Read Libertine's Wife Online

Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #suspense, #love story, #historical, #bondage and domination, #menage a tois, #voyeurism erotica, #voyeur erotica, #bondage and submission

Libertine's Wife (26 page)

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What of the others?”
Arianne fumed to recall the other four he failed to

Arianne, this is unseemly
we discuss this.” He shook his head, seeing she was determined to
hear about all his children and their mothers now. “Very well, do
not say I didn’t warn you. Samuel is my second son. His mother was
a chamber maid who used to work for me here named Libby Yates. She
stayed on working for me until our son was born. She stayed my
mistress until he was a year old. Samuel is now twelve. Libby lives
with a man who quite enjoys my patronage, if not my son’s company.
Then there is Mary, she is eleven. Her mother is a paid courtesan
who I kept for a short time. The lady is now on a mission looking
for a new protector. My daughter Deidre is turning ten this year.
Her mother was a widowed noblewoman named Constance Bellamy. She
was my mistress for several months before she remarried a lord who
will not allow the girl to live with them. Last is Isabella, or
Bella, as we call her. She is eight. Her mother is Lady Valentina
Weston, the Countess of Tremaine. She was my mistress for a time
between her first and second husbands. The child lives with her
ailing grandmother. There, are you satisfied?”

I wish to meet them all,”
Arianne shocked him by saying, her blue eyes filled with anger.
“The children, I mean.”

You cannot meet them,”
Garret argued and shook his head. “Arianne, if it got about you
spent time with them, it could ruin your reputation we worked so
hard to achieve.”

Take me with you on
Tuesdays.” She refused to budge. “We are hardly in the public eye
there. I should like to meet all of my stepchildren.”

This will not go over well
with their mothers,” Garret predicted with a wry grin.

I do not care if it goes
over at all!” Arianne snapped and he chuckled and rose, coming
around the desk to embrace her.

You’re jealous, aren’t

Why should I be the least
upset to learn you have five children, possibly seven?” Arianne
asked with narrowed eyes as he wrapped his arms about her waist.
“They’re not responsible for your actions, or their

Fine, you can go with me on
Tuesdays,” Garret agreed and kissed her lips fleetingly before he
let her go. “They would enjoy meeting you, but be prepared for
them. They are all rather unique in their own way.”

How so?” she inquired,
curious to hear about her husband’s children.

Gregory is very serious and
quiet, probably the result of a nagging mother all his life. Samuel
is a bit of a deviant. Libby says he wishes to be a bloody
pickpocket when he grows up. Do not leave your reticule available
to him. Deidre is haughty and spoiled. She will wear on you. Mary
is a joy, always laughing and pleasant to be around. Bella has all
the makings of a concert progeny. She will play the pianoforte for
you and you will see she’s quite gifted, if not a bit driven for
her years. They are all quite a handful together, as you will see.
I usually dine with them, bring them gifts, and discuss their
lessons and such while there. Your appearance will certainly
entertain them.”

Arianne was stunned he was on such
intimate terms with his children, but then, what did she really
know outside of what he told her of his past? They spoke only of
the present now. She had no right to upbraid him for keeping his
children from her. He did so out of propriety. She had no excuse
for keeping Jaime’s true paternity a secret from him. She knew the
day loomed ahead she had to tell him before Eustace got into more

I wish to buy them gifts,”
Arianne told him quietly.

Why on earth for?” he
grumbled. “They’re all over-indulged, my dear. Do you think my
children would want for anything?”

She appeared to be confused. “I implied
nothing, Garret. Most men of your class don’t support their
mistresses so generously if they didn’t care for the woman or the

I am not most men.” He
looked insulted at her words.

No, you are quite
different, I think,” she said softly, a smile curving her lips,
making him relax.

Garret reached out and snatched up her
hand, his green eyes full of devilry as he brought it to his lips.
“You said you adored that about me last night.”

I would have said anything
at that moment,” Arianne admitted with a fond smile. “You were most
determined to hear whatever you wished, Garret. You refused to
untie me until I said everything you wished to hear.”

You would deny it now? You
told me you loved it when I fu—”

Yes, I know! It doesn’t
bear repeating, my lord,” Arianne said hastily.

I shall enjoy making you
say it over and over again, until you are comfortable saying it,”
Garret promised with glowing eyes.

You are reprehensible, do
you know that?” She shook her head, her infatuation with her
husband obvious in her glowing expression.

I have a free moment,”
Garret whispered huskily. “Meet me in my room.”

I have appointments,
Garret.” She giggled at his forlorn expression.

You will cancel all of
them, citing a headache.” He pulled her into his arms, leaning down
to kiss her. “You know you would rather not go, my dear. I supplied
you with an acceptable excuse as well.”

I will meet you there.” She
spoke in a breathless voice. The eagerness in her eyes warmed him
as he let her go, sitting on the edge of his desk and grinning as
she moved briskly from the room.

He waited a few moments before he got
up and walked after her. He winked at Mrs. Phelps on his way up.
The old woman blushed and waddled back to the kitchens.

~ ~ ~

Arianne was walking in the gardens with
Jaime. The little boy ran ahead. She smiled and called out to him
when he disappeared off the path. Hurrying up to where she’d last
seen him, she let out a gasp to see her son being held by Eustace.
He grinned as he held his nephew.

It’s about time I meet the
boy, Arianne,” he said and chuckled as the little boy grinned back
at him. “He’s a beautiful child, Sis. He looks like you at that
age. You’ve done well.”

