Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (35 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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Holy crap!

“Okay… So how long have you been called Gage
and what is your real name? The one, you know, that your mother
gave you.”

“Crunch started calling me Gage when I was
ten, that’s when Tank and I became best buds. I’m a natural,
working on cars and stuff. Guess that’s why he chose it and my
birth name was…don’t laugh. My mom had a huge thing for history.
She named me Commodus.”

My eyes widen, and I don’t laugh. The poor
kid. “You mean, as in, Commodus the Emperor?”

He nods and crinkles his nose in obvious
disgust. “Yes. That’s the one. My dad was away on business when I
was born and he came home to have a son named Commodus. Apparently,
it’s a name she tried to give my brother Maxwell, but my father
named him instead. Then I became the lucky SOB.”

“Alright enough of the history lesson, Gage.
She’ll find out a lot more along our trip. Now let’s hit it. We’re
burnin’ daylight.” Tank orders. The way everybody tenses, awaiting
Gage’s reaction, tells me that Tank is probably the only one in the
whole group who can speak to Gage that way.

“Okay, dick, but I get the outside so she can
see the flowers.”

Tank curtly nods and Gage tucks my purse into
his saddlebag, kicks his leg over his Harley and offers me his
hand. “Kick your leg over, Angel.” I listen and get on the bike.
His hands position my heeled boots on the pegs and my back rests
comfortably on back of the seat. His Harley is a black and silver
two seater with a full backrest. It’s luxurious and comfortable. I
peer down between my legs and see my cushion has an Angel, like the
one on Gage’s back, imprinted on it.

“You’re the only person I’d ever let ride on
the back of my bike. I had it made specifically for you.” He
states, handing me a black helmet with an angel on the side and a
black leather jacket just like his, except in women’s. I put them
all on and latch my chinstrap.

“Aren’t you going to put on a helmet?” I ask,
as he fires on the motor. “Wait a minute. How’d you all get here
without me hearing you pull up?”

He barks a cocky laugh. “Now you ask. I had
the boys walk their bikes from three streets over, and I don’t wear
helmets. I like the wind in my face.”

“What if I want the wind in mine?” I’m
testing him to see what he says. He’s a sly bastard, having the men
walk their bikes and having a specific helmet and jacket for me.
He’s planned this. Giving me the illusion, this was spontaneous,
even though it really wasn’t. I’m a smart woman. I can figure this
out on my own.

“Tough turkey. You need a helmet. If someone
were to hit us or something happen I have to know you’re alright.”
He pats my leg and kicks up the kickstand holding the giant bike
between his manly thighs. The rumbling under my butt is something
so foreign and almost naughty. What a thrill!

Walking the bike out into the open street he
signals to the men with his hand, revs the engine and off we ride.
Slowly he turns a corner and I instinctively lean with him.
Reaching behind his back, he grabs my arms and pulls them around
him. I comply, resting my arms around his waist. With my
helmet-covered head between his shoulder blades, I watch as the
world passes us by. Soaking in the freedom, I feel behind the man I
somehow trust and know that he would never let anything happen to
me. I’m so happy, I could almost cry.

Its dusk and we have only stopped once to
fill up on gas and for us to pee and drink something. I haven’t
eaten a thing since breakfast, and I don’t know how we are going to
get home before it’s pitch black outside, with only the moon and
stars to light our way. Today has been an amazing journey. The
countryside here is so pretty, and I’m not sure how far we’ve
ventured from home but the scenery has somewhat changed and the
flatlands have started to roll into smaller and sometimes larger
hills. Not something I’m used to seeing in or around Heartfair.

Slowing the bike down, Gage stops and puts
his feet on the ground. I glance up to see him signaling for the
men to go ahead of him and they listen, their headlights blazing
past us. “Sweetheart, we’re here.”

“What do you mean?
We’re here
. We’re
not at home.”

He chuckles, a full-bodied one that rumbles
into my body, that’s touching his. “I know. That’s why I said pack
lightly. We are staying the night here.”

“What!” I squeal. “You never said ‘listen Lex
we’re staying the night somewhere you need to bring an
bag.’ I didn’t pack enough.” I emphasize so he
realizes this is a big deal.

Still chuckling he pats my calf. “Sweetheart,
there is plenty where we are staying and everything will be ready
when we get there. I promise you have nothing to worry about; I
just wanted you to bring essentials for the trip. That is all. I
love you. I know you’re a girly girl. I promise you won’t feel

“Alright…I trust you.”

He sighs a long drawn out sigh and relaxes
his shoulders. “I’m so happy to hear you finally say that.”

Driving the bike a little further up the
road, we turn onto a gravel path and at a snail’s pace; he glides
us down it, through a forest of thick trees and bushes. Owls are
already hooting and the sounds of the night welcome us into their

Passing through an open farm gate, we roll up
to a small log cabin set in the middle of the woods. All men and
women have parked their bikes and we are the last to arrive. I can
hear a loud commotion coming from inside. Parking us last in line,
he turns off the bike, lets down the kickstand and offers me his
hand to climb off and I do. We both walk toward the cabin, his hand
protectively wraps around my lower back grabbing my opposite hip,
anchoring my hip to his strong thigh. “This is my place. I promise
you will like it.”

Not likely… I pensively nod in silent
response, my nerves besting me. I know I don’t fit in with these
people. I’m not a biker chick. I’m not like Roni. I really don’t
see what Gage sees in me. I’m not a part of his world. Not if this
is it.

