Long As You Know Who You Belong To (16 page)

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Authors: jwppublishing

Tags: #fiction, #urban

BOOK: Long As You Know Who You Belong To
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I had tried to hire an outside hit, but as soon as
they heard that Hero was the one that I wanted dead, they declined.
The nigga was really untouchable. This was the only way for me to
get at him. And by the way he looked today, I could tell that it
was working. When the waitress came back, thallium would be in his
water and inside of his crab cakes. The crab cakes would take a
while to digest, so while I was at the crib chilling with my feet
up, this nigga would be somewhere taking his last breath. And I
couldn’t have been happier.


March 2015


I had been following this bitch for three days, and I
was growing hella bored. Today would be the day that I made my
presence known. I watched as Blu walked out of the mall with a
stupid amount of bags in tow. I had no doubt that she was spending
the money that I had so graciously allowed her to make on the baby
that was growing inside of her with half of my man’s DNA. The
thought made me shake with anger, and it took everything in me not
to take out the .45 that was in my purse and light the bitch up.
But we needed to talk first.

So I hopped into my rental car and followed her. She
was staying at the Westin Kierland Spa and Resort, so I had since
left my much nicer hotel to lay-up in a chain hotel. Ew. But I
needed to have access to the hotel at all times, so I had to bite
the bullet. I followed her back to the hotel and watched her take
all her things inside. I waited around in the lobby for twenty
minutes before I made my way to room 478 to surprise my “best

Butterflies built up in my stomach as I took the
elevator up. Despite what I was about to do, I had love for Blu.
She was the only other person in my life that had ever meant
something to me outside of Grey and my father.  Although she
had violated me, those feelings of the sisterly bond we used to
have still lingered in my heart.

The elevator finally stopped, and I walked off and
down the hall to her room. I knocked and then stood to the side of
the peephole so that she couldn’t see me. A smart person wouldn’t
have opened the door if they weren’t able to determine who was
outside. She proved she wasn’t that smart when she swung the door
wide open.

“Hey boo!” I smiled widely. I didn’t wait for her to
extend an invitation to come inside; I just pushed right past

“Nakami! What…what are you doing here? How did you
know I was here?” She closed the door and faced me with a puzzled
look on her face.

I hated to admit it, but she looked beautiful. She
wasn’t showing yet, but her skin was radiant and she looked relaxed
and happy. Dressed in a lime green, black, and white Parker dress
and black L.A.M.B. wedges, and with her hair in a neat halo braid,
she looked almost angelic.
Stupid bitch.

“Oh, Grey told me that you were coming out here.”

“Grey? I didn’t tell Grey where I was going.”

Damn. I was sure that she had clued her baby daddy in
about her whereabouts.

“Fuck this nice shit,” I said before I pulled out my
.45 with an attached silencer.

“Kami! What the fuck?” She stared at me with wide
eyes but didn’t move.

“I should be asking you the same thing. When were you
going to tell me that you were pregnant?”

“What? He told you?”

“He didn’t have to. I walked in on ya’ll discussing
the bastard baby the other day.”

“I…I… I don’t understand why you’re so upset.”

I walked close to Blu and grimaced. This trick had to
be kidding me. She was carrying my man’s baby, and she didn’t know
why I was so upset? The thought sent me reeling and, before I knew
it, I had slammed the butt of my gun into her head and she


March 2015


I pounded on Grey’s door like I was the fucking
police. Someone was going to give me some fucking answers today. I
had been to Blu’s house every day since Nakami had dropped the bomb
on me, and she had been right; Blu had dipped. I called her until
my fingers got tired, and I received her voicemail every time. A
nigga was beyond frustrated, but I wasn’t giving up until I got to
the bottom of this.

Shit had gotten too weird since Nakami came over. I
woke up the next morning with a slight headache and a sticky dick
sitting outside of my pants. That mystery had been solved when I
had looked through my phone and found the video of Nakami and me
fucking. Or should I say of Nakami fucking me. I was out cold.
Bitch must have slipped something in my drink. I guess that was her
get back for Grey knocking up her bestie, but shit, I didn’t want
any part of that. Grey was still my brother regardless of what he
did, and I just wasn’t cut like that.

