Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella) (5 page)

BOOK: Lone Star Burn: Lone Star Escape (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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His long fingers swept up, causing a shiver to rack through her body. He took that as a sign to keep going, wrapping a hand around the back of her waist. He pulled her flush against his body, knowing the moment she felt the lust pressing against his jeans. Mara slid her hand up his chest, the black cotton of his shirt stretched tight across his muscles. Her curiosity won out as she pulled at the material. Giving in, Beau let her go, pulling the shirt up over his head. Her fingers trailed along with the material, feeling their way along his muscles. It had been so long since she had been with a man, let alone, actually wanted one. Years actually. Her life with her ex had lost its passion after high school. Her lonely existence pushed urges through her body and regardless of the danger she was in, forgetting her anger at Beau, she wanted nothing more than his touch.
“Make me feel like a woman again,” she whispered.
“Sweetheart, are you sure about this?” His raspy southern twang brushed against her ear as he nuzzled her neck. Course lips kissed their way down her neck and she shivered.
“Please,” her voice practically begged and Beau lost all control. He tugged the towel from her grasp, leaving her bare body before him. The pale skin beckoned to him. She had yet to shower and smelled of sunshine, dirt and plants. He groaned as his cock throbbed against his pants. Beau enveloped her waist with his arms, lifting as she spread her legs to wrap around his hips. He carried her to the bed, gently laying her down. She lay there in her naked glory, long blonde hair flowing around her head in a halo of perfection. Mara licked her lips and watched as he quickly rid himself of the jeans and boots he wore. Beau climbed on top of her, seeking out her mouth. Kissing her, he lost himself in her scent, in the feel and taste of her mouth.


Her lips parted, allowing him access as her hand roamed, trying to learn every inch of his well built body. His hand reached up to cup her face, pulling back from their embrace. Looking down into her eyes, he almost lost himself again.
“I promise, nothing is going to happen to you. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Even if we have to run and hide at the ends of the earth, no one will touch you.”
“I don’t want to run anymore,” she sobbed, tears threatening to spill again. Her chest ached. “I want this Bed and Breakfast. I want this life. Here. With or without you, this is what I want and I need to try and do it as much on my own as I can. I won’t be controlled again.” Agent Parker had explained her past. Beau understand.
“I get it. Then we stay and fight. I’ll call some friends to stay at my place and I’ll stay here with you. I’ll do whatever you want, help anyway I can, to get this place running for you.”
“Hell, I have my permits, your friends can be my first guests,” she giggled. He caught the excitement in her eyes and couldn’t remember the last time he was so excited about a project like she was. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to give it to her. His finger reached out, wiping at her tears.
“Whatever you want, I’ll do it,” he whispered against her mouth before capturing her lips again. She shifted her hips underneath him, pressing her warm core against his throbbing shaft. Beau slid down, his tongue trailing a cool line down her neck. His warm lips captured her breast, licking at the nipple as his fingers deftly maneuvered around the other side, pinching and tugging at it. Green eyes lifted to stare into hers. The eye contact caused his body to vibrate with need. Her hips shifted, urging him to continue. Her fingers thread through his hair, tugging at the light strands of dusky colored locks. Her nails dug a trail along the back of his neck as he kissed his way lower. Twisting his head, he placed his lips against her right thigh, running his finger up the inside of the left one. Mara shivered, goosebumps breaking out along her skin. Her breath hitched as she to control herself. Reaching her center, Beau licked at her clit, groaning at the noises she made. Soft mews from her throat caused his cock to throb, begging to know what it felt like to be inside of her.


“Please Beau,” she begged quietly as her body writhed beneath his touch. He pressed a finger inside of her, twisting it around as he continued his oral assault on her clit.
“So wet baby, so wet and ready for me.” He pressed harder against her core, circling and lightly biting at the nub. Her fingers grabbed at the sheet, pulling the material as if it would save her life. She pressed her hips up tighter against his face, using one hand to hold his head in place.
“Don’t stop,” she cried out, still holding the bed with her other hand. He lapped at her harder, quicker, burying his face between her legs. Mara cried out as she came. Her pussy clenched around his finger as her hand pulled his head away from her body. She gasped for air, panting in the aftermath of her release. Mara closed her eyes, turning her head to the side and moaning loudly.
“God, I forgot what that felt like.”
“Been that long baby?” Beau asked her as he moved back up her body. His cock was in pain, anxious to feel her wrapped around him. Without waiting for her to answer, he thrust himself deeply inside of her. The wet heat clasped his cock as he stilled. If he moved, it would be over. Beau hissed through his clenched teeth, struggling for control. Mara looked at his rugged face, the handsome features that drew her to him in the first place. Kind eyes looked back at her. She reached up, holding his face in front of hers, capturing his lips with her mouth. Slowly she moved her hips beneath his body, feeling him pressed as deep inside of her as he could manage. Swiftly, Mara managed to shove Beau to his back, rolling with him so she landed on top, never losing the fullness of him inside of her. Balancing her hands on his chest, she pressed down with her fingers and lifted her body. She slid up his shaft, and then slammed back down, crying out at the pressure. He filled her body like no other.


