Licentious (15 page)

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Authors: Jen Cousineau

BOOK: Licentious
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Chapter Twenty-One



The sun is shining hot with no breeze to decrease the intensity of the heat. So most of us are only out of the pool to graze the snacks or to refill a drink. Ma is sitting on a stool at the bar keeping Uncle Jack and Dad company while they prepare the grill. She’s been making sure that everyone’s staying hydrated…
with margaritas, beers, and mojitos. Well, everyone except for Nina. Dad would have a fucking heart attack if any of us consented to her drinking underage. He never condoned underage drinking, but ever since Franks’ death, it became clear just how much he was now against it, even though Frank was of age.

Tommy, Nikolas, Vito, and Sammy came over
, and we’ve been having contests between us guys for dives, cannonballs, and belly flops ever since, while the girls are chilling out against the wall.

“I can’t handle any more belly flops,” Sammy complains holding his stomach.

“Pussy,” Tommy teases.

“I guess all that time in the gym working on those
muscles of yours does nothing to make you a real man, huh?” Vito laughs.

“Fuck off,” Sammy says glaring at him.

“Chicken fight?” I volunteer.

“Sure, but your dick isn’t touching my neck
.” Tommy laughs.

“I mean with the girls
.” I laugh as I splash him.

“I get Joey,” Vito says quickly.

“Fuck that,” I growl. “No one but me gets Joey,” I tell him. A twinge of jealousy forms in my stomach over the idea of
touching her but me. That idea just pisses me off. Especially, since I can sense her constantly watching me. Her eyes may be covered with her dark shades, but I can
her eyes on me. Yet every time I get close to her, she nearly runs away.

“Whatever, man
.” Vito backs off holding his palms up. “She’s yours.”

“Not yet,” I mutter as I turn and stalk toward her. “Ladies,” I flash a smile at all four of them resting with their backs against the wall
with a drink in each of their hands, “care to have some fun?” I smile wickedly.

“Nah. I’m good right here
.” Enedina smiles as she takes a giant sip of her mojito.

I look over at Joey and see her taking an endless drink from her strawberry margarita.
I wonder what number that is for her
. It’s been at least four. “Joey?” I cock a brow to challenge her.

“Uh, I’m good. I’m actually going to go get a refill,” she says quickly before turning around, setting her glass on the ground and lifting herself up and out of the pool. She’s like a fucking wet dream.
Even if she is wearing a one-piece
. Water pours off her body. Her long wet black hair is draped down her back. She bends over to retrieve her glass, her ass in perfect view, and I feel my dick start to harden with the idea of her bent over in front of me, me standing behind her, hands on her shoulders, watching my dick slam into her over and over again. I have to bite back the growl that threatens to escape my chest.

“I’m going to go get a drink,” I announce as I follow Joey out of the pool.

“I’ll come with you. I’m empty,” Maria says. I can’t help but laugh as she struggles to pull herself out of the pool. I reach down and pull her up, planting her on her feet.

“Don’t laugh!”
She laughs as she swats my arm. “My body is like noodles! That chick,” she says pointing toward Joey, “is like a drill sergeant.”

“Good! That’s what you wanted
, right?” I can’t help the pride that slowly spreads over me for Joey helping Maria.
God, what the hell? I just met the chick.

“I like her,” Maria says as she slips her arm
through mine, resting her head against my lower bicep as we walk to the bar. I don’t dare respond to that. I know that no matter what I respond with, it will open up a can of worms that I don’t want to deal with right now.

Walking up behind Joey, I hear her voluptuous laugh as her head tips back. Ma giggles as Dad and Uncle Jack just smile and shake their heads.

“Joey, can I ask you something?” Maria asks as she hip bumps Joey before handing her the empty glass.

Joey laughs, shaking her head. “What’s up?” she asks as she accepts her glass
and bends over to mix Maria’s drink. I take a seat at the other side of the bar next to Ma and Uncle Jack hands me a fresh lager. I nod my thanks and lean forward on the bar top. You never know what these chicks will say, especially when they’ve been drinking.

“Why the hell are you wearing a one
-piece?” she asks, slapping her hand on the bar top.

“Because her Mom was a bitch and planted a forest of self-doubt in her head,” Maria’s
fiancé answers for her.

