Lone Female (8 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Fenton

BOOK: Lone Female
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'That sounds awfully serious.'


I smiled back.
'Nothing that
can't be sorted out.'


'Oh, I'm so glad. How exactly can we
it out
?' She put an emphasis on the last three words which made me realise
she knew what I was up to.


'You tell me.'


'Why don't you come in the car?' She laughed
and then said 'I mean, why don't you come and sit in the car, and we can talk
it over.' She leant over and pushed the passenger door open, and I got a sight
of the black dress clinging sheath-like to her athletic body.


The door clicked to and I eased myself into
the heavily padded seat and savoured the seclusion of the little space. She
turned to look at me and her dress hitched up a little, giving a breathtaking
glimpse of lacy black stocking tops. 'Now then,' she said, firmly. 'You tell me
what you're after and I'll tell you if I'll give it to you.'


She seemed to be looking out for somebody or
something, but at the time I just thought she was worried someone might spot


I was so turned on by her that I wasn't
thinking straight and I'd forgotten all about getting her to say exactly what
she wanted to cover my own back. Instead I looked her in the eye and said 'Why
don't you take that dress off and let me fuck you hard on the back seat?'


That did it. Without even seeing where she
got them from, there was a flash of bright metal and a stab of pain through my
wrists as she cuffed me to the door handle. Her voice lost its warmth as she
barked out the caution.


'I'm arresting you on suspicion of
impersonating a police officer. You do not have to say anything, but it may
harm your defence if you fail to say something now which you later rely on in


Before I could even think of a reply, there
was a blaze of white and blue light as a patrol car pulled up in front of us
out of nowhere. For a moment she looked anxious then her composure was back.


'Here come the cavalry.' She patted me on the
arm as I stared straight ahead in shock.


'You just sit tight lover boy. Don't get too
excited and make a mess on the seats, will you?'


She smiled cruelly and got out of the car,
strolling over to talk to the two
who had
got out of the car, occasionally looking over to me and pointing.


When I thought about it, I suppose I knew it
had to happen eventually; however clever I was I couldn't have got away with
what I was doing indefinitely. I'd just thought I'd be picked up by the uniform
boys, like the two I'd ran off from, not some sort of honey trap by a woman who
looked like she'd walked off the set of a high class porn film. I saw the
future flash before my eyes; court case, sacked from work, probably ending up
in prison. Christ. I needed a fag urgently and reached into my pocket, feeling
a stabbing pain in my wrists as I remembered I was cuffed to the door. I heard
the click of heels as she swayed over to the car and got in, smiling brightly
and started the engine.


'Right then,' she said. 'Name and address.'


I wondered about staying silent but then
realised it probably wouldn't do me any favours. I even wondered about trying
to escape, but there was no chance of that. The sooner I started co-operating
the quicker I might get out of it.


She must have read my mind because she added
'Don't bother giving a false one because we're going to check it out.'


'Carl Sanders.
Aberdare Gardens,


'OK Carl. My colleagues are going to follow
on and we're driving to your place.'


This sounded a bit odd to me. 'Aren't we
going to the station?'


'Not just yet Carl. We want to make sure
you're telling us the truth about where you live, don't we, like I just told
you? And besides, who knows what we might find there?'


I breathed as sigh of relief as I realised
there was nothing incriminating in the house. All they'd got on me for sure was
the uniform I was wearing and the false plates on the car.
made me think
of something.


'What about my car?'


She kept her eyes on the road as she
increased her speed along the dual carriageway. 'That can stay there until I'm
finished with you.'


Something didn't sound right about this. I
looked behind and the squad car was still following. As we neared the turn off
for my road, I looked again and the car was gone. She pulled up at my house and
stopped the car in the drive.


She leant towards me and produced a key. 'I'm
going to
you. Are you going to promise to be a
good boy? I don't want to give your neighbours anything to talk about.'


I didn't give a toss about what the neighbours
thought but I was wondering what my chances were of making a run for it. But
where would I go? Anyway, I didn't have a chance, because when she came round
and opened my door, she immediately got my arm in a vice-like grip, but a
discrete one, like she was just helping someone a bit pissed out of the car.
She was surprisingly strong and before I knew it, she'd frogmarched me to the


'Open the door then.'


I fumbled for my key with my free hand and
looked behind me into the road.


'Where have the rest of your lot gone?'


'Let's just get in the house. I'll explain
everything in a minute.'


I managed to get the lights on and she
paused, taking a quick look around, then suddenly and violently twisted my arm
behind the back and slammed me into the sofa face first. Fortunately the
cushions broke most of the impact but I got a mouthful of DHL's finest tweed as
I cried out in pain.


'What the fuck...?'


I couldn't see anything but could hear her.


