Lily and the Billionaire: The Complete Collection

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Lily and the Billionaire

The Complete Collection

Vol. 1-4


By Ana Vela


© 2013 BCN Press



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This story is intended for mature adults only. It contains sexual scenarios, dirty language, hot action, and much more! Please store your digital files where they cannot be accessed by minors.


And above all – Enjoy!


About the Author


Ana Vela is romantic at heart. Living in Miami with her husband, two sons, and a puppy, she finds time to sneak away at night and live out her fantasies by writing them all down and creating these stories for her faithful readers.
To contact Ana, please write to
[email protected]
, and she will answer each and every email personally!


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Other Books by Ana Vela


Lily and the Billionaire: Vol. 1

Lily and the Billionaire: Vol. 2

Lily and the Billionaire: Vol. 3

Lily and the Billionaire: Vol. 4


Anastasia (Vol. 1)

Anastasia: No Strings Attached (Vol. 2)

Anastasia: Executive Perks (Vol. 3)

Anastasia: Whatever It Takes (Vol. 4)


Chat Room Romance

Strip Club Secrets (An Erotika Short)

A Night
With My Master (A BDSM Short)

Volume One ~

Verano frowned as she tugged at the low-cut collar of her top, pulling it lower down to expose more of her breasts. The tight black synthetic fabric hugged and stuck to her every contour, accentuating her small but not insubstantial curves. 


Lily’s reflection also frowned, clearly not impressed as she fiddled with the top, peering at her reflected boobs with increasing impatience before finally flinging off the top and reaching into her drawer for a different one. The black top joined a number of others on the floor of Lily’s tiny bedroom, of varying degrees of skimpiness.  Lily sighed, glancing at the time on her phone as she wriggled impatiently into the next top. Why did she always end up doing this just as she was supposed to be leaving for work? Yet it seemed too important to just give up. She had been working in this particular bar for nearly a year now, and knew from long experience that too skimpy attracted too much of the wrong kind of attention. But if she didn’t flaunt her figure a little bit, she was much less likely to get tips. She stared at her latest costume, a deep red number, for some moments, without enthusiasm. “Well”, she muttered through gritted teeth at her reflection, “it’ll have to do”.


She just hoped that Magda was not working with her tonight. That girl seemed to pull tips into her pocket without even moving an eyelid. Although the girls at the bar generally got on well there was a kind of frantic undercurrent of competition when it came to impressing the customers, and working with Magda could be pretty dispiriting. Lily sighed. Grabbing her phone and keys, she dashed outside and down the stairs of the flat to catch her bus. 


As she stepped out of the drizzly London night into The Corner, her place of work, she noticed that the manager, Bill, was still up to his money-saving ‘ambience’ techniques. This one was simple: the walls were badly in need of redecorating and the electricity bills had gone up, so Bill had simply cut most of the lights to hide the cracked paint, creating what he would no doubt call ‘ a suave atmosphere’.   Lily noticed this as she walked in because she nearly crashed into the pillar on her way from the door to the bar, so dim was it. Suave, huh.


At least it didn’t matter about her top; the customers could barely see the beer mats in front of them, never mind her cleavage.  Not that they seemed to care about their temporary blindness.  Lily fumbled her way behind the bar, grabbing her till key and taking a deep breath to prepare her for another night of enforced friendliness. 


When she had first begun working at The Corner it had been easy talking to customers, but somehow the more time she spent here the more difficult it was becoming to uphold basic social skills. She faced away from the bar for a few seconds, pulling her top down out of habit now since the customers would have to be pretty sharp-eyed to even see what colour it was. Fixing her smile into place, she turned around to the first man waiting.


“Hi there, what can I get you?”


“I’d like a bed”, said the man, middle-aged and balding with a curling lip.


“Excuse me?” asked Lily confusedly, not quite into the swing of customer prattle yet.


bed”, continued the man. “With you in it!”


Lily smiled fixedly, trying not to let her utter disdain show on her face.  And this from the first customer of the night! It wasn’t even remotely witty. She was going to need a couple of stiff drinks to get her through the evening at this rate.


“Ha ha”, she said, with all of the sarcasm she could muster, “I’m afraid there’s no space in it for you”.


“Go on, you can make space”, the man leered over the bar at her. Lily backed away, disgusted.


“Do you want a drink or not?”


As the evening dragged on Lily had the opportunity to sneakily down a couple of mis-poured drinks, and things became much more bearable. The customers were not so bad, after all – completely harmless, most of them, and at worst deeply pathetic. True, it was not exactly what she had originally envisioned for herself when she moved to London, but...she supposed she was happy enough.


London! City of free galleries and new art movements being born and experimented with every other second; of inspiration beckoning from the canvases of the National gallery to the spray-painted concrete of the council estates. It was painting which had drawn Lily to London, painting which she longed to do. When she first arrived she could feel the passion of her creativity being stimulated; welling up inside her and longing to gush out.


