Licorice Whips (18 page)

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Authors: Bridget Midway

BOOK: Licorice Whips
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Nikla gripped the back of his head and gyrated her hips in concert with his thrusts. Their bodies moved as a unit, as though they had done this before with each other.

Sweet brought his face up and reconnected his stare to hers. “Mine.” His thrusting became faster. “Mine.” He gripped the arm rest behind Nikla’s head. “Mine.”

Nikla nodded, unable to speak, unable to agree with him.

Sweet’s body froze as he drove in deep. “Mine!”

He collapsed his body on top of hers. The only thing Nikla could think of to say was, “Yes.”

Sweet brought his face up and looked more serious than she’d ever seen him. In an unexpected move, he cupped her chin and stared at her as though studying her face. Or maybe he couldn’t believe what they had just done and he wanted to validate her authenticity. Nikla thought about running her own test to see if Sweet had been real.

When he pulled out of her, a chill covered her body. She drew her knees up as she sat up on the couch. She watched Sweet stumble to his feet and move back against the wall away from her.

Once he regained his bearings, he proclaimed, “You’re going to learn about the Lifestyle from me.”

Sweet’s declaration made Nikla feel like she had no choice, no voice. A tickling sensation filled her belly as she thought about the ramifications of accepting his twisted offer. Hell, she had just told Deana she wanted to learn something new, to get an education. Learning about BDSM could be it. She could no longer deny after this short session that she wanted more, wanted more from Sweet, wanted to see how far she could push herself.

Nikla stood, but kept her place by the couch. “You opened a whole new world to me. I don’t think I want to stop the education.”

Sweet stared at her. He crossed his arms over his chest. Even naked, he looked powerful. “You understand that you’ll be disciplined using real toys and not just candy? Real whips. Real canes. Real floggers.” Sweet peered down at Nikla’s breasts. “Real nipple clamps.”

The idea of being in an authentic dungeon made Nikla wring her hands together and fidget in her spot. When she drew in her lower lip into her mouth, Sweet approached her and pulled it back out. He moved his head in close to her like he wanted to kiss her, but pulled back. “Come to The Dollhouse with me.”

Nikla shifted in her spot. “I’m scared.”

He shook his head. “Then you haven’t been listening to what I’ve said. BDSM play is what you want it to be. All you have to do is concentrate on me, and concentrate on yourself. You have the basics down. You need to put it into real practice. As long as you’re with someone trained, you’ll be okay.”

Nikla recognized that he’d used that same argument when he talked to her about rock climbing. If she could do that, surely she could do this, right?

Nikla blinked. In her desire to serve her man, she brushed his hair from his face.

Sweet flinched back from her as though afraid of her touch. “If I touch you or if you touch me again, I’ll want to fuck you. BDSM is not all about sex.”

Sweet’s abrasive delivery only made her want him more. The fact that she could cripple the man with just her touch made her feel pretty powerful.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“If you want to train as a submissive, I mean really get into the Lifestyle, I can help you with that. But the fact that you’re competing against me on a spot I want, and you’re protesting my establishment, anything else we would do wouldn’t work.”

“I get that.” Nikla put her hands to her hips. “It’s just...” She trailed off, unable to find the words on how she felt.

Sweet regarded her for a moment before he pointed to something behind her. “Bathroom is right there.”

As she headed to the bathroom, she thought about her challenges. How would she explain this new relationship to her father? Did she really want to be a submissive? How was she going to get the caramel off her body?




No matter how he justified it in his mind, Sweet couldn’t excuse what he’d done. As a co-owner of Decadent Treats, he shouldn’t have had sex with the woman who had been protesting his establishment for months. As a trained Dominant, he knew better than to have sex with a submissive in training.

As soon as Nikla made herself open and available to both cooking with him and for the play, he saw her on a whole different level. She became the woman he truly wanted. He couldn’t have her.

With his mind warring with his senses, Sweet paced in the office area, giving Nikla time in the bathroom. He needed the time to think.

He wanted so much to trust her, but he couldn’t. Not yet. At this point, he didn’t know if he would ever be able to trust her. One thing he knew for sure: he hadn’t lied when he said he would want her again if either he touched her or if she put her hand on him.

