Living in Sin (The Escort Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Living in Sin (The Escort Series)
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“You too, Jace!” her friend yells out at me.

I get back to Laurie, my woman of the evening.

“Sorry about that, beautiful. I had to go say hi to friend of mine,” I lie. Adrienne is anything but a friend right now. Luckily for me, Laurie understands.

“Oh, it’s no problem,” she says in her bubbly voice.

Laurie is young and innocent. She says she’s only had one boyfriend and they didn’t have sex. Now that she’s twenty-one, she feels like she’s getting to an age where she shouldn’t be a virgin anymore. This is her first time hiring an escort, and she says she just wanted somebody she could be herself around.

“So if I wanted to see you again, could I?” she asks.

This is where things can get blurred. Either she’s talking about hiring me again, or she’s talking about seeing me on a more personal level. I really hope it’s the first one. I don’t date anybody who’s hired me. I don’t date period.

“If you want to go out again, you know how to get in touch with me,” I say with a smile.

I push my body to hers and let my left hand run from her shoulder, down her arm, and then grab her hip. I bring my head down and place a small kiss on the side of her mouth. She looks up at me, her face flushed, then slowly puts her hand on my chest and allows it to trail down to my lower stomach.

Her breathing has gotten heavier and I know she’s nervous. I move my hand to push her long, black hair behind her shoulder, and caress the side of her neck. She looks up at me briefly before she wraps her arms around my waist, and rests her head on my chest. I hold her in my arms, knowing that’s all she needs right now.

“You don’t have to rush anything, Laurie. It’s okay to wait for the right person,” I say to her.

“I know. I’d like to see you again, though. I like talking to you,” she says into my chest.

I rub her back. “Okay. I look forward to it.”

She pulls away and gives me a smile and I smile in return.

“You ready to go?” I ask.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

We walk out and I can’t help but notice that Adrienne and her friend are gone. Laurie has her arm hooked in mine as we walk outside.

“Stay right here, and I’ll go get the car,” I say to her. “I don’t want you hurting your feet in those heels.”

“Thank you.”

I walk around the corner and down the block a little ways until I find the lot I parked in. I normally only ride in cabs, but when I’m with a client, I drive my car.

I slide into the royal blue Bentley and quickly drive back to the front of the club.

Exiting the car, I round the front and open the passenger door for Laurie. Before she enters, she rises up on her tiptoes and plants a small kiss on my cheek. I smile down at her and place my hand on her back, guiding her into the car. I shut the door and turn to walk to the driver’s side. I see Adrienne and Emilie standing there, watching me.

Emilie’s jaw is open as she gawks at my car. As soon as Adrienne notices me looking at her, she turns her back and starts talking to her friend. Ouch.

I walk to my side of the car, slide into the cream colored leather seat and take Laurie home.



When I get back to my place, I run into John in the lobby again. He’s behind the desk going through some papers

“Hey, John. Did you go see that show with your wife?” I ask.

“I did, and it was terrible. The things I do for that woman.” He shakes his head.

“What was it?”

“Oh who knows? Something with people flying through the air. I can’t believe I paid two hundred dollars for something like that,” he says, rubbing his hand over his thinning hair.

“Did your wife enjoy it?” I ask.

“Yeah. She wouldn’t stop talking about it. Hopefully she won’t ask me to go to another one for a while.”

“Ah come on, John. It couldn’t have been that bad.” I lean against the table in the middle of the lobby and give him a smirk.

“It was. Next time she can take somebody else. How about you take her? Then you’ll see how terrible those shows are.”

“If the price is right, I will,” I say with a wink and walk towards the elevator.

He laughs at me goes back to work. He has no idea that I’m an escort.

When I get up to my place, I walk through the entry hallway and throw my wallet and keys into a bowl that sits on a table. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a bottle of water from the huge stainless steel refrigerator, and toss it onto the counter. Taking an apple, I toss it up in the air while I walk to my seat. I sit on the last seat at the bar, looking out the floor-to-ceiling window that takes up one wall in the kitchen.

After a few minutes, my phone rings and I stand up to pull out of my pocket.


“Hey, what are you doing?” Marc asks on the other end.

“Shit. Nothing. Just got in, sitting here looking out the window. What’s up with you?”

“I thought I was bored. You’re looking out a window?” he laughs.

“I know. Living the good life. What’s up?”

“Nothing. I just got back from this date.”

“Date?” I ask.

“Well, appointment. Not an actual date. You know.”

“Ah, gotcha.”

“Anyway, she was talking to me about wanting to meet up again, but next time she wants another guy to come along. So I’m asking you. I definitely don’t want Nico or Kade to annoy me all night.”

I run a hand over my face, and lay my face against my arm that’s propped against the glass window.

“What does she want to happen on this date?”

“Hell, I don’t know, man.”

“Well, alright. Just let me know when and where, and I’ll be there.”

“Great. Thanks, bro.”

“Yeah. I’ll talk to ya later.”

