Licentious (14 page)

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Authors: Jen Cousineau

BOOK: Licentious
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Chapter Twenty



“What was that about?” Maria asks me once she resurfaces from jumping in.

“What was what about?” I ask innocently. That was nothing—just her brother ravishing me in his mind.

“My brother
checking you out. You acting indifferent to him—”

“I!” I gasp. “I wasn’t
anything,” I object.

“Joey, give it up!”
She rolls her eyes. “What’s wrong with Alé?” she asks as she crosses her arms defensively.

.” I shrug. “He’s just… not my type.”

“What’s your type?” she questions.

“I don’t know, Maria,” I say a little annoyed. “Not him. Now enough about—”

“Do you find him attractive?” she pries.

“Maria.” I sigh.

“Well? Do you? It’s okay, it doesn’t bother me
.” She smiles.

Ugh. Fine. Yes. Your brother is hot! Any heterosexual woman would be blind
to think so, but he’s not my type. Now. Back to training,” I order. “We’re going to swim twenty-five laps. If you stop, stop me. Okay?” I ask.

.” she nods. “But just don’t hurt him, Joey, okay?” she asks quietly.

“What? Maria, I just

“I know, I know. You said he’s not your type. But the
way that you look at each other…” she trails off with an eye roll. Besides, I uh… saw you yesterday morning in the entry. Well,” she smiles, “you, Alé, and a pair of sexy red thongs.” She winks.

“Oh, my God!” I cover my face in
embarrassment. “You did not. Tell me you didn’t.” I shake my head.

“Joey,” I hear her say as she pulls
my hands away from my face, “it’s okay. But now you just have to marry him.” She deadpans.

“What?” I shriek right before she nearly goes under laughing. “Oh! That is so mean!” I splash her and laugh.

“Nah, I’m joking. Just… be careful with him, Joey. He’s been through a lot. When Frank died, he took it the hardest,” she says sadly.

“Frank?” I ask puzzled.
Who’s Frank?

“My oldest brother. He was killed ten years ago.”

“Oh, Maria, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t know,” I tell her sincerely.
Wow, do I feel like an ass.

“It’s okay
. Just be careful with him. Now,” she rubs her hands together, “I do believe we have a goal to accomplish.”

All right.” I nod. “Twenty-five laps to start. Ready?” I smile wide, looking over at her, and I see her nod. “Go!”




“Here.” I offer Maria one of the towels lying on the lounge chair. “You did good. How do you feel?”

She smiles. “Sore, but good.”

“Good. Tomorrow, we’ll be back in the gym for cardio and upper body. I have some morning clients
, but I can do ten if that works for you.”

yeah. Yeah, ten’s good. So are you staying for the barbeque? Alé mentioned that he invited you.” She smiles slyly.

I’m not sure.” I shrug. “What time does it start?”

“Why don’t you just stay?
” she asks.

“I’m assuming it doesn’t start for a few hours yet
.” I laugh.

“So what
? We can lay in the sun or swim. Plus, if you’re here, then I can probably get out of helping in the kitchen.” She winks.

what should I expect at this barbeque?” I ask as I lay my towel down on a lounge chair and lie down on my back. I look around and take in the expansive space. It’s like an oasis out here. A beautiful rusty red stamped concrete patio expands the entire length of the house with an in-ground pool that’s equipped with a water slide and diving board. There are luxurious lounge chairs, patio tables, and a few sitting areas scattered around the pool area. Off to the side, there is a brick bar that holds a grilling station and has barstools lining the other side. Large pines, oaks, and maples surround the property, but colorful plants and flowers are planted throughout the entire space.

“Did you hear me?” Maria asks.

“Hm? Uh, no. Sorry. I was just admiring your backyard. It’s so beautiful,” I gush.

“Yeah. It really is,” she sighs smiling. “I’m actually going to miss waking up to this view every day.
Anyway, to answer your question, our barbeques are pretty low key. Usually, it’s just the family, and every once in a while a friend or some extended family make it over. But it’s basically, just swimming, drinks, and relaxing.”

“Oh. Okay,” I say a bit hesitantly.
But I’m not family.

“You don’t have to be family to be welcome,” she adds, answering my self-doubt.

“So, how’d you meet your fiancé?” I ask.
I’m a sucker for a happy ending.

“Oh! He’ll be here later! I can’t wait for you to meet him,” she gushes. “
He’s gorgeous! I met him when I was filling in for a server at Luca’s one night. He came in with his girlfriend.” She laughs. “I didn’t think I stood a chance, but a few weeks later, he came back asking for me. We’ve been together ever since.”

“That’s oddly sweet
.” I smile back. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything.”

“How did you know he was the one? I mean… guys are kinda assholes, right?” I laugh to lighten the question. But in all seriousness, I really want to know.

“When you have the one…
you just… know. If you have to question it, then either you’re not there yet or he’s not right for you. I still get butterflies when I even think about him. Most people look at us and probably think ‘what’s he doing with her?’ But when we’re together, he makes me
like I’m a goddess.”

I look over at her and see pure happiness on her face. “Maria, you know
you’re stunningly beautiful, right?” I ask. She may be short, and a little soft, but her features are mere perfection. She’s gorgeous.

“Well, I’m not tall and thin like

“Don’t you even dare compare yourself to your
sister. Yes, they’re tall and thin. And yes, they’re just as beautiful as you are. But
, Maria, are stunning. I truly hope that when you look in a mirror you see what we all see,” I tell her sadly. I know how much body issues can tear you down and control you. Always feeling low and pathetic.
Shit, I still struggle with it

“I do now
.” She smiles confidently.

