Logan's Rattler (13 page)

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Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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“Garrett, my mate is descended from witches. We just found this out.” Finn grabbed his hand and held tight. “He has the gift of empathy, and he can hear other people’s thoughts if the emotions they are feeling are strong. So he heard Rhett and his buddies desire to take turns in raping him.”



AJ Jarrett

“That’s awful. But I have to ask, who were the other men?”

Garrett asked, confusion clear in his tone. “Like I said, he’s a loner, and as far as I know, he isn’t close to any other fellow pack members.”

“I didn’t get their names.” Logan shook his head. “All I remember is they all wore black. Well, there was one thing I haven’t mentioned before because I thought I was just seeing things. But their eyes were black. Not like they had black eyes, but the actual eyeball was black.”

Logan never told Finn that because he just assumed it was the poor lighting in the pitch-black night. No one could possibly have black eyes like that. Could they?

“Are you sure, Logan?” Finn asked as he looked over at the twins.

“Yes. Why? Does it mean something?” He wasn’t following what was going on.

“It means Rhett is hanging out with a bad crowd,” Lawson answered for him.

“This so isn’t good,” Carter said from his left.

Logan watched as Finn, Garrett, Lawson, and Lachlan pulled out their cell phones and started punching in numbers. They all paced around the room frantically. Something was going on, and he had no clue what

“Carter, why isn’t this good? What’s going on?” Logan felt dizzy watching the men walk around the room speaking rapidly into their phones.

“You said those guys with your ex had black eyes. That only means one thing.”

Logan threw his hands up in the air as he glared at the witch.

“And what is that exactly!” he shouted.

“It means we’re dealing with Warriors of the Dark.” Logan’s mouth fell open as he stared at Carter. The witch nodded his head.

“So you know what that means? You’ve been getting it on with one of the bad guys.” Carter chuckled.


Logan’s Rattler


“This isn’t funny,” Logan snapped. “And I never ‘got it on’”— Logan made air quotes with his fingers—“with Rhett.”

“Whatever, dude. I’m not here to judge.” Carter’s head followed in time with Garrett’s steps. “But what I find more interesting is that Garrett wasn’t aware that one of his own had strayed from the pack.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Logan looked up when Finn spoke. Finn ran his knuckles across Logan’s cheek, and Logan leaned into the touch.

Garrett cursed loudly then hung up his phone. “That was my next in command, Wes, he can’t locate Rhett anywhere. It’s like he’s disappeared.”

“Ben wants us back at the warrior compound now,” Lachlan said as he walked over to the group.

“You’re leaving?” Garrett’s voice hitched as he looked at the other man.

“Yeah, I’m leaving. This place isn’t safe, Garrett.” Lachlan motioned around the room. “And if your pack has been compromised, it could mean bad things for the Warriors of the Light, and I need to help protect my family.”

Garrett clenched his jaw so tight Logan could hear his teeth grind together from the stress. “I’m your family, too. Or have you forgotten already?”

“I haven’t forgotten anything because there was never anything worth remembering.” Lachlan turned around and headed out the door.

I’ve lost him. Oh god what will I do without the man I love? Why
does everything I say come out so wrong?

Logan’s eyes began to water as he looked at Garrett. He wanted to say something to ease the man’s pain, but he had nothing to offer.

“Come on, honey, let’s go.” Finn pulled him up to stand and guided him toward the entryway. “Garrett, we’ll stay in touch. If you see Rhett anywhere let us know. If he’s associating with Dark Warriors, it’s a council matter now.”



AJ Jarrett

“I will, Finn. I have my men on it right now. If he’s still hanging around, we will find him.”

They were heading toward their car when Garrett called out to Finn. Finn turned to look at the alpha. Logan could see the desperation in the man’s eyes.

“Keep him safe will you. I know I don’t have any claim to him and he’s made it quite clear he doesn’t want me, but I couldn’t bear it if something were to happen to him.”

Finn nodded. “He’s a lot tougher then you think. It’ll take more than some Dark Warriors to bring down Lachlan.”

