Loco (9 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary action erotic romance

BOOK: Loco
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Impatience led him to haul her panties off in a clean sweep, leaving her bare. Pink glistening skin twinkled in the shimmering sunlight, drawing his touch once more. He nudged her legs aside to make room for him. He probed with an index finger, seeking her depths, while kissing along her inner thigh, encouraging her to spread farther, to allow him full access.

Oakley's breath caught, her head turned to the side, but she consented to his unspoken request, splaying her legs apart and granting him entrance to her promised land.

Tanner nearly groaned at the feel of her tight channel as it clamped down and massaged his digit buried deep inside. Each twist or arch caressed all the more, giving him a preview of what his cock would soon experience.

Scooting up, he leaned forward, blowing a puff of air across her nether parts. His mouth followed, trailing slow kisses along the outermost area before gradually moving inward.

She flinched with the first light probe of his tongue.

"Easy. I know how tender you are down here." He soothed, placing kisses to her inner thighs once more. Tanner chastened himself to slow down, to take small steps in her seduction. The snail's pace tortured him, forcing his revved-up libido to sit on the back burner much longer than in previous memory. No matter. This was about Oakley, not him. He would control himself and make sure she reached fulfillment. Watch her bloom with his attentions.

She relaxed with an expiration of breath.

Resuming his task, Tanner pressed once more, letting his tongue roam from top to bottom, licking lightly all around her tightening nubbin before sliding downward, flicking inside to taste her dewy moisture that coated her like water from a thriving spring. "Ambrosia," he whispered against her core, tossing out reassurance and praise for her gift.

Oakley groaned low in her throat, her hips lifting in frantic motions. Each time he centered attention on her clit, she lurched and gasped, nearly bucking in an effort to get closer.

Tanner teased her a bit longer, working a second finger into her body, stretching and preparing. The generous moisture told him she enjoyed his attentions thus far, and stood ready to accept more.

Reluctantly, he pulled away, backing up until he stood on the floor once more.

"Tanner?" Oakley's hoarse voice called.

Understanding the unspoken question, he spit out, "Condom," between clenched teeth.

Finding his pants, he dug through the pocket until he latched onto his wallet. Flipping it open, he grabbed the condom, tore it open with his teeth, and climbed back on the bed.

Oakley sat up, her eyes locked on his jutting erection before flicking to the item clutched in his hand. "Can I?"

Tanner nearly lost all semblance of control at her words and the thought of what those small hands would feel like rubbing over his flesh. He ran through a couple of multiplication tables in his head while taking a few deep cleansing breaths.

He advanced by inches until he waited in easy reach for Oakley.

"You'll have to show me." She reached out, pausing just before touching the moist tip.

Hastily, he placed the rolled-up rubber over the end, barely getting it started. With firm resolve, he took Oakley's hand in his, wrapped her fingers firmly around the condom, and pulled, showing her how. His cock jumped at her touch and a loud moan escaped, but Tanner held onto his tattered control with a will of steel.

As soon as the condom sheathed his throbbing cock, he removed her hand, easing her back on the bed. He edged forward, moving his larger frame to cover her supine body, aligning his hips with her entrance. Taking a moment, he kissed her deeply to apologize in advance for any discomfort that might follow.

"Are you sure?" he asked one final time, searching her face intently.

Oakley nodded. "Yes. Please." She panted out the words.

"Stay with me." Tanner slowly pushed forward, entering her core for the first time. His eyes never left her face, watching closely for any sign of pain. Gently, inch by gradual inch, he merged their bodies.

A flicker of a grimace crossed Oakley's face combined with a sudden tightening of her muscles.

He stopped, feeling the frail barrier before him. "Oakley?"

She opened her eyes; large emerald irises looked at him, full of sensual passion and trust.

Tanner sucked in a breath. In all his days, he would never forget that expression on her face or the act that brought it out in her. Bunching his muscles, he gradually pressed forward, increasing the pressure by increments until the blockage gave way, allowing him passage to her deepest depths.