What the fuck?
I see Joey’s body tense up before she stands quickly, fully erect, her face pale and eyes wide. She slowly turns around. “Kellan,” she whispers. None of us says a word. We just watch them. Joey looks like she might faint. Kellan’s eyes narrowed, hands on his hips.

“Sorry I’m late
.” He smiles quickly, leaning down to kiss Maria.

“Do you know each other?” Maria asks confused.

“Excuse me,” Joey whispers before she tries to flee, but Kellan grabs her arm to stop her. My defenses go up, watching intently, ready to intervene at any moment.

“Jo,” he sighs.

“Don’t!” she spits, turning around and shoving him back on his heels. “Don’t you dare call me that,” she growls pointing a finger at him with eyes full of fire.

“I’ve always

called me Jo—”

“I’ve always

“That’s because I use to consider you family,” she mutters, her hand moves to rub the back of her neck. “You lost that right when you turned your back on me!” she yells angrily at him
, tears misting in her eyes.

What does she mean her family
her Jo?

“Jo, just
—”Joey’s fist connects with Kellan’s jaw with a perfect right-handed hook. His face snaps to the side before his hand moves up to rub what I assume is now a sore spot. I actually have to bite my lip from chuckling.

“Don’t!” she warns him.

“Kellan!” Maria freaks. “Joey! What the hell?”

“I have to go,” she whispers, shaking her head before
she starts for the house.

“I’m sorry,” Kellan nearly shouts
with his arms open wide, stopping Joey in her tracks, her back still to us. “I’m sorry,” he says again quietly.

What the fuck am I missing?
I look around and everyone is dead silent, watching the show unfold, confusion written on their faces.

please fill me in on what the fuck is going on,” Maria snarls.

, Maria,” Dad says firmly, causing an eye roll from Maria.

“Jo and I

“Joey,” Joey corrects him
as she turns back around, her hands forming fists against her hips. “You lost every right to call me Jo,” she growls.

“Joey,” he emphasizes, “and I used to be…
friends,” Kellan starts to explain.

“You slept with my
fiancé?” Maria shrieks

“What? No!” Joey gasps. “It was never like that between us.” I have to admit, part of me feels
relieved at her confession.

“Joey’s brother was my best friend,” he says softly looking down at the concrete.


so what’s the problem?” Maria asks.

“The problem is when life went to shit, this asshole decided to bail,” Joey utters furiously, glaring at Kellan.

“It was hard for me too, Jo!” He turns to her, arms held open. “I’m sorry I hurt you, but I can’t change the past.”

“Hard for you? Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she growls as she closes the distance between them. “Hard for you? Fuck you, Kellan!” she yells as she shoves him again. I see everyone from the pool moving toward us. I think the girls are ready to jump in to hold Maria back in case she loses her cool with Joey shoving Kellan. The guys, like me, on edge, ready to keep Kellan in check.

“I loved her, Jo! Okay? I fucking loved her,” he nearly yells, his body tense. “You… it was too hard to look at you,” he says softly. “And then when Aedan,” he shakes his head, his hand rubbing his chin. “I couldn’t handle watching you in that much pain. And I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. I’m sorry,” he whispers.

“You’re a fucking coward
,” she sneers.

“You’re right! But I told you at your Dad’s funeral that I’d always be there for you,” he shouts.

“Yeah,” she laughs angrily. “The man who always supported you, you show up for five minutes, hug me, say five fucking words and leave. Yeah, I can really count on you, Kellan,” she rebukes.

“What do you want me to say
, Jo?” he spits. “I’m sorry!”

“You’re an ass,” she growls.

“You’re right. I was. But I tried to call you a thousand times, and you chose to ignore me,” he accuses.

“Yeah? How’d that feel?” she glares.

“Shitty,” he sighs.

.” She nods, crossing her arms over her chest.

No one says anything for what seems like an eternity while
the two of them have a stare down.

“So, who were you in love with?” Maria timidly asks, breaking the silence.

“Her sister, Evelyn,” he nearly whispers in response, not taking his eyes off Joey. “So… can I call you Jo again?”

Her brows furrow
. “Not a fucking chance,” she answers, venom lacing her words. She brushes his shoulder as she passes him and reaches for Maria’s empty glass. She takes a few swigs straight from the Jose before continuing to make Maria’s drink. I watch as a stray tear appears at the corner of her eye. She bats it away quickly, biting her lip so hard she flinches. The need to comfort her hits me like a ton of bricks, but I know that she’ll push me away.

