carefully to put in Milt’s luggage. He likes to have a
reminder of me when he’s out of town, and this would be among the

I put on my robe and waited. Milt got home at half past
eight and practically dragged me to the bedroom. He asked me to sit on
the bedside and lie back. I put my hands behind my knees and pulled my
legs to my chest to give him open access to my pussy. He noticed the
strong smell and licked around my anus and upward to my clitoris. As he
licked me, I told my story. It excited him so, his breathing became

When I got to the part where Justin fondled my breasts,
Milt ejaculated spontaneously on the pants of a suit I’d laid out on
the bed for him to pack.

“That’s one suit that’s not going
with you,” I laughed, as he undressed.

Although I’ve grown
accustomed to my vaginal musk on Milt’s face, it was almost too strong
that night when he kissed me. My excitement must have been obvious. When
I told him about the blowjob I gave Justin, his cock was hard again and
be mounted me. I climaxed on the fifth stroke but encouraged him to keep
going. We climaxed together in less than ten minutes. Afterward, I
shared my fear that I might lose control of the game with Justin and let
him take me. I told Milt how much I loved him, and said I wouldn’t do
anything to jeopardize our marriage. I suggested I visit my mother for a
few days so that it wouldn’t get out of hand.

Milt’s reply
surprised me. “Gwen, you were a virgin when I married you. I had sex
with a lot of other women before we met. Justin’s attention has
reminded you how attractive and sexy you are. You
beautiful, you know. If you’re going to have sex with someone else,
he’s so young plus he’ll be leaving in two weeks—this may be the
best situation. It won’t destroy our marriage.”

Milt has shown
a jealous streak, so I had to be sure it was okay. “Won’t you be
jealous if I let him do me?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said. “The
thought of another man’s hard cock entering your body causes me a pang
of jealousy. But at the same time it excites me. All I ask, if it
happens, is that you always use a condom and that you always tell me all
about it afterward.” He kissed me and said he loved me whatever
happened, then rolled over and went to sleep.

The next
morning, after I’d inserted the special bag in Milt’s suitcase, he
left for the airport. I bathed, shaved my legs and went out to purchase
condoms—the first time I’d done that in twenty years! I bought some
sponges too, then came home.

I invited Justin in for lunch at noon
and went in the house to prepare a deli cold-cut tray. When he arrived,
I greeted him topless, with an apron around my waist and only bikini
panties under it.

We didn’t even start to eat. Justin kissed me
and ran his hand under the apron. I led him to the bedroom, undressed
him, rolled a condom onto his cock and had him lie face up on the bed.
Since he liked to fondle and suck my breasts, I mounted his cock so they
dangled in his face. When we finished, I asked him to give me head. He
couldn’t hold a candle to Milt in that activity. We had lunch, then
went another round before he went back to work.

That night Milt
called and thanked me for the panties. I gave him brief details. The
next day Justin took a mid-morning break with me, and a mid-afternoon
one as well. It became obvious that the novelty of my large breasts was
wearing off as our sex began to lose intensity.

When Milt got home
that evening, I filled him in while he licked my asshole and pussy and
brought me to a powerful orgasm. We took a weekend trip to a
bed-and-breakfast in the country, where Milt could unwind after a
difficult week. While we were gone, Justin finished the roofing and
started painting. He knocked on the door mid-morning on Tuesday and said
he was finished. I hugged and kissed him and asked if he wanted to do me
one last time. We did a 69, then fucked once more.

The experience
was good for me, and I think for Milt. But I don’t want to do it
again, at least for a while. Milt is a better lover than Justin. Still,
we often recall and savor the experience before having sex.—
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

BOOK: Letters to Penthouse XIV
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