I banged on the door again and waited a few more
seconds before my phone rang. It was Grey.

“Fuck you at?” I barked.

“On my way home. Why?” he answered.

“I’m at your crib.”

“Oh, ok. I’ll be there in five.”

I hung up without saying another word because I had
another call coming it. It was blocked, and I was hoping that it
was Blu.


“Damn still the same, huh?”

. “What do you want, Vicious?”

“A chance to make it up to you. I’m sorry, I swear I
am,” she whined. I was losing my patience with everything and
everyone, including her.

“What part of ‘I don’t fuck with you’ don’t you get?
You’re messy, bro. And I’m good.”

“So you really want to be with that stripper bitch?”
she asked, sucking her teeth.

“How you know?”

“Baby, please. You don’t make a move that I don’t
know about. I can’t believe that you would rather lay-up with that
used pussy hoe instead of me. She’s just a trick bitch looking for
a come up.”

I had heard enough. I disconnected the call and
turned my phone on vibrate. I wasn’t in the mood for shit unless it
involved the answers to my questions. I paced the winding driveway
for a few minutes before Grey’s Audi R8 came speeding in. He parked
and hopped out, walking towards me with a smile on his face.
“What’s up, bro?”

“You tell me.”

He unlocked the front door and walked inside. I
followed him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“You just out here getting bitches pregnant?”

Grey stopped walking and turned around to face me. He
looked shook. Guess keeping a secret that big will do that to you.
“Nakami is pregnant? How do you know?”

I laughed at this nigga’s attempt to deflect. “Naw,
nigga. Blu is, though.”

His expression changed from worried to confused.
“Yeah, I know that. But what does that have to do with me?”

“How would you even know she was pregnant unless you
was the one that knocked her up?!” I screamed. His nonchalance was
pissing me off.

“The fuck I look like?” He looked at me like I was
crazy. “Why would I be fucking Blu?” I asked.

“The same reason you would have been fucking Ginae,”
I spat.

That shut him up. He didn’t think I knew about him
lowkey sexing my old chick, but I did. I didn’t want to believe
that he had went there again with Blu, but apparently I shouldn’t
put anything past him.

“Look man, that was on some drunk shit. She came on
to me, and I tried to get her to stop but she-”

“That shit is old, bruh. But you know how I feel
about Blu. Why would you even…” I couldn’t even talk anymore. I
could feel myself getting choked up and angry, and I didn’t even
want to go there.

“I didn’t! Where are you getting this from?”

“Nakami. She heard ya’ll talking the other day at the
club. And she came and told me.”

“She…what?! Oh, fuck. Man, no.” He walked into his
office and I followed him. “Blu came to tell me about the
pregnancy, but that’s your kid.”

“Look, I know about it now. You ain’t gotta lie. Just
tell me why, bro.”

“I’m not lying. Look.” Grey pulled up his laptop and
hit a few buttons. He spun the computer around and it displayed a
video from his club. He hit the space bar and the video started to
play. I watched as he and Blu walked out to the patio and listened
as Blu spilled her feelings to him about the baby and me. I
couldn’t help the tears that escaped when I realized that I
actually had a kid on the way by the woman I loved. I couldn’t
believe this shit.

The video came to an end, and I looked up at Grey.
“Man, I’m…”

“Aye, I’m sorry bro. About Ginae and never telling
you about that shit. That was wrong. And I shouldn’t have hid this
stuff about Blu from you either.”

“You good. But why would Nakami think that the kid
was yours?”

“Who knows? You know the broad ain’t right

Suddenly I thought about the video and the text that
she sent me. I felt horrible. I know that she had drugged me, but I
had still stuck my dick in her and that shit shouldn’t have went

“Aye, I gotta show you something,” I sighed. I took
my phone out and showed the text and video to Grey. “I’m sorry,
bruh. That bitch drugged me though!”

