Lizzy Ford (31 page)

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Authors: Damian Eternal) Xander's Chance (#1

BOOK: Lizzy Ford
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Xander pulled away from the curb, pretending not to notice when she glanced at her phone. He wondered what she was planning with Jonny and just how bad it would be for him.

“I need to drop by the condo first,” he said casually.

“No,” she said too fast. “I mean, let’s just go to the party.”

“In a rush to get to some place you didn’t want to go a few hours ago?”

She was silent.

“Just for a minute,” he said.

“Xander, I don’t want to. Please? Call it a favor?” she pleaded.

“I like the idea of you owing me,” he debated. “But I’d prefer an explanation.”

“You just have to trust me.”

“Favor it is.”

The woman was so damn frustrating. Something was wrong. Was he walking into a trap at the after party or was his condo the trap? He was about to find out whose side she was on; he only hoped it didn’t piss him off.

“Oy. I have the feeling owing you is not a good thing.”

“You made your choice. Prepare for the consequences.”

Xander smiled to himself at her exasperated sigh. She sounded like Ashley. He drove them up the coast, past the exit to his condo and onward to the hills of Los Angeles. They were early for an after party, but he wasn’t concerned. He was still debating whether or not he’d need to find a substitute for dinner, if he was going to lose this round with Jessi again.

He’d never lost this game, and it amused him to no end that the woman in the seat beside him was beating him every night. Every other woman would’ve caved the first day before nine in the morning. Not Jessi. Day four, and he was zero for four.

The party was going already when they pulled up. Expensive cars lined the long drive to the mansion overlooking the hills. He passed off his keys to a valet.

“Whose place is this?” she asked.

“Antonio Porter’s.”

“You mean, the father of the girl you slept with Monday who won’t stop calling you?”

“Who also showed up at my condo last night, compliments of you?” he challenged.

“Oh, god. This will not end well. If she’s there, at least you’ll stop hitting on me,” she said with a frown.

“I don’t have to. You don’t have to pretend like you’re
interested, either.”

“It’s not happening.”

“That’s not what your kiss said.”


Jessi didn’t know what she wanted, and the wounded expression on her face made him want to kiss her. The moment they walked in, though, he sensed where his plan was going to go wrong. It had to do with a certain Guardian named Gerry who was at the heels of Toni. Jessi’s audible groan was one Xander echoed internally. The moment he set foot in the spacious foyer, Toni’s eyes found him.

“How can you
her voice? Like a horse in pain or something,” Jessi muttered for his ears only.

“It’s not so bad when she’s screaming your name,” he responded.

“You deserve everything you have coming to you tonight.” Jessi took a step away from him and waved at Toni to make certain the model saw them. With a pointed look over her shoulder, the fiery woman stalked off, leaving him with Toni.

Gerry smiled at Jessi, irritating Xander. The two moved away.



“That is not a good look he’s giving you right now,” Gerry sounded concerned.

“He’ll live,” Jessi replied.

“He hasn’t eaten you yet, so I assume you’re getting along.”

She glanced at him. “Does he eat people?”

“No. Just bleeds them dry or vamps them.”

“Is there a third alternative?” she asked, dismayed.

“He lets women go. Men, not so lucky.”

Because of his mother, she knew now. It was hard to believe the vampire had any sense of morals. After hearing his story, she almost felt sorry for him. She didn’t want to imagine a ten year old living in the slums, knowing his mother was reduced to prostitution to keep them alive. She didn’t blame him for taking out his father’s family. He was largely immune to the world, but he had some depth of emotion, if he respected his mother’s memory by not killing women.

By not killing

The more she thought about him, the more panicked she felt. It didn’t help that the women at the after party all looked like Toni and all the men like Gerry. She was underdressed and fat. As usual.

“I need a drink,” she said.

“You’re in luck. It’s an open bar,” Gerry said and motioned to the far side of the open space marking the living area. The entire wall facing the ocean was lowered, and people spilled from the mansion onto the extensive balcony.

Jessi grabbed a drink and followed Gerry to the balcony. They leaned against the railing, Gerry facing the crowd and Jessi facing the sky and sea.

“So, these Guardians,” she started. “I can trust them?”

“You can. It’s our job to protect people like you from people like Xander.”

“Except that everyone is afraid of Xander.”

“Yep,” he said with a grin. “But if Xander wanted to hurt you, you’d be gone already. It’s a good sign he hasn’t. We have orders to watch him but not interfere, unless someone is in danger.”

“I don’t get him.”

“No one does. We didn’t know the Originals like him were still alive until a few months ago. He appeared out of nowhere. Xander is an anomaly among our kind. I’m not at all certain what to think of him, either. But I’d say he likes you. That would terrify me personally, to be the center of attention from someone like him.”

“You’re not helping,” she mumbled.

“You want me to convince you to stay or go?” he asked, meeting her gaze with a smile. “I can work it either way.”

“I want you to convince me I’m not crazy,” she replied. “Even you. You’re some sort of freakish non-human, aren’t you?”

“Guardian. Yes,” he said with a grin. “If you choose not to stay with Xander, Jule’s assigning me to bring you in.”

“Like I’m some sort of stray dog?”

“You’re one of us. You belong with us.”

“What does bringing someone in consist of?” she asked.

“You’d be assigned a Guardian, me, and I’d help you adjust.”

“What about my cousins? I’m their legal guardian. Do they come, too?”

“Yep. We take care of our own. Damian rents houses wherever they’re needed and sets up stipends for Guardians and Naturals to live off of. Everything’s included,” he said. “The downside is that you’re basically on the fringe of mainstream society.”