Mara continued to gyrate her hips, alternating as she moved up and down. Beau wrapped his fingers around her hips, helping glide her body in the pistoning motion. Every time she moved down, Mara would grind her hips against his body, her clit happily rubbing against Beau. Quicker she went, feeling her excitement boiling back up again. Like a pot about to boil over, she screamed out, “I’m going to come. Oh God, Beau,” she threw her head back, long locks of hair falling over her shoulders, covering her breasts. Beau pulled on her hips, ready to burst too. Just as he thought he would lose control, she loudly moaned and he could feel her release coating his cock with her thick juices. She kept moving until he pulled her tightly against his body. His hips bucked once, twice and then his seed exploded from inside of his body. He growled, the overly sensitive member was milked empty by her walls pulsating around him. Breathlessly, Mara collapsed on his chest, the pounding of his heart in her ear. Arms splayed across the bed, she rested there, quickly lulled to sleep. Beau softly ran his fingers up her back, inhaling deeply. The room smelled of her, that sweet sunshine smell, grass, dirt and sex. He wrapped his arms around Mara, shifting her body to the side, tucking her in against him. His sticky cock lay flaccid against his belly as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep with the evening sun fading, a smile on his face.


During the night, a racket outside the porch door startled them. Beau and Mara leapt from the bed, Bear barking and growling at the glass. In the darkness, nothing could be seen. Mara’s heart raced as fear coursed through her body.
“Go to one of the other rooms and lock yourself in,” Beau whispered as he slipped on his boxers. He slunk around the bed, roughly moving her towards the door. In the dark, he smashed his foot against the dresser, quietly cursing. He waited to hear the door open as Mara snuck out of the room and then moved towards the sliding door. In the pitch black, he couldn’t see much. Bear’s low growl told him something was out there.
Damn, why didn’t I bring a weapon, knowing she’s in danger?
His thoughts made him angry at himself for not being more prepared. He quietly slid the door open, allowing Bear to take off running. He heard squeaks and loud noises from the garden area as Bear shot towards it. Shaking his head, he couldn’t keep the laughter from spilling out of his mouth. Mara pushed the door open as Beau switched on the outdoor lights.
“What are you laughing at?” She asked, panting. Her fear still edging into her voice.
“Come see our suspects.” He waved her over to him. Bear chased two raccoons from the wheelbarrow she left near the garden. Her tomato plants she hadn’t gotten into the ground yet were tipped over onto the grass.
“Wow,” she said, giggling. Her hand lay over her chest as she tried to calm her racing heartbeat.
“Critters,” he said, wrapping an arm around her. “I’m gonna run home real quick. I was so mad at myself for not being ready. I need to grab a weapon. I believe they don’t know where you are, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. I promised I would protect you and if that had been someone, I don’t know what I would have done.” All humor was gone from his voice as he reached out, caressing Mara’s face. In the light from the porch, he could see her pale face. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“I hate this,” she whispered. “I lived in fear for months. I didn’t want to have to do it again.”
“I get it sweetheart. I do. I promise, Agent Parker and I will end this soon. You won’t have to leave here and you will not live in fear.” She moved away from him, his body stiffening at the loss of her heat.
“I’m going to lay back down. Hurry up,” she said quietly, crawling beneath the sheets. Her naked body glimmered in the light from outside as he moved to the door. Looking back, he stepped through, hurrying to his home so he could crawl back into bed with her. Bear, that traitor, bounded back inside the bedroom instead of following Beau, his master. He shook his head as he ran, in a hurry to curl her body back up against his. He hoped they could find Ciminelli soon, because he wanted nothing more than a happy existence and he had a feeling that the only way that would happen, was with Mara.

