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Authors: Sadie Grubor

Live In Position (44 page)

BOOK: Live In Position
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Only a few moments later he appeared in his naked gloriousness with a condom in his hand. He knelt in front of me and tore open the foil wrapper. I reached out and grabbed the condom from him. He wrinkled his eyes together at me until he caught sight of my hands make their way toward his erection.

A low growl escaped him as my hand slid the latex covering over him. Once my hand met the base of him, he pushed me down onto the bed urgently and slid into me with one quick thrust. His tongue plunged into my mouth and I eagerly sucked on him. The taste of his tongue was so familiar now and I craved it. He moaned and pulled his mouth away from mine.

"I missed" pant "you" pant "last night." His thrusts had slowed down slightly and his thumb pressed against my swelling bundle of nerves.

"Oh please," I squeezed my eyes shut, "please, harder," called out as I arched my back from the bed.

"As you wish." I could hear the smile in his words. He grabbed my knees and pushed them up to my chest. His rhythm never faltered once.

"Oh, shit," I gasped.

I felt Collin's knees against my ass and he pushed my knees farther apart from each other.

"Grab the back of your thighs," he commanded and I obeyed.

As he pounded into me, I grunted and moaned. I unclenched my eyes and looked up at Collin. His head was tossed back in his erect position on his knees. Suddenly, his head snapped forward and he looked down at me. The lust, the want, the desire that was on his face caused my body to light on fire.

His eyes dropped and he watched as he moved in and out of me. The sight of him watching himself fuck me made my toes curl and the tension at my core tripled. I moaned loudly and closed my eyes again.

"Look at me," he said sternly.

I opened my eyes and was met by his. The blazing emeralds didn't leave mine even as his fingers found the sensitive bundle between my folds once again.

"Oh." Graze. "My." Rub. "God!" Pinch. "Hahh uhh ahhh!!" I was an incoherent mess under his fingers and thrusts.

"Look at me Sophia," he grunted out as his movement increased.

It took so much effort, but I got my eyes open to look at him. I hadn't even realized that I had closed them again. The moment his eyes met mine his thrusts became frantic.

"Fuck," rumbled out of his mouth. He released my knees and grabbed my waist. It was a few more hard thrusts before he roared out my name and collapsed onto my chest.

I wrapped my arms and legs around his sweat dampened body and began rubbing soothingly across his back. It was obvious that, for him, this physical contact was about resolving his emotions. I ran one hand into his moist hair.

"Stay with me," he mumbled against my shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere," I whispered to him.

"Ever?" He lifted his head and looked at me.

"I—" I didn't know how to answer that.

"Please?" I felt like I was looking into the face of a child. He dropped his head back to my shoulder. "Please, Sophia." It wasn't a question this time, it was a plea.

Not knowing what words would be appropriate; I tightened my legs and arms around him. I only hoped that it was enough for him. His grip tightened in return. We lay like that for a long time before he softened and slipped out of me.

When we finally did move, he shifted us so that we were on our sides facing each other. My left leg was thrown over his hip, my left hand was on his side, and my cheek pressed against his chest. His arms were still around me snugly and he was fast asleep. I lay there, inhaling the scent of him and thinking about his plea.

He was afraid that I would leave like Grace did.

I felt stupid, but I had to wonder if the reason that he was with me was because I was bound to him through a contract, being his nanny, making it harder, yet not impossible, for me to leave.

Was I just a safe chance to take?

The moment the thought sat in my mind. Collin tightened his hold on me and pulled me with him as he rolled to his back. I shook off the thought and relaxed. It wasn't long before I was joining him in his nap.

The ring of Collin's cell phone pulled us both from our comfortable naked slumber. I rolled away from him and yanked at his comforter until it was loose enough to pull over me. He groaned in protest of my movement, but sat up and went for his phone.

"Hello?" he grumbled.

"Yes," his voice sounded confused. "What?" he exclaimed. "Yes, I'll be right there."

I sat up and looked at him. Collin rushed around the room slipping his clothes on. All of a sudden he turned and looked at me. Fear, anger, and desperation were clear in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I stood and walked toward him not caring that I
stood before him completely bare.

His brow furrowed.

"Get dressed," he ordered.

"Wha-where are—"

"Victoria," he sighed out and dropped his head.

My eyes widened. No more words needed to be said, I dressed quickly. I couldn't find my underwear so I opted to dress without them.

"What happened?" My tone was demanding as I slid my bra straps over my arms.

"She is waiting for us to pick her up." He slid his hand through his hair with a sigh and then rubbed his face.

I glanced to the clock next to his bed.

"It's not time for her to get picked up yet."

Collin walked from the room and I followed him quickly.

"Collin, what is going on? Who was that on the phone?" I grabbed his arm as we reached the first floor.

