Lone Oak Feud (Harlequin Heartwarming)

BOOK: Lone Oak Feud (Harlequin Heartwarming)
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For the sake of a child

Rundles and Salingers don’t mix. Not since the tragic accident involving Zach Rundle’s brother and Lindsey Salinger’s mother. But when the well-being of Zach’s five-year-old nephew is at stake, Zach and Lindsey are dragged together again.

At first Zach thinks the social worker is stirring up the old feud. But he soon realizes that’s the last thing on her mind. Before long, the attraction they’d felt twelve years ago returns, too. Could a child’s needs bring them together? More important—would it help keep them together?

Dear Reader,

Home, family, community and love. These are the values we cherish most in our lives—the ideals that ground us, comfort us, move us. They certainly provide the perfect inspiration around which to build a romance collection that will touch the heart.

And so we are thrilled to offer you the Harlequin Heartwarming series. Each of these special stories is a wholesome, heartfelt romance imbued with the traditional values so important to you. They are books you can share proudly with friends and family. And the authors featured in this collection are some of the most talented storytellers writing today, including favorites such as Roz Denny Fox, Amy Knupp and Mary Anne Wilson. We’ve selected these stories especially for you based on their overriding qualities of emotion and tenderness, and they center around your favorite themes—children, weddings, second chances, the reunion of families, the quest to find a true home and, of course, sweet romance.

So curl up in your favorite chair, relax and prepare for a heartwarming reading experience!


The Editors


Amy Knupp lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two sons, five cats and a turtle named Scuttle. She graduated from the University of Kansas with degrees in French and journalism and feels lucky to use very little of either one in her writing career. She’s a member of Novelists, Inc., Romance Writers of America, Mad City Romance Writers and Wisconsin Romance Writers. In her spare time she enjoys reading, college basketball and addictive computer games. To learn more about Amy and her stories, visit

Amy Knupp

Lone Oak Feud

For Carol Knupp, who loved stories, written and spoken. We miss you and all the stories you told.


A big thank-you to Kristin Bell, Lisa Mooney and Jill Weigel. You ladies were so patient and helpful in answering my endless questions about social services.

Sharon, Jan and Jill, your awesome critiques and brainstorming are invaluable. Without you, I’d be curled up in the corner muttering nonsense phrases.

Karen D...the Lazy Goat would be nameless if not for you. I bow down to your bar-naming expertise.

Mom and Dad, thanks for telling everyone you know (and then some) about my books. You’re the best!

Victoria, thank you for one mark-free page! In all seriousness, your edits are invaluable and make the story so much stronger. Thanks for the countless hours you put into it.

Justin, thank you for putting up with me, cooking, helping me plot, cooking, believing in me and cooking. You’re the absolute best husband (and a pretty good cook!).


found herself doing the ill-advised, all in the name of helping someone in need.

Like now. The ill-advised was jogging—fast—when she hadn’t exercised for a while. Okay, a long while.

The someone in need was her dad. She had to check on him, see for herself he was following doctor’s orders and doing what he was supposed to: staying horizontal. His live-in housekeeper, Mrs. Hale, had been with him all day, but she’d had to leave for a meeting.

This would be a lot simpler if Lindsey’s 1996 Civic hadn’t quit on the way home from work. Since she’d already been running late and her roommate, Brooke, wasn’t home, she’d decided jogging was the quickest way to get there. If she didn’t die first.

Three houses down from her dad’s, she allowed herself to slow to a brisk walk. She sucked in the chilled air in an attempt to dull the pain in her lungs. As she blew out, a sound from the evergreen bushes bordering the sidewalk stopped her.

Was that a child’s whimper?

She strained to hear, wondering if her ears were playing tricks on her. But no, she heard a shaky intake of breath from the same direction. Faint, but unquestionable.

Lindsey looked at her dad’s house, searching for a sign that he needed her immediately, but of course, there was none. No movement, no noise, only a dim light on inside.

She crouched to scan under the low-hanging branches and thought she spotted something on the far side. Creeping forward, she saw two small feet in grungy once-white socks.

“Who’s there?”

No reply.

Lindsey ducked her head and pushed her way through the branches. Her hands sank in the cold dirt, and pine needles stuck to her clothes.

Once she reached the trunk, there was a little more clearance, and she sat up as much as she could. She shoved her ball cap back to find herself face-to-face with a boy who couldn’t be much more than five or six years old.

“Hi,” Lindsey said, smiling to ease his fright. “It’s okay. I’m one of the good guys.”

He sized her up for several seconds, and she wondered if he’d try to run off. There was no quick escape route, so she doubted she’d lose him.

The boy’s dark hair was disheveled, and he wore only a long-sleeved shirt, jeans and socks. Not nearly enough for February in Kansas—it couldn’t be more than forty degrees out here. He clung to a branch near his head with one hand and grasped a small toy truck in his other.

“My name’s Lindsey. What’s yours?”

He sucked in his lower lip and let out a wail.

“Come here, sweetie.” She held him while he sobbed into her shoulder.

Why was this little guy outside by himself?

