Lonzo: Book 1 (Tycoon Series Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Lonzo: Book 1 (Tycoon Series Book 1)
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“Your pussy feel so fucking amazing. I can stay here forever—” he was barely coherent. “Come on my cock.”

Her inner walls began to clasp his cock like a suction. She was nearing orgasm. Any time now…

She screamed. He kissed her to muffle the sound, sucking her tongue.

He continued to plow her, fucking her through her own climax, prolonging it.

Fuck he was close.

The prickles began at the back of his legs, ascending up his body. His spine liquefied before he exploded. He shouted at the top of his lungs, his cock swelling even more as his seed gushed in strong, unending spurts.

His knees almost gave out.

He leaned against her weakly as they both gasped for breath.

Never had sex been this good.

No woman made him forget his wits. Until now.

He just had unprotected sex with her.


She had bewitched him.








Chapter Eleven


She was breathing heavily as she clung to him for support.
She felt weak and vulnerable as a newborn kitten. Knowing that he felt the same way was a small consolation.

His head nuzzled her neck. His heaving, clothed chest caused a delicious friction on her naked nipples.

Jordana tilted her head against the door before slowly opening her eyes.

She wanted to say something but her throat felt dry.

He lifted his head, his eyes met hers.

“Jordana...” he began.

She wanted to put her hands over her ears. She couldn’t deal with him at the moment. She didn’t trust herself to say something.

Worse, she might end up bawling if she dared open her mouth.

Why did she succumb to this man?

Her traitorous body had betrayed her again.

“Cara—” he drawled. His expression remained unreadable.

The fact that she didn’t have an inkling on what he was thinking made things worse. She didn’t know him.

Oh you know him alright
, her brain said derisively.
In the biblical sense.

She closed her eyes to block the unwanted thought but she couldn’t shut the voice inside her head. On two separate occasions, she had intimate relations with him, a stranger.

Intimate relations? Wait, that’s not exactly true.

Because there was no intimacy involved. It was just…sex. Albeit mind-blowing sex.

And you begged for it.

She tasted the tang of shame inside her mouth.

She had to get away from him.

Flattening her palms against his hard chest, she pushed him away, only to feel mortified when she realized one thing.

They were still connected. And from the way he felt inside her…his stamina could never be doubted.

“Let me go—” she squeaked as she renewed her efforts to escape.

He pulled away and she was finally free. Her legs felt rubbery and weak.

He gave her a probing look, his eyes unfathomable. “What’s wrong?”

Did he regret what transpired between them or was he feeling smug because got what he came for? Her mind asked.

She lowered her eyes and didn’t reply. She couldn’t. Her shame at herself ran deep.

Scooping the tattered remains of her underwear off the floor, she made a mad dash for the sanctuary of her bathroom. She quickly locked it and slumped on the floor, tears threatening to overflow.

“Open up, Jordana! We need to talk about this,” he called out, punctuating every word by banging his fist against the thick, wooden door.

Talk about what? That she was an easy lay? No! She didn’t want to talk about it. She wanted him to go away and leave her alone.

Thank goodness the hotel installed solid doors.

“Jordana!” he was shouting now. “Open this damned door!”

Let him in to mock her? No way!

She slowly stood up. Her legs quaked, her limbs achy and sore from the rough activity they just did.

Tentatively, she made her way toward the vanity. Shock registered on her face when she saw herself in the mirror.

She was naked—her brunette curls wild, lips all red and puffy, eyes heavily-lidded.
Wait, what’s with the dreamy expression?!

Overall she looked like someone delivered by Sex R’ Us.
Your-satisfaction-guaranteed or you’ll-have-her-free,
insane thoughts bounced inside her head.

Another loud bang made her jump.

“Jordana! Open this fucking door or I’ll ask someone to open it for me!”

Why can’t he just leave her alone?!

“I’m giving you five seconds. One…” he threatened as he began to count.

Damn him!
she thought as she grabbed and put on another robe to hide her nakedness.

“I asked if you’re okay…answer me!”



How can she be okay with what just happened?! She engaged in a wild, unprotected sex with him.

“Three!” he went on.

She had the most explosive climax of her life. Against the door.

“Four!” he growled.

He just wouldn’t stop.

She had to answer or else, he’d force his way in. She inhaled deeply to compose herself.

“I-I’m....okay,” she croaked.

“Open this door.”

“Please go,” she said firmly, hoping her voice carried enough conviction. “Leave me alone.”

She needed time to think, time to mull over things and rationalize this second lapse in judgment.



Lonzo stood outside, his knuckles rising to knock
at the door again but lowered it when he heard her weak answer.


He cussed as he leaned his forehead against the door’s surface. From his position, he could see his still-erect cock, wet and glistening with their combined come. Disgusted with himself, he zipped up.

He felt guilty, mad at himself for the lack of self-control he had exhibited. He’d practically almost raped her. He deserved to be shot. His action was inexcusable.

He came, took and conquered. No, it should be: he took, he conquered and he came. In that order.

His mind was clear on his way here.

All he intended was to confront and get the truth out of her. That was it.