It took all of us
a while to come around to giving Kellan a chance for Maria’s sake. Dad forbade it at first. Mainly, because we found out that he was a cop. A detective. When we realized that she was going to date him anyway, we pretended to give him a chance. But his profession was a threat to the family. Maria couldn’t understand this because the women in our family know who we are and what we do in a general sense, but they don’t really
. We don’t let them in on any details unless necessary. We watched him like a hawk for a good amount of time, but once we realized how serious they were about each other, Dad sat him down and had a chat with him. None of us knew what was said, but shortly after, Kellan resigned from the Police Department on good terms and became the head of our security operations. Watching this exchange between him and Joey makes me question his loyalty. If they were so close to consider each other family, and he turned his back on her, how do I know he won’t do that to Maria?

“Food’s done,” Dad announces. Everyone slowly disperses to the dining room inside. I stay planted where I am, my eyes never leaving Joey
, who’s staring down at the bar top. I look to find Kellan, and see him watching her from behind until Maria grabs his arm pulling him inside, whispering into his ear.


Chapter Twenty-Two



“Are you okay?” Alé’s voice breaks my thoughts, saving my mind from itself as he leans on the bar across from me.

“Yeah,” I shrug. “I’m fine. Just feel bad for making a scene, I guess.”

“Nah,” he waves his hand dismissively
, “don’t be. Shit like this happens all the time.” He smiles. “You forget we’re Italian. We’re naturally passionate,” he reminds me with a smirk. I’ve got nothing, so I just nod and force a smile on my face.

“Small world, huh?” he asks.

“You can say that again,” I mutter as I lift the Jose bottle to my lips, feeling the burn of the amber liquid as it runs down my throat. Alé steps next to me, a hand pressed against my lower back as his other lowers the bottle away from my lips. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before turning to look at him. My body on edge, but my brain growing fuzzy, the heat from his hand on my back creates butterflies in full force inside of me. The heat in his eyes is igniting my insides, causing an ache deep in my core. I can feel my heart speed as my breathing grows more erratic.

“Joey,” he says through clenched teeth
and a tick in his strong jaw. “I’m going to kiss you,” he says almost as a warning as he steps directly in front of me. One hand moving to the back of my neck, the other framing my face as his thumb runs over my bottom lip. I can feel my nerves jump as my sex clenches with want. With need. “Tell me no,” he whispers, a breath away from my lips. My mouth parts to object, my eyes locked with his, but no words come out. Our lips crash together with little patience. Our breaths mix together as his tongue starts to dance with mine. My hands roam up his arms and over his strong shoulders, his body hard like granite. A moan escapes from my throat as his mouth makes its torturous way to my neck. His hot breath against my ear, he commands, “Tell me you want me.” His hands roaming freely over my body.

“I…I…” I stammer in a fuzzy stupor.

“Joey,” he growls before his lips find mine again. My hand rests at the base of his neck, fingers running through his short hair while my other hand roams over his strong chest. The feeling of his strength causes me to clench involuntarily as liquid drips from my core. I bite his lip and nearly growl. “My, aren’t we feisty,” he chuckles.

“I want the feisty bitch, first,” I hear Tony’s tenor-silk voice wash over me.

“Fuck that,” Vinny snaps back to Tony. “You got her first,” he nods in Eve’s direction, “she’s mine,” he growls as his hand roams my body freely. Next thing I know, I hear Vinny ‘tsk, tsk’ before the sound of my clothes being shredded fill my ears. My left eye is completely swollen shut, and my lips hurt when I try to speak. “Too many clothes. You’re too beautiful to be all covered up.” He smiles as he shreds the remains of my shirt. He then takes a knife to my chest, cutting my bra in the center until my breasts break free. “So fucking beautiful,” he groans as he palms me, using his hand to guide the tip of my nipple into his mouth. I can feel his teeth and tongue teasing me.

Dizziness, nausea, and fear of what’s to come fill me. Eve. I force my head to turn toward her, the motion causing small dots to dance before my eyes before Eve comes into view. “Eve,” I whisper. Tony is pumping into her with the speed of a horny dog in heat. I focus into the sound of Eve’s whimpers. “Eve, look at me,” I nearly beg. Her bruised and bloodied face turns to me, tears streaking through the grime.

