Longing for Love (15 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

BOOK: Longing for Love
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“Are you sure it’s a good idea to see him?”

“Hell, no. I’m sure it’s a terrible idea, but I can’t bear the idea of him denying her a divorce because of me.”

“I understand that. What does Mac say about it?”

“He doesn’t want me to get hurt again, and I love him for that.”

“I don’t blame him for worrying.”

“I don’t either, but he refuses to understand how hard it is for me to be the one thing standing between my mother and what she wants and deserves after all she’s been through.”

“Mom is perfectly thrilled to be living with Ned. I don’t think a piece of paper is going to change anything for them.”

“She hasn’t said as much to me, but I think she’s still old-school enough to be uncomfortable about shacking up without the benefit of marriage.”

“Probably,” Tiffany conceded. “So when are you going to see him?”

“I left him a message. I’m waiting to hear back and tiptoeing around my husband in the meantime.”

“Let me know if you hear from him.”

“I will.”

“I slept with Blaine.” So much for keeping it secret.

Maddie froze, her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. “

“It was awesome. Incredible. Amazing. All those things.”

“Oh my God! I’m so happy for you! This is the best news I’ve heard in ages.”

“Don’t get all crazy. It’s not some great love affair, so don’t make it into more than it is.”

“Oh, I bet it’ll turn out to be more than just sex.”

“I wouldn’t take that bet. We barely talk to each other.”

Maddie fanned her face. “That’s so
. You have to give me some details.”

“No! No way.”

“Come on… It’s just me. Spill it.”

Tiffany’s entire body heated when she thought about Blaine and what they’d done together.

“Whoa, it’s so hot it makes you blush when you
about it?”

“It was pretty hot,” Tiffany conceded.

“You gotta give me something. One little tidbit?”

Tiffany got a reprieve when Rebecca delivered their omelets. Maddie dove in like she hadn’t eaten in weeks, while Tiffany picked at hers.

“I haven’t forgotten,” Maddie said between bites.

“You’re a pain in the ass.”

“I know.”

Tiffany rolled her eyes. “I didn’t grill you like this when you got together with Mac.”

“That’s because you were too busy hating him for being a McCarthy.” Maddie poked her fork at Tiffany. “I would’ve been happy to share the dirty details with you.”

“Liar. You never talked to me about that stuff.”

“That’s because before Mac there wasn’t much to talk about.” Maddie checked her watch. “I need to get back to the clinic to check on Daisy. Are you going to share or not?”


“You should know that Blaine was truly amazing with Daisy last night. He’s very good at what he does. The island is lucky to have him.”

“That’s true.” When Tiffany thought of how he’d defied the mayor on her behalf, her stomach turned and she lost interest in her coffee. What if he lost his job because of her? She couldn’t let that happen.

Maddie nudged her out of her thoughts. “You have to tell me

“Fine! What do you want to know?”

Maddie propped her chin on her upturned hand. “Oh, I don’t know. Something…

“How do you know there was anything scandalous?”

“Because you two have been having eye sex for months now. I have no doubt it was scandalous.”

“What the hell is ‘eye sex’?” Tiffany asked with a laugh.

“Tearing each other’s clothes off with your eyes.”

Tiffany laughed again at that. “This is all I’m saying, you got me?”

Maddie leaned in closer so she wouldn’t miss a word. “Got it. I’m ready. Bring it on.”

“He made a ceiling fan into a sex toy.”

How? How did he do that?”

Tiffany flashed her sister a smug smile and slid out of the booth. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

“That’s mean!” Maddie called after her. “And so is stiffing me with the check.”

“Breakfast was your idea, not mine,” Tiffany replied as she waved to Rebecca and headed for the door. “I’ll get it next time.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Chapter 9

Pleased to have gotten the upper hand with her clever sister, Tiffany enjoyed the view of the ferry landing as she made her way to the shop. The light breeze from the harbor was cool but warmer than it had been only a week ago. Summer was right around the corner, and Tiffany couldn’t wait. She was about fifteen minutes late to open but doubted anyone would notice. As she got closer to the store, though, she noticed someone waiting on the sidewalk outside the store and moved a little quicker. She stopped short when she realized it was Blaine.

“You’re late,” he said in a low growl that made the blood zing through her veins.

Instantly aware of him and the gaze that traveled over every inch of her body and lingered on her breasts, Tiffany fumbled for her keys. “I had breakfast with my sister. Have you been here long?”

“About fifteen minutes. I was hoping you’d show up soon.”

She pushed open the door and propped it open with a wooden doorstopper carved in the shape of a woman’s bottom. Tiffany had dressed it in a pair of the panties she stocked in the store. “How come?”

“I wanted to see you so I could tell you I’m sorry I had to cancel our plans last night.”

“My sister told me what happened—and that you were great.”

He shrugged off the compliment.

“How’s Daisy?”

“She’ll be okay. Eventually.”

“And how are you?”

He seemed surprised that she’d asked. “Fine. Just doing my job.”

“It must be hard to deal with situations like that.”

“It can be, but fortunately it doesn’t happen very often around here. It was worse in my old job. I saw a lot of crazy crap.”

“Like what?”

He shook his head and advanced toward her, every bit the predatory tiger in pounce mode. “I don’t want to talk about that stuff. That’s not why I wanted to see you.”

