Long As You Know Who You Belong To (14 page)

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Authors: jwppublishing

Tags: #fiction, #urban

BOOK: Long As You Know Who You Belong To
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Kimani remained silent for a moment, then he shrugged
his shoulders. “Fuck it, then.  I’m going to go find my
brother's bitch ass." 

He opened up the door, and I reached for his arm. I
cued the crocodile tears and got ready to hit him with everything I
had. I’d never been into theatre, but I had always been with the
dramatics. “Please! I know you're upset, but so am I. I don’t
have anyone else to turn to. I can’t tell my dad because he
would murk that nigga on site, and the one person I would normally
turn to is the cause of the bullshit.” I could feel Kimani’s
muscles relax a bit as I held on to his arm. “Please.”

Slowly, Kimani closed the door and turned to face me.
He studied my face for a moment and then sighed deeply. “I gotchu,

I smiled weakly and walked back into the living room
with Kimani following behind me. He tossed his keys back onto the
coffee table and picked up his drink before he sat back down on the
couch. I kicked my shoes off and curled my feet underneath me.
Kimani looked into his glass, and my heart rate picked up. I
couldn’t see any remnants of the sleeping pill from where I was
sitting and was hoping that he couldn’t either.

“I can’t stand warm liquor. I’ma go grab me some more
ice. You want some more?” he asked.

“No, I’m good. Thanks.”

Kimani walked out of the living room and back into
the kitchen. I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard the ice machine
spit out a few cubes. Kimani returned a few moments later with the
same glass of Hennessy. He surprised me when he threw the entire
contents back in one swallow before plopping down heavily onto the
sofa. A weary look wavered in his eyes, as he glanced at me and
then trained his gaze on the empty glass.

“How’d you find out?” he asked.

I watched as he leaned back onto the sofa with his
eyes closed. The pills I had were potent, and I knew that they
would kick in almost immediately. As I began to talk, I could see
him begin to fade so I loosened the belt on my trench. It was time
for phase three.


March 2015

I was like a kid approaching the candy store. I had
been so caught up at the club with the books, then Blu, then
organizing the pick-ups from the trap, that I almost forgot that I
had my date with Blaze tonight. Yeah, I had a date with another
chick and I didn’t feel the least bit bad about it. Nakami had been
past worn out her welcome, fake fiancé or not. I was closer than
ever to deading that situation, and I was happy to have Blaze to
take her place. I had to be careful, though. I didn’t need another
Nakami on my hands.

I walked past the mirror that adorned the hotel suite
I was paying for and made sure that I was fresh. Dressed in a pair
of Paper Supply jeans, a button down denim shirt by the same
designer, and a pair of beige suede Christian Louboutin Amory
boots, I was definitely clean. I finished off my look with a pair
of beige suspenders that were casually hanging off my hips and a
grey scully that housed my dreads that were in need of a re-twist.
I had sprayed myself with Clive Christian cologne on the way out
the bathroom and threw on my favorite watch, the Dover by Jord. A
nigga was looking and feeling good, like a boss nigga should. I had
told Nakami that I had to shoot a quick move out of town for
business and, surprisingly, she didn’t put up a fight. 

Happy than a mothafucka, I walked out of my room at
the Mr. C Hotel in Beverly Hills and took the elevator to the
restaurant downstairs. Instead of being seated and waiting for
Blaze inside the restaurant, I chose to wait for her in the lobby
of the hotel. I stood around for less than ten minutes before she
sauntered in the door. The dictionary didn’t currently have a word
fit to describe this woman. Fuck the restaurant, I was ready to
make her my full course meal on site. Blaze sashayed over to me in
a black leather skirt that started at her waist and stopped at her
knees with a sheer black lace top that showed off the top of her
stomach. Her perky breasts that were spilling out of her bra. A
white leather jacket was draped over her shoulders, and her hair
was pulled back from her face in a low ponytail. Simple but large
diamond studs hung from her ears, and multiple rings sparkled from
her fingers. Unconsciously, I reached up and wiped the corners of
my mouth, sure that I was drooling at this point.

“Hi,” she smiled coyly.