“Alright. Bye.”

I hang up the phone and go upstairs to the level my room is on. I’ve been on ‘dates’ before with another one of the guys. Some women like to have more than one for a night, they’re usually older though. They just want some arm candy for some sort of function and want attention lavished on them. Other times, women want to actually have sex with more than one guy. I’d never choose to have a threesome where there were two guys and not two girls, but I get paid to do otherwise, so I do it. Not that the guys ever have sex with each other. Oh, hell no, but I have no problem fucking some chick in the ass while somebody else pounds her pussy.

I undress and get in the shower, ready to get to sleep. I have plans for a productive day tomorrow.




“Holy fucking balls!” Emilie screeches. “That car is fucking sexy.”

I sigh. “Yeah, I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“Adrienne, he’s sex on a fucking stick. Why were you so rude? I was two seconds from climbing up that tall body of his and latching on forever.”

“I know he’s sexy! You’d have to be blind to not notice that. When he said my name with that deep voice of his…” I shiver just thinking about it. “I’d let him fuck me in a second, but that’s all it would be. He’s always with a different girl. I’ve seen him with four different chicks now. He’s obviously a player. I’d never be able to be in a relationship with him.”

“So don’t be! Just fuck him and then tell me how it is!” Em shrieks.

“I’ve never been one to do the whole fuck buddies thing. You know that.”

“Yeah, but you’ve never had the chance to be fuck buddies with someone who could be a Greek God!” Emilie closes her eyes and puts her hands together like she’s praying.

“What are you doing?” I ask with a laugh.

“Praying to God and asking him to please send me another God-like creature that I can lick from head to toe.”

“While you’re at it, ask him to send me one, too. But one that doesn’t fuck everybody and their mom.”

“Okay,” she says with her eyes still closed.

She opens them back up and looks at me. “It’s done. Now we wait.”

We laugh as we climb into a cab that pulls up in front of us.

“Wanna stay at my house tonight?” I ask Em.

“I guess. I was planning on using my vibrator and having naughty thoughts about God-like creatures though. Are you okay with that?”

“Only if you’re okay with me doing it, too,” I reply.

We both look at each other and then burst out laughing.

“Okay then,” she says.

“Honestly, Em. I need to get laid. It’s been too long.”

“Ugh. You’re telling me! I haven’t had sex in like…” she pauses, counting on her fingers, “six months!”

“I think it’s been like nine months for me,” I say with a pout.

“Since Liam?” she asks.

“Yep. That shouldn’t even count, though. He wasn’t that good. Selfish bastard.”

“My last time was with a guy I met in a bar. He was fine! He had all these muscles and I just knew I was gonna have some amazing, drunk sex. We get back to my place and we fall into the bed, ripping our clothes off, and he puts a condom on and then jumps on top of me. He goes to push it inside of me and I can barely feel anything! I wasn’t sure if he was hard or not. It was terrible, and then he came in like two minutes. What’s worse is that when he was done, he said, ‘not bad, huh?’ What the fuck? I could have kicked him in the face. Worst. Sex. Ever.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Oh my gosh! That’s worse than Liam. You win…or lose I guess.”

We pull up to the apartment complex and pay the cabbie. Taking off our heels, we make our way up to the lobby of the building and get in the elevator. Once we hit the third floor, we walk the short distance to my door and throw all of our stuff on the floor as soon as we walk in.

“I just got hit with a wave of sleepiness just now,” I say.

“Me too. That alcohol is catching up to me.”

“Guess I won’t be having any naughty thoughts tonight, I’d probably fall asleep before I finished. Like Liam,” I say and laugh at my own joke.

“Eh. Maybe I’ll get a second wind,” Em says.

We go and change into some shorts and tank tops before laying across the wide, black couch in my living room. We lie feet to feet with our heads on the arm rests on each side and put on a chick flick. I don’t know how long we stay up, but we both end up falling asleep there on the couch. That night I dream of beautiful, blue eyes and tall, God-like men.



When I wake up in the morning, I smell bacon and coffee. I push myself up and can see directly into the kitchen. I get up and shuffle towards the breakfast bar, sit down and groan.

Em turns around with a smile on her face. “Good morning, sunshine!”

“Ugh. How are you a morning person? I hate those people,” I say, rubbing my eyes. I realize now that I slept with my mascara and eyeliner still on, so I probably look like a raccoon.

“Yeah, but you love me. Anyway, I’ve had two cups of coffee already, so I’m good.”

Emilie places a cup of coffee in front of me with some creamer and bowl of sugar next to it.

“I think I should just marry you, and not worry about any guys. You’d make a great wife,” I say as I add the sugar to my coffee.

She acts like she’s thinking about it and then says, “You can be my backup.”

I laugh. “Okay. That works.”

“So do you have any plans for today?” she asks, turning around to finish cooking breakfast.

“No. Thank God. I don’t have to see Mrs. Roberts until Monday, so I’ll probably be a lazy bum all day.”

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