Looking For Trouble (25 page)

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Authors: Trice Hickman

BOOK: Looking For Trouble
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Chapter 34
lexandria was lying in PJ's bed, fully awake, eyes closed, with a satisfied smile on her face. Under any other circumstances, she would've been in disbelief and a little shocked by what she'd done last night—gone to bed with a man she'd only known for a short amount of time, waking up naked in his bed. However, instead of feeling disturbed about her actions, Alexandria felt freer than she could ever remember.
She tingled when she thought about the love she and PJ made, the laughter they enjoyed; telling silly jokes while reminiscing about the past, the secrets they shared; her revealing more about her gift, and him confessing his fear of never receiving love from a woman because of abandonment issues with his mother, and the future they discussed; plans to build their relationship and keep their lines of communication strong; before drifting off to sleep late last night.
Their connection last weekend had been instant and seamless; and now that they'd bonded physically, Alexandria knew that PJ was the one for her.
She exhaled deeply as she felt upon her skin the warm beams of light, which peeked into the room through the slats of wooden miniblinds at the window. The sun's rays felt almost as good to her as the soft hum of PJ's breath against the back of her neck as he lay next to her, spooning her from behind.
“Are you awake?” she asked softly.
PJ moved a little. When he did, he tightened his hug around her body. “Mmm-hmm. What time is it?” he asked in a sleepy voice.
“What time do you have to go into the office?”
Alexandria smiled. “I'm taking the day off. I got up and texted my assistant to let them know not to expect me.”
PJ yawned and squeezed her even tighter. “You've been up for a while, huh?”
“About an hour or so.”
“Did you have trouble sleeping?”
“Normally, I do. But once I closed my eyes, I slept like a baby.”
“I'm an early riser like my dad.”
“Oh.” PJ yawned again. “Did I snore?”
“Not since I've been awake. Do you usually snore?”
“I've been told that I do,” PJ said, opening his eyes a bit to look at her.
“I guess I'll find out in time.”
PJ kissed her lower lobe; then he gently tugged at it with his teeth. “Yes, you will.”
Alexandria felt a surge of arousal as PJ began to rub his hand up and down her thigh before venturing to her left breast, cupping it as he tweaked her nipple between his thumb and index finger. She loved that he knew exactly how to touch her body in a way that gave her pure pleasure. Now, as his hard erection pushed against her backside, he was letting her know exactly how he wanted to start the morning.
“Your skin is so soft,” PJ whispered into her ear. “I can't get enough of you.”
Alexandria turned her head to face him as they shared a slow, deep kiss, which searched the depths of each other's mouths. The more they kissed, caressed, and fondled, the more aroused they each became. PJ reached inside his nightstand and retrieved a condom so they could journey back to where they'd gone last night.
Alexandria watched closely as he ripped open the square-shaped plastic. She examined his nakedness as if looking at him with a fresh pair of eyes. Last night, she'd only seen his bare body through the darkened lens of night, with just a little help from the streetlights outside. But this morning, the sun's bright, natural rays were giving her a new view of a much more detailed landscape.
She could see that just as she was checking out his strong, broad shoulders, muscular arms, tight abs, and the impressive size of his erection, he was checking her out, too. She'd always been confident about her looks. She knew that just like her mother, she was blessed with an exotically elegant beauty, and that her tall, shapely figure turned heads wherever she went. But unlike Victoria's physique, her thighs were thicker, her bottom was much rounder, and her extra lower-body weight had brought stretch marks and a few areas of cellulite to her otherwise-supple skin.
She felt confident when she was walking around in well-fitted clothes that highlighted her curves. But when she shed them, like last night, she welcomed the cover that darkness provided to help hide her minor flaws. Alexandria suddenly felt overexposed and self-conscious under the glare of beaming sunlight. She was lying openly exposed in front of a man who was so perfectly sculpted and flawless that he looked as if he'd been created in a lab. Her mind focused on the small dimple in the upper part of her left thigh as she pulled the sheet close to her body.
“Ali, what's wrong?”
“My body.” She hesitated, feeling embarrassed.
PJ shook his head. “Baby, what are you talking about?”