Chapter 5


Beau rolled over, momentarily disoriented by his surroundings. His arm moved across the bed next to him, only to find it empty. When he had returned last night, he hid the gun in the table next to his side of the bed and pulled an already sleeping Mara against him. Her body curled against him like a perfect fit. Bear had slept on the other side of her, keeping her safe, or so Beau believed. His dog had never taken to someone as easily as he did with Mara. He heard Bear barking and shifted to get out of bed. The sliding door opened, allowing the dog to bound in, jumping up on the bed. He rubbed the furry head as drool covered his bare chest. Mara followed, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head, his tee shirt and a pair of shorts covering her body he wanted to worship again already. He pushed the dog off of him, grinning as Mara took in his excited state.
“Sorry, I have breakfast cooking already. I just ran him outside really quick,” she smiled and winked at him. “But, if you’re a good boy, we can play later.” She tiptoed over and placed a kiss on his cheek, brushing past him into the rest of the house, Bear close on her heels. As he pulled his pants on, he could smell the coffee brewing. This was a new feeling for Beau. He had been the love and leave type since his heart was broken. With Mara, he wanted to wake up to her and that damn bun every morning. He couldn’t contain his laughter as he strode into the kitchen. Bear was staring at Mara as she cooked bacon on the stove. She was chiding him for begging, as if he was a naughty child.
“He doesn’t listen,” Beau told her, making his presence known. The dog didn’t even look back at him. She smiled and nodded. “Bacon is his weakness.” He moved to the coffee pot, pouring two cups. Hearing a knock on the door, Mara stiffened.
Had they found her already? Had she been fooled by her handsome cowboy?
“It’s ok, I’ll go check. You stay put and be ready to run to my house if need be.” Beau rushed back to the room, grabbing his gun. He slid it into the waistband of his pants and stalked quietly to the door. Mara didn’t even blink, her gaze penetrating him and full of fear. She dropped the spatula on the counter and inched towards the kitchen door as Beau wrapped his fingers around the handle.


“Jennie,” he said, opening the door cautiously, sounding astonished.
“Beau,” she laughed. “You’re up early. And shirtless. And not at your own house. Sure do move fast, don’t you, boy? What would your momma say?” She slapped his chest, pretending to be shocked, but pushed past him. “Mara cancelled yesterday, so today I figured I wouldn’t give her the chance. I know what it was like when I first moved. She has all the signs of a scared little kitten. I didn’t want to let her hide here alone. But I see that isn’t the case.” The woman found her way to the kitchen, taking in the sight before her.
“Jennie,” Mara said breathlessly. Her hand pressed to her chest as she went to make sure her breakfast wasn’t burning. Bear ran towards the new person, starved for attention. Jennie bent down to pet him. Mara was upset with herself. There was no reason she should still be doubting Beau. If Agent Parker trusted him, so should she. Especially after last night. He would keep her safe, just like he promised. But Jimmy had made her a lot of promises too. She shook her head.
New start. New start,
she repeated in her head.
“Now that everyone knows who I am,” Jennie grinned, looking up at Mara. “Nice shirt, but you’re going to want something cooler to garden in,” Jennie winked at her. Mara immediately felt uncomfortable. She tugged at the hem of Beau’s shirt, as if it would cover her up. She wished for the floor to swallow her whole. She didn’t need her new small town to think of her as a hussy, jumping into bed with her neighbor just days after moving in.
“Girl, you look like you seen a ghost. Don’t you worry none. I ain’t one for gossiping.” Jennie smiled again at Mara as Beau moved over to snake some bacon from the pan. He handed Bear a piece and shoved the other into his mouth as he tried to not laugh.
“I’m sorry, I’m just, new to this neighborly thing. I never really had friends and my neighbors weren’t the friendly, stop by type. That seems to happen in the big city.” Jennie rose, helping herself to coffee.
“So, we working on that garden today or not? I see you made some progress. Hope your website got figured out.” She looked out the window at what Mara had achieved the day before. “I see you ended up getting it done yesterday huh?” She raised an eyebrow at Mara.
“Most of it. I’m sorry Jennie. I’m really trying to get used to this small town thing.”
“Darling, I get it. I don’t know what or who you’re running from, but I ain’t stupid. Been there done that before in my life. I see a lot of me in you. We can take it slow.” Mara didn’t know what to say to that. Was she so transparent? She looked to Beau for help. He shrugged.
“Jennie’s a smart woman. I told you she was a great friend to make.” Jennie patted his bare shoulder as she wandered by, shifting about the kitchen.


