Lex (Unconventional Hearts) (6 page)

BOOK: Lex (Unconventional Hearts)
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I’m sitting on my couch in my red cami and
black boy-shorts, my cream Sherpa blanket thrown over my legs, as I
depressively dive into a half gallon of rocky road ice cream
smothered with expensive caramel sauce, raw coconut shavings,
rainbow sprinkles, and Reddi Whip. I’m pulling out all the stops
tonight and this is by far the best ice cream in the galaxy.

Leaning over to spot my spoon and the
half-gallon partway gone, she slumps down into the sofa beside me
and pats my leg. “Eating your feelings again, I see… What

“Do you want some?” I offer her my spoon and
she grabs my hand feeding it to her mouth.

“Mmmm, this isn’t half bad, Lex. But if you
splurged on Reddi Whip and the fancy caramel sauce, I know this
must be bad.”
 She knows me all too well.

Pressing the pause button on the remote to
stop my movie I turn toward her.

“It was the best and worst date I’ve ever
had.” I mope, feeding another heaping spoonful into my mouth.

“Care to elaborate?”

With a long sigh, I give in and explain it
all. Talking about how hot they both made me, down to my abusive
father and everything in-between. I can’t think of a thing I left
out. Roni, being the woman she is, sat and listened the entire
time. And like a man, she didn’t interrupt, not even once.

“Now you see what it was the best
the worst.” I reiterate, licking the caramel sauce off the spoon,
feeling fifty percent lighter in emotions and ten pounds heavier in
my stomach. Between the two of us, this ice cream is nearly gone,
and I’m stuffed.

“It seems as though we will be dealing with
this jackass, Gage from Masterson and Associates, for the next few
weeks. I’m sure our lawyer, Kim, is going to get a real kick out of
it, if she hasn’t already received the paperwork yet. I find it
funny, that it happens on Monday and we are being sued by Friday,
sounds a bit fishy to me. To top it all off that Donald douche is
still trying to woo you. Where does that fall into all of this?
‘Hey you’re getting sued but I’d still like to fuck you.’ Oh goody,
just think of the sweet stories to tell the grandchildren after you
two get hitched and walk into the sunset, living happily ever

All-righty then, Roni is in full bitch mode,
not that I can blame her. I’ve spent most of the day, once I got
home, either crying about my past or angry with what happened. I
can’t decide which has won out.

Pressing the button back on the remote the
perfect make-you-happy movie turns back on.

“Do we have to watch this, Lex?” Roni groans,
stealing part of my blanket as she snuggles further down into my
brown suede couch.

“I love
White Chicks
; it’s the best
movie to make anyone laugh.”

Hey, I can’t help that this movie is in my
top ten all-time favorite movies. It’s funny and who doesn’t love
the Wayans brothers?

“It’s great, but we watched it four times
last month. Can’t we watch a horror flick?”

Quickly flipping my face toward her and
cringing at the suggestion. By crunching up my nose and squinting
in disgust. “Ewww, no, those are gross and they give me the
willies.” I shiver and shake my head, like it’s twenty below zero
in here.

Yuck! Horror movies. No way! Roni forced me
to sit through
one and two and through one Jason movie.
I will never ever, ever, ever, watch another nasty movie like that
again. I almost vomited watching the
movies. Who in the
hell thinks of those disturbing scenes? I think whoever it is
deserves to join the quacks in the loony bin.

Chuckling, Roni steals the remote and I lunge
to take it back.

“Chill, Prissy Diva. Sassy britches is just
rewinding it to be beginning. If I’m going to sit through this, I’m
not going to miss them getting fitted into white chick

Alright, sounds good. Let the girls unplanned
pajama party begin.


Chapter Six


Daniel stands behind his desk, flashing me a
cute smile. “Good morning, boss.” He greets, as I fly past him into
my office leaving the door open in my wake.

“Daniel! I need you!” I whine and that’s all
I need to say. And my adorable, black haired, green eyed, five foot
ten, twenty-one year old assistant wearing a sweater vest over his
dress shirt and fashion jeans enters my office, flipping the lock
behind him.

