Life Unaware (Entangled Teen) (7 page)

Read Life Unaware (Entangled Teen) Online

Authors: Cole Gibsen

Tags: #ohn Green, #social media, #Julie Ann Peters, #online bullying, #Ellen Hopkins, #teen romance, #The Truth About Alice

BOOK: Life Unaware (Entangled Teen)
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After a second, Julie glanced over her shoulder, her brow creased in confusion. “Is there something you want?”

My throat was dry, and it took me several swallows before I felt I could answer. In politics and in life, my mother never apologized for anything. She always said apologizing made you responsible, and a politician never accepted the blame for anything. All my life I’d lived by my mother’s rules. After all, they’d gotten her exactly where she wanted to be. I was starting to realize, however, that where she wanted to be and where I wanted to be were two different places. “Julie,” I said, “even if you don’t believe me, I want you to know I’m very sorry I said those things—I didn’t mean them. I was just…being an asshole.”

She blinked at me a moment, and I could tell she was questioning my sincerity. Even if she wasn’t sure, I was. I’d meant every word I said. Not just because Amber posted my messages and I’d been humiliated. I was sorry I’d hurt her feelings. Sorry because I hated the way she looked at me, even now, with eyes full of apprehension that I put there.

Seconds passed, and still Julie said nothing.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew an apology didn’t undo the awful things I’d said about her—even if I’d never intended for them to be seen. I’d probably never make up for the pain I caused. Still, the knots in my chest loosened a fraction all the same. “I’d better go,” I said, bobbing back on my heels. “I hope you find your homework.”

“Yeah…” She watched me go. Her expression revealed nothing about what she might be thinking about me, my apology, or anything, for that matter. But then she added, “Thanks.”

I nodded, then headed to class. That’s when I spotted him, standing at the edge of the lockers with his phone in hand. Our eyes met, and he slowly lowered the phone to his side. I braced myself for another snarky comment but instead, he said, “I honestly didn’t think you had it in you, Flay.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “
in me?”

He grinned before slipping around the corner and disappearing from view. His answer, however, echoed down the hall after he’d gone.

“A heart.”

Chapter Eight

After homeroom, I slipped into the hallways with my head ducked low. I managed to make it unnoticed to both my first and second period classes. Still, I should have known my luck wouldn’t hold. I was halfway to my third period class when I spotted Amber’s boyfriend, Jeremy, weaving toward me with two of his wrestling buddies in tow. My stomach dropped into my ankles. I quickened my pace, praying I could outrun him. I firmly believed testosterone occupied the empty cavity in his skull where his brain should be. If he loved one thing more than pummeling his opponents on the mat, it was pummeling other students in the halls.

I’d only made it five feet before his hand clamped down on my arm.

“Hey Rey.” Jeremy lowered his head next to mine so his breath tickled against my neck. I barely suppressed a gag. I should have known it was only a matter of time before he screwed with me. He loved messing with the most vulnerable people in school, and right now I was at the top of that list.

“Don’t touch me.” I shrugged out of his grasp.

He laughed and held up his hands. “Hey now. No need to get all pissy. I was just trying to be friendly. Last I checked, you were fresh out.”

Not bothering to answer, I quickened my pace.

He sped up, matching me step for step. “I know you don’t like me,” he said. “That you’ve never liked me. But that’s only because you don’t know me.” He put an arm around my neck and pulled me against him. His cologne was spicy and strong, burning my nostrils. I tried to push away, but he tightened his grip around my neck, nearly cutting off the oxygen in my throat. “Give me a chance. I bet you’ll find I can be nice—
nice.” His friends laughed behind us.

Bile burned up the back of my throat. I fought to free myself from his grasp, but his grip remained firm. I knew he wasn’t stupid enough to try anything at school. Still, despite my attempt to stay calm, he’d gotten under my skin. “Get the fuck off of me, Jeremy.”

He chuckled, his arm not budging. All around me, other students were making their way to class, none of them seeming to notice my discomfort—or caring if they did.

bystander effect
. It was a psychological phenomenon I’d learned about in psych class last year. Basically, a group of people would rarely come to the aid of someone in trouble because they assumed someone else would help, and so no one did.

Just like now.

Jeremy leaned down, his lips an inch from my ear. “C’mon, Rey. Spend a little time with me. If you lost the bitch attitude, I bet we could have a lot of fun.”

A dull throb spread through my jaw from my clenched teeth. As much as I wanted to scream, I couldn’t lose my cool. That was exactly what Jeremy wanted. “Let me go.
” Anger punctuated my last word, making it a growl.

“But we’re just starting to get to know each other.”

I was on the verge of telling him that getting to know him was the last thing I wanted, when a hand grabbed Jeremy’s shoulder and yanked him backward, releasing me in the process. The suddenness of it made me gasp, and I stumbled, colliding into several people as I did.

