Live In Position (53 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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His eyes were a hard glare, but softened when he took in her disheveled appearance. Quickly he moved to kneel in front of her. She tried to pull away, but he grabbed her too him. "Are you okay?"

It surprised me when she didn't fight any harder. That he was being so attentive and loving toward her also confused me. Their relationship had always been so tense and cold. Seeing this side of them made me understand why Collin had questioned Allison's decision to divorce. Obviously they had their issues, but they really did care deeply, perhaps even love, each other.

A man in a long white coat stepped into the waiting room and started speaking to Collin. Max quickly stepped into the conversation with them. My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I ignored it. Now, really wasn't the time.

"I believe your father will be fine, but we need to perform bypass surgery as soon as he is strong enough for it."

Collin and Max spoke quietly with the doctor before he left the waiting room and went back through the automatic doors.

"He has to have surgery?" Allison whimpered out. Jonathan held her closer, rocking her.

Max sat next to Larissa and Collin pulled me down to the seat next to him. The discussion began on what was best to do for Connor and his health. When Ilene and Juliette left Connor's side, everyone took turns visiting.

As Collin walked Victoria and me into his room, I noticed how pale and older Connor looked in the hospital bed. My heart ached for him and for the Bishop family. I made a mental note to call my daddy as soon as possible.

When the children started falling asleep in laps, on the floor, and in chairs, Amber and I prepared to take them home. Will packed up their things and cleaned up the garbage we had created. Victoria and I were about to leave when Collin surprised me by leaving with us. He saw the look on my face.

"Juliette and mother are staying, so I'm going to get some sleep before I return tomorrow." I nodded in understanding and picked up the yawning red head in front of me.

"Here," Collin reached out and took Victoria into his arms.

Climbing into bed, I was sure Collin was already sleeping. I had taken an extremely long hot therapeutic shower to help ease the emotions of the day. I'd been mistaken about his sleeping state.

I barely had my second leg on the bed when he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. His lips claimed mine and without delay his tongue sought access to my mouth. I, of course, granted it to him.

His hands wandered under my clothes. When he began the clothing removal process I gave him a curious look.

"I need this," he whispered and sucked on my neck. "I need you," his tongue slipped against my skin. I moaned.

Both of us naked and grinding against each other, he became impatient. Flipping me onto my back, he quickly entered me. The groan leaving his mouth sounded like a cry of relief.

We moved against each other, rapidly increasing the rhythm as we went. It wasn't enough for him. He was working through his emotions with our intimately primal connection. Holding my thighs up from the bed with a firm grasp, he knelt above me. The force of his thrust began moving me up the bed.

Before I could secure myself in place, he moved until my back hit the headboard. My arms reflexively stretched out on either side, grabbing onto the dark wood. His hands latched around my outer thighs, until he could hold tightly underneath. The thrusting resumed. Each grunt from him made my body tingle and twist into knots, begging for release.

"Christ, Sophia," he growled against my chest. "I," thrust, "need you," thrust, "so much," thrust.

Moaning when his teeth lightly attached to my nipple, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Fisting his hair, I rode the wave of release flooding my limbs. My toes curled, knuckles whitened, and incoherent words of pleasure left my mouth.

"That's it baby," his upward thrust spurred on by the blubbering mess he turned me into.

The wave succumbed, but the pleasurable aftershocks quickly built back into a second orgasm.

"I love when you, oh god," he gasped as my body clenched around him again. It wasn't as forceful as the first, but my toes still curled up and my body rejoiced.

Three deep thrusts, his muscles tense up preparing for his release.

"I love you Collin, so
much," I growled into his ear. His fingers dug into my flesh, his tensed body jerking against me.

It hadn't taken long in our physical relationship to discover how much he appreciated a 'dirty' mouth. Sometimes it was difficult for me to do. I was so used to censoring my speech for children.

Both of us panting and sagging back onto the bed, he released me from the headboard. Grabbing both sides of my face, he kissed me with so much passion and love I wondered if he was finished with me. He wasn't.

The shift of the bed early Saturday woke me. I stretched and then whimpered quietly at the soreness in my body. Warm moist lips pressed to my forehead.

"I apologize for the, um, discomfort you're feeling this morning." There was a small hint of amusement to his words.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I mumbled into the pillow.

The sound of the shower and the familiar smell of his shampoo wafted into the room. It was the last thing I remembered until Victoria bounced onto the bed and nudging me awake. Grasping at the covers to keep my body from being exposed, I looked at her with a brief moment of surprise.

"Good morning," she smiled small. I could tell already she was worried about her grandfather.

"Good morning." I yawned out with a smile. "So, what do you think would be a good breakfast?"