He grabbed her upper arm with his free hand, squeezing tightly. Lindsey rubbed the back of his head with a gentle, circular motion.

She’d have to take him with her to make sure her dad wasn’t curled up with a bag of chocolate chip cookies or something else off-limits.

“Shh. It’ll be okay.”

The boy’s sobs gradually slowed, and he let go of her arm. He rubbed his eyes with one hand but still held the yellow cement mixer as if his life depended on it.

“What’s your name, sweetie?”

He didn’t respond; instead, he turned and scooted several inches away.

“Are you lost?” She reached across and rumpled his hair. “Tell you what. Let’s get you inside and warmed up. You like hot chocolate?”

He shrugged.

“I bet you do. With mountains of whipped cream on top.”

She saw a flicker of interest in his eyes.

“Then you can tell me your name and where you belong.”

Please, let him open up.
She didn’t want to call the police. They’d just rattle him further.

“Come with me.”

They crawled out from under the branches. Lindsey brushed dirt and twigs off her own pants, then the boy’s. She held out her hand. He hesitated, then took it, and Lindsey frowned at how cold his fingers were.

The spicy aroma of burning cedar wood nearby hovered in the breeze and Lindsey shivered. She’d dressed lightly for running—yoga pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt—not for a kid rescue.

They’d passed two yards drenched in shadow by towering, decades-old oak trees before the boy spoke. “Where are we going?” His voice was hoarse, as if he’d been crying for ages.

“To my dad’s house.”

He seemed to consider her answer for several seconds. “Do you live there, too?”

Lindsey shook her head. “I have my own house, so I don’t live with my dad anymore.”

“Me, neither.” His voice was considerably quieter, melancholic.

Where was his mother?

When they reached her dad’s, she slipped her left, rarely worn tennis shoe off and took out her key, then unlocked the front door. She stomped her shoe back on as they walked through the main floor. A faint light shone under the closed door of the den, which they’d converted to a temporary bedroom so her dad could avoid stairs. Good. At least he was where he was supposed to be.

“Hey, Dad, it’s me!” Lindsey said as she went by. “Be in in a sec!”

She led the boy into the large kitchen of the house she’d grown up in and flipped on the fluorescent light.

He darted a curious glance around the room, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.

“Can you tell me your name now, sweetie?”

He studied the floor, running one foot along the lines in the linoleum pattern. “Owen.”

Her heart missed a beat.

Coincidence? She could only hope. She’d heard rumors around town for the past couple of weeks about a boy named Owen.

Thank goodness her dad’s door was shut. She lowered her voice. “Is Josh Rundle your daddy?”

He nodded solemnly.

Lindsey’s chest tightened. She didn’t realize she’d clenched her teeth until the pressure became painful and registered in her brain.


She pushed the hateful feelings aside and compelled her body to relax. Pretend Owen belonged to someone else. He had nothing to do with his father’s past.

She had no idea what her dad would do if he found out she’d brought a Rundle into his house, but she knew it wouldn’t be good. He couldn’t afford to get upset, especially not with his health so fragile.

Forcing a smile, she patted Owen’s head and went to the fridge to make him a snack. She sliced an apple and some cheese and warmed a mug of instant cocoa in the microwave, hoping the food would keep him occupied while she went to say hi to her dad.

Josh’s child. That would explain a lot. Why he was left to wander outside, why he was underdressed. Why he was scared, hungry and tired. Josh Rundle didn’t have a responsible bone in his body.

Lindsey set everything on the table, spooned whipped cream into the mug and pulled the chair out for Owen. “I’ll be right back,” she told him. “You stay here and fill your tummy.”

She went to the den-turned-bedroom, which was next to the kitchen. She knocked lightly on the door but didn’t wait for a reply.

“Hey, Dad.” She made her voice cheerful as she entered the room, every surface cluttered with books and newspapers. Her eyes automatically stopped at the Astros cap—her favorite—in the top row of his wall of baseball caps.

Her dad, in flannel pyjamas, raised the remote from his stomach and muted the television. “Hi, honey,” he said as she leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Didn’t hear you come in.”

“How’re you feeling?” She scrutinized him for a sign that he should still be in the hospital.

Wendell Salinger’s salt-and-pepper hair seemed heavier on the salt than it had been just a week ago and was rumpled from being in bed for days on end. His hazel eyes moved from her to the silent television and back again. That he was watching TV instead of reading spoke of his fatigue as much as his red-rimmed eyes did. The frown etched into his face seemed more pronounced than usual.

“Oh, not bad, all things considered.”

All things considered were a heart attack and a double bypass eight days ago. Lindsey had brought him home from the hospital just this morning. She’d hated leaving him right away to rush to work, even though he had Mrs. Hale, who served as her dad’s live-in housekeeper, cook and friend. Mrs. Hale was kind, caring and no-nonsense. Lindsey trusted Claudia Hale as much as the wonderful nurses who’d mollycoddled her dad the past few days, but she still needed to be here herself.

“Sorry I’m late.”

He furrowed his bushy dark eyebrows. “Late? We have a date?”

“I told Mrs. Hale I’d be here before she left for her church meeting.”

“I don’t need a nursemaid.”