“Joey,” she breathes as she continues to cry.

“Shh, Eve, it’s going to be okay,” I try to console her. I hate that she’s scared right now. I hate that her first time is with these cold, heartless men. I hate that they hurt her. I hate them.

I feel a sharp pain inside of me, causing me to cry out as Vinny groans, sinking into me balls deep. A burning sensation takes over between my legs, tears stinging the back of my eyes. He pulls almost all the way out before slamming back into me.

please stop,” I push at his chest. Tears springing to my eyes as fear courses through me. “Stop!” I push again until our bodies are no longer touching. My chest heavy with uneven breaths, I can hear my heart beating in my ears.

“Whoa,” he takes a step back. “Okay. I’m sorry. What’d I do?” Alé asks in shock. Confusion clouding his face.

My shaking hands cover my mouth as I close my eyes and shake my head.
“I… uh… I-I’m sorry,” I tell him as I quickly walk by him to retrieve my things from the patio table on the other side of the pool.

“Joey,” he calls after me causing me to move faster. “Joey!” he yells. “Dammit, Joey. Stop!”
He catches up to me and grabs my elbow, turning me to him, our bodies colliding as his arms wrap around my shaking body. Tears falling from my eyes. “Shh,” he consoles me, his hand basically petting the back of my head. I struggle against him to break free, but he only tightens his hold on me.

“Please,” I whimper, sobs threatening to break free. My knees growing weak. “Please, let me go,” I beg as I begin to fall apart. He quickly releases me and holds his palms up.

“Okay, I’m sorry, I just—”

“I know,” I cut him off. “I’m sorry Alé. I just…
can’t,” I tell him quietly as I wipe my tears away. “I have to go. I’m… sorry. You did nothing wrong, okay?” I force a smile as my eyes finally meet his.

“Let me take you home,” he offers.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll be fine,” I decline shaking my head.

“You’ve been drinking,” he reminds me.

“So haven’t you—”

“Yeah, but a few beers versus a shit ton of tequila,” he rolls his eyes. “I’m taking you home,” he says firmly. I capture my lips in between my teeth, eyes on my feet as I nod my acceptance that I won’t win this. I turn and slip on my shorts and sandals before turning back to him. “I’m going to grab a shirt and my keys, okay?” he says cautiously.

“’K. I’ll meet you out front,” I tell him before turning away, not giving him a chance to object. I head to my shitty cavalier and retrieve my purse and keys, locking the doors in the process. I press the heels of my hands to my eyes, silently chastising myself for allowing that to happen.
I know better!
I was definitely not drunk enough for any of that to occur.
God, I’m so embarrassed
. He probably thinks I’m a freak! I turn to my car and start hitting it with my purse over and over again.

“What’d that car ever do to you?” I hear Alé snicker behind me. His voice freezing me mid-throw. I drop my
arm and slowly turn to face him. Embarrassment, I’m sure, evident on my face. “I mean, besides being old and ugly,” he grins.

old,” I snarl. “No one can say anything mean about Cavi, except me,” I tell him firmly.

“Cavi?” he laughs.

“Yeah. Cavi,” I roll my eyes. “Take me home, Alé,” I say quietly.

“Right this way
, kitten,” he gestures toward his sleek, shiny, dark blue Mazda Miata.

“Kitten?” I lift a brow questioningly as I walk next to him. He opens the passenger door for me, holding out a hand to help me in
and hesitantly, I accept.

“Man, you really don’t remember, huh?” he says rubbing the back of his neck, before gently stepping back and closing the door.

He doesn’t say anything once he slides in next to me. In fact, neither of us spoke until we’re about a minute away from my apartment.

how do you know where you’re going?” I ask, suddenly confused. I don’t remember telling him where I lived.

He’s quiet for a moment, causing me to turn and look at his profile. I can see him watching me from the corner of his eye. “You, uh,” he clears his throat and sits up a little straighter, “you told me.”

“When?” I ask in disbelief. “I don’t remember telling you that.”

Yeah. But then again we already established that you don’t recall an entire night that we spent together.” He chuckles as he pulls into my complex and parks in a vacant stall. “I’ll get your door,” he tells me as he quickly gets out of the car.

God, I really wish I could remember that night.
I’m sure it’d be a night for the books. He opens my door and holds a hand out to me. Accepting, I step out and try to release his hand. His grip tightens slightly on mine as he shuts the door and leads us to the entrance of my building.