Oakley cringed, a soft whimper escaping, as her body instinctively recoiled.

He paused, leaning over to cover her lips with his own, his tongue seeking entry for another game of tag.

After only a moment, Oakley returned the kiss, allowing him to lead before tangling her tongue with his. Only then did Tanner begin to move, easing back and forth in a lazy, rocking motion, letting her body adjust to his penetration.

Oakley caught his rhythm after a few thrusts, lifting to meet his entry, welcoming his return. Her breathing escalated, and she began to pant. Reaching out, she latched onto his neck, her short nails digging in, as she kissed him back with near savage passion.

Tanner picked up the pace, pressing for a deeper insertion each time. His teeth clenched as he fought the tingling sensations foretelling of a nearing climax. Her walls clung to his cock like a warm, moist glove, accepting and stroking him with wild abandon.

Growling, Tanner sat up, pushing his hand between them until he found her moist center. Watching her face, he stroked her clit gently with his thumb. Once. Twice. Then harder in a flurry of motion.

Oakley clamped down on him hard, her back arched, as she sucked in a deep breath. Contractions massaged his erection deep inside, tightening the already small passage to the point of near discomfort. As a bright red blush splashed across her face and chest, Tanner roared, pummeling in hard and deep, before finally locking their bodies together tightly; only then did he drop down to rest on her.

Long minutes passed before Tanner caught his breath. Lifting up, he shifted to the side, still buried deep inside Oakley, but allowing her freedom from his considerable weight. He opened his eyes to look at her, not certain what reaction to expect. He knew for certain he brought her pleasure from the convulsions deep inside her body, the very ones that sent him over the edge. The knowledge filled him with a pride mixed with relief.

"Wow." Oakley's husky voice cut through his thoughts.

The corners of his mouth hitched up. "I'll take that as a compliment." He jousted with her, enjoying the afterglow. His mood lifted as he realized how important this moment had been to both of them.

She smiled shyly, an age-old expression of a woman well-loved. "I think you exceeded my high expectations."

He chuckled. "Better than reading those romance novels?"

"Oh, yeah. No comparison."

Pleased with her praise, Tanner beamed. He took a minute to savor the moment before turning serious once more. "Hold on."

Reaching down, he grasped his quickly deflating cock. Holding the condom in place, he eased back, pulling from her body.

Oakley gasped.

"Hurt?" He removed the condom, tying the end shut.

"No." She rolled to her belly, watching him walk to the bathroom.

Tanner strode back into the bedroom, noticing the look of concentration on her face. Unsure what that meant he decided to err on the side of caution rather than dismiss something important. "What are you thinking?"

She tilted her head, eyes lowering to stare at his groin. "I was just wondering how many condoms you have."

Tanner's body responded, despite their recent activity. A wicked grin spread over his face. "Dare I ask why?"

Her pink tongue flicked across her full lips. "I would hate to have to run to an all-night pharmacy if we ran out."

He laughed at her outright teasing. "Don't worry. I think we have it covered, at least for tonight."

Climbing back on the bed, he wrapped her in his arms, snuggling down in the center of the bed. Finding her earlobe, he nibbled softly, unable to refrain from discovering more of her delicious body, despite knowing he should allow her body time to rest and recuperate from her first experience.

Oakley sighed, her body lax in his arms. "I never thought it could be like that."

He nuzzled the nape of her neck, holding her close.
It never felt like that before for me either.
The words tracked through his mind. It was true. All his previous experiences dulled in comparison with this one. Oakley. She made the difference, pulling at his heartstrings, and latching on tight enough he couldn't pry her out. Not that he wanted to. No way. Oakley bolstered his spirits, made everything new again, and showed him that strength and determination came in petite, beautiful packages. He felt deeper for her than he ever had another person.

With those thoughts, he slowly drifted to sleep.

Chapter 16

Oakley woke wide awake, feeling a heavy body butted up against her back. Her mind took a couple of moments to click and realize Tanner shared her bed, not Hercules. Mental imagines and memories of the night flooded her mind, sending a pulse of pleasure to the pit of her stomach.