"That was the police," he growled and anger flashed in his eyes. With a yank of the front door he stood waiting for me to exit first. I slipped on a pair of flip flops and rushed out the door.

I yanked the car door open and climbed in. I was practically bouncing in my seat with impatience. Collin climbed into the driver's seat and quickly started the car.

"What the hell happened? Where is Grace? How did the police get her?" I was spewing endless questions at him and not allowing him to answer.

When he didn't respond, I looked over at him. His face was hard and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white from the tendons stretching. I reached out and placed a hand on his arm.

"She's okay?" He nodded. "That's all that matters." I kept my voice soft and hopefully soothing.

His disposition did not change, but when I pulled my hand away, he quickly reached out and grabbed it into his. He held on tightly the rest of the drive.

Once he parked the car, I was out of my seat and rushing up the station steps. Collin quickly caught up with me. We burst through the double doors and I scanned the room for Victoria.

"I am here for my daughter, Victoria Bishop." I looked to my left and saw Collin speaking with a police officer behind a large desk.

"Ah, yes, she is right this way." He motioned for Collin to follow him.

As soon as I saw the top of her red curls, I was finally able to breathe again. I felt tears slip over my cheeks and wiped them away. There she sat, spinning in a chair with a bottle of Cherry Coke in her lap and a large smile on her face.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed and scooted off the chair. She staggered as she ran, which was an obvious result from the spinning.

"Oh, thank god," Collin fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around her. I saw his shoulders relax for a moment while she hugged him.

Victoria peeked over his shoulder at me.

"Sophia!" She released him and ran for me. I scooped her up in my arms. Collin stood up and looked to the police officer standing behind the desk.

"How did this happen?" he questioned sternly.

"Sir, a woman found her wandering the park, crying. When she couldn't find her mother, and the mother did not return, she called us."

Collin quickly looked at Victoria.

"Where did Grace go, Victoria?" His tone was harsh and she flinched. I squeezed her tightly to comfort her. I knew that he was just upset and didn't mean to take it out on her, but she didn't know that.

"She… she…" the tears started to soak her face. "She told me to play on the swing while she talked to someone. She told me not to move." Sob. "But I got tired of swinging and she didn't come back." Another sob. "I stood there for so long, but she never came back." Sob. "I got scared and tried to find her."

"Shh…it's okay." I rubbed her back and she buried her head in my shoulder. I looked to Collin. "We need to get her home." I turned and walked out of the office. As soon as I reached the main lobby, Grace appeared through the door.

"Oh, thank God, there she is," Grace exclaimed and rushed toward me. She held her arms out for Victoria. I yanked Victoria away from her and took a few steps back. Grace's face contorted in anger. "Give me my daughter," she demanded. Victoria gripped onto me.

"You can go to hell," I spat.

"You little tramp. Give my daughter to me, now." She took a step toward us and I took a step back.

"Grace," Dr. Bishop's voice almost echoed through the lobby. Her head snapped up to look at him with wide eyes. He stood between us. "That will be enough. I believe that your visitation is over for today, and if my lawyers have anything to do with it, it will be your very last visitation ever." He reached around, taking Victoria and me into his arms, and guided us to the door.

"Oh, my lawyers will have enough to battle against you with," Grace screamed after us, "especially in regards to your affair with your nanny." We both froze. I heard her evil laugh, "Oh, that's right, Collin. I know all about it and I've got the pictures to prove it. I can't wait to show them to everyone in court."

Dr. Bishop held us tighter and walked us to the car.

"Everything will be fine," he whispered into my ear. He obviously felt the tension in my body. "She doesn't know anything." He tried to calm me down.

The excitement of the day had exhausted Victoria and she was fast asleep by the time we arrived home. Dr. Bishop carried her to her bed and tucked her in. I began walking to my room.

"Sophia?" I turned at the sound of his voice. He was walking toward me with a quickened pace. His arms came around me and he held me to him.

"She's home and she's okay," I whispered and rubbed his back.

"What if—"

I stopped him from finishing that thought.

"No 'what ifs', she is here and fine, that is the fact of it." His arms flexed tightly for a moment and then relaxed. I felt his warm breath on my neck before his lips touched my skin. I bit my lip.

"Daddy?" Victoria's voice sliced through the lust filled haze that had been wrapping around us.

He turned around quickly and I felt my face heat up.

"Why are you kissing Sophia?" Her face was twisted in confusion and half sleep.

I groaned and covered my face.

Chapter Twenty Two

I stood frozen in shock and shame. How could we have been foolish enough to let her find us like this?

"I thought you were sleeping?"

I dropped my hands from my face and looked at the side of his head.

Was he kidding? Was that really his response to her? She wasn't stupid and you sure as hell can't deter an inquisitive child, like Victoria, with that. I groaned again.

"Are you going to get married?" Her face lit up.

