Liars and Outliers (55 page)

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Authors: Bruce Schneier

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oft-quoted line
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Chimpanzees are able
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Charles Lamb
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diverse communities
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different dialects
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English dialects
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alternate analysis
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“is” does not imply
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costly religious rituals
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breeding females
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Edney listed several
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Michel Foucalt said
Didier Eribon (1991),
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similar system in Sweden
Heather Monasky (2011), “On Comprehensive Prostitution Reform: Criminalizing the Trafficker and the Trick, But Not the Victim—Sweden's Sexköpslagen in America,”
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driving skill is better
Justin Kruger and David Dunning (1999), “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments,”
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Electronic filing
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Students perform better
Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini (2000), “Pay Enough or Don't Pay at All,”
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salary bonuses
Randall Eberts, Kevin Hollenbeck, and Joe Stone (2002), “Teacher Performance Incentives and Student Outcomes,”
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Ostrom's original rules are
Elinor Ostrom (1980),
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Jeremy Bentham
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Gary Becker
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increasing the probability
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conflicting evidence
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two Irish subsidiaries
Joseph B. Darby III and Kelsey Lemaster (15 May 2007), “Double Irish More than Doubles the Tax Savings,”
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bigger one opened up
Todd Neeley (28 Mar 2011), “Pulp, Paper Companies Amend Tax Returns Actions Could Cost Taxpayers Billions of Dollars,”
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Chapter 10

someone was sentenced
Barbara de Lollis (15 Sep 2010), “Woman Faces Three Months in Jail for Stealing Hotel Towels,”
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doping in professional Scrabble
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assays were developed
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EPO use became
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analogues of analogues
Andreas Breidbach, Don H. Catlin, Gary A. Green, Inna Tregub, Henry Truong, and Jeffrey Gorzek (2003), “Detection of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in Urine by Isoelectric Focusing,”
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new EPO replacement
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first designer steroid
Henry K. Lee (4 Aug 2006), “Inventor of Clear Steroid Gets Three Months in Prison,”
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Its fingerprint
Don H. Catlin, Brian D. Ahrens, and Yulia Kucherova (2002), “Detection of Norbolethone, an Anabolic Steroid Never Marketed, in Athletes' Urine,”
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scenario was replayed
Don H. Catlin, Michael H. Sekera, Brian D. Ahrens, Borislav Starcevic, Yu-Chen Chang, and Caroline K. Hatton (2004), “Tetrahydrogestrinone: Discovery, Synthesis, and Detection in Urine,”
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flow cytofluorometry
Margaret Nelson, Michael Ashenden, Mark Langshaw, and Hazel Popp (2002), “Detection of Homologous Blood Transfusion by Flow Cytometry: A Deterrent against Blood Doping,”
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gene doping
H. Lee Sweeney (Jul 2004), “Gene Doping,”
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adulterated supplements
Jeff Jones (4 Dec 2002), “Tainted Supplements: Positive or Not?”
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Chinese herbal product
Patricia L. Eachus (1996), “Positive Drug Screen for Benzodiazepine Due to a Chinese Herbal Product,”
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urine test for EPO
Monique Beullens, Joris R. Delanghe, and Mathieu Bollen (2006), “False-Positive Detection of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in Urine Following Strenuous Physical Exercise,”
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hotly contested
Don Catlin, Gary Green, Michael Sekera, Paul Scott, and Borislav Starcevic (2006), “False-Positive EPO Test Concerns Unfounded,”
108:1778. Françoise Lasne (2006), “No Doubt About the Validity of the Urine Test for Detection of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin,”

Rapid-screen immunoassays
Nancy C. Brahm, Lynn L. Yeager, Mark D. Fox, Kevin C. Farmer, and Tony A. Palmer (2010), “Commonly Prescribed Medications and Potential False-Positive Urine Drug Screens,”
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Vicks Vapor Inhaler
Telegraph (21 Mar 2002), “British Skier Stripped of Bronze.”

appearance of a website
Rachna Dhamija, J.D. Tygar, and Marti Hearst (2006), “Why Phishing Works,”
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least costly measures
Tom LaTourette, David R. Howell, David E. Mosher, and John MacDonald (2006),
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Chapter 11

Robert A. Heinlein
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levels of moral meaning
Kenneth R. Melchin (1998),
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good summary
William C. Crain (1985), “Kolhberg's Stages of Moral Development,” Chapter 7 of
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Social identity theory
Henri Tajfel (1974), “Social Identity and Intergroup Behaviour,”
Social Science Information,
13:65–93. Naomi Ellemers, Russell Spears, and Bertjan Doosje (2001), “Self and Social Identity,”
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immolated themselves
Michael Biggs (2005), “Dying Without Killing: Self-Immolations, 1963–2002,” in Diego Gambetta, ed.,
Making Sense of Suicide Missions,
Oxford University Press.

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