“Well, that looked cozy.” Nolan stepped in front of me, facing Jeremy with his arms folded. “How come I wasn’t invited to the lovefest?”

My mind spun, trying to make sense of what was happening. Surely Nolan wasn’t trying to help me? After this morning, I was pretty sure his sole purpose in life was to harass me.

Jeremy braced a hand on a locker to keep from falling back. His two friends rushed forward, but Jeremy stopped them with an outstretched hand. His jaw tightened, and he glared at Nolan. “No one invited you, because you’re a
. Now get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass.”

Nolan grinned, but there was nothing friendly about it. He had a couple inches on Jeremy, so he had to duck his chin in order to meet his eyes. “Now, that’s not very nice, especially after all your talk about having fun. That’s a real shame, because I like to have fun.” He cracked his knuckles.

I felt like I’d fallen into a strange nightmare. There had to be an angle—maybe Nolan set the whole thing up to humiliate me? But if it was an act, it was a damn good one. The threat of violence electrified the air, drawing curious students closer.

Jeremy’s neck flushed red and his nostrils flared. “You actually want a go at me?” He snorted. “I always knew you were a fucking loser, but I just didn’t know you had a death wish. Why do you even care? It’s not like she’s your girlfriend.”

Nolan narrowed his eyes, the smile melting from his face. “I
because Regan told you to leave her alone, and you didn’t.”

A wave of shock barreled through me. This wasn’t a setup after all. Nolan really wanted to help me…
Now that I’d been freed from Jeremy’s grasp, I wanted so badly to run to the safety of my next class. My feet, however, refused to budge. I was rooted to the spot by some weird sense of loyalty to Nolan. Sure, he was an ass, but he was an ass who’d stuck up for me. I wouldn’t abandon him.

“Since when are you a member of the cock-block police?” Jeremy asked.

Nolan drew his shoulders back, his fists tight at his sides. “Since assholes like you can’t accept ‘no’ for an answer.”

Jeremy’s lips curled into a twisted smile. “How would a queer like you know the first thing about what a girl wants? Regan didn’t mean
She was just being a tease. Everyone knows she’s a slut.”

My mouth dropped open. I could see why everyone was calling me a bitch, but a slut? I’d never even dated, let alone kissed a boy.

The tendons in Nolan’s jaw flexed. When he spoke, his voice was low and dangerous. “Apologize to her.”

Several voices rose in excitement behind me. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, so I turned around and saw the school’s security guard heading our way. My heart plummeted. Our school had a zero-tolerance fighting policy. While I couldn’t care less what happened to Jeremy, I couldn’t let Nolan get suspended for sticking up for me.

I edged closer to his side.

“You want me to apologize?” Jeremy laughed and shook his head. “Fuck you
fuck her.”

“You’re going to be sorry you said that.” Nolan cocked back his fist.

I rushed forward. “No!”

The security guard pushed his way through the crowd. I jumped up and grabbed Nolan’s raised arm. He was stronger than I thought. Instead of bringing his fist down, I remained suspended in the air, dangling from his biceps.

He whipped his head around. The look on his face clearly questioned my sanity, until he caught sight of the guard behind us. He slowly lowered his arm, placing me on my feet.

The guard frowned, his hand clutching his belt. “What’s going on here?”

His question was all it took for the students surrounding us to disperse in all directions, like roaches scattering under a beam of light. Even Jeremy’s two friends abandoned him without so much as a look back.

Jeremy didn’t appear to notice. Instead, all traces of his earlier rage vanished, replaced with an easy smile.
this wasn’t his first tango with trouble. “What do you mean? We’re just a couple of friends hanging out. Last I checked, that wasn’t a crime.”

The security guard pressed his lips together in a thin line. He turned to me. “Regan, is there something going on here I need to know about?”

I cringed. Of course he would know my name. And since I didn’t want to get into trouble any more than I wanted Nolan to, I shook my head. “We were just…heading to class.”

Jeremy’s smile widened.

“Excuse me.” Nolan pushed in front of him. “That’s not what was going on at all. Before you so rudely interrupted, I was about to kick this guy’s ass.” He pointed a thumb at Jeremy. “Seriously, he had it coming.”

Jeremy’s smile disappeared.

The security guard sighed and tugged on his utility belt. “You think you’re funny? Let’s find out how funny the principal thinks you are with a visit to her office.”

“She does find me delightful.” Nolan tilted his head to the side as if considering the offer. But before he could say more, I kicked him in the shin.

“Ow.” His head snapped in my direction. “Did you just see that? I was assaulted.” He pointed at the security guard. “Mace and cuff her. She’s a menace.”

A vein throbbed along the guard’s temple, and I could tell he was losing patience fast.

“I’m really sorry about the disturbance,” I told him. “It’s all a big misunderstanding. We’ll go to class now, and I promise there won’t be any trouble.” Before Nolan could say anything else stupid, I grabbed his arm and squeezed it as hard as I could in warning.