Just thinking about her long, slender fingers had his cock throbbing again. Sweet padded to the bathroom. Even through the closed door, he heard Nikla had started the shower.

Sweet opened the door. Through the frosted shower stall glass door, Sweet admired the outline of her luscious body. Her curves drew him. Yes, he definitely had to be careful around her.

He opened the door. Nikla didn’t flinch. She turned her face up under the shower spray and rubbed her hands over her stomach.

Nikla turned and glared at him. “I don’t do this kind of thing, you know. I don’t sleep with guys I just met.” She covered her eyes and shook her head. “I can’t believe I did this.”

Not content to let her shoulder the full burden, Sweet joined her into the stall. “I don’t do this, either. My last relationship was a couple of years ago.”

Sweet came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her slender waist. Nikla paused for a moment before she continued showering.

“Sounds like we’re both pretty raw from our past relationships.” Nikla touched his forearm as he held her.

Sweet shouldn’t have touched her. As soon as he saw her wet skin, he couldn’t resist her.

“We’ll keep it kinky.”

Nikla shook her head and turned to Sweet. “What?”

“We just keep it to playing and nothing else.” Sweet turned Nikla around so that she could look directly at him. “We agree to no more sex, especially since I’m going to be training you.”

That would be the most difficult relationship he could ever have with a woman. Now that Sweet had sex with her, he wanted more. Resisting her would be detrimental to his body and soul.

“You’re just introducing me to this lifestyle of yours. I can’t say that I would only want to play, as you call it. I do know that whatever it is that I do in this arrangement, I only trust you to do it with.”

With that confession, Sweet almost broke a smile.

“You’re probably wondering about my vibrator in my nightstand.” Nikla’s tanned skin tone carried a rosy color on her cheeks. “My ex-boyfriend you heard me talking about, whenever we would have sex, he would always come before me. He wouldn’t worry about getting me there. Wait. That’s not exactly true. He would hand me my vibrator so that I could finish myself.” Nikla smoothed her wet hair from her face. “When you said for me not to come, I couldn’t do that.” She released an uncomfortable laugh. “Do you know how long it’s been since I had an orgasm from a man being inside me? When I felt it coming on, there was no way I was going to let that go.”

Sweet felt his blood boiling after hearing her story. What asshole didn’t want to live or die to see this woman have an orgasm? Sweet would never forget her gorgeous face when he’d made her climax. Nikla carried a pure almost angelic expression. She kept her eyes closed and her mouth open like a baby bird looking for sustenance. Sweet wanted to feed her need.

“If I tell you to not come, it’s because when it’s time to come, it’ll be so intense.” He told the truth but, knowing what her ex had put her through, Sweet wondered if he should push her that way again.

“I’m just giving you my history so you’ll know how to come at me in the future.” 

Sweet didn’t think about the ramifications of infusing himself into Nikla’s life. He just knew that now that she’d opened up about her life that he couldn’t let her go.

“Might as well start now.” He picked up the container of body wash and handed it to her. “I need for you to wash me, Sugar Baby.”

Nikla looked at the bottle before taking it from his hand. “Yes, Sir.” She poured a dollop in her hand, got it a bit wet, then slathered the white soft soap over his chest.

Her velvety but skilled hands felt like heaven on his flesh. As she rubbed him down, coasting her hands over his shoulders and moving down his arms, Nikla maintained eye contact with him.

Sweet could have drowned in her brown eyes.

Nikla slid her hands down to his hips, then brought them forward to his dick. One hand wrapped around the base of his cock. She used her other hand to cradle his balls. As she drew her hand up on his shaft, her other hand massaged his sac.

Blood pulsed into his growing erection. Nikla awakened all of his senses. Her touch brought his body back to life. Her stare made him feel like only the two of them existed in the world. She smelled like a full meadow full of exotic flowers. His mouth watered to taste her.

“I’m breaking the scene.”

“What?” Nikla asked.

Sweet brought his head down and captured her mouth in his. He slid his tongue into her mouth. Nikla touched her tongue against his before sucking the tip. Damn, he hated himself for being so weak.