Making haste, I shimmy my long black pencil
skirt up around my waist and drop my yellow Victoria Secret thong
to the ground. Stepping out of it and kicking it to the side with
my bright red Jimmy Choo stiletto. Hopping myself on the edge of my
desk, I ready myself.

I need to
, and I need to

“Please.” Opening my legs, I give him a
perfect view of all my assets and judging by the giant tent in his
pants, he’s rather happy to see me too.

Kneeling between my legs, I lean back onto my
elbows and scoot closer to the edge of my leather top desk. Without
a second to spare, he dives in, greedily lapping and sucking my
tight wanton hole.

“That’s it, Daniel, right there.” I softly
encourage, falling into a blissful state of heightened arousal. As
his magic tongue plunges into me over and over, igniting a fiery
inferno of need in my belly.

Hitting that extra sweet spot with his
tongue, I bite my lip, tossing my head back as a long guttural moan
bellows in my throat, I know I’m close, I’m so close to squirting
my orgasm all over his face.

“Are you ready, boss?” He breathes hotly on
my eager hole. Washing waves of lust through me.

“Uh-huh.” Is all I can huskily mumble.

Oh God!

His index finger smoothly glides into me and
he presses that all-consuming button deep within my aching

I am going to come! I am going to! Oh God!

“I’m…” Reflexively I tighten my stomach,
curling into myself, my toes curl in my heels, as my eyelids
flutter. Radiating intense pleasure spasms throughout my body, I
shatter into a million perfect pieces of climatic ecstasy.
Screaming through clenched teeth, my heart hammers in my chest as I
fight for air.

Knock—knock—knock. Someone is rapping on my
office door.

Please let it be Roni, please, oh please, let
it be Roni.

“Just a minute.” I call out, with the most
stable voice I can muster, my body still twitching.

Jumping down from my desk, Daniel is already
standing and wiping his mouth and chin clean of my juices with a
tissue. I slide my panties back on and sit behind my desk, spraying
my Dior perfume on. That should mask the sex smell.

“We need to talk.” A manly voice beckons.

I pray my ears are deceiving me, but I don’t
think they are.

Righting his vest and tucking his hard dick
to the side Daniel gives me the nod, telling me he’s good. He
unlocks and opens my door in one smooth motion.


Gage arrogantly strolls into my office,
ignoring Daniel, who slips out behind him, shutting us in here

Don’t leave me, Daniel. I can’t sit in the
same room with this asshat.

“Here.” Gage sets a clear plastic tumbler on
my desk, filled with what I assume is tea. How would he know I like
tea? Or maybe it’s poison, that wouldn’t surprise me. Good thing if
he gives me arsenic and I die, Roni owns the other half of the
company and in the event of my death, she’ll own it all. No one
else will own this company besides us. Period.

“What is it?” I hesitantly ask, not touching
the cup.

Sitting down on one of my leather guest
chairs, he props one of his expensive dress shoes on his knee,
getting overly comfortable with a cup similar to mine clutched in
his hand. His elbows pretentiously resting on the armrests,
everything about the way he sits exudes copious amounts of
confidence, cockiness and unadulterated power.

Leaving me, once again, with the conclusion
he’s a douche—even though he is beyond a beautiful man, with his
light green-blue eyes, medium brown hair perfectly styled with just
the right amount of gel and a light dusting of dark facial hair,
providing him with that permanent sexy five o-clock shadow. That
typically makes most women swoon. Which, I’m sure he’s fully aware
of that effect on women and probably graces his bed with those
dopes on a nightly basis. I bet he’s one of those men who has
little bags with a toothbrush and toothpaste and other toiletry
items that he gifts them in the morning before kicking them out
with a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee to go. Or he could be a
Christian Grey; he is a lawyer after all. And it wouldn’t surprise
me, if he had them sign a nondisclosure clause when he ties them up
in his bedroom and beats them senseless, then fucks them once
they’ve passed out from the pain.

Okay, now I’m really projecting my own issues
onto this man. I’m sure he can’t be the kind of a monster Brian
was. I pray no one is that type of monster.

Eyeing me, not saying a word he glances
around my office and back to me. “It’s tea, Lex.” His smooth voice,
that no doubt woos women to bed, states.

“Did you poison it?”