Mornin’, ladies,” a deep husky voice sounds, breaking our conversation.

lift my head to see who it is, and I see Alé in a pair of orange swim trunks with a white design swirled throughout. My eyes slowly trail up his tanned, rock hard abs and chest. He has tats covering his arms, biceps, and chest. I see his pectorals flex and my eyes snap to meet his. Alé’s dark eyes are dancing with amusement, the side of his mouth slightly tipped up.

“Do you want a closer view? Maybe see what it feels like?” he teases.

“Ugh! No, thank you,” I muster as I lay my head back down.

maybe I’m missing something here, but didn’t’ she already do that?” Maria snickers.

“Ah, you told my sister
?” he accuses me with a laugh.

“I did not!” I object, appalled. “I would never…”

“I saw the panty scene yesterday morning.” Maria laughs.

.” Alé sighs. “Joey claims she doesn’t remember any of it.”

“Oh, my God,” I groan embarrassed. “One, I don’t
anything. Two, stop talking as if I’m not sitting right here. And three, quit talking about it!” I snap at Alé. He just laughs and shrugs in response. I mock his reaction as I glare at him, causing him to laugh harder. “Whatever,” I grumble as I get up from my lounge chair and slip on my jean shorts and black sandals.

“Where you going?” Maria asks curiously.

“To go offer help to your Mom,” I tell her without looking back at Alé.

As I walk inside through the glass sliding patio doors, all conversation dies. The room
falls silent.

“Hi,” I greet everyone as friendly as I can
as I try to cover the insecurity I’m feeling at the moment.

.” Rosetta smiles as she makes her way around the island to me, reaching out to kiss my cheek. “Alé told me he invited you. You are staying, si?” she asks me, her Italian accent thick.

“Yes, Maria said I should experience
one of your family barbeques.” I smile. “I came in to see if I could help with anything.”

Come, sit, sit,” she commands as she gestures to one of the stools placed at the island. I follow her as confidently as possible, feeling every pair of eyes in the room on me.

“What can I do to help?” I ask quietly.

“Joey, you’re a guest of Alé’s, you don’t help. You keep us company,” Frank tells me from where he’s perched against the front of the sink. 

I laugh uncomfortably. “Actually, I’m a guest of Maria’s,” I correct him.

“Mhmm,” Nina sounds with a smirk.

“What?” I cock a brow at her.

“Oh, nothing.” She shrugs.

“Stop, Nina
.” Enedina laughs at her as she tosses a towel in her face.

“Enedina! I just did my makeup,” she whines.

“It’s a family barbeque. We’ll be swimming most of the time, anyway. Makeup is pointless. Besides, there isn’t going to be anyone here for you to impress anyway,” Enedina states.

I hear a quick, deep growl. “Too young,” Frank says shaking his head. “You’re too young for

“Daddy! I’m sixteen!” Nina nearly shouts.

“Too young,” he says firmly.

“Joey, how old were you when you started dating?” Nina turns and asks me. Hope blooming in her warm, chocolate brown eyes.

I’m a little thrown. “Umm… I was, uh…” I trail off. My eyes connecting with Franks narrowed eyes before looking back at Nina. I just shrug hoping she doesn’t press it.

“Seriously, how old where you?” she asks eagerly.

“Well, I-I didn’t really have any rules
dating, but I didn’t date anyone seriously, either.” I shrug. “I mean, I had a few dates through high school, just nothing that stuck, I guess.”

“So when was your first ‘serious’ relationship, then?” Enedina asks curiously, using her fingers to air quote the word serious.

“Uh…” Looking around, I see all eyes are on me. Frank’s eyes narrow while a smile fills Rosetta’s beautifully tanned face. “Never,” I whisper as I look down at my fidgeting hands.

“Wait,” Nina holds up a hand in disbelief. “Never? You’ve never had a boyfriend? You expect us to believe that you, who looks like…
that,” she waves a hand up and down my body, “has never had a boyfriend?” She laughs in disbelief.

.” I shrug. “I’ve never met anyone yet that’s been worth the trouble.” I can feel Frank’s eyes burning a hole through me, so I avoid making eye contact with him at all costs. I look over at Nina and her mouth is gaped open with shock.

“Okay,” Enedina says breaking the awkward silence
, “so how old were you when you first… you know… did it?” she pries.

“You ladies know that I’m standing right here, right?” Frank butts in. The girls laugh and roll their eyes in unison at him before turning their attention back on me.

“Uh… I was eighteen,” I answer quietly.

“Now I know you’re full of it,” Nina laughs.

“Believe what you want.” I shrug.

“Ladies, why don’t you head
outside? Bring some of these dishes out with you, please,” Frank requests. Well, it comes off as a request, but his face shows how serious he is. I nod, standing to reach for a veggie tray to carry. “Joey, stay for a moment, please,” Frank requests firmly.

“Sure,” I say pulling my hands away empty.
Shit. What’d I do?

Frank watches the girls load their arms with food from the counter before walking outside. As soon as the room is only occupied by Rosetta,
Frank, and me, he moves forward resting his palms on the island directly across from me.

“Thank you,” he sighs. He must be able to read the confusion on my face because he adds, “for telling Nina that. She’s not old enough yet.”

“Ah.” I nod in understanding. “It was nothing but the truth, Frank. One thing I don’t do is lie.” I shrug. “Avoid? Yes. Lie? Not a chance,” I tell him honestly.

He cocks a brow as he stares into me, eyes narrowed. This time I meet him full on. Stare for stare. After what feels lik
e an eternity of me forcing my nerves down and not looking away, he smiles and nods. “All right then.”

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