“Alé,” I say quietly as I tug softly on his hand. He turns to me, his eyes never leaving mine, and cocks a brow. “I’m sorry…
about… earlier,” I swallow my pride and tell him. “It was nothing you did, okay?”

His brow pinches together, his eyes growing darker. “Want to explain exactly what that was?”
His deep baritone voice washes over me. I shake my head and he nods accepting my silence. I grab my keys from my purse and unlock the door. “Are you going to be okay?” he asks. His voice is full of concern.

“Yeah,” I force a half smile, before I realize I’ll be alone soon and
then all I feel is fear. I hate being alone after I have one of those moments. It brings the entire string of events to the front of my mind, reminding me that those monsters were never found. What if they know where I am? What if they decide to come back and finish me?

“What is it?” Alé’s husky voice penetrates my thoughts.

My eyes snap to his, but I don’t speak. Can I ask him? Would that make me a tease? “
Nobody likes a cock tease, Josephine,” Tony’s voice rings loud in my mind

“Joey, I want you to know that I’d never hurt you,” he promises. “And nothing will happen between us unless we’re both willing participants. Okay?” he dips his head down until we’re eye level with each other. “Okay?” he asks again.

“Yeah,” I whisper. “Okay.” I nod.

“Where’d you just go a second ago?”

“I…” I stop unsure on what I should say.

“Honesty, Joey. I only want honesty,” he whispers firmly.

“Will you stay with me?” I ask shyly, avoiding eye contact with him. “Just until I pass out,” I add. His hand cups my chin, lifting my face until our eyes meet, a smile teasing his lips.

“I’d love to,” he says gently.

“Alé, I—”

“Shh,” he presses a finger to my lips. “Nothing’s going to happen until you say so. No pressure
.” He shrugs. Once I unlock my door, he leans around me to push the door open, holding it for me to lead the way. I allow him to pass through so I can re-lock it. My door is
locked. Going back into the living room, I stop behind him and watch him as he scopes my place out.

“It’s small, cozy
.” I shrug. “Nothing compared to the palace you live in, but it’s enough for me.” Now I feel stupid and nervous about asking him to stay. He turns those beautifully, dangerous eyes to me, and shrugs. “I like it.”

.” I call him out.

“No, really. Like you said
... it’s cozy.” He smiles. “Do you want me to take off my shoes?”

“Doesn’t matter either way. Do you want something to drink?” I ask him as I start to fidget with my hands.

‘No, thank you. I’m good,” he tells me as his hand reaches out and clasps over mine, making them still. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on, Joey?”

“No, not really. I…
I just don’t want to be alone right now, I guess,” I tell him nervously as I start to chew on the top of my thumbnail. He grabs my hand from my mouth and walks over to the couch. I can feel my body tense as he sits down in the nook of the plush couch.

.” He smiles as he wiggles further into the cushions. “Join me?” he asks, lifting up an arm. I can’t help the smile that teases my lips. “What?”

Nothing. You just don’t seem like the cuddling type.”

“And what
does a ‘cuddler’ look like?” He smirks as he pulls me down onto the couch, our bodies tight to each other.

“I don’t know
.” I laugh. “Not like you.”

“Why’s that?” he asks.

“Because, you… look too badass to be a cuddler,” I tell him honestly, laying my head on his shoulder as his arm wraps around me.

“Do I scare you?” he questions.

“What?” my head snaps up. “Why would you ask me that?” I’m dumbfounded. Why would he think that? Do I act scared around him?

“You act like you don’t want anything to do with me. And other times you’re nervous as hell. And then…
earlier… I just figured...” He shrugs.

I nod, and then lay my head back against his shoulder and sigh. “Yes. No…
it’s not really you. This probably makes no sense to you.” I laugh bitterly. I hate this. I’ve never explained anything to anyone except Addison, but that was easier because I didn’t care if she found me attractive or not. And then, there’s the face that I can’t do sober sex without a freak-out. Who in the hell wants to take on this much baggage?

“It’s okay
.” He sighs. “Favorite soda.”

“What?” I laugh confused.

“What’s your favorite soda?” he asks again.

“I don’t drink soda. Well, ginger
ale when I’m sick. What’s yours?” I smile as I tip my head back to look at him, my hand coming to rest on his chest.

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