Logan's Rattler (6 page)

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Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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“Sounds like a date, little man.” Logan giggled into the phone.

Finn bristled at the word
. Dear god, his mate had chosen the one endearment that would drive him nuts. But as long as it was only


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Logan saying it, he could live with it. “Great! I’ll meet you at your house around seven.”

“Who was that?”

Logan looked up to see Leo leaning casually against the door frame looking as if he hadn’t a care in the world. It was a false bravado. He could see apprehension in his best friend’s eyes, and Logan couldn’t blame him. Leo just witnessed him faint with no explanation as to why. When he came to, the only thing he said was that he needed to call Finn. Leo had yet to meet Finn and was baffled by his need to call some stranger.

“That was Finn.” It was only fair to fill Leo in on what had happened the other night. “Leo, sit down. We need to talk.”

He told Leo about getting in a fight with Rhett the previous night.

And how he was so upset he took off walking alone in the woods.

Then about the wolves he thought were following him. Leo’s faced paled at hearing his story, but he didn’t interrupt.

The particulars on how he wound up in Finn’s bed were still shady in his mind, so he couldn’t really elaborate on those specifics.

He left out the detail of the earth-shattering sex they shared thinking it would cause Leo to doubt Finn’s intentions toward him.

“Shit, Logan, why didn’t you call me? I’d of come and gotten you.”

Logan stood up and walked around the desk to sit on top of the hard surface facing Leo. “I was safe with Finn. I know I just met the man, but he’s special. I can’t explain it, but I feel like he’s a part of me, and I trust him like I trust in you.”

Leo shook his head. “Logan, I don’t know about all this. Hell, just a few days ago you were dating Rhett, and now after one night you’re gushing over a guy you literally just met. Do you see my concern?”


Logan’s Rattler


“I do.” Logan nodded. “But you know me, Leo. I’d never trust just anyone. There is something about Finn. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life.” He felt a smile tug at his cheeks. “I think he’s my knight in shining armor come to save me.”

Leo let his head fall back on his shoulders as he laughed uncontrollably. When they were younger, pinching their pennies, eating mac and cheese every night to save money, they’d talk about their one and only coming to sweep them off their feet. Granted they were older now, but Logan still held onto the dream that there was that one special person made just for him. He had become jaded in the past few years, but Finn drudged up all those long-since-forgotten memories and desires.

The laughter died down, and Leo sobered and turned to face him.

“Logan, I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t say to be careful.”

“I will be.” Logan bent over to hug Leo around the shoulders.


“Then I’m happy for you, but I do want to meet this guy.” Leo patted his back. “He needs to pass the best friend test.”

“Oh boy,” Logan said as he sat back on the desk separating him and Leo.

“Hell, he has to be loads better than that asshole Rhett.” Leo rubbed at his temples as if just talking about Rhett gave him a headache.

“Trust me, Finn is perfect.” Logan crossed his fingers, hoping he didn’t just lie to his best friend. He did believe Finn was the man of his dreams, but life always had a way of throwing Logan a curveball and knocking him off his axis. Logan just prayed this wasn’t one of those instances.



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Chapter Five

It had been another restless night for Logan. But instead of being plagued with wet dreams about Finn, it was nightmares involving the man. He could see Finn at an abandoned building fighting with other men. In the dream Finn wielded a gun so large Logan wasn’t sure how the man shouldered the firearm.

By the way Finn moved, Logan felt like he was watching a movie that had been rehearsed and choreographed a thousand times over. His motions were flawless and smooth. Finn didn’t even falter when bullets whizzed past his head. The dream had seemed so real, like he was actually with Finn as the man battled an unnamed force. Logan shook his head at the possibility. It was just a nightmare. A nightmare he wanted to forget.

When Logan’s alarm finally sounded, he was more than ready to meet the day. His sheets were drenched in sweat and clung to his body like a second skin. He threw back the covers and crawled out of bed.