She shrugged.

"Hmm…" I tapped my chin. "Why don't you go see who is all awake while I use the bathroom and think of something to make?"

"Okay," she hopped off the bed and hurried out.

My speedy movements to grab my tossed clothing and sprint to the bathroom, naked, weren't pretty, but I got there before Victoria could discover me. I was relieved, clothed, and brushing my teeth when Victoria knocked on the bathroom door.

"The twins are just waking up now," she shouted through the locked door.

I spit the light blue foam into the sink and rinsed off my toothbrush. Stepping from the bathroom, she was standing there and waiting for me.

"Did you think of something?"

I nodded.

"What?" she asked.

"It's a surprise." I held out my hand for her to take. Hand in hand we walked to the kitchen.

Once we were there, I started some coffee and then began to pull out bowls, mixing spoons and ingredients. Victoria was trying to figure out by the items what we were about to make. It was comical when she figured it out.

"Blueberry muffins!" Her voice squeaked just a little with her exclamation.

"You got it," I smiled and scooted her stool over to the counter.

She climbed up and we began mixing the batter. While she mixed, I turned the oven to 350 degrees and got the muffin pans out of the bottom oven drawer. She hopped down and rushed to the pantry, returning with paper muffin cups.

We lined the pan with the pastel colored cups and then slowly spooned the batter into each one before placing the first batch in the oven. Once the second pan was ready, we set it on the side of the counter.

"Now what?" she huffed impatiently.

"Now we scramble some eggs." I walked toward the refrigerator and pulled out two cartons of eggs. The sound of glass and plastic hitting the floor made me jump and snap my head back toward Victoria.

"Sorry," she looked worried and afraid.

"Are you hurt?" I placed the eggs on the counter. Approaching her I scanned her body.

"I tried to help get the bowl, but I couldn't grip with my cast and…" tears started to form in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's okay. I'll get these put back in the cabinet." I stacked the bowls back up, except for the large glass one. I kept that one out for use and turned back to Victoria. "See?" I smiled at her.

She forced a smile.

"Okay," I placed the bowl on the counter and pulled the carton of eggs toward us, "ready to talk to me about how upset you are?"

She stayed silent.

"Are you sad about your grandfather? I'm sure he's fine. Your dad would have called if—"

"That's not," she paused, "I mean, I'm worried about grandpa," she hesitated and for a moment she looked embarrassed, "but I'm afraid we have to cancel Halloween now." Her head dropped and her fingers twisted together on the counter. "That's awful isn't it?" She sniffed.

I sighed.

"Victoria –"

"I know I shouldn't be worried about such stupid things when grandpa is sick. I feel horrible, but I can't help it." I stopped her with my hand over her mouth.

"Listen, I'm sure grandpa would want you to go trick or treating, okay?" She nodded, reluctantly. "Hey, look at me."

I uncovered her mouth and lifted her head with my finger until her eyes met mine.

"How about I see if everyone can come earlier and we go see your grandpa and show him your costume, if he is feeling up to it?"

Her eyes lit up and a large smile spread on her face.

"That would be so great!" Her arms wrapped around my waist. I started to break open an egg. "Thank you, you are the best mommy I ever asked for!"

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her to me. She lifted her face to mine with a large smile.

"I'll talk to your dad today about it." I cupped her head in my palms. She nodded. "Okay, now let's get started on these eggs before everyone shows up hungry."

She nodded and reached for an egg.

Chapter Twenty Eight

My stomach fluttered, looking over the appearance reflecting back at me in the full length mirror. How had I let myself get into this situation? I was such a damn sucker.

"Look!" Victoria burst into the room. "Meeeeoowww!"

I chuckled at the 'meow' and her red curls sticking out from under the mask secured around her head and face.

"You look adorable, darling," I purred out.

"Wow!" My head shot up. Miranda was standing in the doorway. "Who are you and what did you do with my best friend?"

"Rand," I screamed and hugged her. We hugged tightly before pulling back and putting my hands on her stomach. She smacked them away.

"I am not even really showing, so stop it."

"Oh, come on, I want to see if I can tell." I pouted.

"Fine," she groaned. "You're as bad as Benji." I laughed. "Seriously, he really believes my stomach is noticeably bigger each morning."

I laughed again, pulling away from her stomach. Victoria ran up next and put her ear to Rand's stomach.

"Well, I don't hear anything with my super cat hearing." She beamed at Miranda. We burst into laughter.

"Okay, so back to this costume," Miranda motioned over me.

"I know, I know, don't remind me." I turned back to the mirror and groaned.