It didn’t sound too bad to be part of the strange, private club. She considered for a moment. She found herself leaning towards Xander, if the choice was between him and Gerry. Sofi-the-Oracle’s warning came back to her. With a sinking feeling, Jessi realized her world was going to crash down on her this weekend. It was a waste of time dwelling on a future she didn’t have.

“Will you do something for me, Gerry?” she asked slowly.


“Will you have your people pick up my cousins and take them to Texas?”

“Are you in trouble?” He faced her, studying her features.

“They might be,” she admitted.

“What about you?” he asked, concerned.

“I’ve got Xander,” she said with more confidence than she felt. “I can’t be in two places at once.”

“I’ll let Jule know, and we’ll evac them. When?”

“Whenever works. They’ll be freaked out, but I’ll text them and tell them to go with you.”

“I’ll arrange it now. You want me to bring you another drink?” he asked. He straightened, reaching for his phone.


“Be back in a minute.”

Jessi watched him go, texted her cousins then returned her gaze to the dark sky and ocean. The balcony was unlit, probably because it had turned into a make-out spot. The interior of the house was romantically lit by candles, and the soft electronica music and sounds of talk added to the dark, spirited ambiance.

Whatever Jonny was doing tonight, it was probably the beginning of the end. She’d been arguing with him over texts for the past hour. He fell silent, which she took as a horrible sign. Stressed out, Jessi leaned over and rested her elbows on the railing. She held her forehead in her hands, trying to relax.

A text drew her attention to the cell phone. She pulled it free to read the message.

We’ll evac the kids tonight,
Jenn texted.
We’ve got people at your place now. They’re safe ‘til then.

A tremor of fear went through Jessi. She really wasn’t certain this was the right thing to do. She texted a quick thank you to Jenn and returned the phone to her pocket. Pensive, she stared at the dark sky.

Recognizing his scent and presence, she nonetheless tensed when she felt Xander’s huge hand on her neck. He began massaging gently, the combination of strength and heat welcome
He kneaded the stiff muscles of her neck. It felt

“You’re beyond tense.” Xander’s voice was as dark as the night.

“This hasn’t been my week,” she replied. “How did you escape the horse?”

“The same horse you invited to my dinner party last night?” His hand dropped.

“No, don’t stop.” Jessi opened her eyes and took his wrist, placing his hand at her neck again.

He began massaging, and she sighed.

“I was mad at you,” she admitted.

“No shit.”

She smiled at the dry note in his voice. His hand moved to her shoulder. He shifted to stand behind her, placing his other hand on her other shoulder. She almost groaned as he worked the tension free.

“God, that feels good,” she whispered. “Too bad you’re going to kill me.”

“You sound pretty convinced,” he said, bemused.

“Isn’t that what you do to people who betray you?”


“That’s that then.” Her throat tightened.

She sensed his anger. Jessi’s head nodded forward as he ran his thumbs along the sides of her neck to loosen the muscles. His touch was making her body hot from the inside. Too aware of his scent and nearness, she opened her eyes as his hands shifted. He turned her to face him, his hips pressing her back against the railing.

They gazed at each other. Jessi wanted to cry again, but wasn’t about to, not when she had to keep her game face on for Xander. The physical connection was making it hard to control her emotions and the memory of the other times he’d kissed her.

“Betrayal’s a bitch,” Xander said wisely. “Tough choice for you to make.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You always have a choice.” He trailed a finger down the side of her face as he spoke.

“Sometimes people get hurt,” she rationalized. “That’s life.”

“You don’t have it in you.”

“I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

She felt tears rise at his soft words. She hadn’t stopped to let herself think about how much this week had hurt, knowing her cousins were in danger, the sense of helplessness she’d been fighting.

“I guess that’s good for you. I’ll be dead. You won’t have to kill me,” she retorted.

He wiped the first tear that escaped away. She swiped at the rest.

“You killed six women and god knows how many men. Why should I be upset at betraying you?” she demanded. “I might be doing the world a favor. I’d definitely be doing women a favor, since you treat them like toilet paper.”

“Then do it,” he said.

“You’re supposed to talk me out of it.”

“I know a sinking ship when I see one.”

“I really hate you right now,” she whispered, eyes blurring.

“Enough to kiss me?”

She laughed. “There is something so wrong with you!”

Feeling reckless and trapped by her circumstances, Jessi didn’t wait for him. She reached up and pulled his face to hers. She kissed him hungrily, with the desperation she felt. Xander matched her passion. He slowed the pace of their kiss until it was deep, leisurely. His velvety mouth and full lips, combined with his amber-oak scent, intoxicated her senses. Jessi leaned into him, thrilled at the sensation of his arms enveloping her in his heat. He was strong and solid; she almost believed he was able to protect her from the mess she was in.

“This feels like a yes,” he whispered huskily.

“Too bad we’re so far from your place,” she teased.

“You’ve never been to an after party before. This place is full of beds waiting for celebrity hook-ups.” His smile was cunning, the glow of lust in his eyes.

“I guess this is one way to end our relationship. Sleep with you, and you’ll have someone show me the door in the morning.”

“Saves you the trouble of betraying me.”

“You’re such a jerk!”

He kissed her again before she was able to push him. This time, when he pulled away, she was breathless.

“Yes?” he asked, nipping her lower lip.

She nodded.

Xander took her hand and led her through the crowd into the house, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him. She barely closed the door to a random guest bedroom behind her when he pulled her into his arms.

Consuming, insatiable. They were the only words that came to her mind a few seconds before she gave up trying to resist the effect he had on her. His hands moved over her body possessively, his hot kisses on her lips and skin working her into a frenzied state of desire unlike anything she’d felt before. Whatever resistance she had evaporated in the intensity of his desire for her.

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