What is it now, Eustace? I
gave you the jewels. Don’t tell me you have run through them
already?” she asked in dismay. “I have nothing left to give

No, it is nothing like
that.” His eyes held hers briefly before he looked back at his
nephew, setting him down finally. The boy ran to his mother then.
Jaime was content to hide within her skirts as she confronted her
brother. “We have to talk.”

I will take him back to the
house and be back shortly.” She pulled her son by the hand as she
hurried back the way they came.

Eustace was waiting when she returned.
“I came to warn you. The men who are after me threaten your family,
Arianne. Dench is not content to get his due in increments. He
wants it all, with interest, and now.”

How much do you owe?” She
was afraid to ask.

It was eighty-seven
thousand pounds when I gave him your jewels to tide him over,”
Eustace said without acknowledging her gasp of horror. “He adds
interest every day the balance is not paid. He demands
fifty-thousand pounds.”

Arianne stared at him in a growing
calmness she was far from feeling. The day she feared arrived. That
sum was beyond her, even if she gave him all the jewels. She could
no longer shoulder such a burden anymore. Julian wouldn’t help her
again. She had to tell Garret the truth. This would never

I cannot help you anymore,
Eustace.” She gazed at him without batting an eyelash. “I go to my
husband and pray he forgives me. This has gone on long

They will kill me for
certain, Arianne. What will you do when they come after your
family, as they threaten to do?” He had a trace of a whine in his
voice, his blue eyes meeting hers, flinching to see the coldness in
her eyes. “Can you not try, for me? I am your brother!”

You are very much on your
own in this. I told you the well would run dry. Today is that day.”
Arianne felt sorrow fill her to think of what she had to do. There
was nothing else left.

You would risk the man
tossing you out, or worse, banishing you forever to avoid helping
me?” Eustace looked desperate, his blue eyes filled with

I can’t help you anymore,
Eustace! A sum that large would require getting it from Garret, or
Julian. Something tells me both would know it was for you and I’d
be forced to tell them anyway,” Arianne raged and her eyes filled
with tears. “I am sorry. This has got to end, for all our

Eustace looked somewhat resigned to his
fate. “I never meant for any of this to happen, Arianne. You must
believe that.”

I know that you can’t help
yourself,” Arianne whispered and a tear slid down her cheek. “Take
care, Brother, I will pray for you.”

Eustace opened his mouth to say more,
but she was already turning and walking back to the house. His
words stopped her in her tracks. “They will kill your family off
one by one until they get their money, Arianne. This is no

She turned, staring at him bleakly.
“That is why I must tell my husband. I’ll not risk them by staying
silent of this anymore.”

Eustace had no more opportunity to
dissuade her. She knew he did it to keep his funds coming to feed
his sickness. She’d not continue it, seeing it would cost her all

Chapter Fifteen

The evening meal passed and she was
determined to tell Garret the truth. Her husband had other ideas.
He insisted whatever she wished to discuss could wait. He left her
a gift on her bed. He ordered her to her room to see it.

Bemused, she went to her room. A large
package was on her bed, wrapped in an elegant black ribbon. She
opened it with a feeling of anticipation. She swept the tissue
paper aside and stared within. She pulled the naughty gown out of
the box, eyes wide at its daring cut.

It was black, a sparkling satin,
trimmed in beautiful black lace. The neckline was shallow, cut
almost to the waist. She turned it, seeing the back was also just
as low. She smiled as she imagined his pleasure to see her in the

Within the box she found the most
decadent black stockings and garters she’d ever seen. The shoes
were high-heeled slippers, black, with crystals sewn into them. The
jeweled buckles made her sigh appreciatively.

Just where he intended her to wear the
scandalous gown, she didn’t know. Ginny arrived and helped her with
her toilette. She didn’t want to shock her maid, managing to dress
herself. As she donned a heavy diamond and sapphire choker, with
matching earrings, bracelets, and rings, she stood in front of the

Ginny styled her hair in an elaborate,
upswept style. She painstakingly curled and pinned each tress. The
artful effect was dazzling. The crystal pins twinkled in the
firelight. She applied only a hint of rice paper and rouge to her
cheeks and lips. The darkening agent used to enhance her eyelashes
made her eyes pop and appear larger. She swallowed hard as she saw
her appearance in the mirror.

The snug gown fit her like a glove, the
low neckline cut nearly to her stomach. Her breasts were nearly
exposed. She looked like a prostitute to her own eyes, albeit an
expensive one.

Arianne smiled, wondering what he was
up to. She retrieved a black velvet cloak within her armoire and
adjusted it over the gown. She didn’t want to shock the servants
when she went down to join her husband.

Garret refused to tell her where he was
taking her. Excitement pulsed within her veins as she went down to
join him. Her heart caught in her throat to see him, standing at
the bottom of the stairs waiting. His black evening wear was
tailored to perfection. He looked as handsome as sin. His eyes were
twinkling as she swept down the stairs, eyeing the cloak with a
raised eyebrow.

All the trouble I went to,
and you cover it up?” He whispered down at her, conscious of Elliot
hovering not far away.

What did you have in mind,
Garret?” She looked uncomfortable, a slight frown marring her brow.
“If you think I’m taking off this cloak, you’ve another thing

Garret was secretive, smiling as he
swept her out of the house, and into their awaiting coach parked at
the curb. He leaned back and regarded her with such an intense
look, she fidgeted.

All in due time,” he said
when she begged to know where they went. Soon, her anxiousness
intensified when he retrieved the black mask from his frock coat
pocket. She stared at him with excitement coursing through

You intend to blindfold me
right now?” Quivers of delight went down her spine at his heated

Yes, right now,” Garret
said as he leaned over and carefully tied it around her head,
careful to not muss her hair. “You must be patient, my

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