I didn’t respond with words. I reached down and
wrapped her up in a hug, making sure my hands made their way to the
top of her backside. She smelled like cinnamon and peaches and it
made me brick up instantly. I pulled back hoping that she couldn’t
feel my dick being childish.

“You look good,” I complimented her.

“So do you.”

I stared at her for a moment and watched as her
cheeks flushed. All of a sudden dinner at a Beverly Hills
restaurant sounded offensive. She deserved better than a five
course meal at a four-star hotel.

“Yo, I got an idea. I’ll be right back. Stay right
here.” I smiled and dashed off before she could protest.

A few minutes and a couple phone calls later, I
returned to where Blaze stood, confused. I smiled mischievously,
grabbed her hand, and led her towards the door.

“Where are we going? I thought we were eating.”

“We are. Just not here.”

Outside the hotel, there was a car waiting for us. I
motioned for the driver to stay in the car, while I opened the door
for Blaze.  She hopped in, and I followed suit. The driver
took off, as he already knew where we were headed.

“So, Blaze, tell me about yourself.”

Instead of answering, she rebutted, “So, you’re
really not going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Do you trust me?”

She stared at me with a look of amusement on her
face. When she realized I wasn’t joking, she cleared her throat and
looked me square in the eyes. “Against my better judgement, I

I laughed a little. “Why against your better

“C’mon. My first run in with you, you were coming out
of the jewelry store carrying a ring box in your hand,
you tried to hide it
.” I coward under embarrassment as she
continued, “And when I ran into you the second time, your brother
hinted to the fact that you were using a chick for a come-up. Don’t
play me like I’m stupid, cuz I’m not,” she frowned.

Damn. She had just read me my rights. I didn’t even
know shawty had peeped the ring box. I had to set her straight for
that last comment real quick though. “Yeah, you got me on the ring
but that situation is in the process of being corrected.”

“Corrected? Why does it need to be corrected?”

I sighed. “Because shawty was a bad move. I thought I
had come up real quick, but I really had set myself up for
disaster. There were some perks that came along with being with
her, but that’s not why I went after her in the first place.
She…she’s just a bad move. Let’s leave it at that.”

Blaze nodded her head. I could tell that she had more
questions, but I was grateful that she was able to leave it at
that. I grabbed her hand, and she looked up at me.

“Don’t think that I’m not sincere because of my
situation. Honestly, if I could just walk away, I would. But it’s
not that simple. I have to make moves quietly before I can be done
with it. But I like you. I’m intrigued by you. So if you’re with
it, let’s enjoy each other’s company and see what happens from

“That’s cool on one condition.”

“And what’s that?”

“Don’t lie to me. I need you to keep it real with me.
I know that you have a situation, and I can’t lie and say that I’m
completely okay with it. But I’m willing to see where this

A wide smile snaked across my face. She didn’t know
how happy she had just made a nigga when she said that. I grabbed
her hand, and she pulled it back quickly. 

“I’m serious, Grey. Trust that I do fine by myself
and I haven’t had any problem finding a man that comes without all
the baggage that you currently find yourself lugging around. You
need to make a choice soon about your lil’ situation, or I’ll make
a choice to dip.” 

“I believe you. I’m handling it. Just give me two
weeks, and you’re all mine.” 

Blaze smiled and then she caught herself. “You
don’t know me from the thot down the street. Why are you willing to
ditch your fiancé to take a chance on me?” she

Before I answered her, I took a second to think about
it myself. Knowing the hell I had gotten myself in by rushing into
things with Nakami, I couldn’t help but think I was dumb as fuck to
be putting myself in the position to make the same mistake twice.
But I couldn’t help but feel like this move may be my best move.
There was something so real about Blaze. She was right; I didn’t
know her well and we may need to take things slow. But I wasn’t
willing to give her up.

“To be honest, ol’ girl was on her way out before I
even met you. And I’m not planning to propose again anytime soon,
but I’d definitely like to get to know you more. You’re beautiful
and confident, you got a mouth on you that turns me on, and you
take care of business. I’m attracted to you off rip, and I have a
feeling there is more to you than meets the eye.”

Blaze grinned and then rolled her eyes slightly. “You
have no idea. But like I said before, I trust you.  But
I’m holding you to what you said. I’ll give you a week, but that

“You got that, ma.” 