He’d make her squirm a bit for what she did then he’d push for a public confession to the press and if she continued to profess her innocence, he’d cut a deal with her.

In exchange for his silence, he’d persuade her to accompany him, convince his uncle they were an “item” until his relative had handed over to him the VI shares.

It was supposed to be a cut and dried, standard affair.

He’d beat her at her own game and come out the victor. He had done it countless of times. That was it. But one look at her and he completely blew it. He’d lost his head and he let jealousy and lust take over.

He had never forced his will on a woman before.

Until now.


He was despicable.



There was movement outside.
She heard the door of the suite open and then shut.

She listened and waited for another five minutes.

Everything went quiet. She felt the tension melt away.

Thank goodness, he had left.

Tomorrow, she’d be a continent away from here and he’d be out of her mind.

Shoulders relaxed, she drew in another deep breath before she opened the bathroom door. For the second time that evening, she froze.

Lonzo Vitale never left the room. He was seated on her bed!

His jaw hardened.

She stood there, paralyzed, a rabbit caught by a predator.

Her heart began to pound against her ribcage.

She had never feared anything or anyone. Except him.

The mere sight of this man made her tremble.

He stood up from the bed and with just a few strides, he cut the distance between them to once again invade her personal space.

She retreated, ready to shut the bathroom door in his face but he was a mind reader. He removed her wrists from the doorknob, preventing escape.

His touch scorched her. She tried to wrestle her hand from him. “Leave me—”

He didn’t listen. He tightened his grip. “No.”

She closed her eyes to block his nearness. But her lack of vision only sharpened her awareness. She could smell him. And something else.

Her response was immediate when her brain connected it.

She could smell her own scent on him.

Her blood thickened, her body quivered.

She felt his arms envelop her. When she tried to break free, he held her closer, a prisoner in his embrace.

“Open your eyes,
. Look at me,” he said softly, almost tenderly.

That threw her for a loop. She would never understand him. One minute he was a wild tempest and almost lover-like the next.

She was tearing up and couldn’t reply, fearing she’d lose it, so she shook her head.

“You all right?” he continued to ask.

Her tear-laden eyes popped open. Their faces were almost touching, his intense eyes boring through hers.

She couldn’t handle talking to him like this. She lowered her gaze.

“Do you really expect me to answer that, Lonzo? You ravished me, bent me to your will,” she answered. “Happy now?”

She felt a little satisfaction when she saw him grimace.

“Are you sore?” he asked after a time.

She was tempted to say yes. Just to hurt him some more.

“I’m fine,” she honestly replied. “I’ll survive.”

“I have to know. I was rough earlier and you were incredibly tight,” he said harshly.

It was all too much to hear. His blunt words brought to mind what transpired between them less than an hour ago.

I can’t deal with this!

He glowered at her. She pushed against his chest again to get away but he wouldn’t allow it.

“I’m fine! I just want to forget...everything! You got your payback for what I said at the reception. You’ve humiliated me with those pictures. You bedded me not just once but
! There! I said it. I hope you’re satisfied now that you got another notch in your belt!” she shouted, anger fueling her bravado.

He frowned.

“Pictures?! You’re accusing
of leaking those vile pictures to get even with you?!” he thundered, looking incredulous.

She wanted to scream at him. How could he even lie at a time like this? “Get out!”

He laughed contemptously. “You and your manager think you’re being so clever, aren’t you?”

“What are you talking about?” she asked in amazement. Did she hear him right? He was pinning this again on her and Leandro? Of all the…!

He suddenly clasped her arms, shaking her.

“The tabloid editor pointed you as their source, my dear. Do not bother denying it. Game over.”

“Whaaat?! You’re grossly mistaken! You’re twisting everything—”

He gave a dry laugh.”Oh no, I don’t think there was any misunderstanding. You and I have a lot of things to talk about. So, I’m giving you five minutes to gather your things. You’re coming with me.”

“I am not going anywhere with you, Vitale. I’m leaving in the morning. Leandro’s on his way to pick me up,” she said, lifting her chin in defiance.

Her actions and words had the opposite effect, however. His eyes glinted dangerously when she mentioned Leandro’s name.

“I’ll make this easy for you, cara. Come with me or I’ll ruin your pimp so bad that he’ll never know what hit him. Believe me, he can’t afford any more trouble right now. He’s already neck-deep in debt. So if I were you, I’ll reconsider.”

Her eyes grew wide in fear. Leandro’s in trouble? “You lie! Leandro will never—”

“Oh yes, he is. You see, he invested some of your and other people’s money in hedge funds controlled by Bernie Madoff.”

Her face lost color when she heard Madoff’s name. The man hoodwinked a total of $50 billion through his hedges. She heard that he gypped really wealthy individuals. Some even committed suicide when they realized that their investments and life savings were gone. Leandro would be in big trouble if he’d truly made placements with the guy.

Oh my God, Leandro…why didn’t you tell me?!

“Bastian tried to cover his losses with projected sales from his real-estate company. But he miscalculated. His mid-market and high-end real estate projects are now hard assets that can’t be disposed of, thanks to the real estate slump. Any time from now, he’ll be slammed with lawsuits from clients and foreclosure by banks. Unless of course…”

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