Once again he had her backed up to a counter, clutching the edge as she waited to see what he would do. Her heart raced, and her sex clenched in anticipation, even as a niggling voice in the back of her head took note of the fact that he never wanted to talk about himself or his past.

His fingers dug into her hips, and his chest brushed against her nipples, sending a tingle of sensation darting through her.

“We can’t,” she said haltingly, failing to convince even herself. “Not here.”

He grinned at her, and her stomach went into a free fall. “What do you think is about to happen?”

“With you, I’m never quite sure.”

“I like keeping you off balance.”

“So I’ve noticed.”

“Does it bother you?” he asked as he pressed his erection against her stomach.

“Do I look bothered?”

“Maybe a little
and bothered.”

“Maybe a little.”

“Could I have a kiss?”

She shook her head. “I have coffee breath.”

“I don’t care about that.”

“I do.”

“I’m craving you. Are you really going to deny me?”

Hearing him say he craved her did funny things to her insides. “One small kiss and that’s it.”

His smile was positively wolfish as he hauled her in even closer to him and brought his lips down on hers for much more than a “small” kiss. By the time he drew back from her five minutes later, her legs trembled, her nipples stood at attention and her sex was tight with need.

“That was
a small kiss.”

“It wasn’t a small craving.” He turned his attention to her neck while his hands kneaded her bottom. “Let’s go in the back.”

“No,” she said, pushing at his muscular chest. “I have to behave at work.”

“You’re no fun.” His boyish pout was too adorable for words.

She flashed him a saucy smile. “You know that’s not true.”

“I want to see you later.”

“I can’t. I have Ashleigh tonight.”

“Oh. Okay. Another time, then.” He held her close to him for another minute before he released her and stepped back, seeming reluctant to let her go. “I’m off until the day after tomorrow.” He reached for a pen on the counter and took her hand, writing a phone number on her palm. “Call me if you have any free time.” Pressing a kiss to her palm, he closed her hand around the number.

Ridiculously charmed, she said, “I will.”

“Don’t wash the number off your hand.”

“Go, will you? I have work to do.”

“I’m going. Will you be at Stephanie’s opening tomorrow night?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

“I’ll see you there, if not before.”

Her gaze was fixed on his very appealing rear end as he walked away from her. She wanted to call him back. She liked how she felt when he was around—sexy, desired, excited, on edge… However, she was a bit disappointed that he didn’t seem to want to spend time with her if Ashleigh was there, too. Of course, it was probably way too soon for Ashleigh to meet him, especially since theirs was only a fling. The last thing she needed was more trouble with Jim if he caught wind of Ashleigh spending time with Blaine. She’d prefer to keep their relationship private for as long as possible.

Tiffany took advantage of the quiet morning to catch up on a ton of paperwork. She sent off the rent check to the landlord, hoping she’d be able to pay the rent next month, too. It would be close, but if Race Week turned out the business the way it normally did, she should be okay.

The bells on the door jingled, and in walked Verna Upton, wearing a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

“Just Verna!” Tiffany said. “How are you?”

“I am
, my darling. Simply

“I take it Mayor Upton approved of your purchases yesterday.”

“You could say that. After he peeled his jaw off the floor and got into the spirit of things, he approved quite wholeheartedly.”

“Excellent!” Tiffany clapped her hands while choking back a gag as an image of the rotund mayor in the all-together danced through her mind. She shook her head to clear away the disturbing image. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Honey, I’m going to tell you something rather personal.”

Oh, I so wish you wouldn’t
, Tiffany thought while appearing to hang on Verna’s every word.

“We haven’t had sex like that since our honeymoon. My Chet was positively ravenous. I’m a little…
…today, but it was
worth it.”

Tiffany winced and hoped Verna took it as empathy rather than revulsion. “That’s wonderful.” She gave the older woman a hug.

“It’s all because of you and your store.”

“That’s not true! Your husband reacted to your efforts to be sexy. It was because of

“Well, maybe so, but you certainly helped me. I need something else for tonight.” Verna began browsing through the racks, holding up one slinky outfit after another.

“I’ll make you a deal, Verna.”

“I’m listening.”

“The next outfit is on the house if you tell your friends to come into the store.”

“Oh, honey, I’ve already told
my friends they need to get down here. I wouldn’t dream of taking anything free from you after what you’ve done for me.”

Tiffany considered what she’d said. “Then maybe you could talk to your husband about taking his complaint about my store off the town council’s docket for next week’s meeting?”

“Are you kidding me?” Verna’s outrage was palpable. “I’ll have that taken care of. Don’t you worry.”

“That’d be great, Verna. Thanks so much. Now, let’s figure out what you should wear tonight.”

“We probably ought to take care of tomorrow night while I’m here, too.”



Knocking on the door to the office that used to be his was rather strange for Joe. “Hey, Seamus. You wanted to see me?”

Seamus O’Grady looked up from the paperwork on the desk and greeted him with a smile. “Come in, Joe. Have a seat.”

“How’s it going?” Joe asked as he handed Seamus the coffee he’d brought for him.

Seamus held up the coffee cup in thanks. “Better now.”

“Everything okay?”

Seamus paused for a second, seeming to choose his words carefully. “No, I’m sorry to say it isn’t.”

Joe sat up straighter, instantly on alert. Seamus had saved his life the last two years by running the ferry company as well as Joe could’ve done it himself. Janey had two more years of vet school to go, and Joe was counting on Seamus to keep things running smoothly with the company while they were in Ohio. “What’s wrong?”

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