“My hips and thighs.”
“They're two of your best assets,” he said with a smile. “I love your thickness.”
“I don't feel comfortable. Can you shut the blinds a little?”
“Five senses, Ali. Remember?”
“Sometimes feeling is better than seeing.” She winked.
PJ pulled the sheet away from Alexandria's body, exposing her complete nakedness. She was about to protest, but he silenced her with a quick kiss. Then he rose to his feet and held out his hand to her. “C'mon, stand with me.”
Alexandria reluctantly accepted his hand as she stood and joined him at the edge of his bed.
He wrapped his arms tightly around her. He stroked her back up and down with one hand, while he held her by her waist with the other, swaying from side to side. He whispered into her ear, repeating over and over, “You're perfect, and you're beautiful.”
He slowly sat down on the bed and looked up at her as she stood naked in front of him. His eyes roamed her body from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top again. She watched him as he appraised every inch of her that the sunlight revealed. His hands touched her all over, reaching up to savor the rise of her breasts, traveling down to touch the flatness of her stomach, going on to massage the fullness of her hips, and reaching back to caress the plumpness of her behind.
When his hands slid over the dimple in her thigh, Alexandria inhaled a deep breath, but not because she was self-conscious about her cellulite. She inhaled because the feel of PJ's mouth kissing her flesh and the sensation of his warm tongue on her skin made her weak.
“You're perfect, and you're beautiful,” he said again, kissing her outer thighs. “You're sexy, smart, talented, kind, and you turn me on.” He slid his finger between her legs and smiled when he saw that she was already wet. Alexandria no longer felt self-conscious because the handsome man in front of her confirmed what she should have already known—she was perfectly fine, in every way, exactly as she was.
PJ reached for the condom he'd put to the side and they returned to their places in bed. “You're perfect, and you're beautiful,” he said as he entered her.
They made love slowly, taking their time as they looked into each other's eyes, tasted each other's skin, felt each other's body, moaned into each other's ear, and breathed in the love they were making as the sun washed over them.
Chapter 35
fter waking up and making passionate love and then showering together, Alexandria and PJ hurried to get dressed so they could each start their day: PJ with midmorning rounds and Alexandria with errands around town.
“Damn, you sure do know how to fill out a pair of scrubs,” PJ said as he gave Alexandria a sexy look.
He'd given her one of his Howard University T-shirts and a pair of his blue hospital scrubs to wear so she wouldn't have to put on the wrinkled clothes she'd come over in yesterday.
“Thanks. I'm glad I wore flats because scrubs and stilettos don't mix.”
“Actually, that sounds hot.”
Alexandria laughed when she saw the arousal in PJ's eyes. “I'll have to keep that in mind for next time.”
“That's what I'm talkin' about!”
They walked out to the living room to finish gathering their things. Alexandria sat on his couch and stuffed her clothes into an empty Whole Foods bag, which PJ had given her. She looked at him as he spoke and moved around the room, admiring his navy trousers and crisply starched light blue dress shirt, wondering if it was possible for him to look any more handsome than he already did.
“I'm having an early dinner with my dad tonight,” PJ said as he threaded his belt through the last loop in his pants. “And like I said before, I'm going to have a straight-up conversation with him about your mom.”
“How do you think he'll react to you questioning him?”
“I'm going to let him know that I'm not trying to be up in his business. I just want to make sure things are cool, because of us. I don't like surprises, you know?”
“I'm with you on that,” Alexandria agreed. “I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that conversation.”
“Can't you use telepathy or something and listen to what we're saying?”
Alexandria nodded. “Honestly, I think I could if I concentrated really hard.” When she thought about it, she was fairly certain of it. Her abilities were growing stronger and stronger each day.
“Wow, I was just kidding,” PJ said. He came over and sat beside her on the couch. “You can really do that?”
“I haven't tried, but, yes, I think so. That's why I can't wait for my first visit from Grandma Allene.”
PJ was about to slip his feet into his black loafers when he stopped in midmotion. “You mean she's actually going to appear to you, like a ghost or something?”