Entering in through the glass paned front
door to the single story cabin, the group all loudly greets us, as
many of them pound back beers and dive in to a huge feast that has
been prepared. It’s spread across the massive granite topped island
in the open kitchen. This place is magnificent. Cabin in the woods
meets interior design show palace. It’s like one of those cabins
you’d see in a magazine. The couches are buttery chocolate leather,
the kitchen state of the art with dark walnut cabinets and
stainless appliances, and a big plasma TV is on the wall in the
living area. It’s all open concept and the floor has big outdoorsy
printed rugs thrown across the finely polished hardwood.

“Wow.” I whisper to myself, taking in
beautiful ambiance of this fanciful retreat. I never would have

“Like it, huh?” Gage whispers in my ear, his
hot breath washing over me, as his scruffy stubble dusts my

“Very.” I smile, turn to him and kiss him
appreciatively right on the mouth. He pulls back suddenly with
surprised eyes and touches his lips with his fingers.

“I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry.”
I mutter feeling self-conscious. Like I’m on display and I can feel
the whole room quiet and still, intently watching us.

He smiles wide, showing off his perfectly
white teeth. “You’ve never kissed me before. Do it again.”

I shake my head and back away. He stalks
toward me not taking no for an answer, grabs my upper arms, roughly
yanks me against his chest and kisses me. Groaning in his throat as
he snakes he hand around my back and grabs my butt, deepening the
kiss he forcefully shoves his needy tongue into my mouth, devouring

God he can kiss. I love kissing him but I
can’t do this in front of an audience. My uncomfortable feelings
bubble up and I push his chest and break the kiss. Bending forward
I place my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath and turn my
head to see the entire room still watching us in palpable

Gage notices the horrified expression wash
across my face and sincerely apologizes. “I’m so sorry,
sweetheart.” He reaches for me and I flinch not wanting anyone to
touch me right now. This is too much.

“It’s about damn time!” Tank chimes in,
breaking the eerie silence and the whole room begins applauding and
cheering. Hooting and hollering.

Not able to take being on display any longer
I dart out the front door and into the fresh brisk night. I hear
Gage charging after me, yelling for me. Pounding my feet into the
grass, I run with all that I can and as I reach the line of the
forest, I’m tackled to the ground from behind. He flips me over and
straddles my legs so I can’t move as I try to fight him off and
scream at him to let me go.

“No.” He demands, holding my hands above my

“I don’t want to do this. I want to go home.”
I cry, tears trickling down the sides of my face.

“No you don’t. You are scared. You are
worried. You feel vulnerable, and you think those bikers in there
are judging you. They’re not. They’ve known about my need for you,
for some time now. They’ve seen years of me being sad and drowning
in my own misery with my ex-wife. This is the first time they’ve
ever seen me kiss
They’re happy for us cheering for
our relationship, not laughing at it. Stop fighting me, Lex.”

I try to push him off but he’s too strong. I
hate that he’s playing into my deepest emotions. I hate when he’s
right. I hate when hits the nail right on the head. This is too

“They want to know you, they are not here to
judge or mistreat you. They will love you, if you let them.
Everyone who knows you, Lex, loves you. They can’t help but love
you. You’re amazing. You’re caring. You’re sweet. You’re mine. Do
you honestly think I’d take you, the woman I love, anywhere that
you’d be judged and treated badly? I have you tattooed on my back,
Lex. You are a part of me physically, emotionally, sexually. Every
single fuckin’ part of me, Angel, is yours. ”



Why is she so hell-bent on the fact that
people are always looking to hurt her? I know it has a lot to do
with her past, but I can’t take this. I hadn’t planned on bringing
her out to my cabin this weekend, but I couldn’t take another day
away from her. It was either wait to see her on Monday or bring her
along. I chose the former. I want her to fit into my life; I want
her to feel welcome, to be a part of things that aren’t in her
comfort zone. I want to show her the world. I’ve slept with women
in my apartment. I’ve ridden with other women in my truck, but I’ve
never introduced a woman to my friends. Not even my ex-wife.
Melissa never met the entire gang. Not gang, gang. I mean a bunch
of friends. And I’ve never brought a woman to my cabin. I purchased
this place about five years ago. After I fell in love with Lex, I
took weekend trips here to find myself, to take myself away from
lawyer life, from my money grubbing wife and to relax with my
friends on an occasion. A lot of times I’ve came here alone. Emma
has also visited. She even has her own bedroom. It’s our little
father daughter weekend getaways that I find most relaxing.

I never had a place for myself when Melissa
and I were married. Not until I purchased this place. I worked all
day at my firm that I had handed down to me, from Biff when he
retired. After work, I picked Emma up from the sitters and Melissa
sat at home all day long and did basically nothing. I wanted her to
take care of our daughter. She was too in tuned with her own needs
that she had zero interest in caring for Emma. I couldn’t trust her
to do the right thing at all times when Emma was alone with her.
It’s hard enough every other weekend now that she’s five.

I remember when Melissa got pregnant with
Emma. She was a happy pregnant woman. It wasn’t something we had
planned. To be honest, I had planned to divorce her soon after the
Lex case had concluded, so I could be with Lex. But things changed
when I found out my wife that I no longer desired, ended up
pregnant after one of my drunken sex nights with her. I worried
Emma wasn’t mine, so when she was born I secretly had her DNA
tested and in fact, Emma is my biological daughter. If she hadn’t
been, I would have forced Melissa to allow me to adopt her. One way
or another Emma would still be mine. I’m just lucky Melissa didn’t
start sleeping around until shortly after Emma was born.

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