Logan's Rattler (4 page)

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Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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AJ Jarrett

Logan couldn’t hold back his snort of laughter. “I could tell.”

“Hey, mister, I wasn’t alone in that bed,” Finn defended. “And I do believe you enjoyed my easiness.”

He poured the water into the reservoir then measured out the coffee grounds. When all was done, Logan flipped the
switch, and the coffee began to brew. Turning around, he leaned back against the counter and stared at Finn. “I did,” he whispered.

Guilt and worry should have had him freaking out. To have just met a guy then participated in unsafe sex should bother him more than it did. In all honesty, Logan never felt better, complete while in the presence of Finn.

“I’m glad. Feeling is mutual.” All the humor left Finn’s tone.

Logan nodded and turned back around to grab two mugs. He filled them with the steaming hot liquid then led Finn to an empty table in the corner. They sipped their coffee in quiet for a few minutes.

Usually the silence was heaven sent for Logan, but at the moment it made him feel uncomfortable. He’d gladly welcome some noise.

“So, Finn, tell me a little about yourself.” Logan took a sip of his drink. “If you want to, that is. I don’t want to pry.”

Finn stared at his mate and contemplated what he could safely tell the man that wouldn’t unload the whole paranormal, snake-shifter issue. Taking a drink, he set the cup down. He thought best to go with the truth and just leave out a few minor details.

“You’re not prying at all. I’m from Wyoming. My family lived in a small town not far from Evanston called Campbell.”

“Wyoming? You a country boy, Finn?” Logan asked playfully.

“I guess you could say I used to be.” Finn rolled his mug between his hands. He hadn’t talked about his past in ages. It depressed him to think about his mom, dad, and his brother, Gavin.


Logan’s Rattler


They never questioned once why Finn never aged. It was the elephant in the room no one ever wanted to discuss. He had confessed to his brother the truth about what had happened, and he agreed it was best to keep it to himself.

Gavin had told him people would think him touched in the head if he went spouting off about witches and being able to turn into a snake of all things. He was grateful his brother never thought him to be crazy. Gavin had been his best friend until he died. One of the saddest days of Finn’s life.

Gavin had gotten married to a girl who lived on the farm next to theirs. They’d been in love ever since Finn could remember and were living a happy life together. Finn envied their happiness because as it was he didn’t know any other paranormals or the ways of their kind.

It also didn’t help to be a gay man in the early nineteen hundreds either.

Finn had worked the family’s ranch while Gavin took a job in the coal mines. Being a paranormal with superhuman strength benefitted him when it came to ranch work. He could do the job of ten men, so it didn’t bother him when Gavin chose to try something different with his life. There was money to be made in mining, and Finn wanted his brother to be happy.

Remembering when his brother died always sent a sharp pain through Finn’s heart, like a hot knife cutting through butter. Gavin had gone to work just like any other day, only that day he didn’t come home. There was a cave-in, and all twenty men on his brother’s crew perished.

Gavin’s loss was felt throughout the whole family. His brother’s wife couldn’t overcome her grief and took her own life. In a letter she wrote that she couldn’t go on without Gavin and that she was sorry.

Finn’s parents didn’t take it any better. They became closed off and never wanted Finn to leave the ranch for fear he would die, too.

At the time, Finn didn’t know the extent of his paranormal capabilities and did as they wished. It’s never easy to lose a child at


AJ Jarrett

any age, and Finn didn’t want to add to the anguish they already were suffering.

He chose to keep his sorrow to himself. There was no need to burden others with his sadness. Gavin was Finn’s best friend and the only other person who knew his secrets. A piece of his soul died along with Gavin that day.

After his parents passed, Finn took off to travel the country. It wasn’t long before he met Ben and the other Warriors of the Light.

They took him in and explained to him the ways of their kind. He felt an abundance of relief when he found the warriors. They filled the hole left by his brother and answered the questions that plagued his mind.

“Finn, are you okay?” Logan asked.

Finn felt warm fingers wrap around his hand. He looked down to see Logan had a hold of his hand. Lifting his head to meet his mate’s questioning stare, he saw concern in the creases marring Logan’s face.

“I’m sorry.” He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “I just spaced out there for a minute. Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. It looked like you were lost in your memories.

Is everything all right?” Logan rubbed his thumb back and forth over Finn’s knuckles.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking about the past is always a little saddening. My family died years ago, and I just miss them. I always forget just how much until I start to talk or think about them.” It was the truth. Even after more than a hundred years, it felt like only yesterday that he’d seen them last.

“Well they were your family. You shouldn’t let the fact that you care upset you.” Logan gave him a gentle smile. “At least you knew your family.”

That caught Finn’s attention. “Do you not have any family, Logan?”


Logan’s Rattler


Finn felt a little guilty turning the tables on Logan, but he would rather learn more about his mate than discuss his past. Because the more they delved into Finn’s early years, the sooner he would have to explain that he wasn’t technically human anymore.

“I did, my mom and dad. But they died in a car accident when I was a small child.” Logan pulled his hand back and took a drink of his coffee. He set the cup down. “I didn’t have any other known family members, so I grew up in a foster home.”

“Ah hell, honey.” Finn had heard about the foster care system and group homes, and the majority of it was horror stories. He didn’t want to think his mate had suffered a terrible childhood.

Logan lifted his head to look at Finn. “Actually it wasn’t that bad.

I lived with this older couple who couldn’t have kids of their own.”

Logan gave him a small smile. “They really loved me, and I loved them.”

“But?” Finn could sense there was more to the story.

“Like I said, they were older, and my foster father died of a stroke when I was twelve. As it was, he was doing most of the caregiving for me and my foster mother.” Finn could see his mate’s eyes become misty with tears. “The state took me away from her and put me in a group home.”

