Life After a Balla (13 page)

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Authors: Jackie D.

BOOK: Life After a Balla
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“No, I don’t accept your apology and you will never be apart of this family, Le Le. You’re way too old to be dating my son, and I don’t like you! Now, get out my room and leave me alone!”

Le Le walked out and slammed the door thinking,
fuck this

At the same time Jordan fell on the floor laughing while Kareem walked over and hugged her. “I’m sorry, baby, but I told you. Just give her some time. She’ll come around.”

While Le Le left the house more pissed off than when she first arrived, Skye finished off her third glass of wine as she packed up the last of Cruze’s belongings. When she looked around her bedroom everything about it suddenly reminded her of him. Skye didn’t think she could ever trust him again and she certainly didn’t want to deal with him anymore. As far as she was concerned, their relationship was officially over. She sat on the bed and removed her clothes before heading into the bathroom, and jumping into the shower.

Skye frowned as the hot water hit her bruised and sore body. However, it felt good to be able to finally take a shower since she’d only been able to brush her teeth since being in the hospital. While standing under the water, her mind was all over the place. She wondered how her sons were going to react to the news of her wanting to move back to Miami. She didn’t mind hearing their concerns, but wasn’t necessarily in the mood for their criticism.

“I know I vowed to never go back, but things are a lot different now. Sandino can no longer hurt me and it’s time for that muthafucka to see what it feels like to be in pain,” she said to herself.

After hearing Jordan knock on her door telling her the pizza had arrived, Skye finally got out. She checked on Payton who was still sleeping peacefully in her crib and joined her sons in the kitchen once she slipped into some comfortable lounging pants and a t-shirt. Jordan had already set the table and had two slices of pizza on the plate waiting for her.

“Come on and sit down before your pizza gets cold,” Jordan said.

He was always so thoughtful making sure everybody was taken care of. Skye didn’t know what she would do without him.

“Thanks baby,” she said, kissing him on the cheek and sitting down.

Kareem looked at his mom like a jealous little boy. “How come you never treat me like that? When is the last time you kissed me on the cheek?” he questioned.

“Because you aren’t as sweet and thoughtful as Jordan. You’re too damn selfish and never do anything to help me out. Besides, you have Le Le to kiss you now,” Skye responded with a light chuckle.

“Very funny,” Kareem replied.

As they all began eating, Skye told them a little bit about Payton’s injury and how they had to be careful that she didn’t start trying to run around like The Tasmanian devil again and re-injure herself. Once that briefing was over, Skye decided it was time to tell them the news.

“I have something else really important to talk to you guys about concerning our family.”

They both looked up from their food with curious stares.

“Where’s Cruze? If we’re having a family meeting shouldn’t he be involved?” Jordan asked.

“He’s not our father so who cares if he is here or not,” Kareem shot back.

As soon as the two of them started arguing, Kareem got up in Jordan’s face.

Skye instantly became agitated. “Kareem, how many times do I have to tell you about your temper? Sit down and shut up before y’all wake up your sister. I’m so sick of you two always bickering like little girls. I can’t deal with this shit right now!” she yelled, slamming her fist down on the table.

When her behavior startled both of them at the same time, Jordan quickly ran over and rubbed his mother’s shoulder.

“Sorry Ma, we didn’t mean to upset you.”

A few minutes after things calmed down, Skye told them about the meeting with Sandino’s lawyer. She also told them about Sandino having severe brain damage and not being able to handle his finances, so she’d been appointed to take care of everything. She went on to explain that in order for her to be able to provide for them they had to move back to Miami.

“I’ll go wherever you and Payton are going, Ma. Are we moving back into our old house?” Jordan questioned in his normal calm demeanor.

“Yes, its part of the agreement. I have to stay married to him and provide care for him at the old house.”

Kareem was quiet. Although he wanted to go back to his old lifestyle he didn’t like the part about living with his father. He hated him and couldn’t bear to be in the same house again.

“Count me out, I’m not going back. I don’t want to see that dude. Just send me some money. I’ll stay here with Le Le,” Kareem said.

“Hell no, you’re coming with us, Kareem,” Skye protested.