Garrett gave a nod and stepped back into his house.

Once settled into the car, Lachlan pulled out onto the road and headed toward the warrior compound. Logan rested his head on Finn’s shoulder. The events of the day had worn him out, and he just wanted to crawl back in bed and pretend this day never happened.

“So can you guys take me home?” Leo piped up from where he sat next to Logan.

“Are you insane?” Carter asked as he turned around in his seat.

His eyes were bugging out of his head as he looked at Leo. “There are Dark Warriors on the loose and you want to go home? Leo, sweetheart, they know who you are. You’d be one of the first people they’ll go after.”

“What?” Leo squeaked out. “But I’m not a part of this. Why would they want me? I’m a nobody.”

Logan’s heart sank at the realization he had unknowingly put his best friend in danger. “Because of me,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Logan swallowed around the lump lodged in his throat. He met Leo’s eyes. “Because you mean something to me and I mean something to Finn. Hurting me is like hurting Finn.” Tears spilled down his cheeks in a rush.

“I don’t understand.” Leo shook his head as he eyed Logan sympathetically.


Logan’s Rattler


“Leo.” Lachlan spoke up from the front seat. “If something happens to Logan, it will weaken Finn to the point of death. He’d be easy for the Dark Warriors to kill. And I can see how much Logan cares for you, so I’d bet my life that Logan would sacrifice himself for your safety, and we can’t let him do that. Finn means too much to the Warriors of the Light. You’re part of the warrior family now. It’s for your own good.”

Leo’s face paled so badly Logan feared his friend would pass out from shock. He snatched up Leo’s hands and rubbed them between his own. The skin covering his best friend’s hands was ice-cold.

“I’m so sorry about this. Please forgive me, Leo.” Logan’s tears fell harder.

Leo slowly turned to meet Logan’s pain filled eyes. “Forgive you?

Oh Logan, there’s nothing to forgive. You didn’t plan this.” Leo’s jaw set, and his eyes went dark. “It’s that asshole Rhett’s fault. I told you he was no good. But would you listen to me? No.” Leo tried to hide his grin but failed miserably. “I love you, Logan. What they said makes sense. I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me or put Finn in danger. You’re my only family, and now so is Finn.”

Relief flooded his body. Leo had always been the understanding one. The one who saw reason with everything when Logan didn’t. Of course he would be willing to do whatever it took to keep everyone safe.

“Hey, Leo, it’s not so bad at the warrior compound.” Carter looked over his shoulder and waggled his eyebrows at Leo. “Lots of hot guys walking around.”

And mine is the best looking of them all.

Logan smiled at the omission Carter hadn’t realized he just gave.

The sarcastic little witch had a heart he tried to keep hidden under that hard exterior. Logan really hoped Carter and Abner worked out their issues because it seemed Carter really wanted the man but was just too proud to admit it out loud.



AJ Jarrett

“Well then, lead the way,” Leo said with a smile as he locked hands with Logan.

Carter turned his head to watch as Garrett’s house faded into the distance. A weird vibe itched right under the surface of Carter’s senses. Something he couldn’t quite grab onto or make heads or tails of. He usually could only read a person’s past if he was touching them, but something right on the fringes of his mind told him there was more to this Rhett fellow. It was like an echo from the past he could just barely hear. Something was calling to him. He just didn’t know what it was trying to say.


Logan’s Rattler


Chapter Twelve

Once back at the warrior compound, Finn escorted Logan and Leo up to his room. The room next door to his and Logan’s was being set up to be Leo’s. Since Logan’s best friend was pulled into this mess without any fault of his own, it was only fitting to keep his mate and his mate’s best friend close.

“You two going to be okay for a little bit?” Finn asked. “I have some warrior business to tend to.” He didn’t want to leave Logan’s side for a minute but work called, and he had to do whatever was necessary to keep his mate safe. Rhett mingling with Dark Warriors was bad news for all of them. No telling what the Dark Warriors’ next move would be.