“You having sex with her isn’t a big deal. You know
that she on her way outta there anyway, but what is this shit she’s
talking in the text message? ‘I knew you wouldn’t get the revenge
we deserved, so I did it for you. People don’t cross me and get
away scott free.’ Fuck is that about?”

“I don’t even know, man. And to be honest, I don’t
care. I just want to find Blu and make this right.”

Grey paced the floor. “I don’t know where she is. She
told me she was out, but never said where she was going.”


We sat in silence for a moment. Suddenly, Grey
stopped in his tracks. He then turned around to me. “You know
what’s crazy? Nakami called a few days ago and told me that she had
to go out of town to do something for her father. But when I talked
to him today, he had no clue what I was talking about. You don’t
think she would try to hurt Blu, do you?”

“If anybody would have known where Blu ran off to, it
would have been Nakami. Maybe she went to talk to her? She seemed
pretty upset when I talked to her the other day.”

“I don’t know, man. If she thinks that Blu is
carrying my seed, there is no telling what she might do.”

“Fuck!” I grabbed my head and started pacing in a
circle. “What are we going to do? I can’t let anything happen to
her, man!”

“Hey, calm down. We’ll figure this out.”

“Grey, my nigga, Nakami and Blu have been gone for
three days already. There is no telling what already has gone down,
and we don’t even know where she’s at!” I started to get frantic. I
was useless if I couldn’t protect the people I loved.

“Well, if Nakami really did go to find Blu, I know
how we can find them.”

“You ain’t said nothing but a word, nigga. How?”


March 2015


My eyes fluttered open and I try to adjust my eyes to
see in the dark. It was dark, with only a dim flicker from the
broken ceiling light and from the crack in the boarded up window,
providing a hazy view of my surroundings. I could tell it was dark
outside. I began to move but realized that my legs and feet were
tied to something and I couldn’t get free. The taut tape that
covered my mouth prevented me from screaming, but it didn’t prevent
me from freaking out. I rattled and shook until the chair that I
was tied to fell over. A muffled scream escaped from my lips when I
realized that I had landed next to a dead body. The man’s eyes were
wide open and held the same terror I was feeling. There was a
bullet hole in the middle of his forehead the size of a dime. I
didn’t know where I was at and how I got there, but I had to get

But before I could make another move, I heard a door
open and shut. I held my breath as I waited for my abductor to come
into view. The lights flickered on, and I almost peed myself when I
saw who I had come face to face with. Looking like she had walked
straight off the runway, Nakami sashayed into the house with a
bright smile on her face. She was dressed like she was going on a
date, but she had a paper grocery bag in her hand that she sat on
the table and a jug of what looked like gasoline in her other hand.
She smiled at the fear that was evident in my eyes and walked over
to turn my chair right side up.

“Sorry about the mess. I’m just a terrible
housekeeper. But you knew that,” she laughed.

I looked around and counted two more dead bodies
scattered around the room. I had the urge to throw up but held it
in for fear of choking on my own vomit.

“You know everything about me. You know that I would
never be caught dead in last season’s clothes, that I used to fuck
women for sport, that I despise liars, and that I honor loyalty.
You are, after all, my best friend. You know me like the back of
your hand,” she smirked.  “So why…why oh why…would you fuck my
fiancé?” she asked.

I started trying to talk but remembered the tape was
on my mouth. She had really lost her mind. What was she talking

“Oh, I want to hear what you have to say. So I’m
going to take the tape off, but I will not hesitate to put a bullet
in you if you scream.” She pulled the gun from the back of her
black Hudson jeans and let it rest at her side. “Nod if you

I nodded slowly. She approached me and ripped the
tape off my mouth like she would win an award for speed. I
flinched, but I’d be damned if I’d give this crazy hoe the
satisfaction of knowing that she hurt me.

“So tell me why.”

“I didn’t.”

Nakami shook her head. “So you’re really going to lie
to my face right now? While I have a gun?”

“I’m not lying, you crazy bitch! I never slept with
Grey! I love his brother!” I screamed.

Before I knew what happened, a loud pop filled the
air and a sharp pain shot through my arm. I screamed from the pain,
and Nakami quickly put another piece of tape over my mouth.

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