After showering and having a light breakfast, he headed out the door. It was his late-start day, and he took his time walking down the sidewalk. The sun shined down with its heated rays warming his skin.

He tilted his head upwards to soak up the inviting heat. It was a surprisingly nice day for fall. Logan preferred sunshine over rain and snow any day of the week.

“Hey, Logan,” Leo greeted him as he came through the door.

“Hey,” he said as he walked past his best friend to pour himself a cup of coffee.


Logan’s Rattler


Leo turned to looked at him, and Logan instantly saw the worry on his friends face. “Are you okay? You look like shit.”

“Well thanks.” He rolled his eyes. Logan snatched up two sugar packs and dumped them into his cup.

“I’m just being honest,” Leo admitted. “Looks like you didn’t sleep a wink last night. What gives? That new boyfriend keep you up last night?” Leo waggled his eyebrows at him.

Logan began to laugh. “Not hardly.” He shifted to rest his hip against the counter. “Well at least not in the way you’re thinking.”

“Oh really, then how do you mean?” Leo asked.

He took a deep breath, letting the horrible dream flash through his mind. Logan couldn’t get over how real it seemed. Just thinking about it brought back the fear he had felt for Finn. “I had a nightmare that involved Finn.” He grabbed his cup of coffee and walked back around the counter to take a seat at one of the empty tables. Leo followed behind him.

“What kind of nightmare?” Leo took a seat opposite him. “You know, they say dreams are a way of your brain trying to tell you something. Like when you dream about your teeth falling out, it is attributed to anxiety. Or when someone is chasing you, I think that means you have unresolved issues or some shit.”

“I doubt me dreaming about my new boyfriend shooting up a bunch of men with a huge-ass gun has anything to do with my inner psyche.” Logan took a sip of his coffee, moaning in delight as the rich hot brew ran down his throat.

“Huh?” Leo gave him a strange look. “You dreamt about your boyfriend shooting other people? Like as in killing them?”

“Fuck I don’t know.” Logan ran hand through his hair. It was just a dream, yet his friend was asking him questions like it actually meant something it didn’t. It was a case of an overactive imagination, nothing more.

“Calm down, Logan.” Leo reached across the table and patted is hand. “I’m not trying to imply anything, but you have to admit that’s


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a little fucked up, dreaming about your boyfriend, who by the way I have yet to meet, shooting down a bunch of men.”

Logan didn’t miss the hurt tone in Leo’s voice. He had every intention of rectifying that issue tonight. He wanted his best friend to meet the man he was dating.

“Well you won’t have to wait forever before you meet Finn. I plan on introducing you to him tonight.” Logan smiled across the table at Leo. “Sound good?”

“I guess.” Leo let out a dramatic sigh. “I can wait another couple hours to meet your mystery man.”

“Ah, how sweet. You’re talking about me.”

Logan spun around in his seat at the sound of the voice. He saw Rhett standing in the entryway to the coffee shop. He was the last person Logan expected to or wanted to see. After the way their previous date ended, he was certain Rhett took for granted that they were over. But as it would appear, Logan guessed wrong.

“Rhett, what are you doing here?” He could barely contain the anger he felt toward the other man. No doubt smoked curled out from his ears.
What an asshole.

“Baby, I came to see how you were doing.” Logan flinched away when Rhett bent down to kiss his cheek. “Why you being like this?

Haven’t you missed me?”

“I’m going to go check inventory in the stock room.” Leo stood up. “If you need me, Logan, I’m only a call away.” Leo held his gaze.

“Just shout, and I’ll come running.”

“Why would he need you to do that?” Rhett’s voice sounded annoyed. “I’m his boyfriend, you idiot. He doesn’t need to be protected from me.”

“Whatever, Rhett,” Leo said sweetly as he headed out of the room. Logan giggled when he heard Leo whisper
under his breath as he walked away.