"What?" I coughed.

"Are you going to have a baby? Can we get a baby sister?" She was practically bouncing.

"What? No!" I gasped out. He chuckled and I glared at him.

The smile on his face was wide and relaxed. His head turned toward my gaze with a look of 'I told you so' plastered all over it. I glowered at him.

"How can you be so calm?" I hissed.

He shrugged and pulled me toward his side.

"But I don't want a brother," Victoria whined. I looked back to her. "Please, please, Sophia, can we have a girl?" She pouted her lips.

"Whoa, wait, Victoria, we're not having a baby sister or any other baby for that matter." Her happiness deflated. I knelt down to her. "Are you okay…with this?"

"Do I get to be the flower girl?" She eyed me from under her lashes and a sly smile played on her lips.

"Flower girl? Victoria we aren't –"

"I really liked being a junior bridesmaid for Miranda, but I really want to sprinkle the flowers for you to walk on." She jumped forward, wrapped her arms around me, and knocked me onto my butt. "Oh, I'm so excited," she exclaimed as we fell back together.

"Easy Victoria, you don't want to hurt each other." Collin leaned down and helped us back to our feet.

I was still in shock. This wasn't how I thought this would go, if it went at all.

"I told you she would be happy about it." He whispered into my ear, gently pulling me to his side.

"I guess so."

"You guess?" He pulled back and looked at me questioningly. "She's practically picked our wedding date and I did hear a request for a sibling." I gaped at him.

"So, can I have a baby sister? Huh Daddy?" Victoria tugged at her father's arm.

"That's up to Sophia." He looked into my eyes. I saw the humor in them, but there was also a hint of something else. My eyes widened.

"There is no baby." I stated.

"Well, then can I have a puppy?"

Both Collin and I dropped our heads down looking at her batting eye lashes. I couldn't help it. I burst into a fit of hysterics. The entire situation had become humorous and I laughed hard. Victoria looked at me oddly and then gave Collin the same look when he started to laugh.

"Did she just ask for a puppy?" I laughed out. He nodded.

"Yes, just between flower girl and baby sister." We roared with laughter.

"What's so funny?" Victoria whined.

Once we calmed down, I felt we should really talk to Victoria about things. I was pretty sure she wouldn't be going back to see Grace again, but if the court social worker started asking questions about mine and Dr. Bishop's relationship I wanted her to have the answers she needed. We sat with Victoria between us on the couch in my room.

"Victoria, Sophia and I are –" she cut him off.


"Well, um, we have, but we are not getting married." Our eyes met briefly. "Yet."

I opened my mouth, but closed it. That was a conversation for another time.

"But you were kissing," She stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes, but –" It was my turn for her to cut me off.

"Then you have to get married. If you kiss then you should get married."

"Listen, Sophia and I are more like boyfriend and girlfriend right now. Perhaps one day there will be a wedding. We will have to wait and see. Do you understand?"

She nodded.

"Good. Do you have any questions?"

She opened her mouth, but I cut her off this time.

"Besides wedding and baby questions."

She closed her mouth. I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"Is it okay for me to come to your room if I can't sleep?" She looked up at me.

"Of course, I'll be right where you always find me."

Her face twisted up in confusion.

"You aren't sleeping in daddy's room?" She looked up at me curiously.

Collin suddenly gave me the same look, but with pleading in his eyes.

"No, sweetheart, this is my room. All of my things are here." I couldn't bear looking to Collin's face, fearful of what I would see in his eyes.

"For now," Collin added.

Victoria and I both looked up at him.

"Grace slept in Daddy's room though."

Now that was something I had really been trying not to think about. She was really making a great case for me to stay in my own bed. There was a small rumble from Collin's chest.

"We will have your things moved to the master bedroom." My eyes flashed from Victoria's face to his eyes, which were hard and dared me to defy him.

"Do I have to get a new nanny?"

Her question pulled me from the argument about to unleash between Collin and me. Worry lines on her face quickly softened my demeanor.

"I, uh, no. I am still, um, I'm still your nanny." The words were stumbling out of my mouth.

"But you kiss my daddy? Miranda didn't kiss my daddy. Wait, did Miranda kiss my daddy too?" Her eyes widened.

I felt the heat rush into my face and shook my head.

"Can't you be my mommy now?" Little hands gripped my upper arm and tugged. "Please?"

"I'm not your mommy sweetheart." I pulled her into a hug hoping it would reassure her that I cared about her deeply.

"Victoria," both she and I looked to her father, "she is still your Sophia. She isn't going anywhere and I promise not to hog all her attention." He winked at her. She giggled.

"My Sophia," she whispered and wrapped her arms around my waist, burying her head in my stomach. I hugged her tightly in return.

"Nanny swear," I whispered.

She shook her head in disagreement.

"Sophia swear." Her smile lit the dim room. My heart felt like it would burst.