Kareem didn’t want to start another argument. He knew she didn’t have her pills and he didn’t want to send her over the edge so he just kept quiet thinking,
fuck that, I’m not going back to Miami.

“Is Cruze coming, too?” Jordan asked. It was obvious that he really liked him.

“No, Cruze isn’t coming. Actually he’s not gonna be coming around anymore, and I’m not worrying about anybody but the four of us moving forward,” Skye answered.

“Why?” Jordan questioned.

Skye sighed. “I really don’t wanna get into that right now.”

During Kareem and Jordan’s argument, Cruze had knocked on the door. When no one answered, he used his key and quietly came into the apartment. He stood in the small foyer eavesdropping as Skye told the boys about her plans.

Finally deciding to join in on the conversation he rushed into the dining room scaring them half to death. He then directed his attention to Kareem and Jordan.

“Listen guys, I know I haven’t been around a lot lately and I apologize for that. I was out in the streets trying to make some money to take care of this family and give your mother the world. But I broke a promise to her. I was wrong for that, and I hope she will one day forgive me. I also hope that she’ll marry me,” he said, getting down on one knee and pulling out a two-carat brilliant cut diamond ring. He looked up at Skye with tears in his eyes.

“Skye, I love you and I’m so sorry for hurting you. Please…I want you to be my wife.”

Jordan immediately stood up and cheered while Kareem frowned, stood up and walked out of the room. Meanwhile, Skye stood speechless for a few seconds. Her emotions were all over the place. She wanted to accept his apology and his proposal, but at the same time she was scared and hurt. She just couldn’t trust him and wondered what other secrets he might be hiding from her. Skye had also made herself a promise after Justice betrayed her that if she ever gave her heart to another man and he deceived her, she wouldn’t waste years trying to make that relationship work. She needed time to take care of herself for a change. If Cruze really loved her like he claimed, he would understand and wait. If not, it wasn’t meant to be.

“I’m sorry, I can’t take this ring. Your things are packed I need you to leave me and my family alone!










Skye stood at the top of the stairs gazing over the balcony, admiring the extensive changes she’d made to her old home. She especially admired the boldness of the now red and white living room. The red accent wall along the hallway was downright orgasmic. She sipped her wine and thought about why she’d chosen the daring color. It wasn’t necessarily her favorite, but what made it sweet was the fact Sandino loathed red. In the past, he’d never let her wear it and he detested red lipstick. He would always say red was only for bitches and hoes, and then he would ask Skye which one she represented. She frowned at the memory. In her opinion, red represented power and strength, both of which she now possessed. And with her new found strength, it was time to show Sandino Washington who is in charge.

“He’ll be pissed off, but what is he gonna do, run after me?” Skye said, with a smirk.

She was finally starting to feel at home after the transition back to Miami. With so many mixed emotions, bad memories, and negative energy the first night proved to be very difficult for her. After waking up in a cold sweat from constant nightmares about Sandino trying to kill her, Skye sat up for hours thinking that she had to make some changes to the house in order for her to move forward.

The next day she had a huge garage sale, getting rid of every piece of furniture including some of Sandino’s prized possessions. From the garage sale money and the money she took out of Sandino’s account, Skye went to work by hiring a professional decorator to come in and redo everything. Now, it looked and felt like she had a voice, which was something she’d never experienced.

Once Skye decided to move back to Miami, she called Sandino’s lawyer and told her she’d decided to be his Power of Attorney. Within twenty-four hours, the lawyer had sent all the necessary paperwork via Fedex, and before Skye knew it, she was officially in charge of all his money. Skye smiled every time she thought about how good it felt to not have any more allowances…not to have anyone tell her what to spend and how much. It was the happiest she’d been in a while.

Spending money and buying things to transform the house gave her a rush, so since she couldn’t fit any of the expensive clothes that were still hanging up in her huge walk in closet, Skye and the kids went on a much needed shopping spree. Besides, all the cheap clothes she’d brought from Georgia just didn’t seem to go along with the lifestyle she was now reclaiming.