“That little fairy is going to get his ass handed to him one of these days,” Rhett said, and hatred for Leo clung to every word he spoke.


Logan’s Rattler


Ceasing his laughing, he glared at Rhett. “Excuse me?” Logan pushed at Rhett’s hard chest. “That fairy is my best friend, and last time I checked, you’re as queer as a two dollar bill, so you have no room to talk.”

“I was just kidding. Jeez, Logan, take it easy.” Rhett tried to grab his hand. “Baby, I don’t want to fight. Why don’t you grab your stuff.

We can spend the day together just the two of us. Alone. What do you say?” Rhett grinned suggestively at Logan.

Logan laughed bitterly as he stared, stunned, at Rhett. The man had lost his ever-loving mind. “News flash, we broke up.” Logan scrunched up his brow in thought. “I’m pretty sure I even said that when I took off walking in the woods when you and your friends wanted to use me like a set of finger cuffs.” Logan stood up and pushed his chair under the table. “So I’ll say it again loud and clear so you won’t get confused. We. Are. Over.”

Rhett stood up so fast his chair went flying backwards. Logan wasn’t a small man, but Rhett was larger, and the man’s anger was focused directly on him. Rhett’s face flushed such a bright red even the man’s white-blond hair appeared to become orange like flames of a fire. Logan’s mouth went dry, and he cursed himself for letting his big mouth put him in this situation.

“We’re over when I say we’re over.” Rhett grabbed him by the biceps and began to shake him with every word he spoke. “Do you understand me? I say when we’re done, not you.”

Logan tried to swallow around the fear clogging his throat. He had never seen Rhett this angry before, and he had to admit to himself he was terrified at what the man might do.

“Logan, dear?” He turned his head to see Mrs. Parks standing in the doorway. “I called the sheriff and he’s on his way. He’s dying to try that special brew you made for me yesterday.” She gave the sweetest smile Logan had ever seen.

Rhett let go of him instantly. “This isn’t over.”



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With that, Rhett left the coffee shop. Logan slumped down into his chair as Leo came rushing out from the back.

“Are you okay?” Leo looked him over frantically.

“Yes.” He took a deep breath. “What did I ever see in that jerk?”

“Sweetie, don’t blame yourself.” Mrs. Parks rested a hand on his shoulder. “We all make mistakes. But if you go back to that shithead, I’m going to smack you so hard upside the head Leo over there is going to feel it.” He couldn’t hold back his laughter and neither could Leo.

Finn pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine. It was only a quarter past six, but he couldn’t stay away. He just had to see his mate. After the battle last night, he needed the reassurance that Logan was safe. He also welcomed the comfort only his mate could give him.

Just thinking about the grueling fight he and the other warriors had gone through the previous night had him taking pause. Finn along with the other warriors had a false sense of security after the first battle in thinking they had protected Astrid, only to have him taken from right under their noses a few hours later. Astrid’s biological father had kidnapped the little fairy and left no clues as to where he had taken the young man. Everyone, including Astrid, had no idea his long-lost father was the son of a high-ranking council member looking not only to take over the Council of Paranormal Beings but also to destroy the Warriors of the Light. And according to what Ben had briefed them on, Astrid was to be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

Pushing work to the back of his mind for the time being, Finn climbed out of his car and headed down the sidewalk toward L&L

Coffee Stop. All his worries faded away with every step he took

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closer to his mate. After only two days Logan was a soothing balm to his weary soul.

The wind picked up, and a strange scent filled his senses. It was a woodsy smell mixed with the aroma of dried leaves.
Finn stopped in midstep and looked around him. Nothing struck him as out of the ordinary, so he continued forward.

Just as he came to the coffee shop entrance, a man stepped up onto the sidewalk. Finn met the man’s hard stare. The man was tall and built like a pro wrestler. If Finn wasn’t a paranormal himself, he would have been afraid of the man standing before him. His blond hair and bright blue eyes disguised the stranger’s true nature.

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