Scooting to the edge of the bed, she slowly sat up, trying to make as little waves on the mattress as possible, hoping to allow Tanner to remain asleep for as long as he wanted. Something told her he didn't get nearly enough sleep, probably related to the situations that led to his guilt.

His short, sandy hair, mussed from their exertions and recent nap, took years off his age in combination with the relaxed expression on his face. Muscles stood boldly over his entire body, even in a state of slumber.

Her breath caught as she gazed at his form.
And, he wanted to be with her. The idea still perplexed and humbled her at the same time. She was one lucky lady.

If she didn't get moving, Hercules would be clawing at the door and wake Tanner. Standing, she headed to the closet and pulled out a long, thin robe, ignoring the dull ache between her legs, a reminder of their activities the evening before. Pulling the soft material over her, she tiptoed out of the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Hercules immediately sat up on his mattress, his tail wagging in greeting.

"Need to go out?" she whispered to the dog as she walked to the back door and tugged it open.

Crisp morning air swooshed in, sending a chill over her barely-cloaked body. Folding her arms across her chest, she pulled the door shut once more, debating whether to start breakfast or take a shower. By the time Hercules finished his business, she'd made a decision. She let Hercules back in before heading to the bathroom. Morning breath tipped the scales in favor of cleaning up, winning hands down over food.

Oakley let the hot water flow over her body; she soaked up the warmth and comfort it provided. Steam filled the room as she scrubbed.

Her thoughts turned to Tanner and the night they shared once more. She'd always heard about morning-after regrets. Yet everything felt right about their intimacy and Tanner himself. She couldn't have found a better man. Caring and compassionate, he proved to be a gentle and unselfish lover. Something she knew not all men could claim.

Tanner. Her heart pitter-pattered at the name. The sex couldn't be surpassed in her limited experience, fulfilling her dreams and then some. But, it was more than that. Tanner stirred her emotions, plucked her heartstrings, and meant more to her than she ever imagined.
The word popped out, but when she considered the situation, it truly fit. She loved him. Why else would she fall into bed with a man she'd met less than a week earlier? A man that picked the lock of her house, no less. If that wasn't a sure sign of a woman in love, she didn't know what was.

Oakley worked shampoo, then conditioner into her hair, massaging with her fingers.

Could he love her back? Return those deep seated feelings? Would he even admit such a vulnerability to a woman? In all honesty, she knew little about him and even less about his ability to commit and express undying love for all time. He didn't come across as a romantic, being the pedal-to-the-metal, work-hard-and-play-harder kind of man. Could those adrenalin types ever be content with the same woman for the next half century or so? Did they secretly long for a stable home life or would they become bored within a month, out searching for an elusive, exciting adventure?

She turned off the water, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her hair. Stepping out of the small enclosure, she began to dry off.

A muted cell phone ring sounded, carrying through the door. Realizing the tone wasn't hers, Oakley knew Tanner would wake and answer the phone. That left her little time to get presentable and start on breakfast. Hurriedly, she rubbed the fluffy towel over her body before pulling the robe back on. Only then did she take the wrap off her hair, bending over to soak up the wetness from her thick, long hair. Satisfied, she tossed the wet linen into the hamper. After a quick brushing, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, striding out of the bathroom even as she tied the belt on the robe.

When she didn't spy Tanner, she headed to the kitchen, hoping to get a head start on breakfast before he appeared. After all his energetic play last night, surely his stomach would be growling for food.

Tanner emerged from the bedroom just as she pulled pancake makings out of the fridge.

Her belly knotted as she felt a flash of nervousness. What if he was the one with regrets? Told her he changed his mind about trying a relationship? Felt cornered already?

"Good morning." He yawned and scratched his belly, pulling her attention down to his bare chest. Wrinkled jeans covered his bottom half, the top button left open.

"Morning." Her voice quivered. Clearing her throat, she removed plates from the cupboard.