“Yes, but will you be gone long?” Logan walked up to him and held Finn’s face between his warm hands. On instinct, Finn nuzzled into the sweet contact.

Finn wrapped his fingers around Logan’s wrists and stared up into his eyes. “I’ll try not to be. But we have to find Rhett and these new buddies he’s been hanging out with. If he’s involved with Dark Warriors, it could mean trouble for everyone.”

Logan nodded his head. He cast his eyes downward but not before Finn saw the tears pooling in his eyes. Finn wanted to erase that sadness from Logan’s face, hell his whole body. But this was their way of life now. Finn was a warrior, and there would always be some sort of danger lurking around every corner. Logan would have to get used to it. It wasn’t fair, but Finn couldn’t change it.

He reached up and brushed his lips against Logan’s. The warm, soft flesh gave way under his demanding tongue, and Logan fell


AJ Jarrett

forward into the kiss. Logan’s mouth was like a warm, moist cavern of never-ending ecstasy that Finn would never tire of.

“Hey, I’m still in here you know.”

Finn’s eyes blinked open at the sound of Leo’s voice. Logan began to giggle. The love he felt for Logan made him lose focus of everything and everyone. Any other time that would be a good thing, but not now. He had to keep his wits about him in order to keep Logan and Leo safe.

“Sorry, Leo.” Finn gave one last quick peck to Logan’s lips then headed for the door. Before he stepped out into the hallway, he turned to look at the pair. “Whatever you do, don’t leave the house. I have a couple of warriors picking up some of your belongings and bringing them here. Once this problem is resolved, I promise we’ll get the rest of your stuff.”

“Well this could get awkward.” Leo sighed. Finn stared at the man, trying to contemplate what he was talking about. “I’m just saying I can’t be held responsible for what your friends find in my drawers.” Leo held his hands up, palms facing Finn.

It took a minute for Finn to understand what Leo was trying to say to him, then the light clicked on in his brain. “Oh.” Finn’s mouth rounded on the word. He understood now what Leo was trying to say.

“I think your secrets will be safe. Warriors can be very discreet.” Or he hoped his friends would be.

“I’m not worried about being embarrassed. A guy has to have his vices.” Leo gave a half shrug. “I’m more worried about freaking out your friends.”

“Leo, you and your sex toys.” Logan rolled his eyes.

“Hey, they’re well hidden but if they go snooping too hard, it’s not my fault if they find a dildo or two lying around.”

Finn couldn’t help but wonder how many the man had. He coughed to clear his throat. “Leo, some of the warriors living here are as old as dirt. I think a sex toy won’t shock them in the least.” Once again he just prayed he spoke the truth. Yes, some of the warriors

Logan’s Rattler


were hundreds of years old, but they still acted like children every chance they got. And he wouldn’t be surprised if they did find them and that Leo got a couple of date offers because of it. He chuckled to himself as he headed for the door. “Like I said, stay in the house.”

Finn mouthed the words
I love you
to Logan, and his mate responded in kind. He shut the door and headed down the stairs to the war room. With Dark Warriors still in the area, they had to take precautions for everyone’s safety. They just got Astrid back from his sadistic father and grandmother, and before that they killed Malcolm.

What else could be coming for them?

As he rounded the corner, he heard voices outside the room. Not bothering to knock, Finn stepped inside.

“It’s like we’re being invaded by Dark Warriors,” the Warriors of the Light leader, Ben, said.

“Maybe it’s the area we’re in,” Quinn suggested. “It could be that the Midwest is an easier place for them to set up shop. We have several warriors stationed on the West and East Coasts. But nothing stationed in the heart of America.”

“But I would think they would stick out more, don’t you?” Abner asked. “I mean think about it, Dark Warriors are rather flashy at times or wearing their black fatigues. That would come off as odd in this area.”

Everyone was offering up ideas as to why there was such a surge in dark forces in this location. Missouri wasn’t a small state. It had its large cities and tourist spots like any other place. But for some reason Dark Warriors had taken up residence in this particular state.

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