Her mind suddenly drifted to her kids. Jordan who was at school, enjoyed being back and had already talked to his former coach about getting back on his old football team again since the season had just started. Payton’s injury seemed to be healing without any complications and she was scheduled to go see her new orthopedic physician the following week. She was even back to her old self again, smiling and trying to walk so she could get into everything.

Kareem on the other hand had stuck to his word and stayed in Georgia. When Skye and Kareem had a long overdue conversation before she left, he finally broke down crying letting out all the pain he had bottled up inside from what he’d experienced over the years from all Sandino’s abuse. After she continuously tried to get him to come with them and he wouldn’t budge, Skye finally decided to respect his wishes. However, that still didn’t hide the fact that it was hard to leave her son.

The whole Kareem and Le Le situation still bothers me, but the more I complain about it I’m probably pushing him closer to that bitch, she thought. But I’m not giving up. I’ll wait for a week or two and try to convince him again

Hearing the door bell ringing suddenly broke her daze. Skye looked at her watch and realized it was already 11:00 a.m. and time for Sandino’s live in nurse to come and get things ready for his arrival later that day.

After being sleep deprived and walking around like a zombie all morning, she wasn’t at all ready to meet Sandino’s nurse. She sighed and put down her glass of wine and headed toward the foyer. When Skye looked out of the huge glass door, she was surprised to see a nice looking man standing outside with a suitcase. She cracked the door looking out.

“May I help you?” she asked, though the door.

“Hello ma’am, my name is Quinn Jacobs. I’m from HealthSouth Rehabilitation. I’ll be Mr. Washington’s nurse,” he replied showing a small gap between his two front teeth.

She stepped back and opened the door. “Oh, yes I was expecting you. Please come in, I’m Skye,” she said, introducing herself.

Quinn walked inside wearing a pair of navy scrubs with a body of steel. “Nice to meet you,” he replied, rolling the black luggage behind him.

Damn, he’s fine. He looks just like just Michael Jai White from the movie ‘Why Did I Get Married’ and he’s built like him, too. This is a plus, especially since I cut Cruze off and haven’t had sex in a while. It’s going to be real good having this eye candy around. I can see his big muscular arms picking Sandino up out that wheelchair now
, she thought.

“Let me show you around, then I’ll show you which room you’ll be staying in,” Skye said, walking in front of him.

“You have a really nice home, Mrs. Washington,” he said, following her.

Skye could feel him staring at her ass as she walked down the hall.

“Thanks, but please…call me Skye. I no longer go by Mrs. Washington.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s not a problem. I’m happy to correct people actually.”

Skye showed him all of the work that the contractors had done to make the house handicap accessible for Sandino. This included building a wheelchair ramp outside, widening all the doorways and transforming the downstairs bathroom into a roll-in shower.

“Now, here’s your room right here,” Skye said, pushing the door open. “Everything in here is new. New bed, new linen, and a new fifty-inch LED T.V. I tried to make it as comfortable for you as possible, so let me know if you need anything.”

Quinn smiled. “Thanks. Once I get unpacked I need to check out you and Mr. Washington’s bedroom to make sure everything is up to code.”

“Well, his room is right across the hall so you don’t have to go far.” Skye pointed. “My room is upstairs.”

Quinn looked somewhat confused. “Oh…okay well that’s cool. After I check on that, I’ll come and talk to you about my schedule and days off. We also need to discuss our rotation in regards to taking Mr. Washington to physical therapy.”

“Your days off? And who’s taking that man to physical therapy? I’m not doing that,” Skye said, walking out of the room to go pour herself another glass of wine.

Again Quinn looked at her strange wondering why Skye stayed in another room and why she didn’t want to take care of her own husband.
Let me mind my own business, he thought. My job is not to pry.

Not long after, Quinn joined Skye outside on the patio and began to discuss Sandino’s care. It was so many different things that came along with Sandino’s rehabilitation, Skye was glad Quinn was well trained and handled all of it because she hadn’t planned on lifting one finger. She was living up to her part of the agreement by being in the same house with him and making sure he was cared for. But that was as far as she’d planned to go. Skye even wished she could block off part of the house so she didn’t have to see him.

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