Tanner shot her a grin before striding over. Just as she pulled the silverware drawer out, he wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her against him. His lips tickled her neck with tiny kisses as he trailed up to nibble on her earlobe.

Oakley giggled at the tickling sensation, leaning back against his large frame. "Someone is frisky this morning." Her worries washed away with his affection, His kisses bolstered her confidence, and gave her the inclination to tease.

"Mmmmm." He murmured against her ear. "It seems so, despite a phone call from my mother."

Oakley turned in his arms, blinking up at him. Her mood buoyed dramatically upon seeing the expression on his face. Gasping dramatically, she widened her eyes. "You have a mother."

He snorted, relaxed his arms and looped them lazily around her waist. "What? You thought I was hatched?"

She bit her lip in an effort to stifle the teasing grin. "Well, now that you mention it…" She squealed as he tickled her sides. He didn't stop until she panted for breath and pleaded for mercy.

He smiled mischievously at her, hands at the ready, wiggling in a blatant reminder of his tickling abilities.

"Brute," she laughingly chastised. "Here I was, going to make you breakfast in bed."

"Now, I like that idea. Whip cream and chocolate syrup will do nicely."

Oakley tilted her head, dumbfounded. "I was thinking pancakes. What were you thinking?"

He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips, cradling her head. Pulling back a hair, he explained. "You can be my plate. I'll spread some sweet treat over you and commence licking."

Her face flamed even as her belly somersaulted in slow motion. A sudden inspiration struck. "It's my turn to torment you."

Tanner groaned low in his throat. Reaching down, he grabbed her hand and tugged.

Digging her feet in, Oakley stood firm. The confusion written on his face made her lips twitch. "What about breakfast?" She gestured to the kitchen counter.

"I would rather have you." He pulled once more. "Leave it."

She shook her head, pointing to Hercules who lay stretched on his mattress snoring away. "Counter surfer extraordinaire. He will inhale anything and everything left out."

Tanner rolled his eyes, but released her.

Scurrying, Oakley snagged up the items, quickly stashing them back in their respective places. With that small chore complete, she held out her hand, smiling widely when Tanner interlaced his fingers with hers.

"What kind of chocolate do I need to get from the store? The squeeze bottle or a small tub to dip you in?"

Tanner growled while Oakley chuckled, pleased with her newfound ability to tease. Never did she consider herself a sexually charged person. One night with Tanner and she suddenly couldn't wait to explore all kinds of play with him by her side.
Hussy central, here I come.
The thought, once a put-down, made her grin while adding a bounce to her step.

He led her into the bedroom with a chuckle. "I think I created an insatiable minx."

"Is that so bad?"

"Oh, no. I have a fondness for minxes, after all." He made quick work of the tie on her robe, dropping it dismissively to the floor, his eyes firing with obvious appreciation. Not waiting for Oakley, he stripped out of his jeans, letting them drop to his feet before stepping out.

When they both stood naked, he reached out, tracing the curve of one breast. "You're beautiful."

She shyly watched his hand, her face already heating. Needing to touch, she placed her palm on his pec, rubbing, rotating her wrist enough to track down the center of his belly. Her index finger outlined his six-pack abdominal muscles, marveling as they jerked with each caress. Feeling frisky, she leaned in, opened her mouth, and flicked her tongue across his nipple, smiling to herself when a moan escaped him. With gaining confidence, she repeated the act, kissing the area before sweeping with her tongue.

Oakley reached out, letting her hands slide along his flanks before feeling the tightness of his rear. Impishly, she squeezed.

Tanner backed her against the bed, nudging her downward, after snatching a condom from his discarded jeans. His hands roamed over her chest, dipping lower as she reclined and scooted back on the mattress, finally cupping her bare core. Her legs opened of their own accord, eager to experience the same pleasures as before. Nuzzling her cheek with his day-old stubbly chin, Tanner placed a quick kiss to her lips, moving lower before she could play tag with his tongue. Settling on her breast, he suckled greedily.