We sat that way for a few more minutes before finally getting up from the couch. Dr. Bishop had some things to tend to in his office, while Victoria and I went down to work on dinner together. She didn't ask any more questions or make any more requests, but there was an obvious excitement around her.

It was beyond frustrating trying to get her settled into bed, going on and on about babies and weddings. The one good thing about her incessant talk about babies was that it reminded me to make an appointment at the health clinic for birth control. While Victoria showered I typed a reminder into my cell phone.

Once she was dried, dressed, and brushed, I got her into bed. During the middle of her second bedtime story Dr. Bishop entered. He kissed her head and told her goodnight before stepping back out. Not five minutes later her eyes fluttered and closed. For a couple of moments I lie next to her just watching her sleep.

This little girl had infiltrated my entire being from the moment I laid eyes on her. I didn't think I could possibly love anything more than her, not ever. With a quick kiss to her cheek, I left her.

Back in my own room I set about getting a shower. My thoughts were wild with the events of the day, Victoria being left alone in the middle of a park, picking her up at the police station, her discovering her father and me. With my palms against the tiles in front of me, I bowed my head and allowed the hot water to fall over my back.

My mind couldn't rest. What would've happened if someone else had gotten to her first? What if no one would've found her at all? Anyone could've swooped in on her and taken her away without much notice of her abduction. Fire tingled at my belly, spreading to my fisting hands.

Stepping out of the shower and into the towel-wrapping embrace of Dr. Bishop, my head fell against his chest. His hands rubbed slowly up and down my back, allowing me to cry out my pent up frustration and fear. He wiped the tears away before leading me out of the bathroom.

"I talked with my lawyers this evening." I turned from my dresser, holding the towel to my body with one hand.

"What did they say?"

"First, they told me to press charges against Grace, which I'll be doing." He ran his hand through his hair as he sat onto the edge of my bed.

Slowly I stepped toward him. The moment I was within arm’s length, he reached out, pulling my body to him. His fingers dug into my hips before he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his face to my chest.

"I'll be leaving first thing in the morning to file charges at the police station." His head didn't move from my chest. I cupped his right cheek.

"It will all be fine. She's home and I would hope to God the judge wouldn't dare allow Grace to see her again." My words had transformed from soft and soothing to ground out through clenched teeth.

"My lawyers are pretty certain Grace's case ends here. However –" I didn't like the sound of that.

"However what?"

He cleared his throat. "If Grace does have photographs as she stated, well, we don't know what the judge is going to say to that."

"Oh." I let me hand drop from his face. Panic flooded me and every bad scenario, regardless of how irrational the thought was passed through my head.

"Oh god, I told you this shouldn't happen." I tried to step back, but his hold tightened.

"Don't." The command made me freeze. "Don't do that." He stood from the bed and pulled my face to look up to his.

"There is nothing wrong with what is going on between us. We want to be together and we, well, I'm happier than I've been in a long time." My head started to shake, but before I could protest he continued.

"Sophia, I have my daughter more in my life than ever before, because of you. My daughter is the happiest and liveliest I have ever seen her, because of you. And I have never," he paused, staring into my eyes, "loved someone as much as I love you."

I couldn't
breathe. He loved me? He couldn't possibly… His lips pressed to mine returning me into the firm embrace of his arms.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pushed up onto my tiptoes. The towel fell from my body and pooled into an Egyptian cotton pile at my feet. Warmth spread across my body where his hands touched my bare skin.

Slipping my hands under the hem of his cotton shirt I could feel the toned planes of his back. I worked my way toward his shoulders and in one swift motion he removed his shirt, pulling me against his hard chest. The moment we were skin on skin he growled and tightened his hold.

Collin lay us down onto the bed. He pressed his body and hardness against my thigh. Then it vibrated. Either he has some amazing skills or something in his pocket was happy to get me naked. I felt the vibration again. He growled, but this time in anger. Yanking his cell phone from his pocket he looked at the screen.

"Shit," he sat up and looked back at me, "it's the lawyer's office. I should probably –"

"Answer it."

His eyes perused my body slowly with a lick of his bottom lip. He put his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he was stern and cool, all business.

Oddly enough, it was turning me on. The stern ordering tone he used sent goose bumps across my skin.

I shook the thought off, rolling to get off the bed. Long strong fingers wrapped around my thigh. Looking up to him in surprise, he shook his head. I smiled and pulled his hand away. He frowned while I hurried to dress.

"I understand," "I will meet you there tomorrow," "How soon can we arrange the mediation?"

Sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard and Collin at my feet, I waited for him to finish his call.

"Of course," "Obviously I want it as quickly as possible," "Let me know," "Good bye," He ended his call.

"Everything okay?"

He took a deep breath, exhaling it loudly.

BOOK: Live In Position
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