'Right then, you
such a big man now, are


I tried to kick back but I felt the cold
metal of the cuffs again as she snapped them on my hands behind my back, then
pulled me round to face her and slapped my face, hard. Now, I'm not a violent
sort of person, and I wouldn't hit a woman unless it was absolutely necessary,
but that made me angry and I was about to slap back when she laughed and stood
back from me, hands on her hips and breathing heavily.


'You really fell for it, didn't you?'




'You really thought I was the law. Jesus,
Carl, you're a gullible cunt. And I'm guessing your name really is Carl because
from what I've seen you're too stupid to think up a false one.'


'Who...who are you?' My mind was in a
complete whirl. I couldn't think straight. What was she on about?


She started strolling round the room, picking
up bits and pieces like she owned the place and turning to look me up and down.
She laughed again, but there was no warmth in it.


'I'm just like you Carl. I get off on pretending
to be in the police as well. Only it looks like I do it a bit more convincingly
than you do. You should have cuffed me when you got the chance. Or don't you
even have any handcuffs on that kid's dressing up uniform you've got on?'


I was really confused now. 'What are you on
about? I just saw you talking to the boys in blue and they followed us here.'


She smiled and came closer to me. I could
smell her perfume, and a deeper, feminine smell that started to make my pulse


'You think you're the clever one don't you?
Soon as you came up behind me I thought, "
unmarked car trying to pull me over with a blue light, he could be anyone, and
me all alone out here in the dark. So I made a call - hands free of course,
don't want to break the law, do we? I dialled 999 and told them I was a lone
female being followed by a car that was trying to pull me over.'


'Why didn't you tell them about what I was
doing then?'


She came closer and ran a finger down the front
of my stab vest. She had long, strong looking hands with dark painted nails.
She looked me up and down and her finger paused at the top of my belt.


'Because...when I saw you...I thought to
myself, I'd like a piece of that...'


I swallowed hard and finally managed to make
some sort of sense out of the situation. I could hardly believe it - one minute
I thought I'd been arrested - the next I had a gorgeous woman in a
dress coming on to me.


'What did you tell them then?
The coppers.'


'Mere details, Carl, mere details
I just told them I'd made a mistake
and you were a friend of mine who'd recognised me.' She smiled and walked
around me, tracing her finger round the top of my belt as she moved. 'I think
they thought we were
, Carl. Ever done that?'


'No thanks, not my style.'


'Oh, shame. That's what I like to do. Find a
nice young couple and watch them fuck, then let the bloke do me while the girl


I swallowed again. Her hand had moved down to
my crotch and was stroking ever so delicately across my cock.


'Sometimes I do it in a policewoman's
uniform, Carl. With black stockings and skirt just that bit too short...You
should see the looks on their faces...Do you like that? You're not the only one
who gets off on uniforms, though I've never known anyone
up to what you do.'


My brain was beginning to go limp at the same
rate as my cock was going hard. Her hand was squeezing gently now, working up
and down my length through the fabric of my trousers. This felt like some sort
of brainwashing, like they do with soldiers, getting them disorientated. I had
to try to think clearly.


'If you're not a copper how do you know what
I get up to?'


She laughed, a deep, low, throaty laugh, and
slowly undid my belt and zip.


'I've watched you, Carl. You're not as clever
as you think. I've seen you a couple of times in that pub.'


'So what does that prove? I haven't seen you
in there anyway.' Her hand was on my shorts now, stroking my balls and the
bottom of my shaft through the thin fabric.


'Course you haven't, ‘
I'm better at playing at police than you are. I've seen you with your little
fake licence plates though.'


I breathed out. Shit, how had she managed to
spot me doing that?


'Then when you pulled me over I put two and
two together. I reckon you've been doing this quite a bit, haven't you?'


She'd freed my cock now and started stroking
it, smiling and looking at it closely and admiringly, though my nerve endings
twitched as her long fingernails tickled at my balls. I felt extremely aroused
but extremely vulnerable at the same time, what with my hands cuffed tight
behind my back.


'Why do you want to know?'


She whispered in my ear. Her breath was hot
and almost unbearable on the delicate nerve endings in my ear.
'Because it turns me on, Carl.
I want to know all about it.
I want to know what you've done. I'm getting wet just thinking about it.'


I leaned my head towards her. 'Take these
cuffs off and I'll do something about it, then.'


I saw stars again as she slapped me, but it
was only a light slap, a tap really, but enough to daze me and confuse me
again. I was starting to feel very odd about all this. On the one hand I had a
beautiful woman stroking and kneading my cock; on the other hand (as it were),
I was handcuffed and had just been slapped in the face. It wasn't exactly what
I was used to. I'd heard about domination and all that but I'd assumed that was
just sad middle aged fuckers in leather jockstraps, desperately trying to coax
a last hard on by using ever more weird methods. It never occurred to me that
fit women might be into it, and might actually enjoy inflicting pain on

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