Somehow, however, she had been on the way to her dream for over a year now, and had barely noticed the slow petering out of her tumultuous excitement from those first few weeks into the steady seediness of life at The Corner.


But, she thought as she poured another perfect measure of whiskey with unconscious precision, it wasn’t as if she wasn’t enjoying her life now. Her sense of dread from the beginning of the night had dissolved into the fuzzy embrace of her sneaked drinks, and she was joking with Mia and Emily, the other two staff on tonight, about the complete lack of sexy men in the bar.


“Old fish-face over there is really trying”, pointed out Emily, referring to a suited regular with a constant air of uneasy doom, who was attempting to flirt with a peroxide blonde with long plastic red nails. The blonde was tapping her teeth with her nails, gazing into the distance. Suddenly one of the red talons fell off, and she bent to retrieve it, unnoticed by ‘Fish face’, who persisted in his monologue. “I mean it, I’ve never met anyone like you before, you’re something else...” the peroxide woman continued to fumble on the sticky floor and the bar staff collapsed against each other giggling.


“What happened with you the other night though, Emily?” asked Mia, flicking her short black fringe from her eyes as they continued to serve. “With that crazy lawyer guy – what his name?”


Lily laughed. “Yeah, he was funny! He kept telling me that he was one of the most dangerous men known to the US government.”


“Ooh, sounds exciting!” smiled Mia, flicking a glance at Emily. Emily grinned cheekily, a knowing look in her blue eyes. The other two girls manoeuvred their drinks orders closer to her, smelling a story.


“Well, he took me back to his place and things got pretty raunchy pretty quickly”, she began.


“Did he take the lead?” inquired Mia.


“Oh yes”.


“Ah! I love that in a man”, sighed Mia, skilfully picking up five drinks without touching the rims and placing them in front of their recipient. “Fifteen ninety-five, please”.


“Really?” asked Lily, scooping ice with a grace that only comes from repeating an action hundreds of times every day. “I don’t think I’d like it if I wasn’t in control”.


“Mmm, sometimes it’s nice to lose control” countered Mia. “If the man you’re with is man enough, that is – did you want anything else with your brandy?”


“Ha! Exactly”, said Emily, “if he’s man enough”.


“And the lawyer...?”


“Well, everything was going smoothly. He was throwing me down on all kinds of things – the sofa, the rug – and generally being very passionate. I have to say – that’s thirteen seventy-five altogether please, cheers – that I was very aroused.”


“Sounds like a strong character”, said Mia.


“Ooh yes, lovely and strong. And wild! He was making all kinds of noises” continued Emily, her eyes misting as she remembered. “I felt almost like an animal!” They laughed.


“So...?” questioned Lily from behind a vodka bottle, “what next?”


“We got into a really good rhythm – him on top, of course...”


“Of course.”


“And we were both really into it, when I noticed he was going slower and slower.”


“In a romantic way?” asked Lily.


“Well, at first I tried to follow him, thinking he wanted maybe to hold off, you know, for longer...”


“Uh huh”, the other girls nodded. “Very considerate”, commented Mia.


“But he just kept getting slower and slower, until he actually pulled out – here’s your change, have a good night – sorry, pulled out – and stopped completely!”




“Did he say anything?!”


“No, nothing!” The other girls gaped.


“At least, not at first. I was a bit surprised, to be honest, but he was just lying there and eventually I had to ask him what the hell was going on!”


“And what did he say??”


“He said...” Emily giggled, narrowly avoiding spilling the glass she was holding. “He said that it was no longer possible to continue-”




“Because...hehe....because he’d just remembered that someone was listening in by bugging his flat!”




“And that I had to leave.”


The other girls were disgusted by this poor show of manlihood. “What an excuse!” exclaimed Mia.


“Well, that’s the funny thing actually”, said Emily, shaking her long blonde curls in wonder, “I think he did really believe it in fact. He was really scared!”


“How funny!”


“Yeah, he was shaking and everything.”


“What a horrible feeling though, to get turned on so much and then let down”, put in Lily. “I know how you feel”.


“You’re telling me! Frustration doesn’t even come close!” the other two girls shook their heads, lost in their own disappointed memories.


“It was kind of worth it for such a funny time though”, mused Emily. “As he was showing me out he was still muttering, ‘the spies, the spies!’”


All three girls burst into raucous laughter.


“Some people are too paranoid!” cried Lily – “Oh hi Bill”, she added, as their manager loomed up from the dim press of customers.


“Hope you’re not bad-mouthing our customers, ladies”, admonished Bill.


“Not without good reason”, pointed out Mia.


“Had another bad experience, have you? Who was it this time?” the girls shrugged noncommittally.


“Ah well, it’s good for our reputation if punters think you girls are easy. Keep it up!” he grinned and faded back into the gloom.


“Ugh”, said Mia, “talk about crude”.


“I’m pretty sure he’s joking”, said Lily. “At least, I hope so...”




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