Liars and Outliers (56 page)

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Authors: Bruce Schneier

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Brian Christian
Brian Christian (2011),
The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What it Means to Be Alive,

useful mechanism
Gordon Tullock (1967), “The Prisoner's Dilemma and Mutual Trust,”

Stop Snitching campaign
Rachael Woldoff and Karen G. Weiss (2010), “Stop Snitchin': Exploring Definitions of the Snitch and Implications for Urban Black Communities,”
Journal of Criminal Justice & Popular Culture,
17:184–223. Bret D. Asbury (2011), “Anti-Snitching Norms and Community Loyalty,”
Oregon Law Review,

Nepotism is making
Helen Thomas (16 Aug 2001), “Bush Keeps It All in the Family,”
Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Senator Frank Murkowski
Jonathan Turley (13 Jan 2003), “Public Payroll: A Family Affair,”
Los Angeles Times

Representative Richard Pombo
League of Conservation Voters (2005), “Rep. Richard Pombo's Family & Friends Network.”

Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson
Todd J. Gillman and Christy Hoppe (28 Aug 2010), “Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Violated Rules, Steered Scholarships to Relatives,”
Dallas Morning News

Even Bernie Sanders
Vermont Guardian (21 Apr 2005), “Nepotism Crosses Party Lines,”
Vermont Guardian

one in six staffers
Christine MacDonald (6 May 2011), “Nepotism Rampant at Detroit Libraries: 1 in 6 Staffers Have Relatives Who Work in Strapped Department,”
The Detroit News

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp
Mark Sweney (17 Mar 2011), “Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Sued Over ‘Nepotism’ in Buying His Daughter's Firm: Investors Allege Group Is Overpaying in $675m Deal to Acquire Elisabeth Murdoch's TV Production Business Shine,”
The Guardian

Many states have policies
New York State Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics (1975), “Topic: Conflict of Interests; Lawyer Spouses as Assistant District Attorney and Assistant Public Defender,” Opinion #409—8/28/75 (69–75). State Bar of Montana (1988), “May Spouses Serve as Opposing Counsel, Actively Engaging in the Same Suit or Matter on Opposite Sides?” Ethics Opinion 950407. Sandra Carlin Guin (1985), “Marital Status as a Reason for Attorney-Spouse Disqualification,”
Journal of the Legal Profession,

Chapter 12

One.Tel in Australia
Elizabeth Sexton (27 Oct 2007), “Adler Settles In One.Tel Bonus Case,”
Sydney Morning Herald.

Massey Energy
U.S. Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration (29 Jun 2011), “Upper Big Branch Mine, Mine ID: 46-08436, April 5, 2010 Accident, Public Briefing.” J. Davitt McAteer, Katie Beall, James A. Beck, Jr., Patrick C. McGinley, Celeste Monforton, Deborah C. Roberts, Beth Spence, and Suzanne Weise (2011), “Upper Big Branch: The April 5, 2010, Explosion: A Failure of Basic Coal Mine Safety Practices,” Governor's Independent Investigation Panel.

questionable telecom credits
Jonathan A. Knee (2006),
The Accidental Investment Banker: Inside the Decade that Transformed Wall Street,
Oxford University Press, xvii.

described dot.coms In the matter of Merrill Lynch & Co.
(2002), Decision and Order, Supreme Court of the State of New York.

Chapter 13

band together into
Tim Wu (2010),
The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires,
Alfred A. Knopf.

High barriers to entry
John M. Connor (2002), “The Food and Agricultural Global Cartels of the 1990s: Overview and Update,” Purdue University Department of Agricultural Economics, Staff Paper 02-4.

There are exceptions
Yvonne Chouinard (2005),
Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman,
Penguin Press.

implant false memories
Priyali Rajagopal and Nicole Votolato Montgomery (2011), “I Imagine, I Experience, I Like: The False Experience Effect,”
The Journal of Consumer Research,

The economic term
Paul A. David (1985), “Clio and the Economics of QWERTY,”
The American Economic Review,
75:332–7. W. Brian Arthur (1989), “Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-In by Historical Events,”
The Economic Journal,
99:116–31. Stan J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis (1995), “Path Dependence, Lock-In, and History,”
Journal of Law, Economics & Organization,
11:205–26. Begoña Garcia Mariñoso (2001), “Technological Incompatibility, Endogenous Switching Costs and Lock-In,”
The Journal of Industrial Economics,
49:281–98. Gal Zauberman (2003), “The Intertemporal Dynamics of Consumer Lock-In,”
Journal of Consumer Research,
30:405–19. William Barnes, Myles Gartland, and Martin Stack (2004), “Old Habits Die Hard: Path Dependency and Behavioral Lock-In,”
Journal of Economic Issues,
38:371–7. Joseph Farrell and Paul Klemperer (2007), “Coordination and Lock-In: Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects,” in Mark Armstrong and Robert Porter, eds.,
Handbook of Industrial Organization, Volume 3,
North-Holland, 1967–2072.

able to bargain down
Tricia Bishop (13 Dec 2008), “Court Orders ‘Scareware’ Shut Down,”
Baltimore Sun
. Lucian Constantin (16 Jun 2009), “ByteHosting Settles with the FTC in Scareware Advertising Lawsuit,”

hydraulic fracturing
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Minority Staff (2011), “Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing.”