To satisfy his need to touch her, Sweet massaged her breasts. Nikla broke from the kiss to lean her head back and release a loud cry. She tightened her grip on his dick and stroked him faster and faster. Her other hand massaged his steadily tightening balls.

If she continued, Sweet would come all over her. After what she shared about her last boyfriend, Sweet wouldn’t be content to receive all of the pleasure.

He held onto her wrist to stop her.

“What are you doing?” Nikla licked her lips.

“I need to–”

She cut him off. “I need to satisfy my Master Sweet.” She smiled as she lowered herself to her knees.

“How do you know that I want this?” Sweet stared into her eyes as she held his now erect dick.

Before she answered, she licked the underside of his penis, from his balls to the tip. Sweet sucked air between his gritted teeth.

“If you don’t want me to do this, tell me to stop.”

Damn, she was clever.

Nikla covered the tip with her mouth and pressed her tongue against it. Her warm mouth couldn’t compare to her tight, hot pussy. The things she did with her tongue had him reeling. She lowered her mouth down to the base and held him there.

“Yes!” Sweet put his hand to the back of her head.

Her wet hair formed a slippery web over his fingers. Nikla gripped his thighs and let her mouth do all the work, moving her head back and forth over his dick. She moaned. The vibration shook his body from his wet hair down to his feet.

Sweet couldn’t help but gyrate his hips, fucking her hot mouth as he fisted her hair. As soon as he clutched her hair, Nikla moaned again.

“My Sugar Baby.”

Nikla continued licking him and sucking him. She pulled her mouth back to the tip, held him there, then dropped back down to the base.

Sweet couldn’t take this wonderful torture for much longer. He didn’t care that the water had turned cold. He could endure that and more for more of Nikla’s oral treatment.

Sweet’s body shook and he felt his balls tighten just as he came in her mouth. He held his breath as his full essence emptied and she devoured every drop.

Sated, he fell back against the shower stall wall. Nikla rose to her feet. Before she could do anything else, he pulled her into his arms and held her so tightly, he thought he would squeeze the air out of her.


She peered up at him. “Not Sugar Baby?”

Sweet gazed down at her. “Are you still going to protest in front of the store?”

Nikla regarded him with seriousness before she nodded.

“Then we can’t keep doing this.” Sweet waved his hand between their two bodies. “However this ends, we’re only going to disappoint ourselves.”




After a real shower, and thanks to a brand new toothbrush Sweet had given her, Nikla cleaned up and got dressed. It still seemed so surreal that the same business she wanted to see shut down gave her some fond memories.

Sweet’s dose of reality hit her harder than she thought. She had the same argument running through her head as well about them continuing to have a sexual relationship. Not willing to cut herself off cold turkey, and curious about his chosen lifestyle, she agreed to continue learning to be a submissive. She just hoped she hadn’t made a huge mistake.

When she reemerged from the bathroom, she didn’t see Sweet in the office. She went into the kitchen area and found him in only his pants. Facing away from her, Nikla saw the claw marks across his back that she’d inflicted on him. Good. She wanted a reminder on him of what he would be missing.

Nikla touched his skin. “I left my mark on you.”

When Sweet turned around, he still carried a serious expression on his face although his eyes seemed softer when he looked at her. In his hand, he held a jar filled with the caramel they’d made.

“Here.” He held up the jar to her.

Nikla didn’t want to turn him down, but she shook her head. “I can’t take that.”

He turned the jar around to show off a special label that he’d attached. On it, it read “Sugar Baby’s Topping.”

Nikla laughed. “Cute. I still can’t take this.”

“I want you to keep this.” He placed the jar in her hands. “Always remember what we did.”

“Why not keep this at your place?”

Sweet’s mouth hung open. He waited a beat before he answered. “I’d rather you keep it. I know how to make this again.”

His answer sounded good, if not guarded. A tickle crept up the back of her neck when she suspected that he hid something from her. Maybe he had a wife in his place. Could he be just like Justin?

Before Nikla could ponder other possibilities, her cell phone rang. “One second.” She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. The number didn’t look familiar but she answered it anyway. “Hello?”

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