Her attention perked, centering on his jutting arousal. Even as she watched, a drop of moisture emerged, clinging to the tip in blatant invitation.
What would he taste like?
Nothing held more priority for her than finding out. Tilting her hips, she squirmed, edging over to her side.

Tanner followed, lying down in her vacated space so they faced one another. He coaxed her into a deep kiss while snagging her top leg just behind the knee. With a slow pull, he bent the extremity, letting her knee rest on his hip. Releasing her leg, he sought her femininity once more, stroking the area with long fingers.

Intent upon her goal, Oakley shifted, using her weight to shove Tanner onto his back, rolling gracefully until she settled astride him. Meeting his eyes, she scooted back, resisting when he clutched her shoulders in an attempt to pull her forward. "I want to give you what you gave me," she whispered as she tongued his bellybutton.

Tanner flopped back, his fingers delving into her tied-up hair. His eyes closed as she neared her destination, only to open again half-lidded. Bedroom eyes.

Gaining balance on her knees, she arched her back, wrapping her fingers around his erection, gently gliding up and down, measuring his length while learning the feel of his exquisite flesh. He bucked under her touch. Her tongue darted out, flicking across him. Once. Twice.

"Oakley, damn." Tanner sat up, clamped his hands on her waist, and lifted. With a show of supreme strength and control, Tanner reclined back, depositing Oakley to straddle his hips.

She pouted, looking down into his face from her new position.

He groaned and handed her the condom. "Later, minx. When I'm not on a hair trigger with you."

Oakley grinned to herself, enjoying the fact she pushed him to the brink so easily. Her confidence soared. She recalled how he placed the rubber before, quickly getting it started and rolling down, earning a low groan as a reward.

"Ride me." He grunted out between clenched teeth.

Oakley sat up, adjusted her angle, then slowly lowered, unable to stifle a moan as she welcomed him back deep inside her body. Highly aroused, she felt fire lash through her with the return of his erection to her sensitive core. Fullness and sharp hints of ecstasy sparked from her femininity as his manhood sought the deepest joining possible.

His hands tightened on her waist, encouraging her movements, slowly at first, then with increasing speed. Those brown eyes locked with hers as he reached between their bodies, finding her ultra-sensitive nub and brushed over it.

On the precipice of climax, his fluttering fingers shoved her over. Oakley tensed immediately, flying head-long into the fire as Tanner thrust hard then locked their bodies together. Both gasped for air. She draped across Tanner's chest, relishing in the occasional leftover ripples of pleasure.

His belly rumbled loudly.

She grinned, lifting up enough to peer down at his face. "Finally time for breakfast?"

He smiled, his hands rubbing her back. "If you feed me, you can have your way with me again later."

She shook her head, happy and thrilled with the morning. "What an offer." Chuckles ruined her mock stern demeanor.

He lightly smacked her on the rear. "Up, before I change my mind."

Oakley lifted and scooted, sliding off the end of the bed. A few steps took her to the dresser where she pulled on underwear and clothing for the day ahead.

Tanner sat on the bed, watching her the whole time. His eyes danced and sparkled with intensity. Only when clothes covered her did he rouse, first pulling on his jeans, then hunting for his shirt in the other room.

"Pancakes coming right up." She headed to the kitchen.

* * * *

"What are you going to do today?" Tanner took another bite of pancake dipped in syrup.

Oakley sipped her juice. "Nothing today. I need to be online from ten to two tomorrow for the final for all my classes. I have to be available in case they have questions or problems with the test. After that, I submit grades, and then I'm free."

He nodded. "After tomorrow you're off for the summer?"

"Not all summer. I run the test, post final grades. After that, I have about a month off before summer semester starts. It's shorter, but more intense."

"You like teaching." He made it a statement.

She chewed and swallowed. "What's not to like? I get to set my own hours, stay at home, don't have to punch a time clock, or deal with students face-to-face. The pay could be better, but overall, it's a great job." Oakley forked another bite. "What about you? Ever consider changing careers?"

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