"Oh, no honey, you look fan-freaking-tastic in it, but well…I just wasn't prepared for super tight, dominatrix black, vinyl." She fought a smile.

I smacked her arm playfully. "Zip it Wonder mommy," I motioned to her Wonder Woman outfit. "That skirt is a little short for a soon to be mom don't you think and what about all of this," I motioned to her larger than normal breasts, "hanging out?" I teased.

"Gotta flaunt it while I can," she winked, "Besides, I never had boobs this big before." She stuck them out.

"Let's go," Victoria whined. "I don't want to be late for grandpa." She rushed out of the bedroom.

I groaned.

"What?" Rand questioned. I motioned to my outfit.

"Would you like to walk through the hospital in the dominatrix looking outfit?" I raised a brow.

"If I could wear it like you, hell yes, now let's get going and don't forget your whip." She slapped me on the butt. I squealed and she laughed.

Coming down the staircase I heard the crowd in the entryway, but didn't look up until the first 'cat call' came. I glared directly at Will who smiled slyly.

"Well, well, looks like we have a foe, my boys," I glanced to the twins. They were both Batman, while Will was dressed as Robin. "Should we attack now?"

"Yes!" The boys ran after me.

"Oh, no, save me," I shouted playfully. Victoria went into action, jumping in front of the twins and hissing at them. Everyone fell into laughter.

My stomach didn't get any better on the drive to the hospital. It was still in knots over the skin tight costume.

"You have to put the mask on," Victoria informed me from the backseat. Miranda snickered from beside me. I gave her a quick playful scowl.

"I can't drive with it on. I'll put it on when we go trick or treating." I tried, I really did. I hoped she wouldn't catch me.

"We are supposed to match." She whined. "You have to put it on before we go into the hospital."

I groaned for probably the twentieth time since I slid myself into the vinyl costume.


Once we were parked I pulled my braided hair back and put on the mask. I also noticed Miranda fighting not to smirk.

"Do I really look that ridiculous? I do, don't I?" I don't think I had ever felt so insecure in my life.

"Oh dear lord, Sophia, you don't look ridiculous. You look hot actually." Rand tried to reassure.

"You keep laughing at me," I argued. Victoria took my hand and we joined together on the sidewalk in front of the hospital.

"It's only because of the looks you keep making. It's clear you aren't comfortable and I just can't help but laugh at your faces."

"Quit worrying about it Soph," Will interjected. "You look hot."

I eyed Will skeptically. Then a small smirk formed on his face.

"See! You're laughing too! That's it, I'm getting a coat." I started toward the car.

"No," Victoria cried out.

"Stop," Miranda grabbed my arm.

"Soph," Will chuckled lightly, "I'm only smiling because I want to see how Dr. Bishop handles himself when he sees you." His chuckle became a laugh. Amber smacked his arm, but couldn't help but laugh too.

"He hasn't seen it already?" Miranda gasped.

I shook my head with wide eyes, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh dear baby Jesus," Miranda exclaimed. "Do they rent rooms here, by the hour?"

I smacked her arm and shifted my eyes down to Victoria and Nessa, who were standing right next to us.

"Why would a hospital rent rooms for an hour?" Victoria asked me curiously and then looked to Miranda. Everyone laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with them. The stress eased a little and I sucked up my reservations. I entered the hospital.

Wide smiles formed as hospital staff and patients watched us pass them by. The kids were amazing looking. Nessa was Super Girl, the twins were both Batman, Ryan was Super Man, and MJ was The Flash. The adults were also pretty incredible. Rand was in an authentic Wonder Woman costume, Amber was Batgirl, and Will was Robin. We were quite the sight when we stepped onto the ICU floor and into the waiting room.

Allison 'ooh' and 'awed' over the twins with Ilene, while Larissa and Max cooed at Ryan and MJ. Then Ilene moved on to Victoria.

"Oh my, aren't you darling." She smiled wide and then did a double take in my direction. I felt the warmth spread on my face and the costume suddenly felt a great deal warmer.

"Oh my," she stood straight and looked at me with a large smile. "Has my son seen this yet?" A small smile played on her lips and it grew large when I shook my head.

"I can't wait to see this," Max blurted out.

Scanning the room I saw all eyes had fallen on me. I covered my face.

"He's going to pass out," Larissa giggled.

"Who is?" I knew his voice and wanted to run back onto the elevator. Sweat began to form under the mask.

"You are," Max spit out with a laugh.

"Why would I do that?"

Max motioned toward me, but Collin took in the whole costumed group.

"Well, don't you all look…heroic." He smiled and then focused in on Victoria. "You look fantastic my little Cat Girl.

"It is Cat Woman daddy," she corrected him.