“Good idea.” The guard narrowed his eyes. “Now clear out of my hall.”

Jeremy ducked his head and jogged away.

Nolan opened his mouth, but I jerked his arm, giving him no choice but to stumble after me. I released my death grip only after we were out of the security guard’s hearing.

“Jesus,” he muttered, rubbing his arm where I’d squeezed. “I knew you were mean, but I didn’t know you were violent, too. Have you ever thought about anger management classes?”

Un-freaking-believable. I spun around to face him. “Are you kidding me? What about you? Has anyone ever told you that you don’t know when to shut up?”

He folded his arms across his chest and smirked. “Just because I refuse to be a kiss-ass is no reason to be mean. Honesty
the best policy, after all.”

Usually, I went out of my way to avoid confrontation, but something about Nolan made my fingers strain with the urge to wrap them around his neck and squeeze. “You’re a moron.”

“Oh good, we’re back to name-calling. I was worried we were starting to get along or something.”

“As if that would
happen.” I spun on my heels and continued the trek to my next class. Nolan quickly caught up to me.

“Oh my God,” I muttered. “Why are you so obsessed with stalking me?”

He shook his head. “I’m not following you. We’re in the same English class. I
to walk this way.”

Pressure built behind my eyes. Another trip to the nurse’s office was definitely in my future—at least this time it would be for an ibuprofen. “Can’t you at least walk, I don’t know, over there or something?” I waved at the other side of the hallway.

He cocked his eyebrow. “Why? Are you scared your new social-outcast status will tarnish my stellar reputation?”

“Aren’t you?”

He shrugged. “I don’t worry about things like that, unlike

I pursed my lips. I didn’t know how Payton had managed to live in the same house with him all these years without murdering him in his sleep. “Jesus, Nolan, I—”

He interrupted with a dramatic sigh. “
If you’re so worried about it, I’ll clear things up right now.” He stopped walking and cupped his hand over his mouth.

Panic rippled down my spine. Whatever was coming, it wouldn’t be good. I ducked my head and quickened my pace.

Before I got very far, Nolan darted ahead of me, blocking my path. “Attention, everyone!”

Oh, damn.
I wanted to run, but with Nolan in front of me, there was nowhere to go.

“This is a public service announcement,” he continued. “I am merely walking to class in the same vicinity as Regan Flay. This does not mean I am in any way associated or affiliated with her. Our close proximity during commute is merely a coincidence. Now carry on.” He dropped his hands and looked at me—as did everyone else in the hallway. Half of them laughed while others rolled their eyes and shot Nolan annoyed glances.

My cheeks burned so hot I was sure my skin would melt right off.

Nolan smiled. “Happy?”

I glared at him. “Are you insane? If you want to make me happy, leave me the hell alone.” I skirted around him and practically jogged to contemporary lit.

I dashed inside the classroom, and Mrs. Lochte looked at me with narrowed eyes. As nonchalantly as I could, I slowed to a stroll and took a seat in the front row, as far away from Nolan’s usual spot in the back as I could muster.

When he entered the room, I dropped my eyes to my backpack and focused on pulling out my books and stacking them neatly on my desk with my pen tucked at the side.

“Pssst,” a voice whispered.

My throat tightened at the sound, and I froze.
Please, God, no.
Slowly, I turned in my seat to find Nolan smiling at me from the next desk over. He waved.

I lowered my head and raked my fingers through my hair, hoping to relieve the pressure pounding inside my skull. Even if I believed in karma, was everything I’d done really bad enough that I deserved Nolan’s unending harassment?

“Pssst,” he hissed again, louder this time.

Class hadn’t started, but when it did, Mrs. Lochte wouldn’t tolerate talking. I knew Nolan couldn’t care less about getting in trouble, but I was willing to bet if I didn’t acknowledge him now, he’d only keep pestering me until I did.

I curled my lips into a snarl.

He propped his chin up with his fist. “Call it a hunch, but I get the feeling you don’t like me.”

Directing my attention to the board, I opened my notebook and pulled the cap off my pen. “Thanks for the report, Captain Obvious,” I muttered.

“Even after I helped you out earlier?” he asked. “With Jeremy?”

So that was his game? He thought he had a free pass to harass me because he’d helped me get away from Jeremy? I whirled around and glared at him. “I never asked for your help. I was doing just fine on my own.”

He snorted.

Before he could say anything else, the bell rang. Mrs. Lochte rose from her desk and strode to the front of the room. She touched the Smart board, and a picture book with a puppy on the cover appeared on the screen. “Today we’re going to discuss children’s picture books and how most can be broken down into three parts.”

I silently rejoiced. With class in session, there was no way he could bother me without attracting attention from the teacher. I settled back into my seat and scribbled down
picture books
in my notebook. Mrs. Lochte began reading the book out loud. She got through two pages when a folded piece of paper was tossed onto my desk.

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