As the first tear fell from Logan’s eyes, Finn jumped from his seat and knelt in front of his mate. “Hon, I’m so sorry that happened to you.” He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Logan, holding him tight as his mate cried quietly into his shoulder.

A few minutes passed, and Logan pulled away. He grabbed a napkin and patted his eyes dry then blew his nose. Finn wanted to erase all the sadness Logan had ever experienced. He wanted his mate happy always.

“I was devastated at first. They were the only family I’d known.

But there was one good thing about being shipped off to the group home, and that was meeting Leo.”



AJ Jarrett

“Who’s Leo?” Finn couldn’t hold back the rough edge in his voice. Jealousy swamped him in heavy waves. His hands on Logan’s thighs balled into tight fists causing his knuckles to crack.

“Hey, calm down.” Logan let out a nervous giggle. “Leo is my best friend. Nothing ever sexual, I swear. We’re like brothers.”

Logan placed the palm of his hand against Finn’s cheek, and Finn couldn’t help but nuzzle into the smooth, soft touch. “That’s good. I don’t like to share.”

“I don’t either.” Logan shook his head as he stared at Finn’s lips.

All the little creaking noises going on around them faded out. The only thing Finn could hear was the sound of his heartbeat as he gazed up at his mate, letting his attention drop to Logan’s pouty lips. God, he would never tire of looking at this man.

Logan bent forward a little more then paused. Finn closed the distance capturing his mate’s lips in a heated kiss. He wanted more but was afraid to ruin the perfect moment he and Logan had just shared.

Licking his tongue over Logan’s lips, he sighed when the man darted his tongue out to play with his. They danced an intimate tango with their tongues, lapping and sucking at each other. Regretting it but doing what was right, Finn pulled free of Logan’s grasp and stood up.

“I think I should go.” He jammed his hands into his pockets, trying to disguise the erection he was now sporting in his pants.

“I think you might be right.” Logan stood. “I don’t want to rush this. I know I just met you but there is something between us.” Logan placed his hand over his heart. “I can feel it here.”

Finn sent up a thousand thank-yous to Fate. Logan was the other part of his soul, and he couldn’t have picked a better match for himself. He wanted desperately to tell Logan the truth about his life and how they were mates but didn’t want to overload Logan with too much information.

“I feel it too, hon. I feel it too.”


Logan’s Rattler


Silence spread out between them, and they just gazed at one another. Finn could only speak for himself, but he just liked looking at Logan. The man was everything he ever dreamed of. And staring into Logan’s translucent-blue eyes, Finn could see his forever.

“Well you better go. It’s getting late.” Logan broke the silence.

“Yeah I should, but let me help you close up first.” He held up his hand when Logan began to protest. “I also want to walk you back to your apartment. I need to make sure you’re safe before I leave.”

That must have been the right response because Logan gifted him with a huge smile. “Thanks. I’m not use to anyone else besides Leo caring about my safety. I like it.”

Finn grabbed Logan’s hand and brought it to his lips and kissed the man’s knuckles. “Feel free to get used to it, Logan. I’m not going anywhere.”

They stored their dirty mugs in the sink, and Logan shut off the coffeepot. After Logan turned down the lights and locked the door, Finn took his hand and held it as they walked down the street back to Logan’s apartment.

Logan gave him a good-bye kiss on the cheek then went into his apartment building. Finn watched as the lights came on in the second-floor apartment on the right. He waved when Logan looked out the window.

Glancing up and down the street to make sure he didn’t see any questionable individuals, Finn got into his car. He hated to leave his mate, but he was a warrior, and duty called. He had also decided to look into this Rhett character to make sure he wasn’t going to be a problem. But as it stood maybe the werewolves that were in the woods took care of that asshole. Either way he would look into the situation.

“Good night, my love,” Finn whispered up at the now-dark apartment window that was Logan’s. He got in his truck and drove down the street. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.



AJ Jarrett

Chapter Four

Logan couldn’t sleep after Finn left him that night. All he could do was think of the sexy man and the gentle kisses they shared. There was also Finn’s fit, hard body ripped with muscles that caused Logan’s brain to short-circuit. God, the man had a body built for sin and lots and lots of sex. He finally gave up and jerked off to the image of Finn just so he could relax and get some sleep.

Finn wasn’t just the hottest guy he had ever met but the man seemed to genuinely care about him. When Logan talked, he could tell Finn was truly listening. And Finn walking him home to make sure he arrived safely was another mark in the “keep him” column he was mentally keeping track of in his head.

It also didn’t hurt that Finn was absolutely gorgeous. Finn stood a little shorter than him. But what Finn lacked in height he made up for in muscles. Finn could probably break Logan in half if he wanted to.

And Logan was totally on board with that if it meant Finn’s dick was inside him while he did it.

He sighed in frustration. Just thinking about Finn fucking him again had his dick coming to life. But why? He just met Finn and under some pretty weird circumstances. Logan should be staying away from him until he got to know Finn better. But after spending a little time with the man last night, he couldn’t wait to be in Finn’s presence again. He made Logan feel special.

All the worry and doubts swimming in his head had him up at the crack of dawn. Not wanting to lie around in bed daydreaming about Finn, he got up and got ready for work. He arrived early at L&L


Logan’s Rattler


Coffee Stop and stocked the counter in preparation for the morning rush of customers wanting their coffee.

L&L was his and his best friend’s baby. He and Leo had opened the shop just six months ago. They were still trying to get the business off the ground and couldn’t afford to hire extra help. So he and Leo took turns opening up the store each morning. Today was his turn.

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