She sat on the roll-away twin-sized bed next to him. “Did she make you a good dinner?”

“No. Didn’t give me enough to fill up an ant. I want a slab of meat, not a scrap.”

Lindsey sighed. “She was following doctor’s orders. You can’t eat like you used to.”

“You’ll take care of me though, won’t you?” He smiled confidently.

“Of course. I’ll make you follow your new diet.”

He started to say something, but she cut him off.

“No grumbling. You’re going to do this our way. We’d like to keep you around for a while.”

His face softened and he reached for her hand. “I’d be more grateful if you’d bring me a hunk of that chocolate cake I saw on the counter out there.”

“Dream on. The Nelsons didn’t know chocolate cake is off-limits now. I’ll be sure to take it home so it won’t tempt you anymore.”

Lindsey felt a tug at her shirt hem and looked down to find Owen right next to her.

“Can I have more snack?”

“What’s going on?” Her dad’s voice was level but the pained look in his eyes told her he knew this was Josh Rundle’s son. He’d probably seen Owen around—Owen’s good-for-nothing dad lived with his grandma, right next door.

According to talk around town, Owen’s mother had recently died in a car accident, and authorities had tracked down Josh, who hadn’t known he had a kid.

“I found Owen in the Abrahams’ yard. Apparently lost.”

Wendell swallowed hard and looked away. So much emotion crossed his face that Lindsey’s chest tightened. She hated to see her dad hurting.

Lindsey picked up Owen, as if she could protect her dad by taking the boy out of the room. “I’m taking him home now.”

“Careful, honey.” The warning in his tone made Owen lift his head off Lindsey’s shoulder.

She made a quick exit, setting a frowning Owen on the kitchen floor when they got there.

“Why do you have to be careful?”

“Dads just worry a lot, sweetie.”

He nodded. “More cheese?” he asked.

“It’s ‘more cheese, please.’ We need to get you home. I bet your dad wonders where you are.”

“He’s not there.”

Color her not surprised. “Where is he?”

“I don’t know. Grandma says he runned away.”

“How long has he been gone?”

“Lots of days.”

Interesting. But not out of the realm of possibility where Josh was concerned. She’d have to see what information she could get next door.

“Let’s go see Grandma Rundle, then.”

Lindsey grabbed one of her dad’s heavy jackets off the coat tree by the back door and hurried Owen out the front. She paused on the top step.

“How old are you, Owen?”

“Five.” He held out a hand, fingers spread.

“You’re a pretty big boy, but why don’t I carry you so your feet stay warm.” She lifted him, then brushed his dark hair off his forehead. “You have shoes at home?”

He nodded. “Red Power Rangers ones.”

“Sounds cool.” She tickled his tummy. “Next time you want to play outside, you be sure to put your shoes on, okay? And ask your grandma first.”

He nodded, and she noticed dark circles under his eyes. She’d bet he was about to collapse. Who knew how long he’d been outside? She gritted her teeth.

Lindsey carried Owen across the two adjoining front lawns, which had turned brown and crunchy for the winter. When she’d been a girl, she’d always thought the Rundle house was the best on the block with its Victorian trim, giant front porch and light yellow paint. Now it showed its age and a lack of TLC.

After ringing the bell, they waited on the front porch for someone to answer. Seconds ticked by. If the house hadn’t been lit like a laboratory, Lindsey might have concluded the Rundles were gone, maybe out looking for Owen. But she heard a thud inside, like someone dropped something. Then muttering, not quite loud enough for Lindsey to decipher clearly. Still, no one answered or even came into sight through the window in the front door.

She rang the bell again and heard another thud. At last she saw Mrs. Rundle’s withered face peek around a corner inside. She squinted, disappeared, then reappeared, tottering toward the door.

Lindsey braced herself for the woman’s sharp tongue. The heavy front door opened and the old woman peered out at her, her gray eyes wary. Lindsey waited for the flash of recognition, which would promptly be followed by trademark crabbiness.

It didn’t come.

Mrs. Rundle studied her for several seconds, then turned her attention to Owen. She took in his appearance for a good five heartbeats.

“Sugar, what are you doing outside?” She addressed the boy warmly, then threw an embarrassed half grin toward Lindsey as she opened the storm door. “It’s cold out there, Joshua. Come let Grandma warm you up.”

“Owen, Grandma,” the boy said.

Mrs. Rundle stared at him in confusion. “What?”

“I’m Owen.”

“Of course you are.”

Lindsey set him down inside the door and followed him in. She wasn’t leaving without trying to find out what was going on. “I found him huddled under the bushes in the Abrahams’ yard. No shoes or coat.”

“Why were you outside, sugar?” The woman bent and kissed Owen on the forehead, affording Lindsey a view of pink scalp through white wispy hair. “I thought you went upstairs to watch a video after dinner.”

Had Owen been roaming around by himself for an hour or two?

“It got over,” Owen explained.

“He loves his Power Heroes video.” Mrs. Rundle addressed Lindsey with a polite smile.

Lindsey faltered. She felt as if she’d entered an alternate universe. She hadn’t known this woman was capable of smiling. Not at her, anyway.

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