company's arguments New York Times
(3 Nov 2009), “The Halliburton Loophole (Editorial),”
New York Times

The same dynamic
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. (1975),
The Mythical Man-Month,

Senator Bernie Sanders
Bernard Sanders (6 Nov 2009), “Too Big To Fail—Too Big To Exist,”
Huffington Post

Chapter 14

ineffective tactic
Max Abrams (2006), “Why Terrorism Does Not Work,”
International Security,
31:42–78. Bruce Schneier (12 Jul 2007), “The Evolutionary Brain Glitch that Makes Terrorism Fail,”
Wired News.

isn't just theoretical
A. Peter McGraw, Alexander Todorov, and Howard Kunreuther (2011), “A Policy Makers Dilemma: Preventing Terrorism or Preventing Blame,”
Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes,

Chapter 15

studied systems dynamics
Daniel H. Kim and Virginia Anderson (1989),
Systems Archetype Basics,
Pegasus Communications. Peter Senge (1990),
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
, Currency.

experiential goods
Daniel Gilbert (2006),
Stumbling on Happiness,

Ben Franklin said
Richard Jackson (1759),
An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania

also human nature
Joyce Ehrlinger and Richard P. Eibach (2011), “Focalism and the Failure to Foresee Unintended Consequences,”
Basic & Applied Social Psychology,
33:1, 59–68.

major political backlash
Sophie Goodchild (27 Aug 2006), “500,000 Wheelie Bins ‘Have a Spy In the Lid,'”
The Independent.
Louise Gray (21 Jul 2009), “Councils ‘Snooping’ In Bins To See Who Is Recycling Properly,”
The Telegraph.
Chris Gourlay and Maurice Chittenden (11 Oct 2009), “Bin Police Make You Save Every Scrap,”
London Times
. Philip Reynolds (30 Apr 2010), “Bin Sensor Technology Revolutionizes Waste Collection,”
Materials Recycling Week
. British Broadcasting Corporation (5 Mar 2011), “Warning of Rise in Microchips in Council Bins,”
BBC News.

life-cycle management
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2010), “Recycling and Reuse: End-of-Life Vehicles and Producer Responsibility.”

The Innocence Project
Innocence Project (2011), “Facts on Post-Conviction DNA Evidence.”

Cheating on test scores
Heather Vogell (6 Jul 2011), “Investigation Into APS Cheating Finds Unethical Behavior Across Every Level,”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Jaime Sarrio (10 Jul 2011), “Cheating Scandal Adds Fuel to Debate Over High-Stakes Tests,”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Michael Winerip (31 Jul 2011), “Pa. Joins States Facing a School Cheating Scandal,”
New York Times.

One teacher described
Benjamin Herold (28 Jul 2011), “Confession of a Cheating Teacher,”
The Notebook.

Scott Adams wrote
Scott Adams (1996),
The Dilbert Principle: A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions,
HarperBusiness, 12.

18 years if
Matthew Sherman (2009), “A Short History of Financial Deregulation in the United States,” Center for Economic and Policy Research.

potential failure
Alexis de Tocqueville (1835),
Democracy in America,
Saunders and Otley.

Chapter 16

the singularity
Vernor Vinge (1993), “Technological Singularity,” paper presented at the VISION-21 Symposium sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute, 30–31 March. Raymond Kurzweil (2005),
The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology,
Penguin Press.

against the government
Leonard Deutchman and Sean Morgan (2005), “The ECPA, ISPs and Obtaining E-mail: A Primer for Local Prosecutors,” American Prosecutors Research Institute. U.S. Department of Justice, Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section (2009),
Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations,
Third Edition, Office of Legal Education Executive Office for United States Attorneys.

Clay Shirky writes
Clay Shirky (2008),
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations,
Penguin Press.

terms of service Wall Street Journal
(4 May 2011), “Terms of Use for SafeHouse,”
Wall Street Journal

Lord Kelvin said
Silvanus Phillips Thompson (2011),
The Life of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs
, Cambridge University Press.

Chapter 17

leap of faith
Søren Kierkegaard (1844),
The Concept of Anxiety.
Alistair Hannay and Gordon Marino, eds. (1997),
The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard
, Cambridge University Press.

World Values Survey
Jaime Diez Medrano (2011), “Interpersonal Trust,” World Values Survey Archive and ASEP/JDS.

results differ widely
Magali Rheault (5 Oct 2007), “Many World Citizens Trust Neighbors More Than Police: Trust in Neighbors and Police About Equal in 21 Countries,” Gallup.

tried something similar Reader's Digest
(Jul 2007), “The Reader's Digest Global Phone Test.”

laboratory experiment
Simon Gächter, Benedikt Herrmann, and Christian Thöni (2010), “Culture and Cooperation,” CESifo Working Paper No. 3070.

attributed to King
Jamie Stiehm (3 Sep 2010), “Oval Office Rug Gets History Wrong,”
Washington Post.

About the Author

Photo by Norbert Schiller

Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist who studies the human side of security. A prolific author, he has written hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers, as well as eleven books that together have sold more than 400,000 copies. He has testified before Congress, is a frequent guest on television and radio, and is regularly quoted in the press. His blog and monthly newsletter at
reach over 250,000 devoted readers worldwide.

“The closest thing the security industry has to a rock star.”

—The Register

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