“Yes. I feel her energy around me all the time now, even at this very moment, and I can't wait to meet and talk with her. A week ago, I would've been suffering from anxiety knowing that a spirit was going to pay me a visit. But now, it's so different. I'm not afraid anymore, and I know Grandma Allene is going to guide me and show me how to use my gift. Because that's what it is, PJ, a gift.”
“Ali, this is wild.”
“I know. You sure you want to hop aboard this crazy train? The ride might get bumpy.”
PJ leaned in close and gave her a delicate kiss on her lips. “I'm ready for anything, just as long as I can have you.”
Alexandria wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you, just for being you.”
They held on to each other for a few moments before Alexandria pulled way. “And just so you know, I'm not going to try to listen to whatever you and your father talk about tonight. Some things need to be left alone so they can unfold naturally.”
“Yes, I agree. And we'll find out soon enough because regardless of whatever my father tells me tonight, he and your mom are going to have to interact at some point.”
Alexandria's mind flashed back to the images she'd seen of their parents when they were young and in love, sitting on a couch in this very condo, in nearly the same spot that she and PJ now occupied. She blinked to clear her thoughts, willing herself not to look ahead to see what was next. “You're right,” she responded. “And it'll be good to see your dad again after all these years.”
“I can't wait to see your mom. She used to always give me hugs, and, man, could she make the best cookies,” PJ said with a grin.
Alexandria nodded. She didn't have the heart to tell him that her mother wasn't the least bit interested in seeing him again, and that the sentiment was tenfold when it came to his father. She so hoped her mother's attitude would change, once she saw the grown-up PJ in person.
“You want to hang out later tonight after I have dinner with my dad?” PJ asked, pulling her from her thoughts.
“Sure, if you'll be up to it. I know you two will probably be hanging out late, catching up, since you haven't seen each other in a few months.”
“No, that's why we're having an early dinner,” PJ said, pulling on his blazer as he stood. “He has a presentation first thing tomorrow morning and then his flight leaves right after that, so we won't be out long. We should be done around nine or ten.” He licked his lips and flashed a sexy smile. “I can't wait to see you model those stilettos and scrubs.”
Alexandria returned his seductive smile with one of her own. “Your place or mine?”
Alexandria's day had been going so well, but now as she sat in one of the stylish leather club chairs in front of her mother's large mahogany desk, she could see that things were getting ready to take a nosedive.
She'd dropped by her mother's office while she was out running errands, because Alexandria knew they needed to continue their conversation from last weekend. Just as PJ was going to be straight up with his father, her gut told her that she needed to do the same with her mother.
Alexandria watched as her mother fiddled with a small stack of papers on her desk. She'd always admired her mother's smart head for business and strong convictions. Although she'd come from a privileged background and had married a wealthy man, Victoria Monique Small Thornton had made a substantial living in her own right, with her event planning and catering company, Divine Occasions. She'd worked tirelessly to carve out a niche for herself and had risen to the top of her profession, all while balancing her time between work and family. She'd been featured in magazines such as
Essence, Elle,
Southern Living.
She had even landed a spot in
when she helped organize a celebrity fund-raiser during the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer event three years ago in honor of breast cancer awareness.
Alexandria couldn't think of anyone she admired more than her mother. As she looked at Victoria, sitting behind her desk, exemplifying the picture of polished beauty, Alexandria wished she could spare her mother what she felt was going to be turmoil down the road.
“Alexandria,” her mother said in a serious voice. “I have very strong concerns about you and PJ.”
“Mom, why can't you be happy for me? He's a wonderful person.”
“And you know that because you've spent months getting to know him?” Victoria said, and then paused. “No, excuse me, it hasn't even been a full week.”
“You're jaded.”
“I'm a mother looking out for my child.”
“What do you have against him?”
Victoria shook her head and calmed her tone. “Nothing at all. I don't know him from Adam, and neither do you, and that's my point of concern. I feel like you're rushing in, and I don't want to see you get hurt.”
“Like I said last weekend, Grandpa John and Nana are a prime example of how you have to trust your gut when you find the person who you know is right for you.”
“Their's was a one in a million situation. You can't name another couple who rushed in and made it work.”