"Sorry, my mistake," he chuckled and then turned to Max. "Why would I pass out over this?" His brow furrowed in confusion.

My groan drew his eyes to finally focus on me. The sound of Max's laughter rose and echoed off the walls.

"I told you," he laughed out between breaths.

"We dressed alike," Victoria boasted and grabbed my hand. That was enough to make me open my eyes.

My eyes instantly fell on his. The intensity in them was almost enough to make my knees give out. This wasn't the cold intense look. It was a green fire of desire lit in them. A throat cleared, which I believe was Allison, and he turned his attention from me.

Collin turned to his mother and spoke for a few moments, before he talked to Miranda and then Max. It was pretty obvious he was now avoiding me and the only reason I could think of was that he was mad about the costume.

"Sophia, why don't you take Victoria back to see Connor?" Ilene motioned for us to head through the doors.

I was thankful to get away from Collin's cold shoulder and took Victoria's hand. We walked toward Connor's room. When we walked in he was awake and the head of his bed was raised. He looked better than the day before. Some color had returned to his cheeks and his eyes were now much brighter. You could see the life back in him and it was very relieving.

"Oh look here Connor," Juliette stood from her seat next to him and walked toward us. We both hugged her.

"Uh oh, Cat Women huh?"

Victoria meowed. Both Connor and Juliette laughed.

"You're really good at that and so beautiful too." Juliette sat back down next to Connor.

"Mommy dressed just like me." Victoria looked up at me.

I swallowed a large lump in my throat. The lump was the result of embarrassment as well as her calling me mommy in front of Connor and Juliette for the first time. Neither of them batted an eyelash at the label she had given me. Instead they both took in my costume.

"Collin has seen this?" Connor asked with a little rasp to his voice.

I nodded. "Yeah, why does everyone keep asking like that? Do I look like a wh…er…that bad?"

Both Juliette and Connor laughed.

"Um, no, however, Collin was a very large fan of Batman as a child." Connor rasped out again.

"Oh," I stood there a little dumbfounded. "I didn't know."

Juliette giggled. "I'm sure he's very happy with your costume choice."

Both of them grinned. I buried my face in my hands again. Would the embarrassment ever end?

Victoria talked about her broken arm, her costume choice and how it covered the cast perfectly. She promised to bring her grandpa back his favorite Reese Cups before we left the room. When we returned to the waiting room, Larissa and Max took Ryan and MJ back to see Connor.

Collin still avoided me and I was certain happy was not the word to describe his feelings toward my outfit. He seemed cold and angry. We spent an hour at the hospital before we all climbed back into our respective cars. I drove home with a new nervousness in the pit of my stomach.

Emma met us at the Bishop house with Janey and Albert Wright. Like the year before our trick or treating went almost exactly the same. The only difference this year was Ryan and the twins were in their Radio Flyer Wagon instead of a stroller.

The group formed a circle on the living room floor and went through the bags of candy everyone accumulated. Once again there were gift cards,
super-sized candy bars, and money among the many other items. I was just happy to get the mask off and was counting the minutes till I could get out of the entire costume.

"I'm still highly impressed with the amount of candy that our dear Sophia obtained, since she isn't a kid." Amber giggled out.

"Shut it," I glared playfully at her, laughing.

"I swear every male we passed or that was handing out candy has to have written their phone numbers on the wrappers." Rand crawled over to the small amount of candy I dumped out of an extra bag. "I bet there's at least three."

I swatted her hand away as she reached for the candy.

"There are no numbers," I rolled my eyes.

"I dunno. I think even the married men were gawking and prepared to provide their first born to you." Will snorted out loudly.

"Okay, okay, enough embarrassing me," I tried to be mad at them, but their laughter was infectious.

Thirty minutes later, everyone was leaving with candy coma induced children. Excluding Will, that is, he carried both twins up the stairs and toward the suite. Victoria and I collected her candy before strolling up to her room.

I was jealous as she disrobed from her costume and slipped into comfy pajamas. I couldn't wait to do the same. With a kiss to her forehead, my exhausted little red head's eyes fluttered shut and didn't open up.

"Night mommy," she yawned out and curled up with her blankets.

"Night baby," I brushed some stray curls from her cheek before kissing her again.

With the black boots, mask, and gloves in my hand, I walked into my bedroom. Two steps toward the bathroom and I started to pull at the zipper.


I gasped and spun.

"Good God Collin," I heaved out. "What are you doing in the dark?"

Stealthily he approached me in the darkened room. Before I could catch my breath his lips were on mine and his hands were sliding over the second skin costume.

"Put the mask back on," he murmured against my mouth.

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