The car finally pulled to a stop. The driver got out
and opened the door for Blaze, while I hopped out the other side of
the car to join her.

When I reached her side of the car, excitement was
painted all over her face. She looked from the private jet that was
parked a few feet away and then back at me with wide
eyes. “What is this? I thought we were going to

“We are. You told me you like Mexican food,


“Well, what has had better Mexican food

“Mexico?! We are seriously going to fly to Mexico for
chips and salsa?” she laughed.

“And maybe some huevos ranchero too. We’ll come back
in the morning, if that’s cool.” 

“You are just too much.” She couldn’t contain her
grin. Blaze grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the plane. “We’re
going to Mexico, baby!” she squealed. 

I couldn’t help but feel like that nigga. I knew
Blaze could do for herself. But feeling like I could do something
for her that no other nigga could do made me feel good. At that
moment, I knew that I needed to make good on my promise. The
timeline on getting rid of Nakami had just been moved up.


March 2015


“Whaaa....diddddddd....youuuuu....” Kimani


Slowly, I let my trench slide off my body and to the
floor. My birthday suit was on full display as I stood in front of
Kimani. Quickly, I made my way to the belt on his jeans, on a
mission to get this over with. He made a feeble attempt to stop me,
but I swatted his hand away and continued to get him out of his

Once he was completely bottomless, I pulled his dick
out and began to stroke it. I was happy to see that he was just as
blessed as Grey. He began to harden in my hand, and I took that as
my cue to hop on. I straddled Kimani and lowered myself onto his
thick pole. 

“Na...na....what are you doing? You can’t...” Kimani
tried to lift me off of him, but he was too weak. The sleeping pill
had put him in a relaxed state, and he was in no condition to put
up a fight. 

“I’m sorry I had to drag you into this, bro. 
But Grey needs to learn a lesson. You can’t go around fucking your
bitch’s best friend and think that you’ll walk away unscathed.
Ohhh...” I started to feel his dick hitting spots that sent small
chills down my spine. 

Kimani’s hands fell limply by his side. I picked them
up, placed them on my ass, and held them there. I knew in my head
that I was only fucking his brother for one purpose, but the curve
of his dick was fucking up my train of thought. I bounced up and
down on his rod like it was my day job a few more times. I could
feel myself getting dick dizzy and I slowed my pace as I tried to
regain my focus. 

Leaning over, I grabbed my phone from the other
side of the couch. Turning on the video feature, I propped the
phone up against one of the throw pillows and hit record. 

As I continued to fuck my fiancé’s brother, my mind
began to wander. Grey needed to know that I was not the one to fuck
with. He might have just thought that I was just some spoiled
little princess who only knew how to plan events, but there was
much more to me than that.

My father, being the single parent that he was, took
me everywhere and involved me in everything. I had mastered
jiu-jitsu by the time I was twelve, conquered goju-ryu karate by
fourteen, and had also been taught the art of fencing and archery.
By eighteen, I was a perfect shot and could throw knives like a
motherfucking ninja. While I didn’t know how to cook drugs, I did
know everything about the back end of the business. I was aware of
every crook and crevice of my father’s business and, whether Grey
knew about it or not, I knew his operation like the back of my
hand. I could fuck his entire world up without having to even
involve my father. 

The only thing was, I was truly in love with Grey;
madly, deeply, completely in love with Grey. He was perfect. He was
rugged and handsome with good dick and deep pockets. He was a thug
with refined edges, incredible taste in clothes, and good
conversation. He was smooth with it, smart as shit, and a low-key
romantic. He was everything. He only had one flaw in my eyes. He
had wandering dick syndrome. 

Why couldn’t he just keep it in his pants? He had
more than enough pussy at home! He could get it anyway that he
wanted, any time of the day, anywhere that he requested. I would
drop everything I was doing in order to please this nigga, and that
still wasn’t enough? I sucked him dry, fucked him into a coma,
wiped him down with a warm towel, and even stayed up to cook his
ass a meal after he got his nut off. I couldn’t figure out what in
the hell I wasn’t giving him that he found in Blu’s stank

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