“Mom, we've already been through this,” Alexandria said, trying not to sound frustrated. “PJ and I are going to be together, and it's something you're going to have to come to terms with. I know it might be a little uncomfortable for you because of the history you have with his father. . . .”
Victoria twisted her mouth. “So I assume you've broken up with Peter?”
Alexandria shifted in her chair. Even though she didn't like that her mother had just glossed over her comment, she knew she had a very valid point. Peter had called last night while she was at PJ's. They'd been playing phone tag all week, having only spoken for a few rushed minutes two days ago before she'd been pulled away to avert a “crisis” in her office. She desperately wanted to see Peter face-to-face so she could break up with him like a mature adult. He'd texted her this morning asking if tonight would be a good time to meet, but she had to decline because PJ was coming over after dinner with his father. She knew the situation with Peter couldn't linger, and she needed to end things once and for all.
“Not yet,” Alexandria finally answered. “We've been playing phone tag all week, but I think he already knows. The writing's been on the wall. We just need to make it official.”
“Do it soon,” her mother warned. “Although I was never a big fan of Peter's or your relationship with him, he deserves to know the decision you've made.”
“I agree. But I don't want to break up over the phone, or in an e-mail, or by text. I want to look him in his eyes and tell him. One year is worth at least that.”
“You've always been such a caring and considerate person, and that's what makes you so special. But, sweetie, I don't care if you have to write it down on a sticky note and leave it on his door, you need to end things with Peter right away.” Victoria leaned forward and pressed her hands on her desk. “I'm speaking from experience when I tell you that having two men in your life at one time is a disaster waiting to happen. It's like looking for trouble.”
“But, Mom, it's not like I'm trying to be a player juggling two men. I'm trying to do the right thing.”
Victoria let out a sigh. “Do you remember the business principle I've preached for years?”
“ ‘Perception is reality,' ” Alexandria said, reciting the words she'd often heard her mother say.
“That's right. It doesn't matter your intent. It's what things look like. And right now, it looks like you're stepping out on your boyfriend with another man.”
Alexandria sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Sweetie, you're not thinking straight,” Victoria said, looking at her daughter's clothes. “You even came over here wearing PJ's T-shirt and hospital scrubs after rolling out of his bed.”
Alexandria was a little shocked by her mother's in-your-face comment. She knew her mother could be direct, and that she was the kind of person who said what was on her mind. But she'd always been diplomatic in her approach, until now. “Mom, I'm a grown woman and—”
“I gave birth to you. I know exactly how old you are.”
“Since you want to go there, we can go there.” Alexandria said boldly. “I spent the night at PJ's place and we made love until I screamed his name. And I'm not going to feel bad about it or apologize for it.” This wasn't going the way Alexandria had imagined.
“Oh, sweet Jesus,” Victoria put her hand to her head. “Please tell me you're being sarcastic as a way to get back at me for what I just said. I hope you didn't actually sleep with this boy, who you don't know from a man in the moon.”
“Not only did I sleep with him, it was the best sex I've ever had.”
“Alexandria!” Victoria shouted. She started to open her mouth, but then she closed it.
“Mom, please don't judge me.”
“I'm not judging you. I'm trying to get you to use your head. You just met the boy last week. I know you have powers and abilities to see things that others can't, but you're still only human. It takes time to get to know someone, and, trust me, rushing into things can lead to a world of hurt.”
“Just because his dad hurt you doesn't mean PJ's going to hurt me.”
Victoria sat back against her chair, chewing the inside of her jaw. “I know what you think, but this isn't about me or Parker Brightwood. This is about you, my baby girl, and how I don't want you to jump feetfirst into a relationship that might get you hurt, especially when you're still involved with a man who obviously doesn't know that he's been replaced.”
Alexandria was about to make another comment when Denise, her mother's longtime assistant, walked through the door.
“Hey, sugar,” Denise said with a smile as she strutted over to where Alexandria was sitting and delivered a kiss to her cheek. “It's good to see you, baby. How're you doing?”
“I'm great, Aunt Denise. How're you?” Alexandria asked.
Denise handed a thick folder to Victoria. “I'm feeling good and looking even better.” She winked and laughed. “Still trying to keep your mama straight after all these years.”

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