Yes, that was a bit forward, but I had to

Chuckling, he shakes his head with a slight
grin. “No, I didn’t poison it. It’s tea from Barbie’s; I picked it
up before I came over. I figured you’d like it,

The way he says my name it’s like he’s
fucking it, all smooth and sensual, with a slight hissing sound at
the end. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.

“Don’t call me Lex. Only friends call me
that. And let’s face it, you, Sir,
are not
my friend.”

Yes! Point for Lex, I am seriously upping my
game today. Apparently, jerks bring out the best in me. Sassy
Britches would be so proud.

“Listen…about that.” He sits forward in his
chair, like he’s uncomfortable.

With an attitude, I raise my hand to stop him
from speaking and thankfully, he catches my drift.

“No, Mr. Masterson, you do not get to discuss
your rude behavior with me. Tell me why you are here and then
please leave. I have a meeting at eleven and lunch at Dolly’s at
noon. So please get on with it. I’m a very busy woman.” I cross my
arms, resting back in my chair and cross my legs. Even though I
know, he can’t see them behind my desk. I’m full of attitude today.
I wish I had this much confidence all of the time.

“I’m your eleven o-clock meeting; I just came
in early to talk with you about it and to apologize. Barbie said
that was your favorite tea, and I got one just like it for myself.
I figured a classy lady, such as yourself must have good taste in
drinks. I was right. This is the best tea that I’ve ever tasted.”
He smiles, and I frown, rolling my eyes.

Classy lady? Phul-ease… First, I’m a spoiled
brat who makes a man sign a contract under sexual duress, and now
I’m classy. Whatever.

“Please, leave your assumptions, whatever
they may be about me…outside. Business time, now out with it.” I
snap. I’ve had more than enough time with him in my office. He
keeps looking around like he’s going to find something to point out
to tease me about. Good thing I have impeccable taste and my office
expresses that in full force.

“Okay, sorry…Le…Ms. Keagan. Donald is coming
in with the other representatives from Saks, including a woman
named Rebecca Songs, to replace Mr. East. We have some documents
that Kim, your lawyer, will need to review before we decide if we
will escalate this through the judicial system or not. I wanted you
to know firsthand that I’m trying to expedite this matter without
having to step in front of a judge…”

“How noble of you.” I roll my eyes, cutting
him off, and I bite my bottom lip, to keep myself from chewing his
head off. I realize the pompous ass is doing his job, but I don’t
have to like it.

“Stop doing that.” His sharp husky tone fogs
the air.

Squinting in confusion, I open my mouth to
ask him, ‘

“Biting your lip.” He explains, beating me to
the punch, shifting awkwardly in his chair and sucking hard on his
tea, swallowing the mouthful of its contents with a loud gulp.

“Why?” My stronger voice has suddenly flipped
a one eighty, to weak and small. Maybe it’s my adrenalin
plummeting, or maybe it’s, how his Adams apple bobs in this throat
so sexily when he swallows. I have no idea. However, the climate in
my office has changed from disdain to something else entirely.

“That lip of yours has to be one of the
reasons he claims duress, Ms. Keagan.” The softness of Mr.
Masterson’s face has left me speechless. Somehow, he went from hard
and business like, to soft and pliable in the matter of a minute
and his tone is sweet, yet firm. Now, this is for sure how he gets
women into bed. This is even better than how sexy he looks when
he’s hard and dominate. Not hard, hard, I mean firm. We’re not
talking dicks here. Or are we? Crap!

Sitting in silence, I’m not sure what to say
to him. I’m not sorry for biting my lip. It’s a habit I’ve had for
years. It started as a kid when I was in pain or stressed. When you
get punished even harder for crying out, you find a way to suppress
the screams and yelps. Biting my lip or cheek has always been my
safe house, my way to keep the brutality down to a hard seven on a
scale from one to ten. One being nothing and ten being hurt so bad
you pass out and have to go to the hospital. I’ve had a few tens in
my life. But, I learned starting at the age of four, to bear it
internally and not show weakness.

Daniel summoning me though my intercom—that
we barely use, breaks us out of our strange silence of watching and

“Thirty minutes.” Daniel explains, which
means I have half an hour until my meeting with Mr. Masterson. That
should give me plenty of time to calm this dampening in my panties,
that’s just started.

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