“I just, there’s a lot going on right now. I really do want your help. I just, had some personal things to handle yesterday.” Jennie smiled at her new friend. “I was going to call you today though,” she assured Jennie.
“It’s ok Mara, seriously. I get it. You don’t have to make excuses.” Her glance shifted to Beau. “Besides, if I had a shirtless helper, I’d want to be alone too.” The older lady sipped on the coffee she had poured herself and moved back towards the counter. “But, now that I’m here, I’ll go see what you have going on out there. Beau, go get your shirt back from Mara and grab some of that mulch I saw by the driveway. Mara, get changed and we’ll get to work.”
“But,” Beau started. The look Jennie leveled at him gave him pause.
“But what boy?” She asked.
“Breakfast,” was his only reply as he gave her the puppy dog eyes and glanced over at the bacon on the stove.
“Seems to me that you got your fill already.” She laughed over her shoulder while walking through the kitchen door to the back garden. Mara laughed at Beau as he pouted. She switched the stove off, handing Bear another piece of bacon and shoving another into her mouth.
“I better go change,” said joked, trying to walk by Beau. He reached out, grabbing her by the waist.
“Don’t think you’re getting off that easy,” he whispered against her ear. Beau picked her up by her hips, planting her seated on the counter. He wedged himself between her legs, which she quickly wrapped around his waist. He pressed his body against her, arms planted on each side of her body, bracing himself on the counter. Leaning in, his forehead pressed against hers as they stared at each other.

“You ok?” he asked quietly.
“Not really, but I’m getting there. It’s hard for me to trust someone fully. It’s hard to change years of habits. I think Jennie will be good for me.”
“I get it. Agent Parker filled me in on everything. I need you to understand that I would never do anything to hurt you. Okay? I’m going to do anything necessary to keep you safe, to protect you. I’d die before I let these men get to you. And maybe we should think about letting Jennie know what’s up.”
“I can’t let you do that Beau. It’s enough that we’re already in danger and you know. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her. It’s not fair to you either, but you made your choice. Her knowing, would take away her choice. You should not have to worry about getting hurt or losing your life over me. I made my choices and had to live with them. But I’m moving on now. Getting better. Making better choices. If I have to run, I have to run. Please, promise me, you won’t put yourself in danger because of me. Jennie, she doesn’t need to know anything.”
“Too late darling. Too late,” he murmured before kissing her passionately. It was the sort of kiss that threw her belly into a loop, full of butterflies. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. She closed her eyes and bowed her head. Beau placed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her tightly.
“From the moment I saw you, I think I fell in love. For me, that’s huge. I never wanted to love anyone in this world. Just me and my dog. After last night, I can’t picture not waking up next to you.” Mara remained silent, her eyes closed as Beau held her.

“Well ain’t this cute, but you still ain’t changed.” Jennie stood in the door way, hands on her hips. The couple laughed, looking over at her.
“Jennie,” Mara said, sliding off the counter. “Do you like living in that rented house by yourself?”
“Why’s that sweet girl?”
“How would you like to live here so there’s someone with customers over night, and I’ll be here during the day to run things?”
“So you can play hanky panky with the neighbor?” Jennie raised an eyebrow, grinning at the two who were obviously into each other.
“No, yes, maybe.” She laughed and the sound meant a lot to Beau. He wanted to make sure she laughed every day. After a lifetime of disappointment, she deserved it. Beau looked at Mara in shock as she moved to stand in front of him. “That is, if the offer is still there,” she asked him. “I also think I should hit up the salon today. Do something with my hair,” she winked. Beau just nodded, a stupid grin flashing across his face. Jennie glanced between the two.
“Happened that way with my husband. We met and fell in love right away. We were married for almost forty years.” Her genuine smile made Mara’s heart break. She wouldn’t give in and marry him, but changing her hair would help. She could spend a few nights a week with Beau and some here. There was no hurry to their relationship. But having an extra pair of hands here at the B and B would help.
“I can’t pay yet, but you’d live rent free, free meals, your new best friend there with you all day.” Jennie looked at her thoughtfully.
“I’ll sleep on it. Let’s get going, change your clothes,” she shooed Mara. “By the way, you think of a name for this place?” Over her shoulder, Mara called out.
“Lone Star Escape.”
“I like it,” Jennie murmured to Beau as Mara left them alone. “You keep her safe, no matter what she’s running from, you hear?” He nodded, watching the woman exit back out the porch. Nothing would happen to Mara. He would die first, no matter what she wanted.

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