Lion of Liberty (49 page)

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Authors: Harlow Giles Unger

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Olive Branch Petition
Oliver, Andrew
Otis, James
Otto, Louis-Guillaume
Parker, John
Parsons' Cause case
Patrick Henry: Life, Correspondence and Speeches
Patrick Henry Foundation
Patrick Henry National Memorial
Pendleton, Edmund
ratification of Constitution and
Revolutionary War in
Pennsylvania Chronicle
Percy, Hugh
Pickering, Timothy
Piedmont region of North Carolina, rebellion in
Piedmont region of Virginia
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Pinckney, Thomas
Pitcairn, John
Pleasant Grove
Pleasants, Robert
Poindexter, Edith C.
Potomac Company
Powder Horn (Williamsburg)
Powell, Leven
Preston, Thomas
Propaganda, patriot
Proportionate representation
Pufendorf, Samuel
Quebec Act
Quincy, Josiah
Raleigh Tavern
Randolph, Edmund
arguments against Henry
on Henry as young Burgess
invitation for Henry to attend Constitutional Convention
objections to Constitution
portrait of
pre-Revolutionary War debt
ratification of Constitution and
support for Union
Virginia plan of government and
Randolph, John
Randolph, Peyton
Rattlesnake flags
Red Hill sketch of
attempt to establish Christianity as Virginia's
freedom of
separation of church and state
See also individual sects
“Repeal Day,”
Revere, Paul
Revolution, calls for
Revolutionary War
cessation of hostilities
early battles
in New Jersey
in New York
in North Carolina
in Pennsylvania
in the South
in South Carolina
in Virginia
in the West
Rhode Island
Richmond (Virginia), in Revolutionary War
The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved
Roane, Spencer
Robertson, David
Robinson, John
Rush, Benjamin
Rutledge, Edmund
Rutledge, Edward
Rutledge, John
Scotchtown plantation
Secession threats
Alien and Sedition Acts and
of “middle confederacy,”
in New England
over Mississippi River navigation rights
in parts of Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky
of South
Southern justification for
in West
Second Continental Congress
Second Virginia Convention
Sedition Act
Separation of church and state
Seven Islands plantation
Seven Years' War
Shawnee Indians, war with
Shays, Daniel
Shays's Rebellion
Shelby, Evan
Shelton, John
Shelton, Sarah
Shelton tavern
Shippen, William
Shippen, William, Jr.
A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre of Boston
Simpson, Colonel
British freeing during Revolution
federal government power to free
Henry's views on
prohibition on owning
Slave trade, attempts to end
Sonnets and Other Poems
Sons of Liberty
South Carolina
Revolutionary War in
Spain, navigation rights on Mississippi River and
The Spirit of Laws
St. John's Anglican Church
St. Paul's Anglican church
Stamp Act (1765)
debate in House of Burgesses
popular opposition to
repeal of
Stamp Act speech
Stills, tax on
Stuart, Archibald
Suffolk Resolves
Sullivan, John
Surveying skills
Swift, Jonathan
Syme, John
Syme, John, Jr.
Syme, Sarah
Tabb, William L.
Tarleton, Banastre
Anglican parish
colonial opposition to British-imposed
Stamp Act
on stills
Townshend Acts
Boston Tea Party
tax on
Tenth Amendment
Thomson, Charles
Thoughts on Government
Tidewater aristocracy
Quebec Act and
Tidewater region of Virginia
Todd, John
Tories, return of
Townshend, Charles
Townshend Acts
repeal of
tax on tea
between colonies and Britain
lack of central authority over
Treatise of Military Discipline
Treaty of Paris
Tryon, William
Twopenny Act (1758)
Tyler, John
United States, map of (1783)
Valley Forge (Pennsylvania)
Venable, Richard
Alien and Sedition Acts and
boundary/commerce dispute with Maryland
as largest colony
martial law in
new capitol
new government
Piedmont region
plan of government
preparation for war
response to Coercive Acts
response to Quebec Act
response to Townshend Acts
in Revolutionary War
separation of church and state in
1771 floods
slave trade in
taxes proposed after the Revolution
Tidewater region
western lands of
Virginia Assembly.
See also
House of Delegates
Virginia Constitution
Virginia Conventions
Virginia currency
Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser
Virginia Gazette
Virginia Historical Society
Virginia militias
von Vattel, Emmerich
Continental Congress and
in Virginia
Wallace, George
War, declarations of
Ward, Samuel
War debt
Washington, George
attempts to replace as commander in chief
on boycott of British goods
canal-building project and
command of Continental Army
command of Virginia militia
Constitutional Convention and
death of
as delegate to intercolonial congress
as delegate to Second Virginia Convention
farewell tour with Lafayette
on frontier life
on Henry as commander
as land owner
land purchases/speculation
Locke and
as member of House of Burgesses
negotiations over Virginia-Maryland boundary/commerce
on Patrick Henry
political appointments offered to Henry and
portrait of
pre-Revolutionary War debt
as president
Quebec Act and
ratification of Constitution and
response to Tea Party
on slavery
search for Henry's son John and
Stamp Act debate and
support for federal government
Whiskey Rebellion and
Yazoo Land Company lands and
Washington, John
Washington, Martha
Washington, William
Wayne, “Mad” Anthony
Weatherford, John
Webster, Noah
Westmoreland Protests
Whiskey Boys
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey tax
Whites, intermarriage with Indians
Williamsburg (Virginia), in Revolutionary War
Winston, Edmund
Winston, William
Wirt, William
Woodford, William
Wythe, George
Yazoo Land Company scandal
Documents relating to Henry reveal nothing about his activities during the eighteen-month period that begins with his serious illness. Although he disappears from the pages of history, the most likely explanation is the simplest—that he remained at home, tending his farm when he was well enough, but always out of public scrutiny.
Copyright © 2010 by Harlow Giles Unger
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address Da Capo Press, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142.
Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the Library of Congress
eISBN : 978-0-306-81934-6
First Da Capo Press edition 2010
Published by Da Capo Press
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